When you're in a situation that's slowly tearing you apart, like me, it's like your world has crashed and broken into pieces. You feel almost, but not quite, at wits end. It's impossible for you not to wonder how others walk around, living their lives as if the world has not been tipped on its axis, damn near falling into a black pit of stars and sky. You wonder how others aren't as unhappy as you are right then. You wish to do things, things you wouldn't have dreamed of doing in the past; creating mischief, sparking trouble along the lives of others. You sometimes wish you were the only one on the planet, dead bodies splayed this way and that before you on the pavement, blood melting in a deadly black puddle at your feet.
You won't recognize yourself as being the the little girl or boy you saw in the mirror weeks ago, months ago, years ago. If you were like me you would feel ugly when people stared at you, dirty when people glared at you, stupid when you made a mistake. You would blame everything bad that happened on yourself, no one else, you would feel like no matter what you did, you'd never win, you would always f**k up somehow, you would feel like you had no purpose, lonely even when you were around others.
You would wish you could turn off all the noise, the regret, worry, pain, loneliness, desire, want, thoughts, speech, and just crack under pressure, falling in splinters to the floor.
But, who would pick up the pieces?