Twenty-first century is a time of second renaissance.
Why? Because it is a time of blossoming of the technologies with which you can
do everything in just a click.
As a youth of today, responding to challenges of the 21st
century is not that easy even if there are these so called high technologies
around because it might not be of great help since we are still experiencing
poverty, graft and corruption and even crimes. We still need a voice who could
speak out, who could bravely fight for what is right and what is ought to be
done. Remember a saying “one pebble in a shoe may change the universe.” There
are two ways to respond to these challenges, one is by being vocal or always
being on the look, two is just by being silent in one corner but observing the
world, how it moves or how it works then someday when you already gathered all
the information needed then it is the time to extract and release all the
inputs and put it into a test, analyze and if it works then pursue it who knows
you might change the world.
Twenty-first century should not rule over us. In fact is
just a century we are in to, we should still be the command center of it not us
being commanded. Remember, our mind is our own no one could take it away from