I'm no poet
but the sound of words
whispered, spoken, shouted, thought
release me in a way i can't explain
I'm no poet
But the rhythym? rhythm? rhythm
Rhyme of words, alliteration, onomatopoeia
engulf me- some miraculous narcotic
it excites me,
bubbles and froths at the tip of my tongue
the words leap,they bound, they whirl and sing
like songbirds - free spirited, in every sense.
I'm no poet
not on paper. But in my heart and soul
I am Dickinson, Shakespeare, Plath, Longley and Keats
all rolled into one
I'm no poet
but the words that do spill out onto the occasional page,
the best ones, usually: Raw unpretentious, brave
These words I write, I will always write for you