![]() PremiseA Chapter by R.G. Bennet~*~ It was nearly midnight and entire Hale
household was draped in silent darkness. Indeed, all that could be heard was
the monotonous hum of various household appliances and ventilation. The night
was cool, chilly even, and a distant threat of rain loomed on the dark horizon.
Nyrien Hale sat perched on her windowsill, her pale arms tightly folded around
her knees, bringing them up to her chest. Her heart-shaped face was pressed
against the window, her breath fogging the cool glass. She stared out into the
distance, avidly searching for something and yet she did not know exactly what
it was she was searching for. Yet something was pricking at the back of her
mind and so her gaze remained fixed towards the horizon.
The silence became complete. Not a single sound could be heard now - it
was as if the place had been sucked into a vacuum. Nyrien, for some reason,
hardly dared to breathe. And then she saw it. Amdist the darkness and silence,
an ethereal shimmering emerald flash burst across the horizon for a single half
of a second. And then it vanished. Nyrien dashed for the nearest phone she
could find. CHAPTER ONE Pick up, Pick UP! Nyrien thought in
frustration. She was well aware of the
late hour, but that was no excuse for Rakhan’s ignoring her call. Most anybody else would be in bed at such an
hour but Nyrien knew for a fact that Rakahn would be up, most likely composing
some poem or the other or brainstorming on a twist in the plot for a new series
he was writing: “Who killed Jesse Kirk?” Whatever he was doing, he seemed to be
so wrapped up in it that he either wasn’t hearing the frequent ringing or was
hearing it and ignoring it completely. Nyrien
was just about to hang up in angry submission when she heard a click and Rakahn’s
poetic voice. “Yes,
Nyri?” He sounded almost as frustrated as she felt. “What’s with the tone? If anyone should be annoyed, it should be me!
Why on earth weren’t you picking up?” Nyrien rushed. “You would be annoyed too if you were in the middle
of a literary breakthrough and someone completely broke off your
concentration,” Rakahn reasoned. Nyrien
sighed in frustration. “But I’m your best friend.” she retorted. “Yes, which is why you of all people would
understand how I am when I’m writing.” “Oh, I understand all right. You shut yourself up and lock yourself away
from civilization like it was the Dark Ages; but anyway, this is not a time to
argue with you. I saw the green flash.” “As
in the usual green flash or-,” “It couldn’t have been the usual green flash,
it was after 12! No, it was the other green flash.” “As in -,” “Precisely.” There
was a brief pause, and then… “Uh-oh.
This…we…I mean….it couldn’t’ve been the Diamond right?” Rakahn sounded nervous. “I don’t
see what else it could be. I personally
set up that signal to go off the minute the Diamond fell into the wrong hands.” Rakahn released a heavy sigh on the other
end of the line. Nyrien understood this
reaction. She was feeling much the same
way. Just two months ago, she and Rakahn
had managed to pull off an incredibly difficult, high risk mission in a
tyrannical city in another realm, involving the capture of the city’s
foundational source " the Felicity Diamond.
The Diamond was an enchanted object that, with the aid of a gem called the
key, fulfilled the desire of its possessor.
Once Nyrien and Rakahn had managed to secure the Diamond, the city was
thrown into a state of chaos, along with all of its inhabitants who, of course,
vowed revenge on whoever was responsible for this devastating breach of their
security. Luckily, the only people who
knew that Nyrien and Rakahn, along with some others, were responsible for the
operation were those belonging to an organization that had hired them to carry
out the task in the first place. Just one year ago, Nyrien had had the shock
of being sucked into another realm " the ‘Secret Realm’ as she knew it (the
elder inhabitants had not deemed her trustworthy enough to divulge the place’s
true name). Apparently, the people of
the Realm had heard of her excellent qualifications in the industry of high
espionage and hence decided to recruit her talents. Nyrien had not quite been ready to be
plummeted into the midst of the bedlam that existed in this strange, new
territory; however, she quickly adjusted.
She grew fond of the Secret Realm life and was impressed by the
mind-boggling technological advancement of its modern regions. She had also managed to befriend a few Realm
civilians, most of whom were already associated with the Organization. These friends had assisted her in one way or
the other in her discreet (and sometimes not-so-discreet) operations. The mission involving the theft of the
Felicity Diamond from the city of Darkwater had required quite a team effort.
The task was so high-risk that three people had almost died. Needless to say, Nyrien
was feeling quite disturbed about the fact that the Diamond was no longer
secure. If it turned out that the
captors were from Darkwater, it meant that lives were about to be endangered,
and she and Rakahn had to act. Fast. “Kahn,
we have to go. Now,” Nyrien said, trying to mask the fear in her voice. “What,
do you mean now as in right now?” Rakahn
did not do a very good job at disguising the fear in his. “Yes! I mean no.
It’d be too risky if we go separately, I mean remember what happened
last time? It took me three days to find
you. No, we have to meet, now, and then go…so do a two minute pack and meet
me in the alleyway between Crimson Lane and Jones Avenue.” “Got
it. See you in 10.” There was a click and Nyrien put the phone
down. She raced towards her closet,
pulled out a change of clothes, and hastily stuffed it in the nearest duffel
bag she could find. She then rushed to
her dresser and seized a flashlight, a mirror and a candlestick. After packing these, she fumbled around under
her bed and emerged a minute later with a strange looking watch and a tattered
old map. She scribbled a short note and
left it on her desk before dashing out of the door. The note consisted of only 5 words: Emergency Mission. France. Don’t contact. -Nyri Nyrien
had already reached outside the front door when she froze. “Oh shoot,” she smacked her head and raced
back inside, into the kitchen and took up a box of matches close to the
silverware drawer. Confident that she
had all she needed for the time being, Nyrien rushed back out the door and
sprinted to where she would be meeting Rakahn.
The alleyway was ominously dark, but Nyrien was able to spot Rakahn’s
lank form against one of the garbage bins.
took you so long?” his voice echoed out as she made her way toward him. “Oh, shut up Kahn,” Nyrien rolled her eyes, “I
only took so long because I had to look for necessities I’m sure you would’ve
forgotten to pack.” “What,
you mean like these?” Rakahn reached inside his backpack and switched on his
flashlight to reveal a small hand-mirror, a box of matches, and a silver spoon.
blinked. “Oh fleece, I forgot the silver…” “Ha.
Thank God for my genius eh?” Rakahn
elbowed her teasingly. “Whatever. Anyway, let’s get this going.” Nyrien
pulled out her candlestick and borrowed Rakahn’s mirror and match box. “Hold this,” she instructed, handing him the
candlestick. He took it and held it up to the mirror Nyrien was holding. She struck the match and a flame enveloped
the tip of the match briefly before flickering out due to the slight breeze
that night. “Oh, for Pete’s sake and mine, come on!”
Nyrien grunted in frustration and struck another match. The flame went out as quickly as the
first. Nyrien groaned. It was only on the fifth try that they were
able to light the candle successfully. “Okay, we need to say the words now before the
flame goes out,” Nyrien whispered anxiously.
Nyri, I had no idea,” Rakahn replied sarcastically, taking her hand. He held up the silver spoon and together they
whispered: Kie ne legraille,
ne legraille au gre beriu ne haielre… As soon as they had finished, the flame
from the candle lengthened and stretched over to the border of the mirror, so
that it became a fire lining the reflective surface. Nyrien let go of the mirror as it lengthened
and broadened until it became a portal surrounded by flickering flames. The surface of the mirror then began to
ripple, slowly at first, and then gaining speed until it was rippling at a
furious pace. At last, the surface
broke, sending a powerful gush of air forward that blew Nyrien and Rakahn
backward before reversing direction and inexorably sucking them through the
portal. There was a great whoosh, a
brief moment of impenetrable darkness, and then the pair fell through
faces-first onto a grassy field. Nyrien
got up first and hoisted Rakahn to his feet.
After dusting themselves off, they glanced around. It was twilight, and they were back in the
Secret Realm. “Well,” said Rakahn, flinging his backpack
over his shoulder, “here we go again….” © 2012 R.G. BennetAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() R.G. BennetDFW, TXAboutI've been in love with reading and writing from a very young age. Books have always been an escape for me, my constant companions, the characters my best friends, their world my haven. It is my gr.. more..Writing
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