perfect fight

perfect fight

A Poem by Scrawl

i did not know weather i should call it dream fight or perfect fight but you get the idea. its about a great fight between two friends just having fun.

The time has come for us to fight
The weather is cold on this night
A kick to his gut a punch to my face
As I fall my heart starts to race

I jump up to swing at him again
He grabs my arm and starts to spin
He keeps on spinning me around
I kick his feet from him he hits the ground

He picks himself up dusts off and it goes on
The fight will go if it has to until the breaking of dawn
The fight goes on and on for hours upon hours
Were both exhausted but neither one cowers

We rush at each other for one last punch
As our fists collide we hear our bones crunch
Here we both fall its been quite a wild run
We both lay laughing man it was fun

Were frozen on the ground not moving
The pain really is quite soothing

© 2010 Scrawl

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Added on June 21, 2010
Last Updated on June 22, 2010
Tags: fight, battle, win, lose, fun, fighting, sparring, matial arts, beaten up, dream fight, perfect fight




I don't usual sit down just to write. Most of the time I do it when I'm bored. I do not think I'm any good at all, but friends and even my English teacher say I am so I thought might as well see what .. more..

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