

A Poem by TheScreamingSadist

A rather serious form of satire.

She was made of porcelain,
a melodic superior
to the harmonies that
swam over her alabaster curves
with all the wrong intentions; they could only dream
of hair so coiffed and white, lips
full and succulent. And the perverse way
they dove into the twin, cerulean seas
on either side of her bridge
would blind anyone
who was any less than perfect.

She was made of porcelain.
How else could a small girl grow from
a dragon's womb,
callous and fiery, an abyss of
violent depression, and come out
painted like heaven?

© 2010 TheScreamingSadist

My Review

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Amazingly simple. You got the point across quickly, but left in my memory. Good work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is absolutely fantastic.
My favorite part is the ending;
"She was made of porcelain.
How else could a small girl grow from
a dragon's womb,
callous and fiery, an abyss of
violent depression, and come out
painted like heaven?"
It's eloquent and extremely beautiful.
I like the idea of this.
The idea that such beauty can come from such pain is a fascinating one to me.
Keep up the great work!

-Elissa :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Beautiful. True. I love it :) glad you're apart of the group.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love how you used the word for this week into this poem. It is beautiful. fantasy like. I love the last half of this poem especially the last line. Thanks for posting it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on March 21, 2010
Last Updated on August 8, 2010
Tags: perverse, abyss, melodic, dragon, fiery



Elk's Blood

I don't know. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. And video games. more..


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