![]() TemptationA Poem by TheSeaOfWoe![]() This was a silly little poem about temptation that turned into much more.![]() Seduction and temptation lead to gestation and because we are humans, we do not need incubation for our generations Girls, or ladies, rather, would you care for a demonstration? Safe sex, of course. Let's hold off on those future generations. Temptation leads to frustration, and teasing, and illusions that cause confusion and when contortion and flexibility become important, temptation stems into the creation of new generations, even if that was not meant to be part of the equation. Interest and pleasure can come in equal measure but there could possibly be consequences to weather, so we sometimes have to control temptation so that we do not accidently create new generations, or cause gestation, when we ourselves are still considered to be children, though we see ourselves as young adults. Temptation can lead to so many things, though, in nature’s eyes, it has one ultimate goal. It is a product of hormones who had once hibernated within our own bodes, and have now come in to home in on our frustrations and evolve into temptation, that we must control, to hold back those new generations, if just for a little longer. Sometimes we feel we cannot, but most of the time, we manage to. A solemn few of us manage to control it completely. They remain innocent, and act heaven sent, because they got to stay innocent longer than the rest of us, who have become just a tiny bit corrupted. We removed the child we used to be and accidently replaced them with temptations, though we are still considered children. But we are not like children. We are young adults, stumbling through our life, fumbling for meaning, and trying to figure out just who we are, and who we’ll be. And we look back in our history to see if who we want to be resembles who we are, or who we were at one time. Hormones ravage our bodies and temptations become prominent in our lives. They may not be the biggest part of our lives, but they still seem pretty important in our teenage lives and beyond. Temptation led to our generation, along will all the others. Temptation. One of life’s many frustrations. © 2014 TheSeaOfWoeAuthor's Note
Added on July 21, 2014 Last Updated on July 21, 2014 Tags: poem, poetry, temptation, sex, frustration, generation, teenager, young, puberty Author