![]() Different levels of Graduation: it doesn't stop at highschool and college.A Story by Serenedy![]() Talking about life graduation![]() Everyone knows that when you graduate, that means you past the test and you're ready for the next level. What people don't realise is that there are other kinds of Graduation other than school. That's just part of it.
Think about this for a moment: When you go through a difficult time, and finally see the end of it, you've graduated that level of difficulty and from that experience, you are strengthened and ready for the next level. There is no difference between the two. Both types of graduation work the same way; only life graduation strenthens the mind heart and spirit while the educational type of graduation just strengthens the mind. Wisdom deals more with life experience while knowlege is mostly "book smarts".
Alot of people think that just because school ends, that that's the end of school. Well guess what? Class is still in session. Education never stops. Only, your techer isn't Mrs. Shigihara from 10th grade English class; it's God. And he gives you the best and sometimes most difficult lesson you're ever going to have. There are alot of differences between the lessons your teacher gave you and the ones God gives you.
The lessons teachers give last for a day or a couple weeks and once you've learned it, you forget it because at that time you figured it wasn't that much of an importance for you to store in your mind. Also there are alot of math classes that are sometimes past Einstein level. There's not a whole lot of use for that kind of knowlege.
With God's lessons they continue each day until you get though a hard time. Even then, there are still those little lessons he gives you about sacrifice, patience, being kind, and knowing when to talk and when to listen. (Just to name a few) He teaches more lessons a day than a teacher gives in an entire school week. With God's lessons, you never forget them, because they are embedded in your mind and heart so that when you come to a similar situation, you can use that same experience and get through it with ease.
The lessons God teaches me that I find the hardest is realising that I can't do it on my own. God knows that I have a stubborn and determined nature about me and he has obvious ways of telling me that I need to take a breath and leave it up to him, because everything happens for a reason and it will all work out for the better. I just have to be optomistic and faithful. © 2008 SerenedyAuthor's Note
Added on July 7, 2008 Author![]() SerenedyIDAboutI mostly write sayings and most of these sayings come directly from life experiance. Some come from questions I've had about something like comunication or life in general. I have a big heart. So big .. more..Writing