![]() FemmeA Screenplay by SeanErik![]() “Femme” First Draft By Sean Carroll Proposal: The intertwining lives of a cities youth and the place that brought them together. 200 cigarettes meets Get Him to the Greek![]() EXT " TWILIGHT " CAFE 1 FADE IN: A waning sun sinks to deep red back dropping a quaint looking French veranda.
They are shown a table by the hostess. Mike pulls out a chair for Joanne - she chooses the other seat. Mike takes his seat. Joanne receives a text message. It reads: [come to the show tonight! Femme 10 pm " Delmont]
Mike Maybe we could see a film tonight? (hopeful)
Joanne responds to her text message without looking up. (smiling, flushed)
Mike Annie Hall plays tonight at the 9
The waiter approaches and picks up the candle between them. His lighter falters three times " unsuccessful. Joanne shews him away.
Joanne Never mind(to waiter) Annie Hall again? I cant stand that little neurotic man hes just dreadful. (to Mike)
Waiter steps back. Mike stares at the unlit wick, a bit dismayed
Waiter What can I get you tonight?
Mike Coffee two sugars mate
Joanne Nothing for me
Waiter leaves. Joanne lights a cigarette and stares off to the setting sun. Mike rolls up his sleeves.
Mike (redoubling efforts)Joanne you look magnificent in this light id mistake you for royalty if I didn't know better. Do you remember how we first met?
Joanne feigns a smile
Mike I was so naïve then just a freshman and none the wiser. This city seemed so large then " though I suppose the unknown is magnified by the overactive imagination " but oh how you shined! Joanne its just... what I'm trying to say is... (CONTINUED) 2 Underneath the table Mike discreetly pulls a box from his pocket.
(composing himself) Joanne we'll be graduating this June, it promises to be a major transition for me, for us. Joanne I am utterly devastated by your beauty. Joanne...
Mike drops his head at a loss, seemingly exhausted. He takes a deep breathe and looks into her eyes. (determined) Joanne's phone buzzes loudly. Mike drops his gaze. Joanne reads her message. [Bring those cherry lips -Delmont] Joanne butts out her cigarette
Joanne Mike, I must be going.
Joanne begins applying her lipstick in a pocket mirror.
Joanne Call me tomorrow darling
She kisses his cheek leaving a cherry red stain. Mike watches her leave. He hails the waiter.
Mike Better make it a whiskey mate
A smoke filled rehearsal studio. Shot of clock " 9:38
JASON paces feverishly.
Jason Where the f**k is Roger man?
Jason drinks from a bottle covered in a brown paper bag. He is noticeably perturbed. Jason lights a cigarette.
Jason Hes always doing this s**t man the show starts in two hours we should be rehearsing (pacing)
STEWART sits behind a drum kit reading a novel.
Stewart (Without looking up) He'll be here. Just chill out.
In the corner JOHN stares deeply into a painting of a man painting a canvas of a man.
Jason This is the biggest show of the year. What an a*****e man I knew he'd pull some s**t like this. You know XPN's gonna be there tonight to scout talent right? What an a*****e man, I'm tired of his self centered egoic bullshit. If he doesn't show soon I'm gonna freak out...
Jason lights another cigarette.
John (whispering almost to himself) boundlessness
Stewart puts down his book
Stewart lets go over it again
They get in position and start to rehearse.
People gather outside the establishment - “FEMME”
DELMONT sells tickets at the door. He glances down the street at a group of younger looking girls.
Delmont Hey take the reigns man ill be right back
Delmont appoints a young kid to the ticket taker position. CLAIRE, a tall French woman exits the club and lights a cigarette.
Claire (To kid) are you selling tickets at my home? This is a place for art not merchandising!
Claire chases off the kid. Cut to: Delmont walks down the street confidently. He approaches the group of girls.
Delmont How could it be that a group of girls so beautiful can look so bored on a Friday night?
Gina ugh this city sucks
Delmont Whoa now watch what your saying about my city... you just gotta know where to look. Listen I run this place down the street, there's gonna be a killer show tonight I can get you guys in.
GINA smiles (bashful) cut to: Delmont leads the group of girls to the doorway and only charges them half price. He gets a text message from an unknown number. He replies: [Bring your cherry lips -Delmont] Delmont smiles and counts his cash then enters Femme.
A car pulls in to a gravel parking lot. (remote) ROGER parks underneath a large sign, “The Hub Cap Place” He lights a cigarette.
Roger This has gotta be it
Roger looks at the clock and taps his foot. [10:23] Roger fiddles with the radio... Finally a truck pulls in next to his car. ELLIOT signals with a peace sign. Roger gets in the truck, him and Elliot shake hands.
Elliot Rogggeeerr
Roger Yo man
They laugh... Elliot holds a balloon up to the light
Elliot This... is heaviness
Roger Lets get down (nervous/excited)
The truck pulls away into the night.
CUT TO: [clock transition]
Intermission at “The Femme.” The crowd is eager and growing. The band sets up for their set. Jason curses under his breath as he untangles wires, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Stewart peers out from behind the curtain.
Stewart Looks like those XPN execs are here...
Jason F**k man... John get with it man! Your gonna have to sing your stuff
John is startled from his reverie. He blinks and nods. Jason and Stewart share a worried look.
A dimly lit room, music softly plays. Elliot and Roger cook their drugs. They shoot up. Roger drifts away and passes into a dream. Camera pans to a clock. [ 10:47] ticks to [10:48]
Mike sings sloppily with the radio. There are many empty bottles on his table. He is noticeably disheveled. Mike begins to sob helplessly.
Waiter (annoyed) Will that be all sir?
Mike I'm alright mate thanks, thanks so much you're a fine gentlemen (standing up)... the best waiter in this whole damn city!
Mike uses the waiter for support and whispers in his ear.
Mike the best waiter...
Mike puts a 20 dollar bill in the waiters pocket and
stumbles out of the cafe humming a sappy tune. FADE OUT:
People are filing into Femme. A band plays to a growing crowd.
Delmont serves drinks from behind the bar. Joanne approaches hopefully. She props herself up at the bar.
Delmont Hey what can I get you?
Joanne Hello Delmont!
Delmont stares at her blankly. Joanne reapplies her lipstick He slowly realizes who she is.
Delmont oh, OH heeey yeah you came. Great excellent want a drink?
Joanne giggles girlishly
CUT TO: Roger is startled awake. He looks at the clock. [11:38]
Roger I got a show I got a show right now (realization)
He jumps up and starts gathering things hurriedly.
Elliot Whoa man your in a band?
Roger yeah I got a show right now i gotta go
Elliot right on (wiping spit from his cheek) lets roll man
CUT TO: Truck peels out
CUT TO: 9 Mike stumbles along a crowded city street. He is conspicuously drunk. Mike enters a door. Camera pans to the sign [Femme] [Femme] A truck pulls up in front of Femme. Roger hurries in.
Roger confronts his band on stage. Jason goes to strangle him. John goes to hug him. They settle in. The crowd cheers Stewart counts it down 1, 2, 3 they begin. Crowd roars! Mike confronts Joanne and Delmont. Mike punches delmont. They begin to wrestle. They fall on the table of the XPN execs. The crowd becomes raucous Elliot is in the bathroom snorting drugs. Delmont goes into the bathroom to wash the blood from his face. Elliot picks his wallet. Joanne tends to Mike. The band crushes the set Joy Rapture chaos! The band finishes and runs off stage...
XPN execs come backstage and offer the band a contract
WIDESCREEN SHOT crowds of people file out of the building. Claire smokes a cigarrette under the “Femme” sign
© 2013 SeanErik |
Added on November 24, 2013 Last Updated on November 24, 2013 Author