![]() Act IA Chapter by Peter Wisdom"You ever wonder what happens to us after we die?" The girl with the almost silver blonde hair said as she sat and gazed around her new surroundings. She had never seen a place like this before that much was obvious and she was totally fixated on the world around her, tantalizing emerald green eyes twinkled as she peered outwards. She saw a rusticated but charming antiquated gentlemen's club, shrouded in a light veil of fog that gave this place a mysterious and almost sinister aura. The gentleman edging his way thick slicked back black hair, his skin glowed a pale white, and his eyes, dark blue with a distinct lack of emotion. But she could see something behind his eyes, an unnamed emotion lost to her lips. She girl couldn't quite name and with as with each step he grew closer to the table. With a glass of pink ros- wine in his left hand and a tumbler of amber whiskey over ice in his right hand. "I like it here." She smiled as he settled the pair of drinks down in front of her and took a seat. "It's got a certain kind of charm about it." She picked up the glass pink bubbly rosê wine in front of her, she took the glass to her lips and sampled the wine She smiled at him from behind a veil of messy blonde, strains of almost silver hair fell apart over the eyes that glowed with something the mysterious stranger had almost forgot existed. "Because every day I see these people; these so called ‘normal’ people go about their lives. From the moment they wake, right up until they rest their heads on pillows so soft pillows and repeat the same process everyday, like clockwork, like hamsters on a wheel." The gentleman made a wheel motion with his hands, his outstreced index fingers circling one another. "Around and around you go but I see the true light. I see the colours that make up who they are. I can see their destiny laid out like a map their routines, so easily predictable. I know everything they’ll ever do or ever say or even think. And every single one of them is so." He was stuck on the word for a moment, searching for the right words in his head. "Boring. That's the word." He hummed. "Boring?" "Boring, mundane, pointless. It's like why do you even bother getting out of bed, you're just going to end up back there in twelve hours, asking the same questions you all ask yourself when you're alone in the dead of night."He talked in a monotone voice, very dry and calm. Almost as if he'd said all of this a hundred thousand times before. That's when her eyes dirfted, examining her surroundings with great care. The place they was in was old, very old, infact it looked Victorian, yet all the furincaings from brass lamps to leather arm chairs all appeared to be brand new, everything was maintained with prestige and a screamed upper class. Not a spec of dust to be found. It's like looking at a white wall sometimes, after a while you just start getting dizzy and feeling sick, and I feel too sick." "Boring? I find that very insulting. I still don’t see how this works? How you can just glance at a person and you guess their habits and all their little quirks? "So a mask can be anything from a lie to a habit, it's just basic human insinct, like when you told your mother the cat done it when she broke her china doll when you was six." "How did you know that?" "Lucky guess..." A sinister smile grew across his lips for a moment. "It's a subconscious defence mechanism. It's the psyologial evolution of the human mind at work. "Yeah?" "So in that notion, everything I’ve ever done or will do has been pre-programed into me? By what? Society? Or does it go deeper than that? Was it foretold in the past that this would happen? Did the hands of fate guide me into your palms?" She giggled.m It’s a case of nurture verses nature, the battle of the human subconscious against the forces of a over zealous socioty. The mask you wear is the mask created by your environment, everything comes into play when taking this factor into account. The culture you surround yourself in, the books you read, the poems you fell in love with, the people you surround yourself with all have a factor in the creation of the real you and in most cases the destruction of it as well." Something else would be guiding you unwillingly to do and say all those things we do on a daily basis, that's a battle of your subconscious against your consciousness. He paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say next, as he fumbled with his near empty glass of amber whiskey. "Let me ask you this. Have you ever met someone and they're charming and full of life, the kind of people that smile at the smallest thing, or the people who put themselves out there and try and change the world, the ones who strive for world peace or solve world hunger?" "Yeah, all the time." "Don't you find them all so fake?" "Not really, they're putting the needs of others before the needs of themselves. I find that noble." She replied, flicking back her hair over her shoulder. "Well, I hate to me the one that tells you, but they're lying." "That's not true, my friend works at a shelter for abused animals and she helps out in a soup kitchen. She works for hours and hours to try and find them all new homes. I can count at least five other people that I know off the top of my head that are pretty selfless. "Oh honey I wish that was true, but that's just the side of them they're projecting to hide to what they really are. Your friend who works at the animal shelter, she's a sadist. She gets off on the pain of others. " "Piss off." "It's true." "Prove it." "Why?" "It's a kind of a social obligation to try and better the world around you to try and shove yourself in the lime light of others expectations, you find a cause and fight for it, the fight could be anything to politics, to human suffering animal suffering to religion you stick to your guns and pledge yourself to that cause and you all accept that's just how it's meant to be. And you run with it. I try not to pay too much attention. Truth be told you're all just liars and cheats trying to one up each other with pointless gimmicks. You all do that-that thing called living in such poor taste." "It tells me you're Ni-ave, too trusting, shy at times, when you chose to be. But there's something in you I haven't seen for a long time "Because there's a charming young fellow having a drink with you in some bar, You've forgotten what I told you already?" The smell of polished oak and whiskey was thick in the clammy air. The establishment had been furnished with old Victorian armchairs, embroideed with flúr de lies. The walls once magnolia had churned to an almost rustic brown which showed signs of He leaned back in the leather armchair, relaxing a little. All distracted by their drinks, papers and fine cigars that flooded the air with a dense grey smoke that screamed luxury and wealth. The first was the man in the brown suit, reading his news Freedom and free will are all just an illusion, Chloe. The human race are like rats on a wheel chasing cheese on a stick around and around they go, but the cheese always eludes them time has been placed in the biggest rat race in history and none of you can see there is no finish line at the end, there is no giant wheel of cheese waiting for any of you. The unconscious mind builds this invisible wall around the real you, the you that hides inside the fleshy body you own. Every action you’ve ever done was just the outcome of an electrical discharge that was sent from your cerebral cortex, electricity runs down your central nerve system to your arms, legs, fingers, toes, nose, and mouth. Everything you’ll ever do or have done is just the result of chaos thriving in a world based off of chaos, everything you see around you was the result of random chaos billionsand billions of years ago. The earth beneath your feet, the air you're currently enjoying. Everything was made from chaos and everything ends in chaos. That’s what I do, that’s what I see. Chaos and mercy surrounding everything, I seek truth in disorder; I find peace in the desolation of mankind. I see all the things you could have been, should have been, and what would have been.” His tone was brisk, dry as I set the near empty glass of amber coloured whiskey back onto the polished oak table. “And you have to know something, I confess and I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.” Her pale face seemed lost in a world of smoke. He looked down at the empty glass that sat at the edge of the table and frowned. Her eyes darted back and forth, she grabbed the side of head with both hands and rocked backwards and forwards in her seat. When the words had sunken into her Her hands and arms ran with streaks of deep wet crimson against her paper white skin. And slowly the disturbing toughts crashed into her imaginination, She realised what she had been missing ever since she arrived in this strange bar. She wasn't breathing, she hadn't taken a single breath since she arrived here. Her hands pressed against her stomach and brought them to her face and they was covered in a deep crimson. Deep wounds had been lacerated into her torso, defence wounds peppered both of her arms, fingernails sliced and cracked. Her face marked with splotches of blood, and her lips bled, imprinting on the glass with every sip she had taken. She was completely naked, except from a small white bath towel clung to her drenched in blood around the the wounds. She screamed at the top of her lungs. She screamed until she thought her throat was going to implode on itself when she realized what was wrong. She was drenched almost head to toe in her own blood. Her arms, peppered with deep gash marks, dark crimson against paper white skin. Her skin was soft and pale as crisp fresh snow; each of her fingers stained a dark blue at the tips, just dripping with warm wet blood. Chloe placed her bloody hand upon his chest. Her touch was greeted with nothing but chills. Her hand pressed acorss his heart and she felt no heartbeat beneath his shirt. She knew he was Death.
© 2015 Peter Wisdom |
Added on November 29, 2015 Last Updated on November 29, 2015 Author