Eye surgery

Eye surgery

A Poem by Michelle N. H.

It was cold where my body was lying, on grey metal and with a sharp light penetrating my layers of being. I felt naked to their eyes, yet content in their presence by way of their gentle charisma, in spite of their curious looks. Wearing aprons of white as if born by man, they hid behind faces I could not understand or distinguish caused by shadow. They were staring at me thoroughly, standing still and very close, communicating collectively by waves of energy, strings of thought. All is connected in a way I knew nothing of, in a way subsequent to human birth I forgot. One handed me a mirror in a manner serene. They were there for me, caring, helping me to see and with no intention to cause harm. I knew by how I was feeling. I saw what they had done. More real than a dream and closer to home, a place to where I'll return. Fragments of a memory. Awakening to reality. We are but one.

© 2018 Michelle N. H.

Author's Note

Michelle N. H.

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I think this write has so many surreal elements and metaphors, that it`s hard to understand them and collect them at once. An eye, white aprons, medicine, seeing, understanding, feeling..It has waves of subconscious energy on the reader. The music too adds to such strange emotions. For me is a hard to imagine myself in this place, but you let me imagine, as if I become part of your world. Another feeling I had is of alien dream, as if you meet creatures from another plant, who want to see you closely, though you can`t see them well. Mirror is the transparent gate to this different reality, and the eye.

Very good piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

The poem is essentially describing a dream I had, everything I happened to see and feel throughout t.. read more
Sugar Plum ♥

10 Years Ago

You are welcome! it`s so amazing and strange dream :)


I think this write has so many surreal elements and metaphors, that it`s hard to understand them and collect them at once. An eye, white aprons, medicine, seeing, understanding, feeling..It has waves of subconscious energy on the reader. The music too adds to such strange emotions. For me is a hard to imagine myself in this place, but you let me imagine, as if I become part of your world. Another feeling I had is of alien dream, as if you meet creatures from another plant, who want to see you closely, though you can`t see them well. Mirror is the transparent gate to this different reality, and the eye.

Very good piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

The poem is essentially describing a dream I had, everything I happened to see and feel throughout t.. read more
Sugar Plum ♥

10 Years Ago

You are welcome! it`s so amazing and strange dream :)
very intense flow and a very good write :) good work.

however I would advise , for poems, shorter lines :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

Alright, I'll think about that. Thank you :)
a very interesting way this is put upon paper...almost need eye surgery after reading it...a swarm of words, but in fragments, there is only a buzzing...not a comprehending.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

Just as we often recall our dreams, in splinters. Thank you for sharing your view, Jacob :)
I'm collecting strong waves from this marvelous write and seeing dreams in a mirror so serene. The oneness is truthful in your words...Bravo.........

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

Thank you for your words! I appreciate you spending time here.
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

You are welcome...:)....................
I felt the rhythm of this piece and the smoothness of the tones and flow...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

That's great. I can imagine some will find it bumpy and uncannily irregular, in regards to the blend.. read more

10 Years Ago

they do and it showed.
Eli told me I should read your work... So, I am here.
This first read shows me she is not wrong in esteem for your way with words.
In this write, I saw a little of your spirit. You trust still. You believe strongly. You have known sorrows and darkness, but you choose to see the light and the gifts in life.
The actual experience was interesting and relatable to any of us who have had actual eye surgery, to those who have not also, because we know the power if what we see.
As a metaphor however, this write is very intriguing. I find myself wondering what I could see if I would but trust more and look always with gratitude into the mirrors I am provided.
I am an instant fan. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

 David Scott

10 Years Ago

I see. You and Eli are strong dreamers.
These dreams show you your own depths more clearly th.. read more
Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

Yes, I'm aware :) It was just as pleasant for me to read your views, thank you. I will come by for y.. read more
 David Scott

10 Years Ago

Yeah! :). I never wish to impose.
the eyes are so tender and delicate yet they are what we are, our personality, the looking out and the taking in, but still without them you describe a scene so well, that comes from an even deeper place, the mind,

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

I do love your take on this :) Thank you, paddy, for reading and reviewing.
paddy d daly

10 Years Ago

you are welcome.
I love it Selmzz, wow... when you speak of grey metal, and penetrating, I think almost you replace yourself to a robot state of being, separated from the world, into pure rationalization of being. You landed on another planet litteraly, in your creative awestruck being, here, felt accepted by them, yet you were creating the atmosphere around you to observe, and feel it through you what was meant to be ~ Wow, this is fantastic writing.... bliss of raw, technicolor, visions. You were home... (Alien-nation) maybe, :) I"m smiling there, (Elien vibes). hehe... And yes, you and we and me and you are but one ;-) there is only gravity, a galaxy and the fact of time, and space between us! :) this write goes into my favorites, for it's utterly beautiful, and highly intelligent, so... what else I can say? high five on the fact we know there is more... hah! -x- love you!

- Elisa

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

You are fantastic, hah. I was experimenting with this one, as you know. I wanted it to have a surrea.. read more

10 Years Ago

Hah! I think you are :) it's pure art... so surreal, with FanFiction woven through it, but REAL yes!.. read more
Very interesting...very different.
An ordeal you dealt with well and described so very well.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michelle N. H.

10 Years Ago

It's great to see you here. Thank you so much ^^
Scott Metro

10 Years Ago


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9 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 6, 2014
Last Updated on November 7, 2018
Tags: forgetful, curiosity, reality, fragments, memory, dream, interference, learning, familiar, growing, surgery, experience, human, eyes, home, communication, feeling, collective, space, one


Michelle N. H.
Michelle N. H.


I'm Michelle. To strangers I may seem reluctant, but I'm really quite open towards those that are patient and genuinely interested in getting to know me. I think a lot. I'm hardly ever bored. I've.. more..


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