![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by R.G. BennetNyrien
pulled the map out of her back pocket and studied it carefully before speaking. “Okay, so according to the map we’re about a
mile and a half from Armsrac. Baldwin is
the only person related to the Organization that lives close enough, which kind
of fits in; we can get transport out of him so that we can go meet up with the
others.” “True,” Rakahn agreed, but he had a slightly
timid look on his face. Cleveius Baldwin
scared Rakahn " as in flat out gave him the creeps. Once, Baldwin had discovered Rakahn’s liking
for Tess, the former’s protégé, and had threatened Rakahn in a playfully
violent manner: “If ya
mess with her, Oyl use yer gut fluids as a constituent of moy new ‘elicopter
fuel ey? Ha ha…” Rakahn
suppressed a shudder as he remembered these words, and the winding slap on the
back that had accompanied them. “Kahn, you all right?” Nyrien said, snapping Rakahn back to present. “Yeah, sure,” he replied, shrugging his
shoulders, “Armsrac…mile and a half…let’s go.” Baldwin actually lived in Saint Ascen, on
the northern outskirts of Armsrac and by the time Nyrien and Rakahn had gotten
past the densely populated area into the spacious, tranquil environment of
Baldwin’s hometown, it was well after dark.
Nevertheless, they were able to find his house with ease as the entire
yard was bathed with the customary fluorescent light that Baldwin so regularly
utilized for his nighttime projects. Nyrien
and Rakahn were relieved to see a familiar area after the much-transformed
Armsrac, and hastened to the front gate. Baldwin’s garage was five times bigger
than his house " sporting various models of customized cars, jeeps, helicopters
and a couple of jets parked in the back.
The house was a few paces away, plain and green-painted with a vast
backyard that ran into a large enclosure of trees. Nyrien and Rakahn checked the garage first,
expecting to see the familiar sight of the broad-shouldered Australian with
sleeves rolled up, tinkling away at the engine of one of his models. Instead, they neither saw nor heard anything
that would suggest anyone was in the vicinity.
As they made their way back out of the vast
space, Rakahn let out a low whistle. “Okay, we definitely wanna use this one.” Nyrien
turned to see that Rakahn was ogling at a shiny black car with small
projections at the back that rather resembled wings. Peering inside, she could see that the area
just beneath the dashboard was littered with numerous buttons and switches "
many of them white, others green, red, blue and yellow. Upon further examination, Nyrien and Rakahn
discovered guns beneath the headlights and taillights, and came to the
conclusion that the glass was bulletproof.
“She can also change colour, accelerate up
to 700 miles per hour, and set off a gas that blinds anyone within fifty feet
of you. Her aerial picks up radar and
oh…she can operate under water,” came a gruff voice from behind them as they
rose from checking the bumper. Rakahn
flinched slightly. Nyrien beamed and ran
towards the man, both arms outstretched. Baldwin
squeezed her in a brief embrace, lifting her petite frame off the floor, and
grinned down at her. “Ey lass, I expected you’d be here
sooner. Been about an hour since the
flash.” “Yeah, but it was insane in Armsrac. Since when has the place grown so populated?”
Nyrien replied after Baldwin set her down. “Ah, yes. That’s ever since the whole town
of Eptwit caught ablaze and the residents had to move down to Armsrac because
it has, or I should say had, a fair
bit of space. All the streets are altered too, to accommodate all those houses
they erected. Definitely disrupted the peace
n’ quiet there used to be. Anyway, those
Eptwit people are quite the industrials.
Bit of flare for business I should say.
Did you catch sight of Twirlin’ Pete’s?” Nyrien
shook her head. Baldwin chuckled. “I have to take yeh there
before you go back. Best ice cream for
miles. I know Raccoon over there took a liking to Estor’s Ice Cream Parlour.” He
glanced over Nyrien’s head at Rakahn, who was many feet away. Rakahn merely nodded and shifted his gaze
back to the black car, a wistful look in his eyes. “I see you’ve taken a fancy to my latest
work as well. Ain’t she a beauty?”
Baldwin said fondly, walking over to the model.
Nyrien and Rakahn nodded in earnest.
“What’s this one called?” Nyrien
enquired. “This lovely work of art,” Baldwin gave the
hood an affectionate rub, “is known as the Xerich.” “Wow…Xerich…almost reminds me of old Candace,
except for the wings and the guns,” said Rakahn. Baldwin
let out a boisterous laugh. “Love, you’re lookin’ at Candace reborn!” Nyrien gasped. “What? But I thought Candace…” “Oh yes, Candace is dead. But I took Her
basic design and used that for the Xerich’s frame. Bit of a tribute to old Candace…” Baldwin cut
across. Candace was the vehicle that Nyrien and Rakahn,
up to a few months ago, had used on the few missions they carried out in the
Secret Realm. It was a truly remarkable
vehicle, with the ability to spin 180 degrees in two seconds and launch fifteen
feet into the air when necessary. Things
went wrong for Candace, however, when Baldwin had tried to design her to
fly. At first, it was a huge success,
and the vehicle could rise to a steady altitude of a few thousand feet. Then again, that was the first day, and Nyrien
and Rakahn had to execute their operation that night. Needless to say, as Nyrien and Rakahn raced
across the sky to make their escape, they discovered that something was
terribly wrong with the wiring. Candace
dipped into an irreversibly steep dive, and her inhabitants were forced to
abandon the vehicle, parachuting to safety while Candace plummeted to the rocky
depths of the Hatven Lake below. A brief
moment elapsed while all three remembered the faithful car that has saved their
lives a number of times. The moment
passed. “So, are we gonna get to try out the
Xerich?” Rakahn overcame his apprehensions about Baldwin with his apt
enthusiasm over the vehicle. “Slow down, lad,” Baldwin grinned at Rakahn,
“There’ll be plenty of time for that, if all goes well tonight. In the
meantime, why don’t you two come inside the house and we’ll talk.” They followed Baldwin to a door at the rear
of the garage, which opened up into the laundering section of his abode. As they neared the living room, they heard a
familiar voice and were promptly hailed by a tall, slender young woman, her
flowing amethyst hair shimmering in the light.
As usual, she was adorned with glittering jewelry dangling around her
wrists and around her neck. She also
wore neatly rounded pearls in her ears, completing her elegant look. At the sight of her, Rakahn nearly swooned,
but quickly regained his composure, a wary eye on Baldwin. “Tess!” Nyrien exclaimed, “What are you
doing here?” Tess’
smile quickly faded and she addressed Nyrien with urgency. “Where on earth have you two been? Anyway,
it doesn’t matter. It’s already been
decided that you can’t be used again to retrieve the Diamond. It’s too risky. Reports are that the people of Darkwater
somehow found out that you and Rakahn were involved. Nigel too. Right now
things don’t look good. There’s been a bounty on all of your heads for about a
week. They’ve taken this so seriously
that they took a sixteen year old kid from Urecras hostage just because they
suspected he may have been working with you.
Now that Darkwater has the Diamond once more, things are going to get
really bad really fast.” Nyrien started to protest at being left out
but Baldwin cut ahead of her. “I’m afraid Tessy’s right " we can’t afford
to send you in. Right now, we’re looking
at Tess, Rapid and Shannon to get this done.
If we move in quickly, there’s a possibility that this might turn out
all right.” Nyrien looked positively affronted. “But Baldwin!
You can’t even think of sending in a team without me! I mean I am
directly involved in this. Rakahn and I
almost…wait…who’s Shannon?” she looked up at the robust Australian
quizzically. “My baby cousin. I suppose you should met her…OI! SHANE!”
Baldwin yelled over Nyrien and Rakahn’s heads.
There was a distant clanging sound followed by the opening of a door; Nyrien
and Rakahn turned to see a sandy-haired, freckly-faced young woman making her
way down the corridor. She looked to be
around Tess’s age, with her wavy shoulder-length hair pulled up in a pony tail
and a red baseball cap fitted over her head.
It was amazing how strongly, for just a cousin, Shannon resembled
Baldwin. With the same twinkling brown eyes, square shoulders and strong chin,
she could have easily been his sister. “Oh, is this them?” She asked as she
approached the group, her eyes flicking from Baldwin to between Nyrien and Rakahn.
“Right you are, Shane,” Baldwin grinned,
“Might I introduce you to Nyrien Hale and Rakahn Tour?” “Pleasure,” Shannon extended her hand, first
to Nyrien and then Rakahn. “So, Shannon, how come I’ve never seen you
in any of our other operations?” Nyrien enquired, with an air of one seizing up
new competition. However,
it was Baldwin and not Shannon who replied. “Ain’t nothin’ to worry bout, lass. Shayne’s got her experience, if that’s what’s
troubling you. Youv’e just never met her
because she’s been on the other side of the Realm, working for A.P.C.O.” “Apco?” Rakahn repeated with a quizzical
look. “You don’t need to know about that right
now,” Shannon replied, “I mean, there’ll be plenty of time to discuss that
after we’ve secured the Diamond.” Nyrien
didn’t really mind Shannon, however she was in a raw mood from being told she
could not get involved in the retrieval of the Diamond, hence it was with a
hint of annoyance that she asked, “So where do you fit in, really? I mean, if you’re involved with another
organization all the way across the Realm, I don’t see how F.A.B.L.E. could
recruit you, especially on an operation that calls for agents who are familiar
with this particular scenario, who know what they’re up against, who have
risked their lives to-“ “Ni,” Tess interrupted, “Shannon comes
highly recommended from A.P.C.O., and is a credit to her particular filed of
expertise.” “Which is what exactly?” Nyrien enquired. “Equipment and Intelligence " basically I
assemble arms and some parts of vehicles, but I more specialize in extensive
programming and analysis as well as coding,” Shannon answered. “Remember I told you they know Nigel was
involved?” Tess interjected again, “That put him out of the picture,
which means that put us real short technologically. And we definitely need our computer smarts
for this operation. You wouldn’t believe
this, but no one else is near enough qualified as Nigel is. And we tried a lot of people. But Baldwin mentioned Shannon and we got all
the papers and everything sorted out right away so she could join us on this
operation. We’ve already brought her up
to speed and so far she’s hacked into the encrypted files that other
organizations have compiled on Darkwater, programmed a communication device in
the form of an artificial fingernail, and is now working on programming the
guns to fire at vocal demand in addition to physical triggering.” Nyrien
was silent for a moment, obviously impressed.
At least, it seemed, they were well compensated for the temporary loss
of Nigel. However, the fact remained
that she was facing exclusion from what she felt was the most high risk
operation one could ask for. Baldwin
sensed her unease and put a broad hand on her shoulder. “Your’re one of the best we’ve got, which is
why we can’t afford to lose you. You’ve
seen what it was like last time. And
this time, the people of Darkwater know somewhat what they’re up against. It’s just too dangerous to send you.” Another
moment of silence elapsed. Rakahn was
also concerned about their being excluded, however he was silently agreeing
that it would be risking a lot to get involved this time. Besides, he was also worried about Nyrien as
her best friend, and had a terrible sense of foreboding that she might not be
as lucky this time as she was in the previous Diamond operation. The silence was finally broken when Nyrien
replied, in a rather subdued manner at first, “All right.
I’ll stand out. But I want to know
everything. I want to know where we
are, how much we know, how much they know,
who we’ve got going, who’s going to be handling what and the details on how we
intend to execute.” “All right,” Tess sounded relieved, “Let’s
go into the living room, shall we? I’ll
tell you all you need to know.” © 2012 R.G. BennetAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() R.G. BennetDFW, TXAboutI've been in love with reading and writing from a very young age. Books have always been an escape for me, my constant companions, the characters my best friends, their world my haven. It is my gr.. more..Writing