If Bella stayed: A Twilight fanfiction Chapter 5. Pain and change

If Bella stayed: A Twilight fanfiction Chapter 5. Pain and change

A Chapter by Savannah

The last chapter people! Its been fun, but don't worry. I am working on a new fanfiction as we speak, and maybe I'll even be original and write my own! Thanks for reading my Fanfiction.

I awoke to a strange beeping. After my sight got clearer, I looked around the room to see Alice sitting in a chair. "Hello Bella, we missed you." She said, in her very warm voice.
I tried to sit up. Then I lied back down, it hurt.
"Edward? Where is he? Where is Edward?" I asked, louder than I meant to. "Calm down, Bella." She said. She moved to sit on my bed and she put her arm around me. "Edward is at the hotel, I kicked him out just a few minutes ago.He's hunting now, that is if he listened to me. Its to bad you woke up now, it would have been nice if you could have waited until he go back. He's not going to be happy." She said.
"I'm sorry, I could fake it?" I said. She giggled. "No no, he's just going to be happy your awake. You've been out for three days. Oh, and your mom and dad are staying at a different hotel. They should be here in about an hour. I had to kick them out, too. They haven't left the Hospital in two days." I remembered something. "Where is James?"
"Emmett, Jasper, and I took care of him." She said grimly."So, why am I in the Hospital?" I asked her.
She laughed. "Um, look at yourself. You lost a lot of blood, and you have a broken leg and-" 
"Alice, thats not what I ment." I stopped her. " I ment, why am I here to Charlie and Renee? What do they know?"
"Ah, you are in the Hospital because fell down three flights of stairs and through a window. Edward and Carlisle went to talk you out of leaving, and you agreed to meet then at the hotel." She said.
 "Well, knowing me, who wouldn't believe that?" I mused
"Alice, can I ask you something, and please tell me you won't tell Edward."
She had a weak smile.
"I had three visions. One, with you dying. Second, with you ending up in the Hospital, and last, with you turning into a Vampire. Edward didn't want you to know, because sometimes its better not to know whats going to happen. He reminded me of that." She answered the very question I was about the ask. Alice's nose flared. "You mom is coming, and Edward from the sounds of it."
"Bella!" They both said. "Mom, Edward." They sat on either side of my bed.
"Bella," My mother began. "Bella, never scare me like that again! Its just so nice to see you awake."
 She kissed my farhead, and I winced. "I'm sorry, baby, their just doesn't seem to be any safe, ah, places on you anymore." I giggled.
 "So,  how many injories have I collected?" I asked, more to Edward then to Renee.
"Lets see, you had a collapsed lung, because of the fall you know." He looked at my sternly. "A broken leg, broken ribs, and you lost a lot of blood. They had to pull a piece of glass out of you."
"Ugh." I said.
 Edward laughed. "Yeah, you sure did a good job. If your going to jump out a window, why not have fun?" Renee' gave him the "That is not the kind of thing you should joke about" look.
"I'm sorry Renee. It really isn't something I should be joking about." Edward said, knowing what she was thinking.
"Its okay, Edward. I understand. I'm going to go get some coffee." She kissed me on the forhead and left.
"That was funny." I said. Edward looked mad.
"No, it wasn't. You could have died. I should never have put you in such danger. Its all because of me. I'm sorry, Bella." Edward came to hold my hand. "Its all my fault."
I was angry. I didn't like seeing him this way. It wasn't his fault. Not at all.
"No, it wasn't! I would have ended up killing myself anyway. You know how I am. How many times have you had to save me?" Edward dropped my hand. "No no. It is my fault! And you would have been fine even if I hadn't saved you. Maybe it was all chance. Maybe it all happened because I me! I'm hurting you Bella, I am, I'm-"
"Edward!" I stoped him. "Edward, none of this is your fault. None of it. You've helped me, you've saved me! I'm alive because of you. I still walk this earth because of you."
I stared into his face. Their was a long silence. Then Edward spoke.
"I was so scared. When I saw you, I thought I had been to late. You looked so helpless, and in so much pain. I could bare to lose you. If Carlisle hadn't been their, I don't know." Edward didn't finish the thought. After he said that, I thought of something. "Edward?"I asked.
"What would you have done? Would you have changed me?" I asked. That upset him.
"What? No. I-I couldn't. I can't even think about you that way. All cold, and stone hard. I can't think of you as a monster. I can't." A monster? Is that what he would think of me, had I been changed that day? I knew their would come a time were I would be old and frail, and he would be the same.
He would be with someone young and pretty. I wouldn't stop him. I wouldn't stop him. I love him to much. I want the best for him, and a frail me wouldn't be. But, still, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. And if I was changed, all the more time. I knew what I wanted, I wanted it more than anything in my whole life. I decided to be bold, and tell him.
"Change me." I simply said.
"What?" He gasped.
"Change me. I want to be like you." I said, again.
"No, we are not talking about this now." He was mad.
"When are we going to talk about it? When I'm eighty, and you still look like a teenager?" I was equally as mad.
"Bella, I am not talking to you about this. Maybe later, maybe tomorrow. I don't know when, but we are not talking about it now. I'm calling the nurse." He pushed the call butten.
"Edward, please NO." I yelled at him. Louder than I wanted. I hoped the nurse didn't hear.
He ignored me. "I think we are ready for some more pain meds."
"I'll send her nurse right over." A tired voice said.
"You make me so mad." I said.
"Bella, you need to rest. Please Bella, just do this for me. Please." He said.
I waited for the nurse to come. She was a pleasant looking woman, who needed some sleep.
"Here we go." She said as she injected the medicine into my IV. "You should feel better now."
I slowly drifted off to sleep. "Edward?" I said. "Yes?"
"I love you." I said. He smiled.
" I love you too. You are my life now." I was out.

© 2009 Savannah

Author's Note

Say whatever you think. I couldn't care less. Thank you for reading, and please review!

My Review

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Loved it >.< You wuss you should of killed someone off instead of fitting it nice and snuggly into the old story. lmao. This would of been a great way of having it. I still like the origanal though. but it was a pleasure reading this. Keep on writing and I cant wait to read your next book!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 31, 2009



Diagon Ally, RI

I'm just starting to get into writting Fanfics. I'm really liking it so far. I've written a Twilight Fanfic (My ickle Firsty!) and hopefully I'll write more, I'm starting on a Harry Potter Fanfic. more..
