A Million Pieces

A Million Pieces

A Poem by Seb Garcia

Finished and done,
you've had your fun
Now I'm alone,
empty to the bone.

Before my spirit was dead,
I always said,
I'd go the distance
but now my soul
has no resistance
to the chains of loneliness and regret.

You kept me around,
forever bound
by you plastic smile
you controlled me
for more then a short while.
To the point
that until now
that I'd follow your lead
even if you asked me to bleed.

After all this time
I bet you've forgotten
everything we did
everything I did
just for you
but I will never
and I wish you could remember
that even if
you crush my heart
into a million pieces
I'd rebuild it again
just so you could break it.

© 2011 Seb Garcia

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Great imagery.......

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was really good! It is very true to so many people, including myself about the ups and downs and in and outs of love that we all go through.

Great work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

We do stupid things in the name of love don't we..?? Again one of my favorites. But you know I'm a fan of your work anyways:) I just love how you express the feelings of love and what we do in the name of it:) x

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 9, 2011
Last Updated on March 9, 2011


Seb Garcia
Seb Garcia

Quezon City, Philippines

I am a Filipino writer and 16 years of age :) Writing about my thoughts feelings and stories that I think off. :) Hope you enjoy and sorry if you notice Grammatical errors sometimes I don't bother to .. more..

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A Poem by Seb Garcia