![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by R.G. Bennet The
operation was to be completed within the course of the evening. Shannon had discovered from the encrypted
files that the Diamond was in a high security vault in one of the dungeons of
the Heirem Castle. She admitted that the
systems were some of the most complex she had ever seen. There were four phases. Phase one involved the furthermost entrance
to the vault " a room with sensors embedded in the wall to detect everything
from voice patterns to DNA. If they were
lucky enough to get past that, they were to proceed with Phase 2 " getting past
the laser field in the sub chamber. Only,
this laser field wasn’t as lenient as others.
If one of the hundreds of beams detected an individual, it would
detonate an incendiary device that would subsequently obliterate everything
within the chamber. Only the inside
contents of the room would be affected however, and no structures beyond that
due to the specialized absorbent material used in the walls " Tess had expected
some magic was involved there. The trick
with the laser field, as Shannon discovered, was that the field had a blind
spot. If they studied the paths of the
lasers long enough, they would discover the pattern and find the blind
spot. Once found, they could follow the
spot through the field. Phase three was
far simpler and a lot less fatal. It
simply involved entering an even smaller chamber that had a single panel at the
exit door where they were to enter a code.
Shannon had already decrypted that particular code (“Are you sure you’re
not Nigel posing as a girl?” Rakahn had said in awe at that point), so there
were no worries there…but Phase four is where things got tricky. “The thing is,” Shannon had informed them in
a somewhat somber tone, “We don’t know what’s in that room.” “Then how can y-," Nyrien had begun to
interrupt but Tess was quicker. “Well, we have a vague idea, but it’s mostly
very loose guesswork…” “I’m all ears,” Nyrien responded. Shannon
obliged somewhat, faltering in her speech. “You see, we think there might be…well…its
absurd to even fathom it, I mean how on earth could the people of Darkwater
even get their hands on….I mean"“ “We think they’ve got a genetically modified
ancient mythological creature in that room,” Tess put forward bluntly, “And
from what we can tell, you’d be far better off tripping over a laser in phase 2
than going up against whatever this thing is because whatever it is, it’s the
worst form of lethal you can imagine.” “Well, that’s not good…how on earth are you
planning to get past that?” Nyrien
inquired anxiously. “I’ll deal with it,” Tess replied flatly. At this
point, Rakahn nearly lost his nerve. “What the hell?!” He sprang from his seat
with such speed that a slight haze briefly remained where his form had just
been. “There’s no way you’re going in
there. There’s just no way.” Tess
rolled her amethyst eyes, fully aware of the motivation behind Rakahn’s sudden
extreme concern. “Okay, do you have a better idea, Rakahn?
Suppose you’d rather let Shannon do it?” Rakahn’s
expression sobered at the implication behind this statement, and the faintest
trace of an embarrassed blush grazed his cheeks. “No…that’s….that’s not what I meant! I mean, of course I don’t want her to do it
either! I wouldn’t want anyone to go up against that thing,
whatever it is…” “Well the original plan was to send Rapid,
but-“ “You were going to send your 14 year old
brother into that room?!” Nyrien interrupted incredulously. “But,” Tess continued, “My power might prove
more useful than his speed. Besides,
after realizing what could possibly be in that room, I decided if anything was
to happen, I’d rather it happen to me than my 14 year old little brother.” Tess
then gave Nyrien a grim look, and Nyrien shifted her gaze downwards. At this
point, Baldwin, who had been quietly listening to the conversation from an old,
battered armchair in the corner of the room, made input. “If I may be so bold as to suggest…,” he
gazed solemnly at Tess, who nodded for him to continue, “I think Rapid should
go with you, Tessie. Wouldn’t the two be
better than one?” “I’ve already considered that
alternative. I still don’t want to risk
it. I’m ashamed of myself for having
even suggested he get involved in the first place…” Tess replied. Nyrien
was suddenly very preoccupied with a water stain on the oak centre table. Baldwin
gazed at Tess steadily before glancing at Shannon, who got the message and
started to reason with Tess. “Tess, maybe-“ But it
was Rakahn who took the floor. “I think it’s an excellent idea " no hear me
out!” he flinched under Tess’s sudden glare and held up his hands in defense,
“I mean, I know that you don’t want Rapid anywhere near this thing, but don’t
you see the advantage here? Pip’s speed
could hopefully distract the creature long enough for you to take a strike at
it, rather than you going in there by yourself with this thing’s attention
entirely on you. I mean, it’s worth a shot isn’t it?” “But what if Rapid-,” Tess replied
uncertainly. “Tess,” Nyrien interrupted, seeking to
redeem herself, “Pip has been through a lot of fixes with us. Trust me; he knows how to handle
himself. Besides, he’s the fastest thing
on two legs I’ve ever seen in this Realm.” “Yes, but my power should be enough to
handle whatever it is in there,” Tess replied. “How can you be so sure?” Rakahn pressed. “Well, I’m not entirely-,” “Exactly. C’mon Tess, you know we’ve got the
stronger argument here…” Tess
closed her eyes briefly in contemplation before opening them again, a fierce
determination resurfacing. “You’re right. I do not like it at all, but I can see that
it can be better than going alone.” “Where is Rapid, by the way?” Nyrien
inquired. “He’ll join us a few miles outside
Darkwater…he’s been running the perimeter to scope out defenses.” “And Dom?” Rakahn asked. A line
of worry formed between Tess’s immaculately shaped eyebrows at the mention of
her other brother, Rapid’s twin. “Random has been…a bit ill for the past
couple of weeks. He’s back in Beresak,
with Merca.” “It’s not serious,” she quickly added,
noticing the look of concern on Nyrien’s face. Before Nyrien
could comment, however, a musically shrill sound erupted from the breast pocket
of Tess’s tan jacket. She quickly pulled
out the tiny silver phone and, after glimpsing the caller’s number, answered
with an urgent tone. “Tell me….Yes…..What!...Are you
SURE?....Okay…..of course……of course….we’re on our way.” Oblivious to the three anxious stares
directed at her, Tess spoke in a quick, matter-of-fact business like tone. “They’ve secured the key. It’s only a matter of hours before they fit
it into the Diamond. We must leave
NOW. Shannon? Bring that gun you were
working on earlier…” Tess was already hastily moving about, grabbing last
minute necessities while Shannon raced to the backroom, emerging seconds later
with a massive weapon that looked capable of firing missiles if the situation
called for it. Nyrien faintly realized
what had caused the ‘clang’ earlier. In just under two minutes, Tess and Shannon
were ready to leave, most of their equipment already safely stored just south
of the Darkwater border, where they would be meeting up with Rapid. As she strapped in the last gun, Tess
observed the frightened expressions on her friends faces and attempted a smile,
which actually rather resembled a grimace.
“There’s no need to even think about
this. If we execute the plan properly,
we can secure the Diamond and destroy it before anything disastrous has to
happen. Nyrien and Rakahn, I know it’s hard,
but please stay here where it’s safe….Shannon, whatever you do, do not lose that focus of yours…let’s go.” Shannon nodded, waved goodbye and walked
briskly out the door. Tess
followed, but turned as she stepped outside. “Oh, and
Baldwin?” she called, “We’re gonna need the Xerich…” © 2012 R.G. BennetAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() R.G. BennetDFW, TXAboutI've been in love with reading and writing from a very young age. Books have always been an escape for me, my constant companions, the characters my best friends, their world my haven. It is my gr.. more..Writing