The Circles on The Floor

The Circles on The Floor

A Poem by Seb Garcia

Its not a true story but I got inspiration from this story where a girl who was just a minor character had such a big story, I felt I wanted to do more justice to her.

The shot rings through the hall,
I gasp as I hear it through the thick wall.
I look at my father,
who has fear in his eyes
he tells me it will be O.K.
but I know hes feeding me lies.

The men break the door
My father pushes me to the floor
be quiet he says
what happened after
in my memory it will stay.

The shoes I see
run circles around me
they seem to not notice
as I hide in plain sight.
I remember their footprints
marking the carpet
the circles on the floor
mark my soul forever more.

They run around my father
screaming and dangerous
my father tries to calm them down
and then I heard
A shot that made my heart sore
as I watched my father
fall to the floor.

© 2011 Seb Garcia

My Review

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This tugs at the heart strings. I can see the whole thing taking place in my mind like a little mini movie. You penned your friends memories very well in this write:) x

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 9, 2011
Last Updated on March 9, 2011


Seb Garcia
Seb Garcia

Quezon City, Philippines

I am a Filipino writer and 16 years of age :) Writing about my thoughts feelings and stories that I think off. :) Hope you enjoy and sorry if you notice Grammatical errors sometimes I don't bother to .. more..

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A Poem by Seb Garcia