

A Poem by Seriana


Loss is excruciatingly painful.

Whether it be a death,

loss of a “ship”,

relation, companion, or friend,

loss of a routine (change coming up again),

or even loss of expectations.

It’s hard to let go.

Letting go of the “thing” is almost worse

than losing the thing in the first place.

The thought of that,

of letting go of the thing…can be very scary.

Sometimes it can be overwhelmingly paralyzing.

Almost as if,

in letting go,

it’s like the “thing” never existed,

never happened in the first place.

Letting go can serve another purpose,


Letting go allows the “thing” freedom to be in its own space,

Letting go gives the thing a place to be that is right.

Because having the thing take up the sadness in our hearts,

means it’s dwelling in the wrong place,

and time.

We are not allowing ourselves,

or the thing,

the ability to move on,

to live in the moment,

to be present.

So let go.

Let it be.

Cry a tear or two, or a thousand.

Hold hands with the moment that is still with you,

in its rightful place.

And send those things,

those loved ones,

those moments,

those expectations and other “things”

to a place where they can be the things they were meant to be,

in their own space,


and free from our confining grasp.

There is a freedom from pain in the letting go.

Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care,

or won’t still hurt,

or will forget the “thing”,

It is simply acquitting yourself,

It’s forgiving the “thing”,

It’s giving your heart a release from the pain,

a release from the burden of holding on,

giving yourself permission to live in the present once again.

© 2023 Seriana

Author's Note

I was doing a bit of self-work this morning and it occurred to me that perhaps this might be shared. So often we struggle in private. If this helps but one, it has found it's place.

My Review

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' send those things,
those loved ones,
those moments,
those expectations and other “things”
to a place where they can be the things they were meant to be,
in their own space,'

From start to finish you have used words bravely, empathically and as you feel deep, deep inside a place that - perhaps, longing to explode. I know that feeling because of family happenings.. and the knowledge of what might, is hard to shove aside. Your thoughts, written loud and clear stroked my mind - and perhaps must be remembered - as you do, day by day by.. breath.

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

Thank you for your kindness. Sometimes, the pain needs to leak out...

5 Months Ago

Of course, yes. Seeing something in front of you is often the kindest way of facing it. No pun int.. read more


' send those things,
those loved ones,
those moments,
those expectations and other “things”
to a place where they can be the things they were meant to be,
in their own space,'

From start to finish you have used words bravely, empathically and as you feel deep, deep inside a place that - perhaps, longing to explode. I know that feeling because of family happenings.. and the knowledge of what might, is hard to shove aside. Your thoughts, written loud and clear stroked my mind - and perhaps must be remembered - as you do, day by day by.. breath.

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

Thank you for your kindness. Sometimes, the pain needs to leak out...

5 Months Ago

Of course, yes. Seeing something in front of you is often the kindest way of facing it. No pun int.. read more
There’s a vulnerability here that I can really get behind. It gives us hope. I think I needed that today.

Posted 5 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


5 Months Ago

So glad you found what you needed, WHEN you needed it. Thank you for the review.
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'Letting go' is painful when the 'thing' shares an unfinished business with the heart. It is a heartfelt write. Each word is breathing on the page. You've given a home to those agonies that are often unshared. Thank you, dear poet.
- mou

Posted 6 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


6 Months Ago

Thank you for the kindness of your review. Your thoughts are appreciates. :)
The lines below are so very insightful. I'm impressed. I lost a good friend about 10 years ago. It felt this way, you describe it. It sucked. She didn't die I just killed our friendship. It hurt very badly. She was Just a work friend but she was special.

Letting go of the “thing” is almost worse

than losing the thing in the first place

Posted 6 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


6 Months Ago

Yes thank you. Losing my friend Becky hurt badly. I made a huge mistake that she reacted strongly.. read more

5 Months Ago

Reading through your comments, again. I wish peace for you, and that you wouldn't blame yourself. Th.. read more

5 Months Ago

Thank you very much. That means a lot. She was a close friend, like a sister. But you're right... read more
Uplifting words and advice. Sometimes knowing others know the pain helps those to know they are not alone and don't need to fight it alone.

With love,


Posted 11 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Months Ago

Thank you Matthew. Sharing the load makes it feel lighter. Appreciate your thoughts.
Thank you for finding and reading a poem of mine recently, because it brought me here. This is powerful, sincere, honest, writing that I needed to hear. Today. Now. This is a lifeline, because I was surely in a severe dive and seeing no reason to pull the parachute. Thinking, going down with the ship, was for me. Thank you. I have been clinging to a loss for so long, because the boy is still alive, that it has eaten my very soul. It needs to go rest someplace else. I'm going to "free it" right now, and let it drift away. Thank you

Posted 11 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Months Ago

Thank you stopping by! I don't like to dwell, but I feel loss is never given the attention it's more.. read more
I hope the writing of this piece was therapeutic for you Amber. It is incredibly difficult dealing with loss and moreso in some circumstances than others. Letting go can be painful, but in doing so, it can help the bereaved start to move on and live in the now rather than the past. Everyone deals with their losses differently. There is no right or wrong way. It is a huge learning curve, and not a welcome one either. Take care.


Posted 12 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

If only it was so easy "to let it go". Sometimes the "it" is so bedded in our very existence, that we find it just about impossible to do so. Though it may be a long and difficult struggle, finally succeeding provides a euphoric feeling of, using your term "Release."

Take care Dave

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Thank you so much Dave! Good to see you stop by.

1 Year Ago

I hope to be here for quite a while.
Take care - Dave
We are not allowing ourselves,
or the thing,
the ability to move on,

~ These words stayed with me.

Sometimes, we keep clinging to lost things in our life because letting go can be very painful. But is it worth it to carry a dead weight on our shoulders for the rest of our life and not walk ahead with ease? Your words speak to the reader gently, questioning the wisdom of holding on and reasoning with them to let go.

A poem that is so caring and thoughtful for all.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Thank you so much for stopping by DIVYA. Appreciate you taking the time
I am sure my friend that many will read this and have a different outlook on things. We all experience loss and it seems all handle it differently. It could even be a missed opportunity which I seem I find myself faced with more often than I would like. Sometimes I let things eat away at me and other times I just write it off and move on. Thank you for these words because even as I sit here thinking, "I don't need any help in this area" ...maybe I do.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Thank you my friend. I'm so glad you shared with me, too. This was a difficult subject for me. But i.. read more

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10 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2023
Last Updated on February 5, 2023



San Antonio, TX


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