At the Top of The Stairs

At the Top of The Stairs

A Poem by Seb Garcia

At the top of the stairs
watching your hair
in the cold night breeze
as it moves through
the air with ease.

A step below you
with my hands behind me
feelings of every hue
and the fear
of you not being here.

Completly powerless
I surrender
If there was just one thing
I wish to say
please don't push me away.

© 2011 Seb Garcia

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This is a beautiful write Seb.. It shows the love, want and need for her to stay.. I have always like this one:) x

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 9, 2011
Last Updated on March 9, 2011


Seb Garcia
Seb Garcia

Quezon City, Philippines

I am a Filipino writer and 16 years of age :) Writing about my thoughts feelings and stories that I think off. :) Hope you enjoy and sorry if you notice Grammatical errors sometimes I don't bother to .. more..

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A Poem by Seb Garcia