![]() Nothing is ever easy AspieA Story by Morgan Zimber![]() My Experience and how I dealt with my Asperger's.![]() Where to start, I suppose my earliest memory would be a good start. I vaguely remember my time in infant school, particularly looking in the coat area, then going back to class seeing everyone had gone, naturally I was upset, then again I was only a toddler, I was told the class had gone to lunch, I must have been told it was lunchtime however for some reason I went to the coat section I can't remember why, could this the earliest form of my Asperger's or had I not listened, the latter option is the most likely. Remember I was into the M. A. S. K. (Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand... yeah they kinda cheated there) toys back then, I had a Brad Turner, Condor toy and few others were bought, then lost later in life I won't go into detail of that. Primary Trouble As yes Primary school I have many mixed memories not many positive ones. This is when two of the cats I remember from childhood pasted away, a teacher asked why I was sad, I answered..the response to this honesty one of kids poked fun, like the saying goes kids can be cruel. This is also where I started to have crushes on girl I even said I did once, big mistake, I didn't realize it wasn't the type of thing to share, so I was rejected and ridiculed, I view it as a life lesson, Valentine's Day wasn't any better either I didn't understand the concept of animosity then, yes you've guessed I actually put my name in the card, the teacher explained the concept but by then it was too late however the girl in question didn't mind which looking back was a relief. There were also the bathroom incidents, lets just say that one assembly I think I was hauled out to the toilets... then for some strange reason after listening to a certain Osborne audio book, I got into my head that saying I was locked in the bathroom at home was a good story, guess where I ended up... Yep the Principal's Office... Mother was called in to explain, never did anything like that again. One crowning moments for me was during a school play of the Christmas Carol, I played Jacob Marley's ghost and when people found out they were amazed, they never knew that under my quiet façade was this actor. Secondary Stumblings The move from Primary to Secondary was fairly easy as was the move to a new house and it was around this time I also started going to scouts. There were incidents I remember like the "wink" game in drama which I hated, the first and only* (*so far) slap from a girl, the mistaken response that skin/ hair follicles at the edge or top were alive I still question this, great balls of fire quip, writing on the computer "Yar, Yar get on with it" thanks Miss that stuck in my brain. The English teacher who said "Your name sounds like a toothpaste brand" Gee thanks sir... I always looked forward to Science especially Chemistry, Biology was okay and I could just about grasp Physics but Chemistry took top spot, I found Drama weird and strange especially the wink game, Design and Technology was okay; making food from scratch bore similarities to Chemistry, Woodshop/ Metal work wasn't my thing, Sports I looked at as being a chore, Religious Education; well sure it was important but I guess my F grade showed my low interest, History... College Chaos University Failure The Joy of Singing Job searching Volunteer route Side notes I'm not sure where I heard this quote but i try to remember it because it rings true "Money makes the world work and work makes money for the world. [I thought I'd try and write down my experiences and life... I was inspired by John Elder Robinson’s Book: Look Me in the Eye, however it kind of petered out... kinda lost interest] © 2018 Morgan Zimber |
StatsAuthorMorgan ZimberBristol, Avon, United KingdomAboutDiagnosed with Asperger's back in 2001. The quiet type. Used to sing Bass in a Barbershop chorus. more..Writing