![]() Chapter TenA Chapter by ScottWinchesterElijah Beaumont opened his
eyes. His instincts told him that it was almost sunrise though no light came
through his windows. It was Monday morning; with her car still being worked on
he remembered that he was to give Presley a ride to school. Seeing her " he
hoped " would help him get rid of the lingering dread, the bitter aftertaste of
the nightmare. He could run from the Black Eyes in the day, busying himself
enough to drown out their memory, but at night his subconscious had no defense.
He laid in bed, too awake to fall back into sleep. Was it
truly a nightmare? It didn’t scare him, but it wasn’t a pleasant dream.
Pleasant dreams were made of Presley, and freedom, and quiet drives through the
countryside. They did not include Black Eyes. Though he slept unclothed he wasn’t accustomed to walking
around his room that way; getting out of bed, he picked a pair of white
boxer-briefs from his chest-of-drawers and put them on. He dropped to the floor
and began his morning work-out, doing fifty push-ups, fifty crunches, fifty
squats, and fifty curls with the dumbbells. He certainly wasn’t a muscle-head
(he wasn’t beefy, but lean; cut and
toned) but thought it would be ludicrous to not take advantage of his White
Artistry; for him, what amounted to a ten minute workout was about the same as
an hour and a half workout for others. Drove Dominic absolutely crazy. And with
his sky-high metabolism, being able to eat everything in sight: that drove his mom absolutely crazy. From across the room, catching his attention in the dark,
was his cell phone, the small light on it growing bright and then dim again,
over and over. Getting up and going over to his phone he saw that he had
received it at three-thirty that morning. It was from Presley.
Just lying here,
can’t sleep, and I miss you… can’t wait to see you in the morning ; ) Don’t
forget to come get me!
He would reply later; for now, she was likely asleep, dreaming of
things far better than he had. He liked that image, too: Presley at peace, in
bed, her soft blonde hair on her face. Only once had he seen that image in
person; they had fallen asleep together while sitting in his backseat at the
park, the autumn leaves covering the back glass as they slept. When he woke up
orange and yellow light, filtered through the leaves, shone on them. Presley
slept in his arms, cozy in his jacket. He knew that, for some rational reason,
he should probably have woken her then so they could go. But he didn’t; he snuggled
back closer to her, breathed in a light scent of freesia, probably from her
shampoo, and watched her. His color contacts were uncomfortable from sleeping
in them (he didn’t always want to wear sunglasses to cover up his eyes; it just
wasn’t realistic) and his back hurt from lying against the side of the
interior, but he was having the time of his life. That was the same day they’d
found that baby raccoon dying by the stream; Elijah hated the whole “bountiful
Artist, curing the sick and ailing” image, but he still took the time, once
Presley wasn’t looking, the mend the poor thing. Suddenly, surprising him a little, his phone vibrated.
Another text, this one from Vee. What
could she want so early in the morning?
To all Chess
Clubbers: remember that today Nicolle Darling will be spending the day with us
and to be welcoming! She’s improved her Black Artistry enough to return to
school, but still look out for her. Your High Secretary: Vee van Valen.
Black. He couldn’t escape it. Elijah got dressed and ready to see
his girlfriend, hoping Nicolle Darling kept her Black Eyes to herself.
It was Monday. Monday. It seemed Vee already knew that Nicolle would be getting
cold feet, sending a wonderful text that read:
You can do this!
Black Eyed Love Machine! You’re pretty much perfect! Presley eats seaweed!
Somehow even that nugget of a text message did not bring Nicolle
to the level of self-assurance she was wishing for, but oh well. Nicolle was
dressed and ready to go, apart from mentally; she’d even fixed her hair the way
that Vee had taught her, pulling off that classy, sexy, effortless curls-look
that they had giggled over at her house. But none of it seemed like enough. She knew what she was expecting because she had seen it
before, people with low social profiles coming to school with a new dress, or a
new style of make-up, or their braces removed; that person inevitably hoped
that everyone would point and stare in joy-faced awe at the transformation, that a multitude of students would swarm
the person, wanting to lay hands on them, all of them thinking of how wrong
they were about this person before, this one was cool. But nope… never, in fact: from where Nicolle had always stood
the person that got the new dress, or make-up, or lost their braces was always
ridiculed even worse than before,
punishment for even attempting to better themselves. The cool kids weren’t
rooting for you to grow in popularity; the cool kids were hoping you’d remain
down to make them seem higher up. Nicolle was all too aware that she could be a victim of
such a thing today (especially with her bruised eye, but her sunglasses covered
that pretty well). But what were her choices? Eventually she would have to
return to school " to face the popular
ones, to face Timmy, to face everybody " and postponing it wouldn’t help. Walking to her car, she thought of Elijah: what would he
think of the makeover Vee had put her through? Would he think she was pretty?
Would he look at her as he walked by? Would he be impressed as his brother expounded
on her growth with the Black Artistry? If she said hello to him today " and I swear that I will, at some point, I’ll
force myself to " would he smile and say hello back? Nicolle couldn’t wait to find out.
Watching from his car, parked far away from his usual spot, Timmy
screamed. It was a murderous, wounded howl that sent goosebumps
across his skin, made his hair stand on end, and then, shaming him so badly he
hated himself, he began to cry. He should have known; he did know, he just didn’t allow himself to fully comprehend it. But
there she was, voluntarily vaporizing his hopes, his dreams. He had spent the weekend in a stupor his mother called
worrisome; Nicolle’s words hurt him to the highest degree, and he had bawled
even; had she cared nothing for their comradeship over the years? It was as if
she didn’t even care if he remained her friend. “I’m just responding to an email, Timmy”… that’s what she’d said,
but he knew there was more to it; he’d seen the way she’d watched their table,
wanting to be part of their idiotic little group. Not a single one of them
would ever care for her the way he did. He’d proven as much to her time after
time. And how did she repay him? He watched her as she emerged from her car. She looked
beautiful; he wanted to be next to her so
badly, just like the old days. But those
sunglasses: they were hideous on her face, proof of her corruption,
verification of her unfaithfulness. So that was that, then. They’d accepted
her. His best friend in the entire world was a member of the Chess Club. He bit the inside of his cheek until he bled. Nicolle knew he was watching her; with the parking lot as empty as
it was (she’d arrived earlier than usual on request from Vee) it wasn’t
difficult to spot Timmy’s Chevette or Timmy himself inside it, gawking
shamelessly. That he didn’t rush from the car to join her was telling; he’d
hoped that she would exit her car as Old Nicolle, head down, drab clothes, no
sunglasses on her face; perhaps he’d even expected her to walk over to him and
ask him how much he’d leveled up his Ninja/Illuminator thing over the weekend,
to expound more on her Black Eyes, the secret that only they shared. Even more:
he’d hoped she would come to him confessing his accuracy in judging the Chess
Club as stupid, complete with stories of their individual idiocies and
elitisms, all of which made her sick. But… She stepped out of her car looking sharper than she ever had,
sunglasses equipped, Chess Club acknowledged, and did not stop by the Chevette
as she passed. It wasn’t because of anger that he remained in his car; it was
because he had allowed himself to hope and that hope failed him. He was
probably crying. It occurred to Nicolle then that perhaps confronting him would
be more difficult than she’d anticipated; she was glad to reach the doors of
the school and break his gaze on her. As expected the halls were nearly empty; though there was
no one to really see her Nicolle still walked as if every student in the school
were watching, careful to not shuffle her feet but to be confident in her
stride, confident but not cocky, keeping her chin up. These new measures were
negated by her trembling hands. She raced up the two flights of stairs without seeing a
soul; when she came to the door of Room 44 she raised her hand to knock,
thought better of it, turned the handle, and walked inside with the slow
carefulness of one deactivating a bomb. “Check it out, crew! Nicolle’s first day!” Vee skipped towards Nicolle, her chestnut-red hair going
everywhere, Blue Eyes shining with excitement. Behind her: Elyse was applying
make-up, looking into a handheld mirror; Marie was sitting at the table by the
window, writing on something; Darius and Jackson were play-fighting (Nicolle’s
heart skipped a beat, seeing Darius escape a hold by teleportation); Brooklyn
was talking on her phone; Peter was sitting on the couch playing a portable
game of some sort; Dominic and Elijah hadn’t arrived yet, apparently. “Lookin’ posh,
too,” Vee said, coming to a stop in front of Nicolle. “That blazer was a good
idea. And, if I may say so myself,” she began speaking from behind her hand, “Elijah"” “Don’t!” Nicolle said, putting a shoosh finger to her mouth in panic. “If anyone hears…” Vee dismissed this with a wave. “No one did, relax… are
you nervous?” Nicolle didn’t even answer; Vee presumably read Nicolle’s
mind, making her eyes widen dramatically. “Yow.” “Yow’s right,” Nicolle said, “I might have a heart attack
today.” “Good idea!” Vee said. “Cause then we’ll just get Elijah"” “Yo, shawty!” Darius said to Nicolle, walking up beside
Vee. “First day, girl, woop woop!” Nicolle nodded. No one had ever said woop woop to her in a sentence so she wasn’t entirely sure how to
reply. “Lemme just give you a word of advice,” Jackson said,
coming up on Vee’s other side, “if anybody tries to give you a hard time or
whatever, just do that thing"” “The Black Eyes thing!” Darius yelled out theatrically,
pointing at Nicolle. “"just, just take’em up and say, say: Black Eye powers…
activate!” Jackson reached past Vee and grabbed a generous measure of Darius’s
right chest muscle. “AHHH!” “Arghhhhhh! Oh God! Oh God!” Darius squealed, laughing
and pretending to die, both he and Jackson convulsing madly, sandwiching Vee in
between. “Okay, OFF! That’s enough, it was super funny, get get
get!” With a soft sound of wind Darius vanished; Jackson
pretended to cry and shrunk away across the room. When Vee looked back to
Nicolle her mouth was a thin, worried line. “You’ll do fine,”
Vee said. “What happened with your ma was just a weirdo thing, you won’t kill
anyone today… you’ve gotten better, remember the leaves in the gazebo?” Nicolle opened her mouth to respond" “Hey, Nicolle!” Elyse said, a lovely smile on her face as
she walked up. “Are you nervous?” “You already know,” Vee said with a grin. “It’s polite to ask,” Elyse said. “Well, we’ve established that on a one-ten scale, Nicolle
is a yow,” Vee said. Elyse nodded, playing along. “I’m scared to death,” Nicolle said. Elyse took Nicolle’s
hand into her own for a moment. “Listen, honey… I’ve been doing this for over two years
now, there’s nothing to it. Just carry yourself with pride and dignity, head
held high. You’ve got nothing to fear.” Whether Elyse was adjusting Nicolle’s mood through
Artistry or words Nicolle couldn’t tell; she smiled. “Thanks.” Another sound like soft wind: from nowhere Dominic
appeared, his leather coat flying about for a moment before settling. “Good morning, Mr. President,” Vee said, crossing her
arms. Dominic removed his sunglasses; his Green Eyes were a
lighter shade than the eyes of Darius, Nicolle noticed. He nodded to Vee. “How
goes it, milady?” Nodding to Elyse. “Elyse.” Nodding to Nicolle, with a small
smile. “And a happy first day to you. A little birdy tells me you’ve gotten
pretty good at that Black Artistry.” Nicolle shrugged and tried to return his smile. “Sorta.” “Where’s Eli?” Vee asked. “He’ll be here in a minute, he had to give Presley a ride
today, her transmission’s getting worked on.” “On her sporty
little Corvette,” Vee said, making a face, then made a sound like bleh. “Come off it,” Dom said. “Presley’s cool and you know
it.” Vee mumbled something that Nicolle thought was she eats seaweed. “Alright brothers and sisters, come together!” Dominic yelled;
everyone converged to the middle of the room. “It’s almost show time… but
before we go out, just a reminder, this is Nicolle’s first day. Keep an eye out
for her, help her out if you can. Try to remember your first day and how you’d
have liked help.” Jackson playfully shoved Peter and laughed; Peter kept
his head down, looking uncomfortable. About that time the bell rang. “Taking the world by storm,” Dominic yelled out as
everyone dispersed, “and we’re starting here! Don’t forget it! And watch out
for Nicolle!” Everyone’s sunglasses were now on; they shuffled around
the room, grabbing their things, some of them walking out the door. “Oh man!” Vee said, grabbing Nicolle by the shoulders.
“Your first day! This is gonna be great!” “I"” Nicolle started, and then she lost her breath.
Elijah entered the room, his expression rugged as usual, his dark hair tousled,
a tight black T-shirt putting his muscles on grand display. He made a straight
line for Dominic, not looking at anyone else. Vee was nudging Nicolle in the
ribs but Nicolle was too nervous to address it. His voice was low, tough to
hear; Dominic was nodding. “Would you like me to take you over?” Vee asked. “To say
hi?” “No,” Nicolle
said, terror seizing her at the thought. “I can’t.” “He won’t attack you, Darling,” Vee said. “I know he
looks a little, you know… hostile… but trust me, he’s a good guy. C’mon, let’s
go over…” Vee began to walk with Nicolle’s hand in hers; Nicolle
resisted, locking her knees, unmoving. “I’m not ready…” “If we wait until you are you‘ll never talk to him,” she
said, “now’s the time…” But Elijah and Dominic were done talking; Dominic walked
back to the couch to get something, Elijah turned and made for the door,
walking in the direction of Nicolle and Vee. Vee didn’t say anything; she didn’t have to, Nicolle knew
what was expected. Once Elijah was near " so close she could pick up that
scent, that clean scent " Nicolle
inhaled sharply and spoke. “Hey Elijah.” He didn’t turn to look at her, didn’t respond to her
words at all; it was as if she didn’t exist. He walked out the door and was
gone. Silence. “He just didn’t hear you… you were about as loud as a
ladybug.” Vee chortled. “You just need to be a little louder next time, that’s
all.” Nicolle’s teeth were chattering. Had that really been it?
Did he just not hear her? “I’ve used up all of my courage already… I don’t know
if there will be a next time…” Vee placed a hand on Nicolle’s back and guided her to the
door. “There will be.” As they walked out
the door Nicolle was shocked to see that all of the members that had already
exited were grouped together at the top of the stairs, including Elijah.
Nicolle looked to Vee, confused. “What…?” “The Chess Club walks the halls as a group, remember?
Inspires respect from others, which is good for us. We rarely go it alone,” Vee
said. It was true, as far as Nicolle could remember; she almost always saw them
together. And now " her heart nearly exploded, holy moly " she was walking with them. Her first walk. “Oh,” Nicolle whimpered. Vee chuckled softly. “Just breathe… you’re not alone. Dawn of a new era time,
Darling.” Dominic walked up from behind and passed them. Everyone’s
shades were in place; all members were dressed to impress. He made it to the
front of the group and his voice rang out. “Ready, guys?... let’s do this thing. Lights, camera,
action.” He’d managed to dry his tears but his eyes were swollen
still; whenever he tried breathing through his nose no air came through, a
choked ngggg sounding instead. Thank
goodness his mother couldn’t see him now; if she did Timmy would almost surely
have an appointment with the therapist lined up. That’d happened once or twice
before. The halls were nearly full now; the sounds of slamming
lockers, laughter, and hundreds of feet stomping across the floor made Timmy
nervous. His business with his locker was through but he remained staring into
it anyway, hiding his face; he hated attention, this morning more than usual.
Standing at six-foot-two, attention was hard to avoid. “Pssst…” Timmy was afraid the pssst
was for him; turning slightly, he saw that he was right. Three guys, mostly
looking at him but occasionally making quick grins at each other, as if about
to bust out laughing, were behind him. Timmy turned away from them. “Hey man,” one of them started, “just wanted to say… love the backpack.” Timmy could hear them laughing quietly behind him.
Something bitter and cold dropped into his stomach; he knew what they were
referencing, the words NIGHTRIDER stitched
into his backpack, with little ninja shurikens around it. They thought it was
funny. “Oh yeah, the backpack?” A female voice now; the guy’s
laughter had apparently been noticed by another. Timmy didn’t dare turn around
but he could place the voice suddenly; it was Alyssa Craven. “He’s a bad a*s,
didn’t ya’ll know? Stroker rides the night.” All three of the guys " no longer forcing their amusement
to a whisper " erupted into laughter. Timmy’s face was scalding, embarrassment
and anger causing his lips to tingle and quiver. “Stroker’s mama rides stuff too, or so I hear… little
Stroker’s just down the hall, listening to his mommy scream her head off…” It was like a beach ball on the edge of a cliff, the wind
just about to push it over, his anger
nearly forcing him to turn around and let them have it; but the wind did not
blow, and he remained looking into his locker, too afraid of the retribution.
Hatred burned him up… hatred for everyone
else, for Alyssa, for Anthony and Clay, for whoever those
three guys behind him was, for himself due
to the tears about to start rolling again… “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Alyssa said, still behind
him, but further away; she was no longer talking about Timmy. He peaked around
his shoulder to see: she and a few of her friends were looking down the
hallway. Something had drawn their attention away from him. “What is she doing
hanging out with them?” One of
Alyssa’s friends asked. “When did that happen?” “She’s wearing sunglasses, too,” Alyssa said softly to
herself, apparently shocked. Timmy’s head spun around, looking down the hallway. When
he saw them his tears at last came. Angry tears… though no one was watching him
anymore. The Chess Club did not converse with others as they
walked; only amongst themselves. Where typically students bumped into one
another freely and traipsed through other’s personal territory without worry,
no one broke through the middle of the Chess Club, instead opting to walk
around them, or merely shrink back against the wall and watch as they went by.
That sort of thing happened in movies and books, it wasn’t realistic; no group
was popular " or powerful " enough in high school to inspire such behavior. But
there it was. They were untouchable. And there she was:
Nicolle Sabrana Darling, his most absolute friend " his only friend " wearing
the shades of the Chess Club, walking with them, talking with them, striding with them. “She can’t be serious,” Alyssa said, resistance clear in
her every word, and yet… as soon as the Chess Club approached her end of the
hall she, like everyone else, moved to the side. The redhead walking beside
Nicolle turned back around once they’d passed Alyssa and gave her an almost
absurdly toothy grin. “I didn’t know…” one of Alyssa’s friends started, her
words fading as she turned events over in her head. “I didn’t know she hung out
with them.” “I was under the impression she hung out with ol’ Stroker
over there,” one of them said, uncaring if Timmy heard. Yeah, he
thought; the last of the Chess Club " a skinny dark haired boy Timmy thought
was maybe called Philip, or Peter " rounded the corner and was gone, leaving a
scattered student body in their wake. I
thought so too.
Nicolle had attended more high school classes than she cared to
remember " being a senior, the number was probably a few thousand " and knew
the routine well; she had darn near perfected it: go inside, find a seat in the
back by itself, don’t make eye contact with a single person (teacher or
student), wait out the hour, and walk quickly to the door. This tried and true
method had allowed her survival for all of junior and high school; those steps
were executed each and every school day. Nicolle followed Vee’s lead, which meant leaving the old
ways behind; the seats they picked out were in the back, yes, but instead of
being alone she was sitting nearby Vee, Maria, Elyse, and Brooke (who didn’t
really socialize; she had her phone, after all), whom she was making eye
contact with throughout. And instead of simply waiting out the hour, they
relaxed; Elyse had made their first period Home Economics, a class where the
teacher, Mrs. Freeman, was famously laidback. “What’s Elyse doing?” Nicolle asked. The Artist of the
Yellow was talking to Mrs. Freeman; Nicolle was alarmed to see that, though her
back was to the class, her sunglasses were in her right hand, not on her face. Vee laughed. “It’s her Mood Manage Artistry. She’s trying
to induce Miss Freeman into an extremely bored state so she won’t make us do
anything but she needs eye contact to do it. She’s asking her how she likes her
new contacts.” “Having fun yet, Nicolle?” Maria asked with a grin. “That’s one way to put it,” Nicolle said. Such a glorious
mixture of good things was whirling around inside her; it was hard to describe
simply. Everything seemed to be going perfect: she had friends, all of whom had
secret and powerful abilities to use in cool ways; she looked way better than
she ever had, actually feeling sexy;
her homework, she assumed, would be taken care of for the rest of the year; no
more getting picked on, ether. She no longer had first period with Timmy; it
was actually possible that she had escaped having to hang out with him
altogether. Vee was going to help her out with Elijah, and on the outside, her
mother would live through yesterday’s events and perhaps be less aggressive in
the future. Nicolle’s smile was liberated and sincere. The new era rocked. “Lookey there,” Vee said, nodding toward the desk. Mrs.
Freeman’s eyes had taken on a glazed over look. “I’d say her mood’s been properly
managed.” Indeed: Elyse didn’t even appear to finish the
conversation; she merely walked away, leaving a nearly asleep teacher behind
her. “She was already pretty tired, which helped,” Elyse said,
a cool smile in place. “The hour’s free.” “Neato,” Vee said. “Anyone wanna play chess?” “I don’t know how,” Nicolle said quietly. “Why play you?” Maria laughed. “You’ll win!” “I know,” Vee said. She laced her fingers behind her
head, content, and laid her head back. “Oh, how they all wish they were Blue
Eyed girls…” “Give me a break,” Elyse laughed. Nicolle laughed too,
the sound weird to her own ears.
“Okay guys,” Mr. Yelchin said, pointing to the front
board. “See the diagram I spent all morning drawing up? I’ve left some places
incomplete, now, and on purpose, because you
guys will be filling in the blanks. Most of you didn’t do too hot on that
last test, after all, this is kind of a refresher before we move on… the next
chapter is gonna be dealing with…” Nicolle looked around her; being told that they were
about to have to answer questions in front of the class had woken most of
everyone up. Not everyone, though: the students closest to her (those wearing
the sunglasses) were busying themselves in a myriad of ways, none of which
involved Social Studies. She had this class with Vee, Maria, Jackson, Dominic,
and Elijah. Elijah sat two seats behind Nicolle, Dominic between them, with Vee
sitting to Nicolle’s right. “Have any plans after school?” Vee whispered. Nicolle shook her head. “Not at the moment, no.” Vee cleared her throat, smiled, looked in Elijah’s
direction for a split-second, and said, “Well, if you catch my drift, I was thinking maybe the group could
get together, you know… get to know one another better… if you catch my drift.” Vee reached up and began flicking the back end of her
sunglasses leg, making her white aviators jump up and down; the gesture was
goofy and Nicolle didn’t get it but she smiled anyway. “Miss van Valen?” “Yessir?” Vee snapped to attention, looking to Mr. Yelchin
at the front. “Your attention is deficient as always, I see,” he said,
his voice exhausted. “Any idea what I just said?” “You doubt me, Mr. Yelchin?” Vee sounded so genuinely
hurt that Maria snorted a laugh. “If you insist, though… you said that in chapter
four we’ll be dealing in more detail with what powers the President actually
has as head of the Executive Branch. However, you pointed out, in order for us
to understand that we first need a good understanding of the Legislative
Branch, seeing as they create the bills that will be passed along to ze
President so’z he can veto or not veto. Eet is how ze government verks andz vee
need get eet downz pat.” Several students laughed at her nearly word for word
recitation; a few clapped, for which Vee mimicked taking a bow while sitting.
She was in her element, but was she ever out of it? She was so proud of herself
she even slipped into that nutty French accent she does. No one suspected that
telepathy was the key to her success. Mr. Yelchin cleared his throat. “Hilarious, Vivian, but
that’s correct. So. Looking back to my diagram, literally took me thirty
minutes to draw this thing, we see that the portion detailing the Legislative
Branch is empty. So we need to fill
that baby up. Anyone up for it?” “Yo Nicolle,” Jackson said from her left. “Has Vee told
you yet? I can lift a car full of people in it.” Nicolle nodded. “No… no, she hasn’t, but that’s, um"” “Jackson,” Dominic whispered. “No more. Don’t say things
like that in the open.” Jackson rolled his eyes theatrically. “Yes, master, no
more, master…” “Nicolle Darling?” Nicolle’s eyes widened. Her head whipped to look at the
front of the class. “Yes… yes sir?” “You’re looking absolutely uninterested in what I have to
say,” Mr. Yelchin mused, “Care to fill in the blanks for us?” Oh no! There
was no way she could pull off a cool answer like Vee had done; she was about to
make an idiot of herself, thus making an idiot of the Chess Club. She should
have been paying more attention… … then Nicolle noticed something was off. Very off. No one was moving, not even a
hundredth of an inch, not to breathe, not to get comfortable; everyone was
perfectly still and quiet. Everyone other than herself and the one holding her
arm; Dominic’s mouth was closed and his chin was down… he was holding his
breath. He stood up and began for the front of the classroom,
pulling Nicolle along carefully behind him. Once at the front desk he gestured,
with the kind impatience of wishing to begin breathing again soon, to the book
on Mr. Yelchin’s desk. On it was the completed diagram, matching the one on the
board. Dominic was giving Nicolle the answers. Once back to their seats she heard Dominic discreetly
inhale behind her and sound returned, movement returned to her classmates. Mr.
Yelchin was still looking at Nicolle expectedly, eyebrows raised. “Um…” Nicolle said. “The Legislative Branch is made up of
Congress, which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. On top
of making bills, they, um… they also control inter-state trade and can declare
war.” Nicolle received no applause like Vee, but everyone
seemed silently impressed anyway. Mr. Yelchin was looking flabbergasted; twice
he’d been thwarted. “Er… right,” he said. “So, um… so, um… moving on to this
box here, we see…” A hand appeared at Nicolle’s left; she gave it a high
five subtly " thanks for the help "
and turned back around. She could have busted out laughing; she felt ready to
take over the world. “... telomerase is the secret, I believe,” Marie said as
she, Nicolle, Vee, and Dominic walked out of third period. No, not third
period: out of the craziest class Nicolle had ever taken part of. Shortly after
Nicolle correctly answered her question Mr. Yelchin turned his attention to
Marie, asking her to fill in the blank concerning what the Judicial Branch was
used for. For reasons Nicolle didn’t know " she assumed it stemmed from Marie’s
past as just another face in the crowd " Marie answered that the Judicial
Branch held the Supreme Court, but also: that Article III of the Constitution
establishes the powers of the Court, to interpret laws, determine how laws
should be applied, and the constitutionality of laws; moreover, she continued,
there are trial courts where cases can be tried and decided, something about
the power of federal courts and civil actions, something about checks and
balances, and something about the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.
Mr. Yelchin’s response was “holy shamola”. “Telomer-what?” Vee asked. “English is the official
language of the Chess Club, Marie.” “You know, telomerase,” she said. “It’s an enzyme "
naturally produced, that goes without saying " that plays an irrefutably
important role in the division of cells. With its influence cells can divide
while also replacing any lost deoxyribonucleic acid from the process, allowing
unhindered growth and theoretically promoting immortality. It seems to me that
telomerase may be what separates Artists of the White from the rest of us.” “I always suspected Elijah had a stash of telomerase
hidden away somewhere,” Vee said, flashing a grin to Nicolle. “First day going about like you expected?” Dominic asked
Nicolle. She nodded and smiled. An eighth grader, turning around and noticing
Nicolle and the Chess Club walking towards him, scurried away for dear life.
“Hang out with us and we’ll make this the best year of your life. Bet your
bottom dollar on it.” “I don’t doubt it,” Nicolle said. That fire in her heart
burned brighter and brighter with every passing second. Was it possible to get
high on air? With third period ending it was now lunch time, something
Nicolle had very much looked forward to; everyone would see the new face at the
Chess Club table, and everyone would know that things were different. She would
give anything to know what Alyssa would be thinking; she made a point to ask
Vee. “Make sure to remind me and I’ll tell you,” Vee told
Nicolle, nudging her in the ribs. But as they approached the door to exit the
building and go towards the lunchroom Vee and Dominic turned to continue down
the hallway. “Aren’t you coming?” Nicolle asked, panic seizing her. “We have to stop by the office for a second and talk to
Elyse,” Dominic said. “Big important Chess Club officer’s business.” “We’ll see you down there eventually though,” Vee said
with a smile, and they were off. So Marie and Nicolle walked to the lunchroom alone;
though their presence still seemed powerful in the eyes of others it was
noticeably weaker than when the Chess Club traveled as a group. Marie continued
her explanation of telomerase; Nicolle didn’t understand a lick of it but it
reminded her of Elijah Beaumont, who, of course, would be sitting at the Chess
Club table as well. And I swear, I SWEAR,
she told herself, I’m gonna make him
notice me today. Taking calming breaths, they walked into the lunchroom. “Thank you dear,” the lunch lady said, accepting
Nicolle’s money, and Nicolle turned and looked around. The chatter was
explosive; the place was filled to the brim with students, nary an empty seat
to be found; a burrito flew a few feet into the air at one table before falling
back down with a splatter, its audience laughing their heads off. And there she
was: Alyssa and her friends, and oh yes, their eyes were glued to the Artist of
the Black, expressions of shock and annoyance all over their faces. In the distance, against the wall and unapproachable to
most, was the table of the Chess Club. Dominic, Elyse, and Vee were still away,
and Jackson and Darius reportedly were in the field house working out still.
Therefore the table was taken only by Peter, Marie, Presley, and Elijah. It
made her heart sink to see Elijah and Presley sitting so close together, but a
new hope had come to her over the past few days; she would not be deterred, not
now. So this was it. Hoping to heaven above she was doing it right, Nicolle
put on her best I’m in the Chess Club
walk and began her journey to the faraway Chess Club table. People turned to
look at her, like a scene from a teen movie or something; Nicolle was nearly
smiling from the uncontainable gloriousness of her reversal, from drag to fab as Vee would probably say,
though she retained her super-serious demeanor anyway. “Nicolle.” Nicolle stopped; someone from behind had spoken her name…
someone had paid her attention. With
an attempt at a sophisticated twirl Nicolle turned to see her pursuer. Timmy had been crying today, there was no doubt. Her
shaded eyes opened in shock at the barley controlled fury on his face; his
fists were so tightly knotted that she wondered if he were in pain. “Timmy,” she breathed. “Hey.” For as long as five seconds neither of them spoke.
Nicolle knew that others had to be watching; she tried to smile. “What’s up?” His bottom lip trembled. From sadness? No, he was angry.
Angry because she was part of the Chess Club. A trace of guilt touched her but
then was gone; she had done nothing wrong. Though he was annoying she’d been
cool with being his friend until he began refusing her growth simply to assuage
his own insecurities. It was regrettable to see him like this, but she refused
to blame herself. “You tell me,” he said, his voice so quiet. “You think
you look cool? You look like an idiot. You left me for that, for them? I thought
you were smarter.” “Excuse me?” She was shocked, unprepared for a fight
today. “You say I left you, as if we were dating.” She opted to not mention
that she’d never asked him to be her friend; he just sat next to her one day.
She never implied what he just assumed, that they were somehow romantically linked.
“And I wouldn’t have even walked away that day, if you hadn’t have gotten angry
at me simply because I had a chance to be happy.” He looked like a bull about to charge, huffing and
puffing; his inability to speak looked both funny and horribly sad. Then a wad
of mashed potatoes, thrown with the speed of a baseball, slammed into the side
of Timmy’s face, sending his glasses askew. The laughter around them was
immediate. His face was full of incomprehensible emotions, awash in rage and
humiliation. Two guys a few tables over high fived: Anthony and Clay. “ArrrrGHHHHHHH!” Timmy yelled throwing the mashed
potatoes to the floor. He turned and faced the bullies, heaving great breaths.
“DON’T… DO THAT!!” “Stroker’s gonna blow!” Anthony said, which Clay found
absolutely hilarious, falling over the table in a fit. “Everybody, point and
laugh! Ha ha HA!” Nicolle was discouraged to see that several students "
likely those who had never before been bullied " did just that, pointing at
Timmy’s humiliation and pain and laughing like a cartoon. They did not see what
see was seeing, the sanity of a well-meaning but grossly mislead boy ripping in
two. Or did they see and just not care? Nicolle " or was it the shades on her face? " opened her
mouth and said, “All of you, stop laughing!” And they did. Adam-can-you-see-me-now, every last one of
the jeering crowd shut up, their taunting faces turning confused. Nicolle knew
what puzzled them: who was this girl, who spoke with authority? Was she not one
of the peasants once? She looks like a member of the Chess Club, the top of the
totem pole… will our social statuses suffer if we resist her? Nicolle had never experienced such a sensation of power;
she was unfamiliar with what to do next. Every eye was on her; Timmy looked at
her with much the same pained expression as before, but a whisper of hope was
growing in his eyes, the off-chance that her defense of him meant more; Elijah
and Presley almost surely were watching her from behind, and she resolved to
see this thing through, if only to not look like a fool before him. “He’s never done anything to any of you,” Nicolle said.
“What kind of people does something like this to"?” “Oh, puh-lease,”
a voice said from the side; Alyssa had turned in her seat and was facing Nicolle
now. And just like that the air changed: everyone was preparing to witness a
fight. Nicolle had seen it plenty times, never believing she would be in the
middle of such a public arena… “What?” Nicolle said; her teeth chattered from the
nerves. Alyssa’s smile was her weapon. “You come walkin’ up in
here, tryin’ to act all cool, acting
like you’re someone that you’re not.” A small fit of giggles overtook her.
“Just sit back down next to Stroker and stop like you know anything, all you
are is just a stupid, fugly, skanky"”
scattered laugher arose, “"mislead loser in life, good for nothing but giving
Stroker something to have wet dreams about.” Ooooooo, a few
voices sounded, then more laughter. The audience was loving this, but not
Nicolle. No, Nicolle was a mess on the inside, and on the outside her
strong-backed stance was slumping. She had no good come backs. “Don’t you talk to Nicolle that way,” Timmy said softly,
but my word the ferocity in his
voice. Alyssa’s giggles exploded in the quieted lunchroom, disregarding Timmy’s
stance and his manliness. “What, you gonna unleash your mystical powers and
vanquish me?” This brought a huge reaction, those around her greatly amused;
some nameless onlookers even clapped once or twice. Alyssa was in a bully’s
dream come true: a boy who won’t retaliate because she’s female, a girl too
afraid to fight back, and spectators to witness the event. “Shut. Your. Mouth.” Timmy’s voice quivered as he spoke;
his bravado was just as false as Nicolle’s. Ooooooo… but no
laughter this time. Alyssa’s mouth dropped open; how dare thee defy me, Queen Alyssa must have thought. She got up,
took her time walking over to Timmy, and stood toe to toe with him. Her eyes
were unwavering; his were not. “Say that again,” she said, her voice calm. “Just one
more time.” Timmy stared at the floor to his left. He did not speak.
Alyssa open hand slapped him with all of her might; Timmy’s eyes flew open in
shock It’s happening…
he’s about to break and he shoved Alyssa away from him with a humiliated howl. “Big man, pushing a girl half your size!” Anthony yelled
from behind him. He and Clay climbed over their table in big, though guy
strides; Clay punched first, and good, solid hit, and Timmy’s nose broke with
the sound of a snapped twig. “Stop, get off of him!” Nicolle yelled, but having
already been shown up by Alyssa her words no longer carried weight; they
attacked him without even looking at her, Timmy flailing to ward them off
without success. Nicolle put her hands on Anthony’s back and pushed with all of
her might… Alyssa grabbed Nicolle by the collar and pulled her away;
the time for punishment had come, punishment for talking back to her,
punishment for pretending to be Salem. “Don’t you ever,”
she started but did not finish, smacking Nicolle across the face; her
sunglasses " those wonderful things picked out on their shopping day, evidence
of her up-and-coming life " flew from her face and across the food littered
floor. It was instinct: Nicolle shut her eyes. As Nicolle began to kneel to look for her sunglasses
Alyssa placed the bottom of her shoe on her shoulder and pushed, sending
Nicolle sprawling across the floor. Her world was darkness; her hands raked the
ground for her shades, grabbing mashed potatoes, spilled milk, an unhelpful
onlooker’s foot; Timmy’s grunts and the sounds of punches was the soundtrack
for this pitiful episode. Nicolle’s hand fell over what felt like the rims of her
glasses; something, likely a kick, hit Nicolle’s hand and sent the glasses out
of reach. “I’m ready for an apology,” Alyssa said from above her;
Nicolle felt fingers lock into her hair and pull. Nicolle’s fingertips tingled
with their death inducing touch; she prepared to grab Alyssa and hold on for
dear life. “Back away.” Alyssa was gone, fingers and all, and Nicolle heard the clomp, clomp, clomp of her retreating
footfalls. “Anthony! Clay! Enough!” Still on the floor Nicolle allowed her eyes to open only
a sliver; the world was obscured by her eyelashes but she could make out some things.
Alyssa was standing off to the side doing nothing; Timmy was on one knee,
steadying himself with his hands, breathing deep gulps; the two figures "
Anthony and Clay " had stopped moving altogether and were looking to Nicolle’s
right. She turned, keeping her head down from fear of exposing her Black Eyes;
suede leather boots, the stylishly ruffled hems of the jeans dragging the
floor: her rescuer. “Stay out of this,” Clay growled. “You two can’t beat me,” he said, not a trace of
arrogance, only truth. “Know your place.” “Nicolle!” This time there was several footfalls, a group running
onto the scene; Vee bent down and placed a hand on Nicolle’s shoulder. “Are you alright?” “Yeah,” Nicolle said. “Elijah, what the hell happened, what did you do?!”
Dominic asked. Nicolle peeked through her eyelids once more; she was
surrounded, Peter, Vee, Dominic, Elyse, Marie, and Elijah encircling her,
shielding her from sight. “I didn’t do anything,” Elijah said, “those three
attacked these two.” “You stepped in,” Vee said, surprised, saying the words
as she saw them in his head. “What, you think you can just traipse all up in here and
command us what to do?” Anthony said, chuckling. “We’re the Chess Club,” Dominic said. “We do as we
please. Now shoo.” Nicolle saw Dominic in her head making go away gestures with his hands. And
whether affected by Elyse’s Artistry or not, they did just that, chortling a
little to try and retain their dignity but walking to the exit nonetheless. “Hey, you,” Dominic said, “you okay, anything smashed,
broken, battered, anything like that?” “I don’t need your
help,” Timmy snarled. “His nose is broken,” Elijah said. “He needs to go to the
doctor.” “I said I don’t
need you!” Timmy spat again, and he was off, making for a different exit
than the one Anthony and Clay took and walking out the door. Chatter softly arose again. “Nicolle,” Vee said, getting on her haunches again to
face her friend, whose eyes were still closed. “Are you sure you’re okay,
nothing hurt?” “I’ll be fine,” Nicolle said, but her voice was shaking;
something inside her wasn’t allowing the true reality of what had happened to
sink in yet, but it would come. “Did she punch you?”
Vee asked, indignant, and Nicolle remembered; her eye was bruised. Then: “No… that
happened yesterday.” “Where are her glasses?” Dominic asked urgently. “She
needs to cover up, and now.” “They got knocked away, I don’t know,” Nicolle said. “We need to get out of here,” Elyse said coolly.
“Everyone is watching…” “Elijah,” Vee said, her volume down, “She can’t keep that
bruise… why don’t you take her up to the Hideout and fix it…?” “You’re not serious?” Elijah said. “It’s just a bruise.” “Chess Club members can’t be seen running around with
black eyes, Eli,” Dominic said. “Won’t take but a minute.” She heard Elijah inhale, exhale; his hands took hold of
her arms and lifted her to her feet. From his frustrated demeanor she’d
expected him to handle her roughly, perhaps as her mother used to when she was
young, yanking and pulling her to and fro, but he picked her up gently. “Where are you going?” Nicolle’s eyes were still closed,
but she knew the voice: Presley. “Just going up to the Hideout,” Elijah said. He inhaled
again, exhaled; He wasn’t happy. “Won’t take but a minute.” “Here’s her glasses,” Marie said, and Nicolle felt her
shades pressed into her hand; she fumbled them onto her face, thankful to have
her sight back, but that thankfulness died away quickly; the entire lunchroom
was watching her, some looking amused, others looking anxious. “Let’s go,” Elijah said, walking ahead of her to the
exit. And despite the humiliation of what had just happened, the shock that
such a thing had even occurred, Nicolle allowed herself the small feeling of
excitement that she and Elijah were about to be alone. And also " whether good
or bad, who could tell? " she realized that her goal for the day had been
realized: Elijah had most certainly noticed her.
© 2013 ScottWinchesterReviews
2 Reviews Added on June 2, 2013 Last Updated on June 3, 2013 Author![]() ScottWinchesterCullman, ALAboutThis is the official page for Scott Winchester's THE CHESS CLUB. Nicolle Darling knows all about unhappy living. Friendless, broke, and abused, she spends her time reminiscing about the days when h.. more..Writing