Chapter Two - The Tears Dry Without You

Chapter Two - The Tears Dry Without You

A Chapter by Jill Nicole.

�On the count of three,� I heard him say behind me, �One�two�three!

I had just finished straightening my waist length black hair when I heard Sam's voice carry up the stairs.

"Tay! Can you come here for a second?"

I sighed and shuffled through my closet, tossing random articles of clothing on my bed.

A minute later, I came down the stairs, fully dressed in a pink tee with white lettering that spelt out "If You Want Something Done Right ... Ask A Brunette", a pair of dark wash denim shorts, and a pair of pink Converse high tops. I turned the corner and saw half a dozen young men gathered around the kitchen table, Sam included. I looked over at Emily, who was seriously slaving away over a huge frying pan full of scrambled eggs. She caught my stare and shot me a simple, reassuring smile.

I turned my attention back to the boys, who were all staring at me wide-eyed, "Um, hey," I stuttered.

Not one of the boys spoke until Emily spoke up, "Boys, where are your manners?" She chastised.

The boy sitting closest to me stood up and offered me his hand. I quickly sized him up before giving him my hand.

He was tall, Really tall, towering over my 4'9" stature, and broad shouldered. He was extremely muscular and toned. His black hair was shaved close to his head, military style, as were the rest of the boy's, I noticed. His warm, brown eyes were like two pools of dark chocolate, and he was hot. Temperature wise, that is.

As soon as my hand met his fevered skin, it took all my self control to not pull away.

"I'm Embry Call," he replied, introducing himself.

"Taylor," I smiled.

"Wow," Embry added, "it's insane how much you look like your mother."

"Thanks," I blushed.

He gave me a small smile and returned to his seat. After he sat down, the other boys stood up one by one, and introduced themselves to me. I learned that their names were Quil, Jared, Paul, and Collin. After the introductions, I went over to help with breakfast, and Emily quickly set me to work, mixing muffin batter. As I did, the boys continued the conversation I assumed they were having before my entrance.

"So, where's Jake?" asked Collin.

"Where else," replied Paul, a look of disgust crossing his face.

Collin nodded his understanding, "does anyone else find the whole situation a little creepy?"

"We all do," replied Sam, "but you know how it goes, Collin. Jake didn't have much of a say in the matter."

Seth with him?" questioned Jared.

"Of course," snorted Quil, "I swear that boy never lets Jake out of his sight."

"And you know that Leah is right there next to the both of them," Embry laughed.

"I don't know why she sticks around with them," replied Jared, "we all know how she feels about
the kid."

Paul cut in, "None of us are exactly thrilled about Jake imprinting on the mini bloodsu-"

Paul cut off immediately when he saw the death glare that Sam was sending him.

"Okay boys," replied Emily, "breakfast is ready." She laid a huge pan of eggs, bacon, and hash browns on the table. She took the basket of freshly made banana muffins and placed them on the table but not before I nabbed one out of the basket.

I nibbled at my muffin as the boys dug into the piles of food. Looking at Emily, I saw a look of contentment and sincere love, cross her scarred face.

I headed into the living room and picked up a book from the coffee table. I looked at the cover, Night by Elie Wiesel. I shrugged and opened the book to the first chapter.

I had just gotten halfway through chapter two when I saw someone standing in the doorway. I tore my eyes away from the page and smiled when I saw Embry watching me.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi," he replied. He gestured towards the end of the couch opposite of me, "you mind?"

"No, not at all," I answered, sitting up, giving Embry room to sit down.

"So, how are you enjoying La Push?" Embry questioned.

"It's okay," I replied, "I mean, I have only been here all of two days."

He smirked, and I placed my book on the coffee table, "so, what do you guys do around here for fun?"

"Not too much actually," replied Embry, casually, "we mostly just hang around town, party a bit, and cliff diving is really big around here."

Now THAT sparked my interest.

"Cliff diving?"

Embry grinned at my sudden interest, "yeah, cliff diving."

"What is that exactly?"

"It's exactly what it sounds like," he laughed, "diving into the ocean, off of cliffs."

"Sounds sweet," I said, enviously.

"It is," Embry agreed, "would you be interested in heading out with us sometime?"


"Well, yeah," he said, "I mean, if you're interested in going."

"Yeah, totally," I exclaimed. Cliff diving sounded totally thrilling. And it was extremely sweet
of Embry to invite me when I barely knew him, but I guess he was trying hard to be nice to me, considering I was Sam's sister and all.

"Cool," smiled Embry, "how about I give you a call tomorrow morning, say around ten-ish?"

"Yeah, sure. Ten it is," I agreed.


Your lips tremble but your eyes are in a straight stare. We're on the bed but your clothes are laying right there. And I was -

"Ugh�" I groaned and instantly rolled over to answer my phone, "what?" I snapped, not bothering to remember my manners this early in the morning.

"You're in a good mood," replied the chipper voice on the other end.


"Who were you expecting?" he chucked, "the Easter Bunny? You said you wanted to go cliff diving, right?"

I immediately perked up, "yeah, absolutely."

"Think you could be ready in about ten minutes? The guys and I are heading out soon, and I could swing by and pick you up."

"Yeah sounds like a plan. See you then," I replied.

Exactly ten minutes later, Embry was standing in the kitchen, waiting for me to finish helping Emily wash the dishes.

"Okay Taylor, that's the last of them," Emily smiled, "now have fun, and Embry, take it easy on her."

Embry chuckled, "don't worry Emily, she's in good hands."

Embry held the door open for me and gave me a small smile as I walked past him and headed for his truck.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sam pause by Embry and I could've sworn I heard Sam say,
"Keep an eye on her will you Em?" Embry nodded his response and followed me out to his truck.

As we pulled away from Sam's, Embry stole a quick glance at me, "you look nice."

I blushed in response, "Thanks."

I was dressed simply in a pair of denim cut off shorts, a brown v-neck halter top, and a pair of brown flip-flops, and underneath that, I had thrown on a white, brown, and orange bikini. My hair was pulled into two pigtails and secured behind my two ears. To finish off the look, I had tossed on a pair of oversized sun glasses.

We rode the rest of the way in silence except for Embry's constant reassurance of, "we're soon there," every five minutes.

A short time later, Embry pulled of the main road and said, "we're gunna have to walk from here."

I nodded and obediently got out of the truck. As I waited for Embry to come around the side, I started preparing myself for the actual Act of cliff diving. Sure, it was one thing to say you wanted to go cliff diving but it was another thing entirely to follow through with the idea. I, however, never backed down from a challenge, and it seemed to me that cliff diving was the biggest challenge that I would find here in la Push.

"Ready madam?" Embry asked me in a horrible fake British accent, and offering me his arm.

"Ready, kind sir," I joked, taking his arm.

We walked at a steady pace towards the woods. I could tell that I was slowing Embry down, but he didn't complain and I had no intentions of hurrying to go and jump off a cliff.

"Hey Em! Taylor!"

I glanced up and saw Jared, Paul, and Quil, waiting for us at the cliff.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked, casually.

"Oh you know, the usual," replied Jared, nonchalantly.

"Mhmm�" I hummed in response as Paul hopped up from his seat on a rock.

"So, whose ready for some cliff diving?"

All the boys answered him enthusiastically, and Jared turned to me when I stayed silent.

"What's wrong, Uley?" he asked, "scared?"

"What?" I responded, "No! I just, um� you know�" I sighed, "this is safe, isn't it?"

"Would we do it if it were dangerous?" asked Jared.

"Actually," Quil cut in before I had a chance to respond, "don't answer that."

The guys chuckled as I rolled my eyes, "but seriously, we're not gunna die, are we?"

"Not if you know what you're doing," Jared reassured me, "just watch Paul."

As if on cue, Paul gave a quick nod to me, pulled of his shirt, got a running start and flung himself over the edge of the cliff.

Jared turned over to me, "you ready?"

Embry put his arm around my shoulders, comfortingly, "come on Tay," he whispered, "you got this."

I took a deep breath and nodded, "okay, let's do this before I change my mind."

Embry smiled as I shook out my nerves, "And I'll tell you what," he added, "I'll come right after you, okay?"

I nodded my understanding, and as I took of my sunglasses and pulled my hair out of the pigtails, I was vaguely aware of Embry, taking off his shirt beside me.

As I stood up and turned around, I caught a full view of Embry. My breath caught in my throat as I took in the sight before me.



Every chest and abdomen muscle was extremely well defined and toned, and I could feel a blush creeping through my cheeks, and I was thankful for my naturally dark skin.


Embry's voice snapped me back to reality.


"Are you okay?"

I smiled and pulled my halter op over my head to reveal a white halter style bikini top that was embroidered with a brown and orange flower.

I heard Embry suck in his breath, and I smirked when I realized that he was staring at my C cup chest.

"You okay?" I mimicked.

"Yeah," he answered, breathlessly.

I gave him a small smile and a coy look before turning my back on him and getting up the nerve to jump off the cliff.

"On the count of three," I heard him say behind me, "One�two�three!"


"So, did you have fun?" Embry asked me as he pulled up in front of Sam's.

"Yeah, absolutely," I laughed.,

Cliff diving had been so much fun. It was such a rush, that I had convinced Embry to jump off with me six more times afterwards.

I opened the door of Embry's truck and gestured to the house, "did you want to come in?"

He stole a quick glance at his watch, "nah, I probably should get home, and get ready."

My brow furrowed in confusion, "get ready?"

"Uh yeah. There's a barbeque over at Billy Black's place tonight. A beginning-of-summer, sort of thing. You should drop by, I'm sure Sam and Emily will be there."

"Maybe I will," I smiled, "see ya around."

"Yeah, see ya," Embry mumbled as I closed the truck door and made my way towards my house.

© 2009 Jill Nicole.

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Added on June 17, 2009


Jill Nicole.
Jill Nicole.

Newfoundland, Canada

Scandalous. Seventeen. Newfoundlander. High School Student. Likes chocolate chip cookie dough; thunderstorms; reading; country music; one tree hill; musicals; writing; Kodak moments; laughing til it h.. more..
