1000 Invisible Voices

1000 Invisible Voices

A Poem by Scott Lee

Thanks to the human heart by which we live; thanks to its tenderness, its joys, its fears. To Me the meanest flower that blows can give thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.


It stalks invisible behind your eye lids,

     Plants seeds

Comes rushing out of nowhere

   Strikes hard like Dad’s back hand, Grandpa’s belt, mother’s knife

It comes slicing through your door

   Cracking wood

Her rage lives on the end of sharp steel

 Behind her rage there was a calm pool she use to visit before her brother took her to that dark place,

Before their Dad beat them into shape, before the drinking took over

 Shattered hearts, built defenses, behind their high walls lives a small child playing naked in the dirt

Left alone by 1000 invisible voices telling them to Hate, through the fog in a swamp lives the monster that tortured your Dad and threw him in the closet 4-5 days at a time and told him to:

  “Shut the f**k up or the Rats will eat you alive.”

Behind the door of 1000 rapes something wicked crawls from the walls to inject us,


Fills our mountaintops with everlasting snow, casts our potential of what we could have known to barren deserts baking our love alive, hearts ripped and shredded along 1000 needles of a cactus

They are the same voices that put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, he left her alone with unborn child, only 19, just a kid, what does she know?


Now her rage will pollute her son make him live in swamps, hunt crocodiles kill them for pleasure,

Transform kindness in to cold, abstruse stones fallen from Mars now hidden deep in desert sand

Whoever digs them up will never understand them.

Those stones have been to places too foreign for your mind to grasp, best to leave them alone

Before they strike you hard and tear out your heart, torture you behind the door, put a gun in your mouth

1000 invisible voices riding on dark winds   planting seeds

Growing black trees from foreign rocks


The same voices that carried me to the edge of a 100 foot cliff when I was 9 forced me to stare hard into a fall and ordered me to JUMP

Forced me to stare hard into a Fall I would take for 20 something years

Trying to kill monsters in the brain with a pen

Trying to subdue my rage living at the end of pointed steel stabbing through doors

Trying to kill voices that stalk us in fog through alleyways like Jack The Rippers Ghost

Permanently living everywhere, hunting, prowling,

I’ve seen him come in and level families to the floor,

Cause nations to bleed out dry,

make good men go insane and forget how to cry.

If I could find you I’d hunt you down, slay you in the eyes with 2 pens

Leave you there screaming in the darkness



I would forgive you with a whisper

Release you in a humbling silence

Down the Illinois river of a summer twilight

When hummingbirds make grace come alive

Secretly thanking you for a strength

I would never know without you…….


© 2012 Scott Lee

Author's Note

Scott Lee
please tell me what you think all readers... thanks

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Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 2, 2012
Last Updated on March 2, 2012


Scott Lee
Scott Lee

Ashland, OR

If now and then we encounter pages that explode, pages that wound, sears, tears, groans, and curses, know they came from a man with his back up, a man whose only defenses left are his words, and his w.. more..
