The Vampire girls: Chapter 2. Th

The Vampire girls: Chapter 2. Th

A Chapter by Savannah

Here 'tis be the second chapter! If you remember, the other one was just then driving to Seattle and the first night in the loft.


The evening was long. I missed being in Alaska, when I used to roam the forests at night. Here we were bound by our loft's walls, unknown to anyone that we are vampires. I became aware of my thirst, wishing that I could go hunting. I knew our hunting trips would be numbered because we were so far away from the forests. Our trip to the Cullen's couldn't come sooner.
I wasn't able to stand it anymore. I decided to talk to Molly about it.
"Mother," I started.
"Yes?" She asked. She was picking out paint colors for the kitchen.
I was gripping the edge of the counter, hoping my thirst would subside. "I- I'm really thirsty. I'm having a hard time bearing it." I said. It was hard for me to talk about it, even now. Molly is very good at controlling her thirst. I, on the other hand, can only go so far.
"Hmmm," She said, not looking away from her paint catalog. "Well, we are supposed to go down to Forks on Thursday. I'd have to talk to Carlisle about us coming sooner. But you’re right; I'm having a little bit of trouble too."
I wasn't sure if she was lying about the last part. It would be something she would do to keep me from feeling bad. I can feel other's feelings, but I know that Mom is good about hiding them. I understand, sometimes I wish I wasn't able to feel others. But I'm not good at shutting it out.
"I know it’s hard for you, sweetie. But it’s what every vampire goes through. I did, too. I still have problems. I don't think anyone has more control than Dr. Carlisle Cullen. I think we must learn from him. Something that we will hopefully when we visit." She smiled at me. Her warmth was what got me through such hard times, like today. "And speaking of which, I should give him a call. I don't know if he is home, I could always talk to Esme." She said more to herself then to me.
"Ah, okay." I said. I crossed to my bedroom. Before I entered I said, "I have to write to Jess anyway." Jessica is my best friend. She is, like I, a vampire. We have known each other for 20 years or so. I missed her so much. I haven't seen her in two years. She lives in Volterra, Italy with her 'Father' Eric.
I pulled my laptop out of my computer bag and put it on the desk. I pushed on and then went to turn on some music. I picked a 100 Monkeys CD and fast forwarded to Ugly Girl, my favorite. I signed into my email account and IM'd Jessica.

Luna_Love: Hey girl R U there?
Jessy-ca: Yup, how R U? UR already at the new loft?
Luna_Love: Yeah, I am. And I'm great! I miss you!
Jessy-ca: So do I. I hope you can visit soon.
Luna_Love: I hope I can too. idk when I can, though
Jessy-ca: I know you don't really like to talk about it, but, are you thirsty?

I didn't expect her to say that. She was right; I didn't like talking about it.
Luna_Love: I'm fine.
Jessy-ca: I know very well you’re not fine. I know you don't say that when you
are not fine. How are you, really?
Luna_Love: It’s awful. I can't take it anymore. And now we live in Seattle and
we are so far from the forests and I just can't take it anymore
Jessy-ca: I'm so sorry. It must be so very hard. Isn't there any place you can
go? Anywhere?
Luna_Love: Idk I don't think so.
Jessy-ca: Just look at a map or something. I'm sure there is SOME place out


Luna_Love: I sure do hope so.
Jessy-ca: So how is the new place???
Luna_Love: It’s amazing, to say the least. L8R I send you pics. Pics aplenty!
Jessy-ca: LOLz, thanks!
Luna_Love: No big. I'll tell you I'm going to love living here!
Luna_Love: Sry, G2G talk my mom. She’s off the phone. L8R!
Jessy-ca: Sure! Byeeesss
Luna_Love: Byeeesss to you 2, C U L8R
Jessy-ca: Luv U!

I signed out of my email and closed the computer. The minute I got up Molly was at the door.
"I just talked to Esme; she understands and says we can come tonight. What time is it?" She asked.
I looked at my watch. "It is 3:24. Where did the day go? It’s later then I thought."
Molly smiled. "Okay then! We should head out. Hey, look it up on Google Maps, it should say how long it'll take." I nodded. I put into Google Maps our address and the Cullen's.
"Okay, it should take about three and a half hours. Or so." I smiled, too. "Oooo, we drive through Port Angeles, can we stop?" I asked, hoping she would say yes.
Molly thought about it. "I guess. I could use some shoes." She laughed. "No, that's not true, I have plenty of shoes, I want more shoes!" I started to laugh too. I went to the closet and took out my suitcase, which was still filled with clothes.
"Alright. I'm all set." I said. I thought of something. "Is the woman still at the front desk?"
"Oh, I didn't think about that. I really don't know. Would you like me to check?" She asked.
I thought about that. "No, we'll just go down. I won't breathe, it'll be fine. I'll just be careful."
Molly looked worried."I don't know. Are you sure?"
"Sure I'm sure. It'll be just fine. Do you have your suitcase?" I asked her, while I put my laptop back in its bag.
"Yeah, it’s right by the door. I'll bring my empty backpack. Who knows? I might find some great shoes!"
God, I love her. She is so much like me. Maybe because we've spent so much time together. I don't know. She’s my best friend, apart from Jessica.
The minute we were on the second floor-there are shops on the first, its stairs go down to the street- I smelled front desk woman. I gripped Molly's arm and held my breath. "You’re going to be fine." My mother said quietly, so the front desk woman wouldn't hear.
"I can't take it. Help me." I said. She held onto my arm, in such a grasp that I wouldn't be able to break away.
The smell was amazingly sweet. It was like someone wanted me to screw up, to cast aside everything. All the morals I built up, to resist, were counting on my making it outside without harming the woman.
I thought I was okay, until she spoke to me. "Are you alright, dear?" she asked.
I walked towards her, somehow breaking free of my mother's grasp. I got closer to her and I breathed in. It was intoxicating. Unbearable.

© 2009 Savannah

Author's Note

Please tell me what you honestly think! Your reviews help me with future writting!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Bloody cliff hangers -.-

Exciting though. I don't think she will kill her X_X Well it depends if you want to make the story go that way =D A little blood would be great.

I didn't really see any mistakes.

Good write :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on August 17, 2009



Diagon Ally, RI

I'm just starting to get into writting Fanfics. I'm really liking it so far. I've written a Twilight Fanfic (My ickle Firsty!) and hopefully I'll write more, I'm starting on a Harry Potter Fanfic. more..
