The Tale of the Moon Lady

The Tale of the Moon Lady

A Story by Sephrenia Daigle

This is the tale of the Moon Lady, Utsukushī Tsuki (which literally means "Beautiful Moon" in Japanese), and how she fell in love with a mortal man.

Once upon a time, there was a lady who lived in a palace made of starlight on the moon. Her name was Utsukushī Tsuki. She was the most beautiful maiden in the world. Every full moon, she would be allowed by the Sky King to go to Earth to find a suitable husband. Many men tried to marry her, but failed to fulfill her request: to leave all their earthly possessions behind and live with her on the moon. The men refused to leave their things & became unable to marry her. One night, Utsukushī Tsuki was walking down an old road when she saw a handsome beggar man sit at the side of it staring at the moon. As she approached him, he turned & immediately knelled before her. 
"My lady," he said. "I have never in all my life seen such beauty in all my life. Will you allow me the honor of becoming my wife?" 
Utsukushī Tsuki was not surprised at this, for she had seen countless men do the same thing. 

"Very well, poor beggar man. I will be your wife, under one condition. Leave all your earthly possessions behind and live with me in my palace on the moon," she replied.

The beggar, having no possessions to leave behind, agreed to come with her to the moon palace in the sky. They wedded & had a baby girl named Mitsuki. They spent the rest of eternity among the stars, oblivious to everything else but their love.
   -The End-

© 2021 Sephrenia Daigle

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Added on March 1, 2021
Last Updated on March 10, 2021
Tags: Destiny, Romance, Fantasy


Sephrenia Daigle
Sephrenia Daigle

Charlotte, NC

Hello, I'm Sephrenia Daigle, but you can call me Ren! Age: 18 Gender: Non-binary Sexuality: Bisexual for the most part, but likes girl a little bit more than guys Likes: Music Boxes, stuffed animals,.. more..
