A Bitter Memory

A Bitter Memory

A Story by [Mackenzie]

This is the story of Dante's (a character in Jessica's Last) past, and how it affected his feelings today.


A young boy paced the paved courtyard anxiously. His parents weren't home yet; he didn't have a key to get in. A brisk sea breeze blew his blonde hair about his pale face, around his blank blue eyes. The sound of car tyres on gravel reached him from the driveway, and his eyes lit up with his smile.

'Mama! Papa!' the boy yelled, racing towards the sounds of voices, heedless of the rocks scraping against his bare feet. He ran up to a woman - his mother - and hugged her tightly. Abruptly, he was pushed away. He looked up, and saw a face not filled with love, but with disgust.

'Marco, who is this boy?' she asked uninterestedly, the question directed to her husband.

'Mama, it's me! Dante! I'm your son,' he said energetically. Lucy, his mother, looked down on him with contempt.

'I have no son, you little liar. Now get away from here! This is private property!' she yelled. Frightened and confused by her reaction, Dante clutched at Lucy's hand.

'But Mama! I am your son! I am! You were so happy when I was born!' he cried, but was ignored by both parents.

'Fine! If you don't want me, then I'll find someone who will!' With those words, he ran down the driveway, slipping and grazing his feet, but too hurt inside to notice the trivial aches and pains of the physical world.

© 2009 [Mackenzie]

Author's Note

I still have a feeling that this isn't clear enough. Please tell me what you think.

My Review

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It is very clear. it's sad.
It's great.
It's more then great.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 21, 2009
Last Updated on April 21, 2009



Auckland, New Zealand

My name's Mackenzie, but I'll sign my reviews as Mackeznei because it sounds oh-so-much-cooler. I'm thirteen years old, living in the wonderful country of New Zealand. Oh and I'm a guy now! Unofficial.. more..

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