Chapter one.

Chapter one.

A Chapter by Serena Tyrie

    She yawned as she slowly began to walk through the forest and a lake came into view and she sighed with relief. She quickly rushed towards it, a small smile on her face. “Ah yes, sweet relief!” she whispers to herself, she stopped a few feet from the waters edge and begins to disrobe, she smiles as she loosens her gun belt, she lets it fall quickly to the ground, she then unbuttons her pants, unzipping it quickly and kicks it to the side, she could have easily snapped her fingers and made her clothes disappear but she preferred to disrobe the old fashion way, as a sweet victory for herself,  she sighed with relief once more as she quickly unbuttoned her shirt, sliding the bloody mess off her shoulder she then quickly slips off her undergarments and walks slowly into the lake. She sighed as the cool water relaxed her body almost immediately, she looks down at the water for a moment and laughs as it beings to turn red, she had killed six or seven demons today, she was expecting a great payout. Her head quickly jerks up as she hears a noise from down the lake, she quickly runs out of the water, she stops as she reaches down for her bloody clothes. She hears the noise getting louder and sighs, she snaps her fingers quickly and smiles, she was suddenly covered in a simple red dress, it fit to all her curves perfectly but it was modest. She shakes her head once and her usual black curly locks transformed into beautiful blond straight hair that fell half way down her back, she blinked twice and her normal green eyes turned hazel, she snaps her fingers once more and her bloody clothes disappear along with her guns and her baggage.

   She then turns to the sound of the noise, she spots a young man up ahead and bites her lip, she debated fleeing into the forest as to not be noticed so she could be on her way but she decided against it, thinking it would look to suspicious. The girl stood her ground as the man came closer, she sized him up quickly as he made his approach. He was handsome she noticed, well built with a good looking face, his eyes were black, black as night as was his hair, she smiled to herself, guessing the man was in his early twenties, as was she. He stopped a few feet in front of her, his hand on his gun. “Are you lost?” he asked, trying to act older, she giggled softly at his question, “No, I was having my self a swim when I heard you approaching.” she smiled, looking him up and down once more, he was wearing trousers, dirty but nice, she then moved her eyes up to his bare chest and smiled “You weren’t hunting were you?” she asked him, trying to stay innocent. The young man smiled proudly, sticking his chest out, keeping his hand against his gun, “Why Yes I am, I even killed a demon.” he answered proudly. She laughs, tilting her head to the side “Are you any good Because if you are I know an assassin that could use your help..” she smiles at the young man, waiting for a response, the mans eyes grew wide with excitement “Really!? Where?!” he asked with excitement, looking around in the woods for a man no doubt, she shook her head and sighed “Me, I’m the assassin, now don’t laugh or I will kill you.” she stated mater of factly, her hands going to her hips. The young man laughed a boisterous laugh “I Only know of one female assassin, and you can not be her..” she rolls her eyes “I am Joanna You fool, best assassin alive!” she snapped, her fingers and her hair quickly changed from blonde back to it’s natural curly self, her eyes quickly changed back to green and her outfit faded and she was now in tight jeans and a black wife beater, her gun belt back around her hips, the mans jaw fell, his mouth wide open “Oh My God, You really are Joanna!” he explained, looking her up and down in shock and awe.
   She rolls her eyes “Yes, Yes I know, now will you help me?” she asks, growing impatient. The young man nods with excitement “Yes! oh hell f*****g yes! Oh wait till the guys hear about this!” he yells, acting more like a young boy then a young man, “We need a place to talk, can I come to your place?” she asks, laughing softly at him. His eyes go wide “Y-yeah, sure Lets go” he says, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards town, she laughs happily as she follows him “No one must know my identity” she snaps her fingers, her gun belt disappearing, he looks down at her, his eyes filled with lust and happiness “That’s so cool, how do you do that?” he asks as they walk down the street towards the mans home “My Teacher gave me the power, Oh and what’s your name?” she asks, the man laughs and walks up the steps to a small but beautiful white house, “The names Josh.” he answers as he unlocks the door, bringing her inside, she wrinkles her nose as the smell of dirty laundry and old pizza filled her nostrils, “Oh lord, do you clean?” she asks him as she looks around, “Kind of..” he answers as he brings her into a living room, she wrinkles her nose once more as she spots three half naked men sitting on the couch, screaming and pushing each other as they play a video game, she raises an eyebrow and giggles, then men stop, food hanging from their mouths, they drop the controllers and begin to wolf whistle and hop over each other trying to be the first to get to her, Josh quickly steps in front of her, blocking them “Hey! She’s with me!” he yells, the men boo at him then go back to their games.

    She laughs softly and looks up at him with her enchanting green eyes, eyes that had watched many be killed by her hand and the hands of others, “Well Thank you, I was sure my life was almost over” she giggled playfully, knowing she was much stronger than the other boys, “May we go somewhere to talk about your new job?” she continued, not letting him speak after her first statement. He nodded and placed his hand against the small of her back and ushered her into a surprisingly clean kitchen, she laughed softly as she looked around the kitchen, letting her fingers brush gently over the surfaces, “What do you find Funny Joanna?” he asked her, his eyebrow raised, a bit of confusion could be seen in his eyes. She let a soft but happy laugh escape her lips “This kitchen is much cleaner than the other rooms of the house I have seen so far.” she answered, still examining the kitchen in its whole, he laughed “You think this is clean? You should see my room.” he smiled more to himself then at her, a quirk about him she enjoyed.

    She smiled then, a true genuine smile “Hmm, Maybe another time, but now lets get down to business.” she smiled and walked over to one of the few chairs in the room and sat down, he quickly followed her, sitting down beside her, “So what will I do if I agree to join you?” he asks straight off the bat, before she could even speak, she smiled, enjoying his delight, “Well, first you will need to move out of here and move in with me, an assassin must be semi secluded from life, as to make sure no one will recognizes him or her.” she stated matter of factly, her smile faded a bit as his smile seemed to falter. “Secondly, I must train you how to change your appearance, it will be tough but I’m one hundred percent positive you’ll be successful” his smile once more spread across his face as he listened to her, she was almost sure he would accept his offer now, “And thirdly, you must never EVER let a man or woman get in the way, Now matter how beautiful or handsome he or she may be.” she finished and leaned back in the chair as she waited for his answer. He waited a few moments before answering, “I accept.” he answered proudly. She smiled and nodded “I will leave you directions to my home as I am leaving now, I expect you there at noon, I will meet you at the forests edge to help you carry your things.” she stated before standing, he stood as well, a huge smile on his face “I will be there.” he answered as he walked her to the door, he gave her a hug and she returned it. She walked down the dark road, her hands in her jean pockets as she began to think, the smile was still on her lips as she turned into the forest and on the path the lead to her home, that path the she, and soon Josh, only knew about.

© 2008 Serena Tyrie

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Added on August 21, 2008


Serena Tyrie
Serena Tyrie

Reading, MA

The Name. Serena Tyrie:) The Age.18. The Birthday. October 2nd. Buy me s**t. ;) I'm Single. No, I'm not looking. Stop asking. I enjoy proper grammar and spelling. I do correct people. Books. I love.. more..

Chapter Two. Chapter Two.

A Chapter by Serena Tyrie