![]() PrologueA Chapter by KyraI dashed out of the house, slamming the door behind me. Tears blurred my vision as I tore down the deserted street. In the distance, the sun was setting, darkening the sky to a royal blue. I ducked behind a fence and slid down against it, sobbing into my hands. Not again! When I had just adjusted and was starting to like my new life! I hate her! Why does she have to do this to me? Not again... My sleeve was wet with tears and my crying slowed to a quiet hiccuping. I looked up to see the first star peeking out, twinkling happily. An autumn breeze swept passed and I shivered in the thin t-shirt I wore. The grass softly blew against my bare feet, tickling them. My dark brown hair hung like a drape around my face, softly waving in the wind. Tears started to spill over again as I looked around, remembering the beautiful memories that I had made here. The movies. Pranks. Hiding in our special place... Theo... I might never do those again if I had to leave here and I'd miss him. The step-brother that always got me in trouble. Always annoyed me. But always knew how to make me feel better. How can I leave all this? "Are you all right?" A familiar voice spoke up behind me. "Theo..." I turned to see him. He took one look at my tear-streaked face and sat down across from me, gazing into my eyes worriedly. I couldn't keep my tears held back, any more and started to sob full force again, tears dropping onto the grass. I curled up and hugged my knees up to my chin, trying to hide from everything. I wish upon a star that I could just disappear right now. A tender hand stroked my hair, sending ripples waving down through it. I looked at Theo, tears dangling on the tips of my lashes, just about to fall. His shaggy black hair fell over his green eyes, making him peek under to look at me. "Shhh...Kyra. It'll be all right." His voice was low and soothing. "No. It won't be all right." My voice cracked with emotion and I squeezed my eyes shut. "She keeps doing this to me! The first time she divorced my dad when I was 5, and now I hardly ever see him any more! Now it's happening all over again! And we're moving to a whole different province. We might never see each other again." "Look at me Kyra." I opened my eyes and saw Theo looking dead serious. "I know it hurts so much." He began quietly. "But the pain will go away." "No! You don't understand how much it hurts!" I shook off his hand, my temper flaring up for a moment. "She's taken everything away from me! And she's doing it again!" Theo's gaze turned into an angry glare. "I understand you Ky. You sometimes forget that my mum walked out on us years ago. You're not the only person to have lost something. And, with you leaving, I'm losing something important too. Don't be so self-absorbed!" I bit my shivering lip as silent tears streaked down my face. I attempted to warm up by hugging myself tighter. I felt goose bumps rising on my arms. I looked down at my toes, dark in the dim light. "But...It hurts so much." My voice was thick, the pain evident. Theo sighed and moved forward, wrapping my curled up body in a hug. His cold hands warmed me to my core. "I know." He whispered into my ear, his hair fluttering against mine. "I know." I tilted my face into Theo's shirt, closing my eyes to prevent the tears. They still streamed out, creating darker spots on Theo's shirt. "I just wish... That I didn't have to hurt so much. I wish someone would protect me. My mum obviously sucks at this job." My words were bitter even to my own ears. "She tries you know." "Not hard enough. She only hurts me. She takes away everyone. No ones ever there for me any more!" I looked up despairingly at Theo. "There's no one to depend on! Everyone ends up leaving sooner or later. Always. No one's there to protect me..." "You're wrong there." Theo's gaze intensified, digging into my eyes. "I’m here." But you can't stay with me." I sniffled into his shirt. "You can't protect me." "Yes I can." Theo said insistently. "My heart will be with you!" I scrunched up my nose and snorted. "I know you're trying to make me feel better but you don't need to be so corny." "It's true! I swear!" He released me and backed away thoughtfully. I saw his eyes suddenly brighten up with an idea. He lifted his arm and extended it out to me. "What?" I regarded his disdainfully. "Let's pinky swear on it!" "Pinky Swear?" I scoffed scornfully, though my still feeble voice from crying took the edge off the remark. "What are we? 5?" He shook his hand frantically at me. "Come on Ky! Just do it!" I pursed lips, finally raising my hand slowly. He hooked his pinky on mine and latched on firmly. In the moonlight, his eyes shone vibrantly, almost glowing green. "I, Theodore Kyle Nealson, hereby solemnly swear, that I will always protect Kyra Jade Cooper. Always and forever. And that's a promise." My erratic heart beat slowed to a steady thumping and my tears left silvery trails on my cheeks. Theo reached out and wiped a falling tear off with his thumb. "Don't believe me?" I'm not lying." His voice was truthful and certain. "I... Believe you'll try." I said slowly. He shook his head, his pinky still curled around mine. "No I definitely will. I won't let anything hurt you again. Never again." I tightened my grip on Theo's pinky and wiped my tears away. "Then I promise too. I'll protect you. We'll never let anyone hurt us again." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last box had been lifted onto the truck and clanked shut, resounding with finality. I fought the urge to cry, something I'd been doing for days. My mum talked to my ex-stepdad, while climbing into the car. She smiled stiffly at him, motioning for me to hurry up. I felt a tug on the sleeve of my shirt. "Come here for a second." Theo led me around the corner of the house, out of sight. "What is it?" I swallowed, forcing back tears. "I have something to give you. A good-bye present." His eyes were downcast but he managed a small smile. "I don't want it. I don't want to say good-bye." Tears pricked the back of my eyes and I subtly wiped them away before they fell. Theo didn't say anything but he pulled out two chains from his pocket. They dangled through his fingers as he lifted them up, glittering in the sunlight. On the ends of the chains were two nearly identical silver rings. One was a bit slimmer than the other but it was obvious they were meant to be a pair. The infinity symbol was engraved delicately on both of them, but on the slimmer band of silver, there was a tiny, sparkling gem in the middle of it. "They're beautiful..." I breathed in awe, momentarily forgetting my sadness. Theo separated the two chains, one in each hand. Then he offered me the thicker silver ring. I took it, slightly confused. "But... Isn't this the male ring? Shouldn't you give that one to me?" I pointed at the other ring, suspended in mid-air. Theo shook his head and looked at me solemnly. "No. this is a guarantee. That," He pointed at the ring I had. "is my ring. Thus," He lifted the ring he had. "is yours. This stands for our promise lasting for infinity. Someday, when we see each other again, we'll change them. You have to always wear it. That way, even if we don't recognize each other, even if we change a lot, we can still find each other." I nodded and slipped his ring over my neck, tucking it under my shirt. He did the same. I felt my throat closing up and I gulped in breaths to stop from crying. It didn't work. A tear escaped from my eye and snaked down to my face, dripping off my chin. "I'm... going... to miss you... so much." I choked out through my tears. "I'll miss you too." He said quietly, peering through his hair. His emerald eyes were shiny with unfallen tears. I stepped forward and pulled him into a hug, burying my head into his shoulder. He patted my back gently, letting my tears soak his shirt. Finally, I found the strength to wrench myself away from him. "I... have to go now." I hiccuped softly. He looked down at the ground and trudged along side me, back to the car. My mum was waiting, her expression slightly irritated when my ex-stepdad stood awkwardly to the side. My mom's expression softened when she saw the fresh tear trails on my face. "Say good-bye now Kyra. We have to go." I nodded and walked up to my ex-stepdad. "Bye Paul." I hugged him lightly and he bent down a bit so we were at the same eye level. "Bye Ky. And don't be too bummed out about your mother and my divorce, It just wasn't working out. And don't blame her either. It would have happened sooner or later." I nodded emotionless and went back to Theo who was absently wringing his hands together. "Well. I guess this is good-bye." A sob escaped my throat. "How about see you later? Because we definitely will." I knew I couldn't talk without sobbing so I nodded again. I stepped forward for another hug but he stopped me and held out his pinky instead. Without hesitation, I wrapped my pinky around his and he closed the distance between us. I felt our rings pressing into each other and Theo's warm breath washed over my shoulder. "Remember our promise is infinite." His soft words echoed in my mind. I nodded again. He stepped away and touched the lump where I knew his ring under my shirt. He waved see you later and I turned to the car, climbing slowly inside. We drove away without another word. Theo kept waving and he held up his pinky. Our promise is infinite. Our promise is infinite. I felt for my ring and stroked my pinky. Our promise is infinite. Theo and Paul disappeared from sight. Our promise is infinite. © 2013 Kyra |
Added on April 2, 2013 Last Updated on April 2, 2013 Author![]() KyraGlenrothes, Fife, United KingdomAboutHey all people of the world. Before I blabber on you should all follow me on my Twitter and check out my DeviantArt https://twitter.com/xBananasaur http://shydinobaby.deviantart.com/ The nam.. more..Writing