![]() Chapter One:Sorry About Your Eyepatch.....A Chapter by RedRozeNinja13![]() The beginning of V's story- starts in a grocery store.![]() You get a lot of stares when you’re a lean blonde girl in faded jeans, with a navy paperboy sort of cap with your long hair tucked underneath, with a 118lb companion of pure muscle and sleek fur following you around without a leash. Especially when you’re out grocery shopping.At eight at night. With a clearly visible gun at your hip. Yeah- you get a lot of stares. Particularly when your grocery cart contains 12 canisters of iodized salt, other rag-tag containers of dried herbs and spices, and a few pounds of raw meat. And trust me- none of this stuff was for making some super-special beef jerky. And I think people knew it. I looked over the aisles as I strolled along, picking up a few miscellaneous items that may have made my cart seem a bit more “normal”. A few hair ties, a bag of rice, bobby pins, a new chain leash for Rip since he chewed his way through his last rope leash, and just the first bottle of shampoo I happened to see on the shelf. “V?” I hear my name being called, and I turn. I can see Clayton, with his eyepatch (that I gave him in first grade) and big smile striding towards me. Do I feel bad for maiming his face when we were little? Yes. Should he probably stop trying to talk to me? Also Yes. Am I going to make him? No. As stated previously I still feel bad. Will I ever stop feeling bad about it? Eh-probably not. Clayton is a nice guy who forgave me very readily, and the only way I’d ever be able to get rid of the guilt I feel (or at least stifle it for a while) would be to give him something he truly, deeply wants. And what Clayton truly wants is to date me. Sorry Clayton-but there isn’t so much room for a man in my life, men in my life get hurt (and killed) a lot. I especially can’t take the risk of getting involved with a man who knows nothing of what’s really out there. That’s just begging for bloodshed- and I’m really quite fond of Clayton, he’s been a good friend for as long as I can remember. And friends are something I have very few of. For the same reason that I won’t date Clayton- having too many friends is also dangerous. But Clayton is like a puppy that no matter how many times you say ‘No.’, will always wag his tail when he sees you. Ite’s very sweet, but I have a hard time being sweet in return. My ‘cousins’ (Not my real cousins, Pa is just their dad’s best friend and regular hunting buddy), Dean and Jayce, had a mother who was a hunter and fell in love with their dad before he knew anything about our world. It worked out for a while. But she’s dead now. She died a very dark and bloody death that to this day remains shrouded in mystery. And I don’t want to be like her, falling for one of the humans who would have to relearn everything they thought they knew (I believe they call that a ‘Midlife crisis’). I don’t want to put Clayton in danger-So I’ll just let him think I’m ‘Not like other girls’. Yeah. I’m not like them at all. I never will be. “What’s that?” he points at my cart. “Hey Clayton, just grocery shopping. My dad is out of town for a while but he still has this crazy list of stuff we have to buy every time. You know him, crazy superstitious.” I dismiss, pushing the cart down the aisle. I didn’t mention that Pa had been missing for over a month now. Was I worried? Yes. But I knew better. Pa could handle himself- after all, he’s taught me everything I know. And I’m not exactly one easy lady to tango with if you catch my drift. “Salt?” He inquires, picking up one of the 14oz cylindrical containers. “It keeps the spirits and demons away.” I tease, plucking the container from his hand and tossing it back into the cart. “Spirits and demons? Does superstition run in your family?” he asks as Rip trots after us. “You could say that.” I shrug as we approach as we approach check out and the cashier gives me a strange look. “Do you want me to walk you home? You’ll be going back to an empty house…” “It’s fine, Clayton. It’s just up the road, and besides, I won’t be alone- I have Ripper.” “Are you sure you don’t want help?” “I’m positive.” “Really?” “I’m as positive as I am that if you ask me one more time I’ll drop kick you like I did in our Tai Jitsu class in Jr.High.” “Ok-point taken. Just be careful, ok? It’s dark outside.” “Clayton, It’s night time, of course it’s going to be dark.” I say exasperatedly, paying the cashier and taking my bags. Out of the corner of my eye I see Clayton sneak a folded up slip of paper into one of the cellophane bags. Probably his phone number- Again. “Yes, but tonight- You may just notice it is a bit darker than usual…” Maybe it was the odd serious tone he used that was so unlike the Clayton I know that caught my attention, but then- maybe it was the dark words themselves that made my fingers clench. I don’t really know what about that little statement sent off my hunter sense- especially when a statement like that comes from Clayton. “What do you mean?” I turn around to look him in the eye, huffing one of the locks of hair that peeks out from under my cap out of my face. “Nothing, It was Nothing.” he shrugs. “Are you sure? Is something wrong?” I ask, watching him skeptically. Usually it was a look reserved for those who were either a- dumb enough to try and touch my gun, or b- just did something so incredibly stupid it made me want to use my gun. I happen to know for a fact that this look creeps out about 99% of the human population. “What? N-No V, I was just being stupid, looking out for you, ya know?” he laughs, and my suspicion melts-it was just like Clayton to say stuff like that, looking for an excuse to walk me home- and yet…… “See you later, Clayton.” “Keep your eyes open for passing cars- I don’t want you getting hit.” “Will do- c’mon Rip, we’re heading home.” . . . . . . Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me, but then- maybe it really was ‘darker than usual’ tonight. If that was possible. There was no moon tonight- and yet even the stars seemed to glint less animatedly than they did before. It was probably just me- because Ripper didn’t seem to mind. He trotted ahead in front of me, occasionally stopping to sniff a daisy and lagging behind, but in a few moments would always come loping back up with a goofy grin and a pant. I had almost dismissed all of my worries as me just being extra precautious because my pa had been gone a tidbit more than usual- that is, until I looked up the driveway and saw a black 1967 Chevy Impala parked next to my truck, and the front door beaten down and gaping open like the maw of a hungry anakim….. I’d like to meet the soul that thinks they can break into my house. © 2013 RedRozeNinja13Reviews
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4 Reviews Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 27, 2013Last Updated on October 2, 2013 Tags: fantasy, supernatural, monster hunting, drama, humor, romance Author![]() RedRozeNinja13Columbia, SCAboutWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell. It occurred to me that it was time for this little oddball to update her profile, you know? Lots of things have changed....and not all of them are good, in fact- hardly any a.. more..Writing
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