Chapter 1 Home Sweet Home

Chapter 1 Home Sweet Home

A Chapter by Serina8010

I have fallen in love with what I wrote I hope you love it too!! :)

  <- Alice Hollister

  A blonde headed girl lye dead in his hands. He had tears of sorrow and regret falling down his petrified face. He gently leaned down towards her ear and whispered the words "I love you." He held her as though she were still alive and smiling up at him as he remembered the days he had been with her. "I love you..." He whispered again. "Come back to me." They sat in a pool of her blood, he held her as she lye dead.

2 years earlier...

"Alice, hurry please. Or else you'll be late." Warned Alice's aunt, Myra. Both of them hurrying all morning to get Alice all ready for her fifth year of Hogwarts. "Alice?' Questioned her Aunt. Alice looked up from her book called, Take my word for it by Jennifer Greengrass. "Ali?' That was what everyone called her, well most of the time.

"Yes?" Alice responded, putting the book in her trunk, filled to the brim with all of her things that she needed for the whole year.

"I see your all packed. Do you have Cyla?" Her Aunt raised her eyebrow at the young girl. Cyla was her white owl with brown spots.

"Come here Cyla." Chimed Ali. Cyla looked at her for a moment before fluttering over to where Alice was. Ali placed the delicate bird into the cage.

"Bloody bird." Said her aunt. Alice glared at her for a moment before letting a small smirk appear on her face. "NOW do you have everythin'?" Alice nodded. Her aunt sat down on her bed and turned to talk to her. "So..."


"Your friends wrote you, and I read the letters." Alice glared at her aunt for prying into her business. "Sorry, but they mentioned this boy. Tell me bout him." Alice took a deep breath.

"Well, his name is Blaise.."

"Blaise? Like Blaise Zambini, the bestie from childhood, Blaise?"


"Well has he asked you out yet?' Her aunt asked, getting on her nerves, almost as bad as Angie.

"No. Can I finish?"


"Agh!! There is nothing I can't think of to say that you don't already know." She smiled, her best friend since childhood was Blaise and now she had a HUGE crush on him. "Ohh what am I going to do?"

"Well... Does he have a crush on you?'

"I don't know, I never ask those kind of questions. It's called invading personal privacy."

"I am sure he does." Shrugged her aunt. "Who wouldn't? You are such a beautiful girl Ali." She smiled and left the room.

"Ugh Aunt's." She said and laid back on her bed.

At The Train Station...

"Alice!" Screamed Angie and Luna in unison. They ran and captured her in a group hug.

"Good to see you girls." Spoke Myra.

"You too." Piped Luna.

"Lu and I were just talking about how exciting this year will be!" Squealed Angie.

"And how the 5th years from last year said that this year we will have a lot of exams." Pouted Luna.

"GREAT just what you girls need. More exams. Well, Ali I am off, I don't think I need to walk you to the train now, do I?"

"No thanks, Love you!"

"Love you too." Called Ali's closest person to a mother to her and by the time the girls were done talking the train was ready to head off. They all walked onto the train, Angie made googly eyes at a redheaded Weasly. Selfish gits. Alice moaned in disgust. Luna just laughed. They said their goodbye's and headed for their compartments. Alice walked to the very back of the train, otherwise known as the Slytherin compartment. She walked into an empty booth and took out her book. She hardly noticed that Blaise had opened the door and was staring down at her.

"I think you are giving the book more attention then me." He laughed. Her head shot straight up and she put her hand over heart as it was racing.

"Bloody hell, Blaise!" She spat. He just smiled and took a seat across from her. "Why are you over here with me, instead of with Draco? He boring you again?"

"No, you just looked....lonely." He smiled.

"Thanks." She spat sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that." He said sincerely. She set her book down and looked him dead in his earthly brown eyes, making her cheeks turn a light pink. Slowly the corners of his mouth raised.

"So what did you do over the summer?" They asked in unison. They both giggled. Once they caught their breath, they smiled at each other.

"You first." He said.

"No, you first." She begged. She really didn't want to tell him about her new sleeping issue, and some....other stuff.

"Fine." He snickered. "Well.... I went to The U.S and visited my uncle there and he taught me how to hunt, like muggles would do in the winter. He owns a cabin yah know?" She nodded. "So what did you do over the summer?" He asked. She just shrugged.

"Nothing other than the usual." She said, lying perfectly.

"Well, you sound interesting." He smirked. She stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed. They sat in silence for a while and the one thought Alice had over the whole entire summer slowly crept out of her lips.

"Why do you like me?" She suddenly covered her mouth, afraid he'd take what she just said, the wrong way. She knew that he was interested in her, but she over heard that he was planing on asking a redheaded Weasly out this year. "I am sorry I didn't mean..."

"No it's fine. I was kinda hoping we could get over this lump in our.....friendship." He paused. "The reason..." He was cut off by the train jerking to a complete stop. The lights flickered and then shut off completely. Alice heard a cracking sound and looked towards the window, it was filling up with frost. The compartment quickly turn as cold as ice.

"Blaise? You still there?" She asked, shivering and trying to see through the pitch black booth.

"Yeah." He mumbled. She heard him get up. Then she felt warm arms wrap around her shoulders. "Your freezing."

"It's cold in here, Blaise."

"Like I didn't know that, Ali." She giggled a little before the door started to make a clicking noise and the compartment door swung open and a dementor started to attack Blaise. She quickly thought of something happy and the words exploded out of her mouth....and her wand.

"EXPECTO PATRONAM!!!" She shouted and a bright blue light shot out towards the dementor. It backed away, the door once more closed. Blaise gasped for air, next to her and she gently helped him sit back up. He looked at her and had a scared shimmer in his eyes. Before she could say anything about it he quickly shook his head and it disappeared. "You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks." He smiled weakly and stood up but fell right back down onto the seat.

"Maybe you should stay and regain your strength." She suggested. He nodded and stared at the person next to him. "Why were they here?"

"Only one explanation...Harry Potter. That git. Oh what I would give to get rid of him." He said through clenched teeth.

"Blaise! He can't help the fact that both of his parents are dead and that YOU-KNOW-WHO is after him. He was only a baby when it happened, he couldn't have done anythin'."

"Alice! You know how much Potter gets us all into danger. Especially you." He said. She was taken back by what he had said, did that mean to him, she was vulnerable?

"What's that suppose to mean, Blaise?"

"It means that you need to stay away from him, and let me know if he lays a finger on you and I will personally hex him until he bleeds." He said with utter disgust. She shook her head from the visual description that Blaise had just put into her head. "What?"

"You put the thought into my head that's what." She laughed.

"Yeah whatever." He laughed and stood up, not falling over, and left Alice with only her thoughts to comfort her. Hours passed by like minutes until the train stopped with a loud screech and let everyone off. Alice took her bag in hand and walked off towards the carriages. Her wand slightly moving around in her boot. She quickly shook her boot and it stopped moving. She took an empty carriage that soon filled up with Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyale, Blaise, and herself. She didn't say a word the whole ride. Draco and everyone else talking like there was no tomorrow, Blaise tried to talk to her but soon gave up, knowing that she was never going to answer him. She stared out the window of the carriage. An hour or so later she saw the shinny and glowing Hogwarts castle. Every year to Alice, it seemed even more radiant than the year before. Over the summer she tried to think about what her life would be like without Hogwarts. She shook her head at the thought then closed her eyes. Once she awoke she was the only one in there next to Blaise who had woken her up.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He smirked.


"We're at Hogwarts. You fell asleep. C'mon." He said pulling her out of the carriage and onto her feet. "I'll get your bag." He said and took off towards the back of the carriage, then returned with his trunk and her's, in his hands. "Here you go." He said with a small smile and walked off after Draco and his group.

"Thanks." She mumbled to herself. She started to walked up the shinny marble steps of Hogwarts when someone knocked her over.

"My god. I am so sorry." Said a masculine figure as he held out his hand. She thankfully took it and got a good study of the man in front of her. Harry Potter. Her heart started to race. She had to get away from him fast, otherwise if Blaise found out he would tear him to shreds. "Look I am really sorry, I didn't mean...."

"It's fine really."

"Well can I make it up to you some how?"

"Um...." She thought a moment. "Carry my trunk for me, Please?" He looked surprised that she had asked such a question.

"Uh, sure." He said and picked up her trunk and his own and started towards the big golden doors of Hogwarts. They walked in silence until they passed Malfoy and his friends.

"Hey look it's Harry, the slave, Potter." He taunted.

"Shove off, Malfoy." Harry replied.


"Leave him alone Malfoy, you're no better." Said Alice. He walked towards her and got about five inches from her face but she remained tall and proud, not caring what ever happened to her. She knew that he had no more knowledge of spells than she did. She just smirked and watched his cold grey eyes come closer to her.

"Watch it, Hollister." He said in warning tone and then walked away. She let out a semi-loud sigh and proceeded towards the golden doors, Harry close at her heals.

"So.." Harry started.

"So?" She asked still in front of him.

"What house yah in?" He asked catching up close to her and was now at her side.

"Slytherin." She replied.

"Oh... What year?"

"Same as you. I was here when you got crowned Griffendore's great prince." She smirked.

"I didn't know Slytherins payed much attention to me." He said.

"They normally don't. But that doesn't mean I fancy any part of you Potter, remember that."

"Right... Got it." They walked through the golden doors and he walked her to the dungeons.

"Thanks." She said holding out her hand for her trunk.

"Your welcome." He smirked before he turned around and left her alone in front of the portrait of Salazar Slytherin.

"Cobra." She whispered and headed into the Slytherin common room. The room looked as it always had. Walls a deep green and leather black couches, matching tables and chairs. A green fire burning in it's rightful place inside the green bricked fireplace. "Home Sweet Home." She mumbled to herself before she headed up to the girl's dorm.

© 2013 Serina8010

Author's Note

I hope you like it :) I give credit to the original story of Harry Potter and in NO way I hope I disrespected that.

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Added on December 2, 2012
Last Updated on January 8, 2013
Tags: secrets, harry, potter, blaise, draco, hogwarts



Denver, CO

I am a really happy person!! I really LOVE to write and it just happened this year!! I love writing what ever comes to mind, and I might be really excited about it. LOL. TOP STORIES (so far) Secre.. more..
