![]() Chapter Twenty-ThreeA Chapter by ScottWinchester Vee: “So what now?” Dominic: “What do
mean what now? We leave, immediately.” Elyse: “Leave to
where?” Elijah: “Out of
town.” Vee: “Will that
even help? They’ll follow us!” Dominic: “Well,
we sure as hell can’t stay!” Elyse: “What
about the others…? Jackson and them…” Dominic: “They’re
lost already. We leave them.” Elijah: “We need
to get as far from Savannah as we can on the gas we have.” Dominic: “I
agree. You’re thinking… north?” Elijah: “Yes.” Nicolle: “Vee?” Vee: “Yes
Darling?” Nicolle: “We won’t
be able to escape this time, will we?” Vee: “… … I…” Dominic:
“Everyone move!”
They packed no clothes or entertainment; Vee grabbed some random
food from the Beaumont’s pantries and tossed it into the Jeep; Dominic
teleported away and returned with two rifles, giving one to Elijah. From the
moment Nicolle and Elijah walked through the front door to the moment everyone
ran back out of it perhaps ten minutes had passed. Dominic’s Cherokee remained at the high school; the only
available vehicle for the escape was Elijah’s Jeep. Dominic asked to drive,
conceding that Elijah was a better aim with the rifle; Vee took the passenger’s
seat, leaving the open back for Nicolle, Elijah, Peter, and Elyse. Elyse was
relied upon to keep cops and others at bay with her Yellow Artistry; Vee
listened to the mental thoughts of approaching cars, just in case one of them
was connected to their pursuers. Nicolle simply watched. Dominic tore across the Savannah countryside at speeds
nearly double the speed limit, slowing whenever Elyse sensed an approaching
vehicle. In nearly no time they had reached the “YOU ARE LEAVING SAVANNAH” road
sign, blasting down the highway, the city in the rearview mirror. Nicolle had
never gone far from Savannah; her life had been spent nearly entirely within
its borders. She never imagined she would leave like this, fleeing; it seemed
unbelievable that she and Elijah had been in the very same Jeep they were now
escaping in less than an hour prior, laughing and happy. The napkin they’d
signed was still in the glove box. “The roads are oddly vacant today,” Elijah voiced. “We’ve
passed only a few cars…” “It works in our favor,” Dominic said. “Have you called
mom? If not call her, tell her what’s going on, tell her to stay in a hotel
somewhere out of the city, don’t go home.” “I left her a voicemail going out of the house,” Elijah
said. Dominic nodded. Vee and Elyse had left alibis with their parents as well,
quick phone calls that struggled to sound calm. Vee never did succeed in
assuaging her parents of concern; she feigned loss of service and hung up, too
pressed for time to talk further. “Where are we going?” Vee asked. “Eli and I know a place upstate, very secluded,” Dominic
said. “We can hide out there for a bit before going further. Probably
somewhere"” “Guys!” Elyse’s
shout made Nicolle and Peter jump. “Guys,
a car’s approaching, fast!” A
Yellow Artistry wasn’t needed to see this; behind them, in the distance but
coming up quickly, was a car. Nicolle knew little about cars, but this one
looked expensive and powerful, the vehicle of choice for a foreign rich kid,
the heir of a fortune. It was closing the gap rapidly. “Is
that them?!” Vee asked, turning in her seat. “Their
mood patterns match the mood patterns of the people from earlier!” Elyse said,
panic alight on her face. “I think that’s them!!” The
Jeep’s engine revved, a painful sound, as if begging Dominic to slow down; even
with the speedometer reaching for one-hundred and ten the approaching car was
easily gaining. “Shoot
them, Elijah!” Dominic yelled. “Aim for the driver’s seat!” The
driver’s seat; Nicolle could see through the windshield a slender body,
tattooed arms holding the steering wheel. Elijah did not stall; he raised the
rifle from the floor and took position, aiming the barrel directly at the car" The
woman’s arm shot out of her window, a gun in her hand. With only half a second
to aim, she fired off a shot. “Ahh!”
Nicolle yelled; the left side of the Jeep sank a fraction. The tire had been
blown out. “D****T!”
Dominic yelled. But he did not slow down; if anything the Jeep sped up. Pieces
of rubber showered the highway, and once the tire was gone, sparks. “VEE, TAKE
OVER!” Without
even giving Vee time to grab the wheel Dominic grabbed his own rifle from the
floorboard, teleported from the driver’s seat and reappeared standing in the
back. He and Elijah raised their guns and fired simultaneously. The bullets
struck the windshield directly in front of the driver’s seat… but the glass did
not implode. Was it bulletproof…? A
tall dark man rose from the passenger’s side window, a shotgun in his hand.
Barely taking time to even point it, he fired off a blast, taking the second
back tire out. The
Jeep jerked; Dominic staggered and tripped, the back of the Jeep being too
full; his body fell backwards over the side of the Jeep" “DOM!”
Elijah yelled, reaching for his brother; he grabbed Dominic by the front of the
shirt, but it was too late. Nicolle watched in disbelief as the brothers fell
off the back of the Jeep, falling to the asphalt between the sparking Jeep and
the incoming sports car" There
was a whoosh as Dominic, holding his
brother tight, vanished from thin air. “DOMINIC!”
Vee yelled, trying to watch and drive. Elyse had crawled into the front seat,
as if the extra few feet would protect her, tears pouring off her chin. A
dust cloud suddenly plumed in the farmland to the right of the highway, crops
and dirt flying skyward; Dominic and Elijah had reappeared, crashing down into
a heap, their bodies twisting about" “Stop
the car!” Nicolle yelled to Vee. There was no use left in running. She knew
they would now have to take a stand, there was no other option. And without the
Beaumont brothers they would die. They had
to reach Elijah and Dominic. The
Jeep came to a hideous stop, smoke and embers shooting from rear tires. Nicolle
jumped from the back and sprinted for the roadside… they were probably fifty
yards away. Vee was right behind her, breathing in a way Nicolle had never
before heard. It was a hopeless, gasping thing, fear for the boy lying in the
cornfield… A
woman’s voice: “STOP!” They
didn’t. They were almost to the boys now" “Elijah!”
Nicolle yelled. “Elijah, are you okay??"” “DOM!”
Vee screamed, running to him and rolling him over. “DOMINIC!” They
were both covered in blood, their clothes torn away in shreds. Behind
them, Elyse screamed. Nicolle
turned. Peter was on the ground, unmoving. Had he been shot…? Something in the
air caught Nicolle’s eye and she jerked away, shielding herself" The
tall dark man landed directly in front of them, having leapt the fifty yards
Nicolle had just run across. “Easy
now,” he said; his voice was like a soothing smoke, a lullaby, deep and strong.
“Don’t"” “She’s one of them
alright, look,” he said. “Take her down,
President’s orders,” another said. There was a flash
of gunfire, and… Nicolle rushed him, the power she had once killed plants with
blowing up in her palms, prepared to murder this man that wanted to take away
her everything. His
hands, gloved, caught her on the wrists and held her away from him. “Argghhh!”
Nicolle yelled, fighting the grip; if she could touch his skin only a little" The
barrel of a gun appeared from behind Nicolle’s head, pointing right at the tall
man. “Let
her go,” Elijah said. “Drop
the gun,” the man said. “Let.
Her. Go.” “Son,
I"” Elijah
fired, point blank, right into the man’s face. Nicolle screamed; for a moment
she expected to see blood and brains, to see this man’s insides on the grass" The
bullet ricocheted off his cheek, leaving only a cut that a small knife might
cause. “Good
God,” Vee said from behind Nicolle. “Listen
to me,” the man said, “I"” Elijah
fired again, leaving a slightly larger cut on the man’s face. The smell of
gunpowder burned the nose; Nicolle’s ears were ringing. “Stop
shooting me, boy,” the man said, looking only slightly put out. “I’m not going
to hurt her. I just need to know she won’t hurt me back… I can take a bullet,
but not a Black Mark.” He
let go of Nicolle. She didn’t rush him again, but fell back. Dominic was just
rising to his feet, his hand on Vee, preparing to teleport if necessary. “You
could have killed her,” he said, eyeing the man suspiciously. Elijah didn’t
lower the gun. “Not
my intention, my friend,” the man said, smiling. “Not at all.” For
a moment the group of them said nothing; there was only the sounds of heavy
breathing and pained grunting. “Who
are you?” Elijah asked. “Why are you here?” “We’re
here for you,” a woman’s voice began, and then she was there: the woman with
the elegant arm tattoos, walking up beside the man. “We’ve come to help you. My
name is Lady Natalia Hawthorne"” “Sir
Ian Erlander,” the man said with a smile, as if he hadn’t just been shot in the
face. “"and
we are your allies. Servants of the secret Garden.” “…
Garden?” Vee asked. “What…?” “Do
you see it, Natalia?” The man named Ian was looking at Dominic, and then
Elijah, and then Dominic again. “The resemblance?” “I
do,” she said. “It’s remarkable.” “What’s
remarkable?” Vee asked. Natalia
smiled a small smile. Nicolle felt something faintly recognizable in this lady.
When she spoke again, Nicolle could have sworn she’d once heard her voice,
faded and far away… “It’s
simply interesting to us to see the likeness between Roland Beaumont and his
sons,” Natalia said. Nicolle
and Vee gasped, then immediately looked to the Beaumont brothers. Their faces
were portraits of astonishment, mouths fallen open in speechlessness, eyes
large in amazement. “You…
you know Roland Beaumont, Roland William
Beaumont?!” Dominic nearly yelled, stepping forward. “You know my father?!” Ian
and Natalia looked at one another without expression, and yet something was
said between them. “You
understand we can’t do this on the roadside… not concerning what we will be
talking about,” she said. The two of them turned and started to walk away.
“Follow me.”
“We need somewhere secluded and secure to
sit and talk… there’s much to discuss.” Natalia
Hawthorne " Lady Natalia Hawthorne "
had said this just before getting back into her vehicle. A tow-truck had been
scheduled to come and get the Jeep; in the meantime Dominic teleported back to
school, got his Cherokee, and returned for the others. They followed the two
new Artists back into Savannah, unable to stop talking about what had just
occurred. Natalia’s
words were quite similar to words Nicolle had heard from Dominic long ago: Let’s sit down… there’s a good bit to discuss. On that day her entire life had
changed. She believed it was about to do the same thing again. Those two,
Natalia and Ian, didn’t seem to mean any harm. Whether they did or didn’t was
mostly irrelevant now: Elijah and Dominic were determined to follow them and
have a long talk when they reached their destination. A talk about Artists and
their father, missing from their lives for seven years. Natalia
requested that any other Artists that they knew be contacted and asked to meet
them. That included only Timmy; as it turned out, Brooklyn, Jackson, and Darius
were unconscious in the back of Natalia’s car. Nicolle texted him with the news
and the location. He didn’t reply. The
location? Shula’s, a rather high dollar restaurant, the kind where you were
expected to dress nicely. Nicolle couldn’t understand how a group of twelve,
all with multicolored eyes, some of them in ripped clothes, with tattoos and
guns would be welcome in such a place, but she didn’t ask. They
drove into the parking lot, Natalia’s car in front. Timmy’s vehicle was already
there; a flower of something positive had begun to bloom inside Nicolle’s
heart, and seeing Timmy wilted it a little. Suddenly the doors to the
restaurant exploded open; people sprinted furiously outside, jumping over
shrubs and bushes, running into the road, leaving their cars behind in complete
fear. Customers left, cooks left, waiters and waitresses left; it seemed the building
was now empty, courtesy of Natalia Hawthorne. “What
an Artistry,” Elyse said as they all climbed out and walked inside.
stood by the door, his eyes constantly shifting between Natalia and Ian and
Nicolle and Elijah. Darius,
Jackson, and Brooklyn " revived " sat near the back, as if they would perhaps
need to make a quick exit. Peter, like a shadow, sat alone to the side, his one
visible Red Eye looking around nervously. Nicolle,
Vee, and Elyse sat together, huddled into a group as if preparing to swap
gossip, though their eyes were unmoving from Natalia and Ian, who stood in
front of everyone near the bar, rows and rows of glasses and bottles behind
them. Elijah
and Dominic did not sit. They stood beside the girls, mere feet from the older
Artists, occasionally pacing. Elijah’s face was like stone. Dominic’s was like
electricity, alive with curiosity and questions… “Everyone
made it?” Natalia said aloud. No smile. “Good.” She
looked around, making eye contact with everyone. Could she sense emotions? If
so, she knew all about Nicolle’s exploding nervous system… “As
I said, my name is Natalia Hawthorne.” “And
I am Ian Erlander.” “And
we,” she said, spreading her tattooed arms to encompass them both, “are Expeditionaries
of Kincaid Gardens.” “Kincaid
Gardens?” Elijah asked. Ian nodded. “A
school, home, and headquarters for Artists around the world,” Natalia said. “For
over a hundred years.” “Holy…
poly…” Vee said. “It’s been there all this time?” “Yes
ma’am,” Ian said; now that his shotgun was not in his hands Nicolle began to
see him for what he was: a gentleman. “Established by the Kincaid family long
ago.” “What
are you doing here?” Elijah asked again, arms crossed. “Recently
a colleague of ours… who is late…
noticed what appeared to be Artist activity in this area,” Natalia said. “A
coroner detailed a local deceased girl’s eyes as uncommonly purple. We’ve since
identified her as Maria Friendly, who was in your Chess Club. We also noticed
the antics of Jackson McKay and Darius Geldart during the football game last
Friday. With the belief that more Artists were in the area, our superiors
dispatched us to investigate.” “Why?”
Elyse asked, still visibly nervous. “What do you want with us?” Natalia
turned to Ian, giving him the floor; perhaps a more gentle hand was needed. “We’re
here to help you, dear,” he said. “Artists who are untrained can be potentially
dangerous, to themselves and to others. We’re hoping to prevent that by
recruiting you to Kincaid Gardens, where you’ll study Artistries and grow.” A
vision stirred inside Nicolle: she saw herself in this place, this Garden,
surrounded by flowers and other Artists; in the vision she smiled, and so did
they. It was nearly too good to be true; a place where she didn’t have to fear being
found, a place where sunglasses weren’t needed. And maybe… freedom. “Oh
yeah?!” This was Jackson, his voice pure mockery, likely wanting to reassert
whatever manliness he lost earlier in the day. “Who’s making us? I’m set to
play college ball at the University of Alabama, I don’t want to go to no
garden.” Natalia
looked at the boy and, for a wonder, he wilted beneath her confident gaze. “Jackson
McKay, Artist of the Red, age nineteen, born to Greg and Yolanda McKay, threw
the winning touchdown pass of the Eclipse Bowl… I read the brief. Mr. McKay,
you have no choice in the matter. It is the law.” At
the word law Nicolle looked to Timmy.
She expected an expression of dislike; she knew he didn’t like the idea of
governing Artistries. Instead she found him looking at her, his jaw clenched
tight, and she looked away quickly. “What
law?” Darius asked unkindly. “What happens if we break it?” “You’ll
be arrested and confined to the C.A.C. The Convicted Artist’s Complex,” Ian
explained, crossing his arms. “Or
we just shoot you,” Natalia finished with a shrug. “You have options.” Ian
cleared his throat loudly and smiled. “Kincaid Gardens is a benevolent
institution, with only benevolent laws in place. Only Artists who deliberately
defy those decrees are apprehended and punished.” “Atop
the usual laws " laws against killing, stealing, whatever " the Gardens enforce
laws against misuse of Artistries as well,” Natalia said. Her golden eyes
pronounced judgment on the back of the room. “Lift as many vehicles over your
head as you feel is required to meet your overinflated hunger of ego, but be
warned: the Garden’s justice is inescapable.” No
retort came from the Evil Three. “It
is our desire that each of you resume life as normally as possible,” Natalia
said. “We won’t expect any of you to attend Kincaid Gardens until after you
graduate this year. And beyond that, if you choose a lifestyle that exists
outside of the Gardens , we will aid you in that, too. But all Artists are
required to at least first"” “Many,
many apologies!” A man’s voice, from out of sight. “Sorry I’m late!” Natalia
closed her eyes and sighed; Ian turned to her and smiled. It looked as if she
might have been counting to ten in her head. A short, stocky man, probably
approaching sixty years old, walked into the restaurant, his eyes testifying to
his Purple Artistry. The Chess Club looked at him with awe " another new Artist?! " while Natalia
regarded the man with a look capable of freezing flame. He didn’t appear to
notice. “Glad
to have you, Mr. Reid,” Ian said pleasantly. “Sorry
I’m late,” Reid said again. Dressed in a suit and tie, his dark hair and goatee
lightly colored by gray, he gave a dignified impression, the atmosphere of
someone important. “I
was just explaining the Gardens to our new ones,” Natalia said, eyes still
closed impatiently. “I"” “Kincaid
Gardens!” The man said this addressing the rest of the room, clapping his hands
together, the start of a speech. “A new life of splendor and principle awaits
you all there, I’m sure! I am gentleman Hugo Reid of the Holders, Artist of the
Purple,” he said this with a small bow, “and your personal intercessor from
this old life into your new! And… my, my, my… so many new faces… so many new
Artists…” He found Elijah and Dominic and visibly grew happier. Or perhaps the
word greedier better described the
look in his eyes. “The Beaumont boys. God above.” “As I was saying,” Natalia continued, “we
will not be uprooting you now. Each of you will need to finish high school.
Afterwards you’ll attend Kincaid Gardens with the impression to others that you
are attending university. If you choose to attend actual university later,
we’ll pay the cost.” “You
just need to be certified by the Gardens first,” Ian said. “Though in our
experience, most Artists prefer to stay on and pursue a life within the
Gardens.” “Choices!
Big decisions!” Hugo Reid shouted this at the young Artists with a ridiculously
optimistic grin on his face. “This is the beginning of your lives, young ones!” No
one said anything to this. “So,”
Natalia went on, “there are too many of you to do this all at once… we will
need to document each of you now, for our reports. Let’s spit into groups for
separate interviews and get that out of the way.” Ian
nodded. “I’ll begin with you two,” he said to the Beaumont brothers. “You both
seem to have many questions, I hope I can help you with them.” Elijah
and Dominic wasted no time following the Artist of the Red out of sight.
Natalia turned and looked at each of the remaining Artists carefully. Her eyes
settled on Nicolle and Vee. Nicolle didn’t move an inch, didn’t so much as
breathe. “Let’s
start with you girls,” she said, immediately turning and walking away. Nicolle
and Vee quickly, and nervously, ambled after her.
was a manager’s office that Ian Erlander led them into. He seemed to consider
seating them at a booth before moving on; the privacy of a closed door would
probably be needed for this conversation. Elijah and Dominic took the two
padded chair across the manager’s desk. Ian Erlander took the seat across from
them, his shotgun still slung across his back. Dominic
was on the edge of his seat, eyes wide and ears open. He looked excited; not
only had he just learned the incredible news that a community of Artists
existed beyond the Chess Club (losing the responsibility of having to
discipline Darius and Jackson was enough to make anyone sing) but before him
sat a man claiming to know their father. Elijah wasn’t advertising his
interest as obviously as his brother… but the interest was there. “Alright,” Ian said, pulling a
pen and small notebook from a pocket of his outfit. “If you guys don’t mind,
I’m gonna be taking some notes as we speak… pay it no mind, it’s just for the
records at Kincaid Gardens, nothing to worry over.” “My father,” Dom said, his
voice dangerously close to pleading. Ian looked up from the pad and
smiled softly. “Yes. I see him in both of you… you more than you,” he said,
implying Dominic had the greater resemblance. This probably made Dom happy,
Elijah thought. “What
do you know about him?” Elijah asked. “Is he still alive?” “Is
he at this Kincaid Gardens place?” Dom asked. Ian
sighed. “I want to give you the straight truth, gentlemen. I actually don’t
know where your father is. But I do know him. Several years ago he discovered
Kincaid Garden’s existence.” “And…
and what happened, what did he do there??” Dom asked, moving forward even
farther. “Your
father impressed,” Ian said, chuckling; Elijah thought he saw a memory in the
man’s eyes and wondered what it was. “That’s not completely correct though. In
truth, your father was something of a living legend. A celebrity in the
Gardens… which, by extension… makes both of you extremely popular.” Elijah
recoiled. He held popularity at a place he’d only learned existed that day? “Your
dad was a prodigious Artist of the Black,” Ian continued. “Highly gifted. He
caught everyone’s attention. He did things with his Artistry…” He shook his
head, amazed. “He was powerful.” “You
used the past tense,” Elijah said over the top of his clasped hands, elbows
resting on the chair’s arms. “As if he’s dead.” “Not dead,” Ian said. “Gone. He stayed at the Gardens for a few
years before opting to travel. As far as I understand, no one has heard from
him since. He hasn’t returned or made contact.” Dom
deflated at the news, his shoulders slumping. Then they rose again. “But he’s
alive,” Dominic said. “I now know where he’s been since he left home… thank you
sir.” Ian
nodded with a smile. “Yes sir. Now… if I may continue the interview… first off,
I want to tell you what we’re not.
We’re not here to threaten or harm you, or coerce you. We’re educators, with
only the intention of helping you out, and mastering your Artistries is pivotal
to a healthy life for you and those around you… ” Elijah
knew what Dominic was doing. He was visualizing his father at this place, these
Gardens, everyone marveling at his brilliance, teaching, helping others,
standing on high pavilions overlooking the sunset horizon dramatically, the
wind in his hair. Elijah
did not have these images. Instead, he saw their mother, and himself, and Dom,
in the years that their father was off impressing others, his mother struggling
to manage alone, Christmas mornings with nothing to give or receive. He
remembered his mother crying, leaving them with relatives while she searched
for him, returning with the kind of strong smile only a trying mother can
manage, her cheeks sticky with tears as he hugged her. Roland
Beaumont had best not be dead. Not until Elijah had his say. Then
he could be dead.
Hawthorne sat them all down in a booth, far away from Hugo Reid and the others.
A plate of hot food, untouched, was on the table before the tattooed Artist of
the Yellow, likely just laid down before its intended party ran from the place
in Natalia-induced fear. She reached down, plucked a steak tip from the plate,
and popped it into her mouth. Despite her apparent lack of social graces, she
chewed like a lady, dabbed her mouth with a napkin, and looked to them not with
a smile, but… something kind of like one. “There
is a formal way of doing this… where I tell you what we are, and what we are not,
and I ask you how you feel about the
world, and your philosophy on Artistries and all that… but I have a faster and easier
way. Give me your hands.” Vee
and Nicolle just stared at her. Slowly, as if reaching into a shark tank, they
laid their hands on the table. Natalia took them into her own; her hands were
small and surprisingly strong. “Do
either of you ever plan to mutilate or destroy anyone with your powers without
justification?” “No,”
Vee said. “Um…
no,” Nicolle answered. “Would
you ever plot to undermine good authority?” “Probably
not,” Vee said. “Um…
no,” Nicolle said. “Would
either of you cause unnecessary chaos in the world?” Her eyes moved back and
forth, from Vee to Nicolle. “Don’t
think so,” Vee said. “Um…
… no,” Nicolle said. “Have
you ever intentionally displayed your Artistries in public or desired fame or
fortune by advertising your Artistries?” “Nope,”
Vee said. Natalia’s eyes landed on Nicolle. “No…
no,” Nicolle answered. Natalia let go of their hands, withdrew a tiny notebook
and pen from her pocket, and began to write. “Cheers,
ladies,” Natalia said. “You both passed.” Vee
voiced what Nicolle wondered: “Passed what?” Natalia
stopped writing and looked up. “The preliminary examination for acceptance into
Kincaid Gardens. They tend to get upset with us if we bring back unmanageable
radicals or overly aggressive ruffians… they’ll be thrilled to hear that you
two are good girls.” “How
could you tell?” Vee asked. “Neither
of you lied to any of my questions,” Natalia said. Her eyes explained it all:
Artist of the Yellow. “Why
can’t I read your mind?” Vee asked. “It’s throwing me off…” “Ah,
they teach us many things at the Gardens,” Natalia said with a smile, helping
herself to another steak tip. “If you were, say, an S2 or S3-Rank Artist of the
Blue, I would have a much harder time blocking you… you’d probably be able to
read some of my thoughts. If you were elite level, like W-Rank, I probably
couldn’t block anything. But you’re likely N-Rank, or, at optimistic best,
S1-Rank… so, if I’m correct, you hear nothing at all?” Vee
shook her head. “I’ve never experienced this before. Eli and Dom can block me
some, but not entirely, not like this. It’s uncomfortable.” “You
have no need to be uncomfortable… … Missus…? “Vee,”
she said. “Vivian van Valen.” “Rolls
right off the tongue… Vee for short,” Natalia said, writing it down. She looked
to Nicolle. “And…?” Nicolle
swallowed. “Nicolle Darling.” She
wrote that down as well, and said: “You don’t say much, Nicolle Darling.” Nicolle
shook her head and tried to smile. “Sorry.” “She’s
Vee, short for Vivian… I’m going to call you Enn, short for Nicolle,” Natalia
said. She’d already written “Enn” down on the pad. “O-okay,”
Nicolle said. Natalia
wrote a little more down, giving them a moment of silence. Nicolle spent that
moment organizing her scattered thoughts: her day had begun in paradise with
Elijah (hard to believe), had evolved into a car chase and getting the tires
shot out from beneath her (even harder to believe), and now she was being
interviewed for acceptance into Kincaid Gardens. What were Eli and Dom doing
with that Ian man? What about the others, Timmy, Elyse, Peter, and the Evil
Three? Was that nutty Hugo Reid man interviewing them? “As
I was saying,” Natalia continued; in her eyes Nicolle saw warmth, which seemed
to assure them that she was both sincere and friendly. “Neither of you have any
reason to be uncomfortable. Some in the Gardens have been there so long they
seem to have forgotten what it means to be an Artist on the outside… but I
remember. I don’t know what is in your past,” and here Natalia looked right at
Nicolle, as if seeing everything, “but my past was one of pain. Pain and
loneliness, and desperation. I understand what it can be like. Kincaid Gardens
became more than a home to me after I was found… it was a sanctuary, a haven of
protection. It was freedom at last.” Freedom. Nicolle
was falling in love very quickly with the idea. She didn’t know what Kincaid
Gardens looked like, or what she would do, exactly, when she arrived. But
everyone there was an Artist, there would be no hiding, and her friends would
be there, and she would leave her old room behind and be free. “Your
Chess Club is the largest gathering of Artists outside of Kincaid Gardens on
record,” Natalia said. “You may not realize it now, but you will when you enter
the gates of the Gardens the first time… this is a very big deal.” “So
we’re for sure going?” Vee asked. Natalia
nodded. “Once the school year is over, everyone is going. Classes will begin
soon… you’ll all sign up and begin exploring the intricacies of your
Artistries, finding residence… perhaps competing in the tournaments held
annually. Each Artist is different… you’ll be interested to see how other
Artists of the same Artistry differ from you. This brings to mind something
else… over the rest of the school year I’ll be meeting with you, and the
others, regularly to assess what your strengths and weaknesses are. Should
anyone in your group be capable of, say… killing on sight… we’d kind of like to
know in advance. And you’re likely to learn a fair bit about your Artistries
before you even graduate.” Nicolle
turned to Vee and smiled. Vee smiled back. They both knew what this meant. The
fears that had plagued the Chess Club " watching out for the Evil Three, what
to do after graduation, growing up as an Artist in the world " were now lifted,
courtesy of this Kincaid Gardens. And truth told, it sounded fun. She wouldn’t be taking a math
class… she would be taking an Artistry class. “I
like you ladies,” Natalia said, and to Nicolle’s surprise, she pulled a cigar
from her pocket " not a cigarette, but a cigar, like the kind Granddaddy
Longlegs smoked " and put it in her mouth, lighting the tip of it with a
lighter, oblivious to the NO SMOKING signs in the place. The smell was
pleasant. “I’ve learned some pretty messed up things from people’s emotions
when I do the holding hands thing at the start… it’s refreshing to recruit kind
hearts.” “Thanks,”
Vee said. “We’re pretty grateful in return that you turned out to not be a mass
murderer.” Natalia,
inhaling on her cigar, tipped her head to Vee, saying you’re welcome. She exhaled smoke away from them and turned back.
“I can not only sense emotions of the present… I can see, somewhat, emotional
patterns of the past, like layers of sediment… I can understand where your
heart has been.” She didn’t quite whisper her next words, but they were softer,
a tone implying comradeship. “I know what it’s like to be… oppressed. But you
are under my protection now. No one’s getting pushed around by anyone as long
as you’re with me.” She’s speaking to me, Nicolle felt.
She’d sensed Nicolle’s emotions of the past, her fear, her pain. What had
happened in Natalia’s past…? Whatever she’d experienced, she understood
Nicolle. And in that instant Nicolle had the oddest and most welcome feeling:
that she was sitting at that table with not one sister, but two. Natalia
opened her mouth to say more… and approaching footsteps cut her off. “Lady
Natalia? Lady Natalia?” Nicolle turned and looked; Hugo Reid was back. He was
smiling; whatever he’d found in his interviews had made him happy. Nicolle was
a little creeped out by the man’s unnatural glee. “There you are. I’ve taken
copious notes on the young Artists I’ve interviewed, some thirty pages! I could
read them all off to you, if you like.” “Nothing
would be more likely to ruin my day,” Natalia said, massaging her temples.
“We’re not quite done here… we’ll return shortly.” Hugo
Reid’s odd smile remained in place; he turned and walked out, muttering
something beneath his breath. Natalia came upright, smiled, and said: “Let him
wait. Our next order of business… have you ladies eaten? That pasta looks
incredible, Vee, and I see you have a shrimp alfredo in front of you there,
Enn…” Without
waiting up Natalia returned to her steak tips, elbows on the table and smile on
the corner of her mouth. “Cheers.” © 2014 ScottWinchester |
Added on June 3, 2013 Last Updated on January 20, 2014 Author![]() ScottWinchesterCullman, ALAboutThis is the official page for Scott Winchester's THE CHESS CLUB. Nicolle Darling knows all about unhappy living. Friendless, broke, and abused, she spends her time reminiscing about the days when h.. more..Writing