Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Alexis-Morgan

Chapter 4- Another Secret Discovered and Assigned Elements.

When Brooke woke up the next morning, she instantly remembered that she was suspended. "No school for 2 weeks? SWEET!" Brooke said. She heard a BEEP! coming from the phone machine. She pressed the view messages button. "Hey Brooke. Its me, Joe. Come down to the hosiptal and come talk to me. I have details. Talk to you soon. You know the room number." the message said. Brooke pressed the delete button and headed downstais and put her shoes on. "Wait, I have to ride my Stupid bike because I have no stupid car because I cant stupid drive. Stupid!" Brooke yelled. She grabbed my bike and rode to the hosiptal. Slowly, she walked till she entered room 105. Brooke turned invisbible and opened up the door. She got to his bedside and turned back to normal and said,"Surprise! An invisble entrance by an invisible girl." He started to laugh, which made her laugh. It was a contagious laugh he owened. "Nice. Well Im being put into a foster home. Its located here in New York City! Ill be going to the same school. Isnt that like totally awesome?" he asked full of excitement. "First off, yes that is awesome. Second, dont ever say 'like totally' again." Brooke said laughing. "So when you are you moving into this foster home?" she asked. "Well in like 2 days. but for the next 3 weeks I will be in this treatment center that will help me prevent another sucide attempt." he said looking at his wrists. "Oh. Good, I guess, You know how you said that your dad kicked you out. Why didnt your mom stop him?" Brooke slowly asked. He took a deep breath and said," She tried. But he punched her until she was uncouinceses then kicked me out." "Wow. Why didn't you tell the hosiptal?" Brooke asked feeling his pain "Yes. Well I havent seen my-" he was cut off by the door opening. "OH HONEY! Your okay. Im so glad. I thought your dad wouldve killed you."some woman said to him. "Mom! You came! I thought I would never see you again. Oh, I love you. I'm sorry I tried to kill myself. I just got mad. I hate Dad. I wish he could die." Joe said. His voice was filled with hatred. Brooke felt tears starting to run down her face. "Oh. hi. Who is this Joe?" his mom asked. "Oh this is Brooke, my girlfriend. Brooke this is my mom Mrs.Bradley." he said. "Please call me Sarah. Whats the matter hun?" she said. "Hi Sarah. And Joe dont wish your dad was dead. My dad died when I was 9. ITs the hardest thing of my life." Brooke said. "Oh. Brooke, im so so sorry." Sarah and Joe both said.

Brooke nodded. "So your the girlfriend that he came home talking about? Your very pretty sweetie. You look so young to be 16 though."Sarah said. "Well thats because im 13." Brooke said shyly. "No wonder you look so young. Well I have to go Joe. I wanted to stop in before work. I love you so much. It was nice to meet you Brooke." Sarah said. "You too Sarah." She smiled and quietly walked out of the room. "So you met my mom. Im really close to her. I hate my dad for what he did to her. Im just so happy hes away from her." he told Brooke with a grim face. "Yeah. So are your superpowers gone?" Brooke asked. "I dont know" was her response followed with, "Im getting released tonight. Can I pick you up at 8?" "Well, im not doing anything so yeah. sure. Ill see you at 8. Bye Joe." Brooke walked out of the room and went off to her home. She decided to pratice my superpowers. Brooke was turning invisble and back to normal when she heard," Did-Did you just turn invisible?" Brooke whipped around. "Oh mom. Its you. And yes. I am. I have superpowers. Only Dad knew. Joe has superpowers too." She said. "So you have superpowers?" she asked again. Brooke nodded my head yes. "I believe you too. Your dad also told me him and you had a special secret. I know it is now and I believe everything you just said." she said to her. Brooke nodded and said,"Joe's picking me up at 8. Ill be home by 11:30. Is that okay?" "Thats fine sweetie." So, Brooke went up to my room to get ready.

A blue mustang pulled up and honked. Brooke ran downstairs, gave her mom a hug, and walked out to the car. Brooke jumped in and said," So, where we going?" " To pick up two more people Brooke." She got a confused look. He pulled up to a beautiful, big, white house. He couldve read her thoughts when she was thinking about where they were because he said,"This is my new foster home. And those 2 guys walking up, they are my new stepbrothers. Well my foster brothers. The really tall one is Austin, and the short one is Devin." Austin and Devin got into the car. Devin had shaggy brown hair and was dressed causual. He rocked a pair of snug jeans and a white t-shirt. Austin had shaggy blonde hair and had that punk/skater look to him. Brooke liked Austin's style. Alot."Oh. Hey you guys. Im Brooke, Joes girlfriend." Brooke said. "Hey. Im Austin and this is Devin." "Okay well the reason they came is because we all have something in common.Superpowers."Joe said quickly. "What? Your crazy! You told them? You have to be crazy. Wait, they have superpowers?" Brooke asked/half-yelled. He nodded. "Okay now we have that established. Lets list our powers. I can fly." Joe said.

"I can become invisible." Brooke said. Devin sat up and said,"I can read minds." Brooke started freaking out because of that. He calmed her down telling her he wouldnt read her mind. We all turned to Austin and he said," I can run really fast. Lame I know." "No, thats cool. I guess you just werent granted some special power" Brooke said. Then she asked where were they going, and she was told to a scientists lab. Startled, Brooke said," What? A scientists lab? Why?" Joe looked up at her and smiled. "He wants us to meet him there. I was reading something on the internet and called them up and told them that we had superpowers. So they want to experiment with us."Joe said. Brooke took a deep breath and screamed. "Chill out girl. Why in the heck did you just scream?" Austin said laughing. "Oh my gosh Joe .Did you seriously tell them we all had superpowers? We all are very special. And now were just some experiment?!?" Brooke said. "Please Brooke, just give it a chance."Joe said pulling into a parking lot of a huge building.He stopped the car and got out. Austin, Devin, and Brooke followed after him. Quickly, Joe opened a pair of glass French doors. "Fancy doors." Brooke said laughing. Everyone smiled, which made her blush. "Why, Hello there. Here are our country's superheros."A man said with delight. "Hi. Im Brooke Vandergo. And you are?" Brooke sweetly asked. He smiled as he shook her hand and said,"I'm Dr.Mahelo. For 7 years I have been looking for 4 teenagers that had superpowers. I got so desaprate for 4 teens that I posted it on the Web. you wouldnt belive how many emails Ive gotten saying that superpowers did exist. And thats when Joe came along. I have to thank you so much for coming in tonight. It means so much to me."Dr.Machelo said. "We are very excited to be here, Dr.Machelo. And hi, Im austin." Devin introduced himself. Brooke asked Dr.Machelo what they were experimenting."Im giving you each a assigned element to control. Someone will control earth, wind, water, and fire. Devin, you will be controlling wind. Austin, you have fire. Joe, you have earth. And my dear Brooke, you will control the strong element of water." Dr.Machelo said. We all had a chorus of 'sweets' and 'awesomes'. "Dr.Macheo, how will I be able to contol water? whos gonna teach me?" I asked with excitement. Dr. Machelo tapped his desk and said, "Well we are experimenting to see if it is possible to control those 4 elements. Im not excatly sure if it will defiently work. You may be able to control your element, you may not. Only 1 person may be able to. Maybe only 2.But I want you each to do a research paper on your elements! Now you can go. See you as soon as possible."

They all waved goodbye. And Brooke told Joe to take her home. He hesitated but said okay. "Remember we have to do research. I want to be able to get a head start on my research. I'm going to do research on all 4 elemts. Im happy I got stuck with the element of water. Well enough science talk for the night. Oh my god, I love this song!" Brooke said as the song 'When You're Gone' by Avril Lavigne came on. She turned the radio up and let it blast through the speakers as she sang for the entire song. They turned the corner and Joe said," Well here we are. Have a good night sleep. Good night Brooke. " Brooke said goodnight. As soon as she shut the door her mom looked at her and Brooke smiled as she ran up to her room. Brooke found some research and started to read aloud," Water has been imporant to all peoples of the earth, and it is rich in spirtiual traidition. Water is one of the four classical elements in ancient Green philosophy and science. It was commonly associated with the qualities of emotion and intutuion. Water is one of the five classical chinese elements. It is associated with the planet Mercury, the north, and winter, and the color black. Water is considered "black" in Chine because in fact, it represents flooding. It is also believing to govern the kidneys. In Chinese Taoist thought, water is representative of intelligenve and wisdom, however; an over-abundance of the element is said to cause diffiuculty in choosing something and sticking to it. In the conquest cycle, water overcomes fire, and in turn is overcome by earth. In the birth and nurturing cycle, water spawns wood, and is also spawned by metal. The element also plays an imporant role in Chinese Astrology. People born under the astrological sgns of Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces are thought to have a dominant water personalitiles. Water personalities tend to be emotional, kind, nurturning, sympathetc, empathetic, and intuitive., however they can also be needy, sentimental, over-senstive and irrational." Brooke said taking a breath.

"Now Earth. Lets see what Joe's element is all about. Earth, home and origin of humanity, has often been worshipped in its own right with its own spiritual tradition. Earth is one of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science. It was commonly associated with qualities of practicality, restraint, and materialism. It was also associated with the Pyshical, sensual aspects of life. Prithui is the hundu earth and mother goddess. According to one scuh tradition, she is the personification of the Earth itself; according to its actual mother, being Prithui Tattwa, the essence of the element earth. As Prithvi Mata, or "Mother Earth." she contrasts with Dyaus Pita, "father sky." In the Rigueda, earth and sky are frequently addressed as aduality, often indicate by the idea of two complementary "half-shells." Earth is one of the five elements of the Chinese tradition. It is associated with th plant Saturn and the collor yellow, and lies at the center of the compass in the Chinese cosmos. It is believe to govern the spleen and stomach. It is assocated with the qualities of patience, thoughtfullness, hardwork, and stability. Other attributes of the earth's element includeambition, stubborness, responsibilty, and long-term planning. In pathology, the earth can represent selfishness and self-centerdness. The element plays an imporant role in Chinese Astrology. People brn under the astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are thought to have dominant Earth personailities. Earth personalitiles tend to be calm, practical, pragmatic,responsible, and cautious; however,they can also be stubborn, intolerable, and inflexible. Gosh he has the confusing element. Enough research for the night. I will research Fire and Air tommorow." Brooke said closing her laptop. She changed into her pink rocker pajamas and climbed under her covers. When Brooke got up the next morning, she immediatly got her laptop out and sat up.

"Now Air. According to modern science, Earth's atmosphere is a mixture-" Brooke cut herself off. "You know what. Im going to stick to what research Ive done. This is boring." Brooke said getting up. By memory, she turned it to channel 53. ABC family. She noticed that Fallen: The beggining was on.

She quickly made some easy mac and sat down. "This is the life. 2 weeks of easy mac and no school. So far, I like being suspended. But at the same time, I want to be back at school." Brooke mumbled to herself. The phone rang. "Hello? Oh hi Dr.Machelo. Yeah, I can come now. Nope I dont need a ride, I can call Joe. Yes I can bring Austin and Devin. Okay. Bye Dr.Machelo." Brooke said then hung up the phone. She dialed Joe's number and told him everything. Brooke pulled up her long blonde hair into a messy bun. Joe's car was in front of her house and she ran out to it. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. "Why thank you." Brooke said as she returned a kiss. "Awwwwwwww. What a cute couple.!" Brooke heard Devin and Ausin say. She laughed and playfully shoved Devin. After a very quiet 15 minutes, they pulled into the parking lot of Dr.Machelo's lab. Joe opened Brooke's door for her as she said thank you. When they got to the fancy french doors, Brooke said," Oh.La.La." Joe looked at her and just laughed. "Oh. Shut up." Brooke playfully said. Devin stepped up to door and said,"Oh.La.La." Brooke laughed and pushed the door open. Austin stepped forward and put his hands on his hips and said," Hey everyone has seen High School Musical 2 right?" They all nodded. He pushed his golden locks out of his face and said," Hi! Im Sharpay. Welcome to my daddy's hotel. And heeeeyyy Joe! Oh, ew Brooke, Those are some ugly shoes." Well all bust out laughing at Austin's imitation."You truly scare me Austin. now lets hurry up and get inside. Lets go." Brooke said as she grabbed Joe's hand. "My dear Brooke. Thanks for coming. You too boys! Nice to see you all. Follow me."Dr.Machelo said with his hand on Brooke's shoulder. "Lets go!" she pratically yelled. "Shhh, inside voice sweetie." Joe whispered into her ear. Joe softly grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the others. They came to a room full of scattered pens and piles of blank papers. "Please ingore the mess. Anyhow, have any of you guys done research?" he asked as he tried to neaten up his lab. Brooke stepped forward and raised her hand. Austin said," Shes not lying. Im sorry we didnt do our research." "Oh its okay boys. Just make sure you get it done. Its very imporant. It will defiently help you if you want to successfuly control your element. So do your research. Okay the next thing is that you four are going on a trip with me soon. We will be going to Nags Head. Or as you call it, The outer Banks. It has everything we need to practice. Waves and the ocean for Brooke. A bon-fire for Austin. Sand on the beach for Devin. And rocks for Joe. Ive already contacted your parents and got permission.I will be distrubuting money every day for you guys shopping needs. Brooke's mom will be joining us. She will be driving herself , I will drive in my car, and you guys will drive in Joes car. Thank you for coming." he said as he escorted them out of the building. "Want me to take you home?" Joe said facing Brooke. "No. drop them off so I can talk to you. Alone."She said bluntly. Austin and Devin were dropped off and Joe said,"Okay. I think we should lay under the stars. You and me. Spend some time together. I know the perfect spot." Joe drove to the park and they got out of the car. They picked a spot and layed in the grass, Brooke's head resting on his shoulder. He leaned over and kissed her and she looked up at the stairs and just smiled.






© 2008 Alexis-Morgan

for the lulz

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Added on September 10, 2008



Looks like I just stole,, Yemen

I love to write, and its my life. I write stories, song lyrics, and poems. If it is co-written I give credit. I like meeting other inspiring authors. Mostly, I just love to write.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Alexis-Morgan