A Single Snowflake That Never Melts

A Single Snowflake That Never Melts

A Poem by Scott Lee

For Sophie with endless love and admiration

Cheetahs run circles around my mind in the moonlight.

Douglas fir Christmas trees burn the air with memories.

 I am thinking how nice it would be to see through the eyes of a 6 year old again.

Bowls of grapes on the table, family and friends chatting softly in the living room.

Long Icicles catching sun beams like professional reflections brooding over beauty in the soft skull of timeless children.

A single snowflake that never melts floating impossible through the world.

Only the magical ones can see it.

Waterfalls hitting stones tap dancing to the rhythm of summer Life spent exploring nature.

Open curiosity spilling out like treasured letters from an old shoe box.
 Stacks of them wrapped up in bows, soft as eyelashes awaiting recollection and closure.

Cold hands around a trash can fire in the city.

A mansion made of cardboard boxes in downtown LA where crack smokers talk endlessly of projects and beatings from cops.

Meanwhile in Beverly Hills the 4 thousand dollar curtains hang around like a teasing snob on the playground sticking out his tongue saying " A ha, A ha you live in a cardboard box and I have money to burn for anything, anything, anything I want...."

Downtown the lines never end for all the blockbuster movies and the Black Friday Scandals taking The Christ right out of Christmas.

All the yachts swaying comfortably in their slips awaiting to be drowned by The Big One.

Prison cells fill up faster than Eminem shows.

A haunted writer looks out his bedroom window hypnotized by snow from a 12 day blizzard trying to dig up words from buried vaults.

The eyes of a six year old running cheetah laps in another world of Crystal Glass Fascination and Absolute Perfection.

All the X's and O's never disintegrate there like paper planes on fire soaring the killing class rooms where Education is a hard lesson in snub nosed Violence.

Red embers trailing forever in the PTSD minds of crippled survivors
 littering hearts with freeway damages traveling directly into the heart.

A single snowflake that never melts caught in circulating gusts in the stratosphere recording memories of it all as it floats unmoved in the calm structure of a loving center-

Mysterious as Easter Island sentinels

or the Pyramids, or portals to different dimensions, ley lines, underground worlds
with enlightened beings helping out a troubled Human Race- totally in cahoots with a graceful single snowflake that never melts that has inside information on everybody and everything, gathering experience from inside and outside every accelerated loop of existence.

Roller Coaster hearts breaking glasses in the street.

A 10,000 year old bored rock sick of not moving
silently wishing it was a river.

A 6 year old on a bicycle cruising blindly around siren street has no idea of how dangerous this violent world really is,
or maybe she does depending on what school she went to.

What does it feel like to be free from every law?

   Totally invisible from enemy eyes.
     To have no concept of clocks.

    A timeless spiral holding the secrets to mathematical equations of Eternity.

 Golden nuggets of heart twisting lyrics hiding in notebooks from promising, fresh eyes of Spirit.

 A secret wish to duck tape the Media's lying mouth closed and throw them in a dark closet forever or until they start acting right.

 I want to tell my beautiful 6 year old daughter that Santa Claus is dead and never f*****g existed but her mother doesn't want me to break her heart.
 But I don't want to be a liar. Now what?

 I want to buy you a diamond necklace and a bouquet of flowers that never die but my fingers don't work like ET's yet.

 I've been looking for another job to despise for 4 weeks and I still can't find one.

 My mind is a frenzy of riots and s**t hitting fans from every corner of the globe, now s**t is everywhere.

 I miss the way glitter twinkles and gives promises in the snow banks when our sleds were faster than Billy Mills.

 I miss the way letters chained me to the bed when Henry Miller gave me the strength of Hercules.

Cheetahs run circles around my mind in the moonlight
  Down the hallways of my life I hear the shouting of kids who were my friends probably caught up now in the struggles of life like everybody else.

 I often wonder how they are.

 There's a light in the top room of the castle where I would like to climb the stairs and eat dinner with you one last time before you blow away like a candle in the   wind.

The swing sets are still rocking on the playground as if ghosts are sitting on them laughing in different dimensions.

 I hear another world calling to me like the sea calls pirates home.

 A single snowflake that never melts always teasing me with whispers, signs in the sunsets, Quantum entanglements....

  I am learning to look through different eyes than the ones I have been looking through for the past 20 years.

  I am burning out my incredulous eyes with glittering ornaments crafted in the shops of icicle making and snowflakes.

 I am looking for my purpose, not satisfied with anything negative the world is always telling me or trying to make me believe.

 I am throwing your f*****g Television out the window.

 I am staring into Eternity. I don't believe in clocks.

  I do not trust your antics.

  I believe in the fresh vision of a 6 year olds imagination sky rocketing paper planes back into the stratosphere.

  I believe there is an unstoppable dragon living in the human spirit.
 I have breathed its fire brainstorming ideas to express the smoke of a diamond shaped heart once trapped blind in slaving coal mines.

I saw your smile glinting at me from off the magical horn as the unicorn galloped free and It made me sprint to The Promise Lands for more.

I see a cheetah flying with turquoise wings suspending disbelief in the pages of amazement.

I see a snowflake that never melts patiently waiting for us to graduate from the sand box so it can help us understand we are it.

Wake up from Amnesia.
   We are the love that helped form the Galaxy. 

© 2014 Scott Lee

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Thank you Sami my 6 year old daughter helped me brainstorm for it and I had fun writing it. I haven't had fun writing in awhile it seems like. Thanks again. Much appreciated. I'm glad you enjoyed it kind sir.

Posted 9 Years Ago

One of those enjoyable writes to read and appreciate...Bravo....................

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 17, 2014
Last Updated on December 18, 2014


Scott Lee
Scott Lee

Ashland, OR

If now and then we encounter pages that explode, pages that wound, sears, tears, groans, and curses, know they came from a man with his back up, a man whose only defenses left are his words, and his w.. more..
