Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Mary

I woke up with Chase’s arm around me. I could hear the shower in Miss Richards’ room going and the TV in the living room playing aimlessly to the empty air. I shifted my weight a bit and Chase groaned and rolled over onto his other side, leaving me un-cuddled. I turned to face him, and propped my head up onto my hand. Watching Chase sleep had to be one of my favorite things. I leaned in and kissed his lips. He crinkled his nose and opened his eyes a tiny bit.

“G’morning, love.” I said quietly. He smiled and giggled a bit. “Morning.” He replied. I watched as he sat up and looked around the room. “You hungry?” He asked rubbing his tired eyes. I sat up and thought for a moment. “Come to think of it, yeah, a bit.” I mumbled. Chase uncovered himself and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. I lay back down and buried my face in the pillow. I could hear Chase rustle around the room and grunt as he ran into things in his way. “Whatcha hungry for?” he asked as he slipped on his pants. “I don’t care.” I squeaked, still lying down. A few moments went by before Chase playfully jumped on top of me. “What are you doin?” I coughed. He kissed me and said, “Let’s go out.”

I loved when Chase got playful. Although, I wasn’t sure what was happening here. Chase was usually as worried as me about being gay in public but all of a sudden he was willing to go anywhere with me. “Why?” I asked trying to show him why I was so confused. He rolled over onto his back beside me. “It’s weird. I was never so comfortable with anyone. And now, with you Ash, I’m not afraid of people.” He huffed. I smiled and felt my stomach turn into a knot. I kissed his cheek and stood up on the carpet. He came around the bed to join me in my search for my pants.


After finding my pants and getting in the car all dressed and awake, Chase decided we would be going to a new restaurant down the street from his apartment. I never had been there and to be honest, I didn’t really like omelets-or breakfast for that matter.

We were seated in a matter of minutes. It was cold inside and I wasn’t wearing a jacket. The lights were dimmed which set a nice mood for me. Our waiter was tall and dark haired. I didn’t pay much attention seeing as I was faithful-so far. Chase smiled at me from across the table. “I love you.” He said. I saw a few people glare at us from the corner of my eye.

I loved that Chase was so comfortable with me wasn’t the same. And now that I knew his love was true, I felt different. “You too.” I replied sipping from my glass of water.


Chase ordered an omelet and I had some French toast. I can’t say it was the best meal I had but it was decent. About twenty minutes into our breakfast, Chase’s phone started to ring. I continued to eat trying not to look nosy although I really wanted to know who it was.

“Hello? Oh, ok. Hold on.” He said into the cell phone. I looked up at him. “It’s Chris. I’ll take this outside.” He whispered to me before getting up and leaving the restaurant. Chris Beller was an old time friend of Chase’s. Supposedly they met in band camp a few years back and even dated for a bit-before Chase was openly gay. Chase always tried to assure me that he would never leave me for Chris but I knew. I always had a strong feeling that Chase still had feelings for Chris. And it was stupid obvious that Chris still loved him. He called all the time. He wanted Chase to cancel dates with me so they could hang out-which he did sometimes.

I’d only seen him once. He was taller than both of us-about 6’5’’. Chris had shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes. His nose was small and round and his stomach was flat. He had muscular arms which I sort of liked but I’d never, never, date him. I had a feeling that Chris had a certain attraction to Chase. Like...sexual. Chase had always told me he was a virgin, which I respected because I was, too. And he had never once pressured me into doing something I didn’t want to do. But Chris was different. I doubt they had ever done anything but I know Chris wanted to. And I know he would do anything to do so.


As I sat alone in our booth eating the last bits of my French toast, I noticed that someone across the room was staring at me. Trying to be as nonchalant as possible, I made a fake yawn and turned my head to fake a stretch. I saw a boy, about my age, quickly look down at his plate. He had long, dark brown hair that covered his face up to his nose. His lips were pursed as if he didn’t want me to notice him. He was twiddling his thumbs in his lap and I could tell he was thinking hard. I looked for a bit-observing. He was wearing baggy jeans and a tight black hoodie. He glanced back up and before he looked down again I tried to give a welcoming smile-ending terribly.

C’mon Ashton, I thought to myself. Just a guy in a restaurant. No need to get worked up. I know why I was so worried, though. Being gay, everyone that stared is an enemy. I got beat up a lot and it usually started with a simple stare. At the moment I was thinking about getting up and just leaving. Just stay strong, Ashton. It was easier said than done. I was always scared when it came to things like this. And say this boy had beaten me to a bloody pulp. I couldn’t just tell my parents it was a random beat down like all the other times. They’d get suspicious. You’d think that they would know something was up by now. Nineteen, never had a girlfriend. It’s common sense. They just didn’t want to believe it.

I heard a seat move and unintentionally looked up. That boy was nervously walking over. I quickly looked down and covered my face with my hands. Maybe if I look upset, he’ll go away.

“Um, er, excuse me?” He stuttered quietly. I looked up. “I just moved here, like, ten minutes ago, and I really need help around.” He continued. I sighed and gestured for him to sit down in Chase’s spot. He flipped his hair and sat down. “Where do you need to go?” I asked trying to sound uninterested. I didn’t need Chase walking in thinking I was taking interest to a new boy. He hesitated. “Seaside Apartments.” I heard him say unsure. I looked up sort of surprised. That’s where Chase lived. “Lucky you, I know where that is. My, er, friend and I are going by there-you can go with us.” I suggested. He smiled and flipped his hair again. What had I just done? Telling him Chase was a friend.


Chase wasn’t too fond of the idea. I tried to explain to him that it was just the nice thing to do. The boy sat quietly watching us argue. “Why would you offer some stranger into my car?” Chase snapped. “It’s for ten minutes.” I growled back. Chase grabbed my arm and pulled me closer as if he was going to hit me. I flinched and tried to pull away. “Chase! Let go!.” I cried trying to stay quiet. The boy walked up to us nervously. “It’s okay,” he said, “I can hitch another ride. Thanks anyways.” He started to walk away without looking back. I yanked my arm away from Chase and glared at him. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a five. Slamming it on the table I turned to walk away. “Fine.” Chase said loud enough for the boy to hear. He and I both turned to face my boyfriend. “One ride.” He snapped. I turned back to the boy who was smiling now. I smirked and walked towards him, turning him towards the door as I passed.

We all piled into the car and Chase turned the key. He pulled out and stayed disturbingly quiet. The silence was getting me anxious. Breaking the tension, I turned to the boy in the backseat. “Who you living with?” I asked. He was silent for a moment then said, “No one.” I turned back to face forward. “What’s your name?” Chase asked, eyes on the road. “Corey.” He replied. “I’m Ashton and this is Chase.” I said pointing to each of us as I said so.


Chase was quick with leaving Corey and I behind. It was obvious he was pissed off with me but I didn’t really care. Corey and I walked slowly behind as he told me why he was here and this little town.

“My dad’s a lawyer and my mom is a stay at home Jesus freak. I was able to keep my sexual orientation to myself and if something slipped, I was quick with covering it up with a tiny lie. With nineteen years of being in the closet, I thought it was time to tell them who I really was. It was hard for me. Telling my mom that all my girlfriends I told her about were either fake or actually boyfriends. She trusted me. I wasn’t so much as worried about what Dad thought. He was very abusive to both of us.” He explained. We made our way into the lobby of the apartments and I stayed quiet to let him continue. “It was about a week ago. I sat Mom down and told her-I’m gay. She was furious. All I remember was lamps being thrown and family pictures being ripped off the walls. She kept screaming ‘You’re going to hell.’”

We were sitting down on the lobby couches. I put my hand on Corey’s knee because I could tell it was hard for him. His eyes were watery and his voice was cracking. Chin trembling, he continued. “It wasn’t long before Dad came home and heard about me. He was angry, too. Then again, he was just looking for a reason to beat me. I don’t really remember what exactly happened after that. I lashed out and went blank. I packed my bags that night and left.” A tear rolled down his face and I winced. I knew if I showed sympathy, Chase would be even more upset. I rubbed his knee and said “Shhh.” Corey wiped his face and tried to catch his breath. “Alright,” I stood up, “let’s go.” Corey stood up and looked at me. “Number?” I asked not really thinking it through. He looked confused. “What?” He replied quietly. “Room. Your room number.” I coughed realizing the confusion.

He giggled quietly before saying “forty-nine.”


We walked slowly through the halls talking about a lot of things. “So are you and Chase close?” he asked. “We’ve been friends for a long time. I’m not sure if anything will come out of it.” I replied. What are you doing, I thought. I had never thought of Chase as just a friend. And we had been together for almost two years. Why was I acting like he was nothing but a close friend? “You would make a nice couple. Although, I can see who would be the pants...” he said looking down at me. I nodded slowly as we approached his room. “Wanna come inside?” he asked putting his hand on the doorframe.

I thought for a while before agreeing and following him inside the apartment. I sat on the bed while he stripped from his hoodie. The room was smaller than Chase’s. One bedroom, a small bathroom, and a kitchen. “The old owners left a lot.” He said glancing at the few old items in the room. The bed, a TV stand, and a mini fridge stood pointlessly by three of the walls. “Easier for you, eh?” I replied shuffling through the dirty sheets.

It was quiet for a while as Corey searched the apartment. “You know, it’s kinda nice having a friend so soon.” I heard him call from the kitchen. I sat quietly. Friend. “Yeah, I mean, I thought I was gunna be alone for a while in the beginning. Like, everyone was going to hate me since I’m the new guy. And seeing as you’re openly gay, too.” He continued. Openly gay? I hadn’t told him once that I was gay. Was it that obvious? And if so, it was far from open.

I stood up noticing the time. Almost eleven o’clock. “I better be going.” I said starting for the door. “Wait!” Corey shouted from the kitchen. I stopped and just as I turned around, Corey came at me with a huge hug. I awkwardly wrapped my arms around him while he said, “Thanks for everything, Ashton. I mean it.” I pulled away and left the room.


© 2011 Mary

Author's Note

Please no homophobic comments.

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Added on July 29, 2011
Last Updated on July 29, 2011



Las Vegas, NV

Mary. Fifteen. Amateur. more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Mary

Chapter Three Chapter Three

A Chapter by Mary

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