Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Alexis-Morgan

Chapter 3- Walk down Memory Lane

"Suspension? Why? We didnt do anything!" Brooke said trying to keep her cool. "I walked in here because I thought someone was hurt. Sir, he has tried to kill himself! When I saw him I only tried to save him. Did you want me to just let him bleed to death?" Brooke asked out of breath. "First get this young man to the hosiptal! Second, Brooke we will discuss this further in my office. Please follow me Brooke. She got off her knees and followed him. When they got to his office,it was as dark as a blacked-out empty cave. To Brooke's relief, he flicked on the lights. She said thank you. She took a seat in a sunshine-yellow colored seat. "Okay, so I am suspending that boy. And of course, you. For 2 weeks." Mr.Rookes said. "Mr.Rookes, he has a name, its Joe, not 'that boy'. And I was trying to save him! Did you just want me let him bleed to death?" Brooke praticaly screamed. "Lower your tone, young lady. I am your elder. Talk to me with respect." he said. "Did you hear what I asked?" Brooke said in a calmer voice. "You shouldn't of been in there Brooke!" he said competely ingorning her question. "Mr.Rookes, stop ingoring my question. Did you want me to just let him bleed to death?" Brooke asked again. "No. No I didn't want you to let him bleed to death. You are still supsended though. Face it. That wont change. We will have someone drop off your homework for the next 2 weeks. Now please go home." he said. Brooke nodded as tears ran down her face. She walked out and walked home. Her first thought was,"Man what a jerk." She giggled a little bit. Then she got home, and found herself staring at her mom. She had a pissed face that said,"Girl your in so much trouble." Brooke slowly backed up until she hit her head on the wall. "Ow." She said through her giggles. "Mom, did the school call you about what happened?" Brooke slowly asked and slightly stuttered. "Yes. They did. Now get on up to your room. I have nothing else to say to you." her mom said. "Mom, please let me explain. What did they tell you?" Brooke asked her in a calm voice. "Okay. Lets talk. They told me that a teacher reported sobbing and screaming and other noises from the boys' bathroom, to the principal. So they found you with that boy and he had tried to kill himself." she said. It sounded like she was telling a summary of a short fiction-novel. "They didnt tell you everything. I walked in because I heard the noises. I walked in and found Joe lying on the groud. Bleeding. So I took of his shirt and wrapped them around his wrists to stop the bleeding. Thats when Mr.Rookes walked in and suspended us both. I tryed to save him Mom! But he wont un-suspend me! Please believe me." Brooke said. "Wow." she said in return. "Okay. I believe you. I love you honey. I always will no matter what. The hosiptal also called me. Joe's fine. And he's asked for you to see him. Are you up to it?" "Oh, yes!" Brooke said with excitement.

My mom laughed and dropped Brooke off at the hosiptal. She walked to the counter lady. "Joe Bradley's room." Brooke shyly said. "Room 105 sweetie."she said. Brooke said thank you to her. The blond headed nurse nodded. Brooke walked to room 105. "Brooke! Im so glad you came." Joe said sitting up. "Why in the hell did you try to kill yourself?" She asked. "Oh that. I tried to kill myself because I'm not happy with my life. I was homeless. I had nothing. Im making straight F's. You would never go out with me. You walked in and saved me. Thank you so much for that. You actually cared. You got supsended for me!" he said looking into her eyes. I giggled and said, "Hey you got suspened too. And yes i would so go out with you. I now prounounce myself your girlfriend." He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. I felt my face go red. "Hey come stay with us. We have an extra guest room." Brooke said. "They are putting me in foster care so I cant. I dont know where or with who." he said. Brooke felt a tear slide down her cheek. "Will I ever see you again?" Brooke said through her tears. "I dont know baby. But I'll never forget you. You know that." he said. He had his arm around her. SHe pushed it aside and got up. "Where are you going?" He asked suprised.

"I'm going home." Brooke said with a ton of anger. "Because you went off and tried to kill yourself. And because of it, I might never see you again. Ever again! We have superpowers. We are special. We have powers that noone else has. And you just tried to throw that away! Like it means nothing. Our powers makes us stronger. They help us figure stuff out. It's how I found out my ex boyfriend was cheating on me. Because of my invisibilty. You cant just throw these away! And when you the powers aside, I go with them!" Brooke screamed. He took a deep breath and said,"I'm not giving up on my powers. Im not giving up on you either! Just im tired. Ill call you when i know the details. Bye Brooke." She could sense he was mad at her and just didnt want be to be there. Brooke grabbed her bad and slammed the door behind her. Brooke called her mom and told her to come pick her up. Her bright purple corvettee pulled up. Brooke got in and buckled her seat belt. My mom smiled and said, "So, howd it go?" "I dont want to talk about it." Brooke said my voice shakey. They got home, and Brooke ran straight to her room.

Brooke slammed her door loudly and immediatly fell to her knees. At that moment, she started to cry. Brooke heard a knock and ingorned it. Soon the door had been opened. "Honey whats wrong?" Brooke's mom asked her. "Mom, remember when dad died. And you said that when you first met him, you had felt like you instantly had known him your whole life.?" Brooke asked. "Brooke, is that about your dad? We loved each other, and yes that is correct." her mother said. "No, mom. Its about Joe. He's being placed in foster care. I may never see him again. When I first met him, I felt like I had known him my whole life. Kinda like the way you felt for dad. I can't lose someone else mom. I miss Dad. I never asked for him to die. and now Joe. I cant lose him too. Why did Dad have to get into the accident?" Brooke asked her mom in tears. "Oh honey. We all miss him. Its not our fault he got into that accident. Dont blame yourself. He misses us too and you know he watches over us. And if you feel that way about Joe then let things just fall into place and maybe, just maybe something good will happen." Brooke's mom reassured Brooke. Brooke took out my scrapbook of her dad. She cried as she looked through it. Brooke started to cry harder as she flipped the pages. Brooke cried until she couldn't cry anymore. She finally fell asleep and entered the world of dreams.

© 2008 Alexis-Morgan

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Added on September 10, 2008



Looks like I just stole,, Yemen

I love to write, and its my life. I write stories, song lyrics, and poems. If it is co-written I give credit. I like meeting other inspiring authors. Mostly, I just love to write.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Alexis-Morgan