David <3

David <3

A Chapter by Renity

This is how it's suppose to be


I walked into PE and was surprised that we had a free day. Even though the end of the year is slowly approaching, our evil PE coach still makes us run, ugh. I walk sluggishly to sit by myself. Then after what felt like forever I got up and ask the Devil-my PE teacher- if I could go to the music room instead of sitting here. I was surprised that she said yes. Did hell freeze over? As I walked to the music room, I bumped into David.

          “Hey Levi,” he said smiling. I loved his smile it made him look so cute.

          “Hello David,” I said my voice cracked a little.

          “You remember that I was trying to tell you something this morning,”

          “Yeah, what was it,”

          “Well, I’m not going to sugar coat this but I have feeling for ya,” He said looking into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat. I like him, too. I’ve liked him for a very long time. I knew he liked me too, but he never said anything.

          “I…I have feelings for you too,” I said smiling. Before I catch myself David gave me a huge hug. I loved the way he smelled, he had Hollister cologne. Yum. After a long time he let go. “Well, where were you going?”

          “I was going to bail you out of PE, but you already did that,” he laughed, I also adored his laugh. “So the real question is where were you going?”

          “I was going to go get my guitar,”

          “I'll walk with you,” We walked to the music room and it was empty. I went to my music locker and got my guitar out. I sat down and played for David and also taught him simple songs like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We sat in the empty music room laughing and playing guitar until the 3rd period bell rang. Fortunately, David and I have the same 3rd period. 3rd period is our language arts class. Which is SUPER boring. We have this old lady who is super ugly with pale skin. She wears these huge glasses and talks so monotone. It makes me want to fall asleep. Which I do at times, but then again the lady scares me so I don't fall asleep much. Her name is Mrs. Downs. Perfect name for her because she puts you down every day. David doesn't like the class either. She gets him in trouble all the time. Some people say she is racist, maybe that's why she kicks him out of the class every day, and I mean every day. David and I slugged into the room just as the bell rang. David sprang into his seat which is contently next to mine. He did not want to get Mrs. Downs a reason to send him to the office.

          "Take out your homework, so I can check it, then we can finish up this novel and then take the reading test on it, lastly we will have free time," she said all of that in one long boring tone. As I took out my homework, the phone rang in the classroom, so Mrs. Downs answered it. Her face looked confused after she hung up the phone, "I will be back class open your books to where we left off and read until I get back, NO goofing off," the word "no" was the only word that changed her tone. She switch out of the room with her big bubble butt.

          "Hey, Levi," David said to me," Afterschool, do you want to hang out, maybe a movie or something?"

          "Sure, I would love to," I said smiling. Anything to keep me from going home right away. I thought. David smiled and read the book we were reading in class. The book was Title Unusual Circumstances. It was a mystery book, it was very long it took us 2 semesters to try to finish. I liked reading it, it's a real mystery book. Not one of those Scooby Doo mysteries that a lot of mystery books are. Once you start liking a character they die and then if you hate someone they will eventually become an ally. I was just getting to the part, where we know who the killer is, when Mrs. Downs brought her bubble butt self back in the room.

          "Sorry, kids but I have to go Mr. Rowe is going to be in here so be good," she said collecting her stuff. She was getting all her boring teacher things like someone kicked her into high gear. I wonder what got her big granny panties in a bunch.

          "I wonder what she has to do," David said scaring me a little, "she doesn't have a life." We giggled. David rose his hand, Mrs. Downs called on him, "Mrs. Downs, is everything okay, I'm worried you seem stressed out," He gave his 'I care a lot' look (that looked totally sexy I might add).

          "Nothing that you should be concerned of," she said dryly. Gosh, she was mean he was just trying to help. David didn't say anything but gave her the finger behind her back. She finally left and everyone cheered. We ran around the room, some kids stood on Mrs. Downs desk.  David sat on my desk and smiled, and held out his hand, "Hey there pretty lady, you want to dance?" I laughed and took his hand. He swung me around the room it was really fun. The bell was going to ring in 10 min, Mr. Rowe hadn't shown up yet. Then, Mr. Rowe finally walked in and everyone stopped. "Oh no, you guys continue," Mr. Rowe said laughing, "I'm cool, I'm hip." That is why we all LOVE Mr. Rowe. We played around until the lunch bell rang, we got our things and went to lunch.

© 2011 Renity

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Author's Note

Isn't it sweet? Anything that could be fixed?

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Added on May 28, 2011
Last Updated on May 28, 2011



Tallahassee, FL

I love to write young adult stories, mysteries, and etc. I love CSI: Miami and the House of Night series!!! more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Renity

How it starts How it starts

A Chapter by Renity