![]() AirtimeA Story by SauceC![]() Unfinished, looking for feedback![]() Airtime
Hi; my name is Airen Aerial Atmosphere, and my story goes like this: You see, I was born on an airplane somewhere over the Atlantis Ocean. So, from the beginning my life has been surrounded by air. My mother- Windy Aira Windsmill, she was a stewardess for the only airline willing to set up shop in New Steelport/Stillwater. My father- Jet Highrise Atmosphere was in the air force. Most of my childhood we’ve traveled (by air) all over the territories. I was fortunate to experience the divided nation at an early age, the different people, customs, traditions, accents, all that was nothing short of wonderful to take in; but none of that could prepare me when I decided to live at the Quarter-way. “Pack your things Airie.” My mother would always say one the balcony. We always loved to have dinner there, just overlooking the downtown area. At first, I would protest but she would sway me with the romanticized notion of riding in an airplane again. It got me every time, so after dinner I ran to my room that was up in the attic and filled my suitcases. My father would come in and apologize for having to leave so suddenly, never seeing my friends, classmates, and (later) lovers. “It’s okay dad!” My words shocked him. “Mama said we’re going on the airplane!” His small, sad smile was the first hint of it...
“Okay. is Mr. Airen Aerial Atmosphere here?” The teacher says looking around. I’ve never been good at roll call; my head is too busy being in the clouds. Before I raise my hand, however, “What kinda name is that?” One of the boys in the middle says followed by laughter. The 2nd grade is brutal, but Jet didn’t raise no b***h! “It’s a fly name! It’s not my fault your parents didn’t love you enough to name you something cool!” I blurt out and raise my hand, “Here!” He opens his mouth to say something, while the class is going crazy, “Alright, alright that’s enough. Everyone has really nice names; trust me I’ve seen worst.” The teacher expertly defuses the situation. She continues with the role, “Mr. Ripcord Hangtime Johnson?” To my surprise...that’s an amazing name, who is th- it’s the a*****e who made fun of my name. “We have similar names, you Black Sox fan!” I say more vexed than angry. Before Ripcord says anything, “Calm down, both of you. Before I take some of your good student points!” Ms. Smith threatens. Without another word we sit back in our seats. After school, none other than Ripcord comes up to me, followed by two other girls. “...I wanted to apologize...about you know...” he says almost mumbling. “Say it like you mean it.” One of the girls says annoyed. You’d think she’s his older sister, but they look nothing alike. “I’m sorry for making fun of your name, I was just jealous that you have a cooler one than me, I hope we can become friends.” He reaches out his hands. I look at his hand perplexed and tilt my head. One of the girls laughs and shakes her head, “It’s one of the traditions we kept alive, it’s called a handshake. It’s a sign of friendship.” “That’s really weird but ok...” I say and cautiously grab his hand. He suddenly starts to move our clasped hands up and down. I go along with it, thinking it’s the ‘shaking’ part. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Ripcord Hangtime Johnson.” He says with a friendly smile. “I’m Airen Aerial Atmosphere, it’s a pleasure.” I smile back. “Woah! That is a cool name!” The other girl says and shake my other hand, “Para Chú, and it’s nice to meet you!” As she finishes her introduction, a car honks and her entire mood changes. “I have to go.” She said almost in monotone, a complete 180 from here cheery disposition. With a quick wave to us three, she rushes to her car. “Anyway, I’m Ariana Erin Sinclair.” She adjusts her glasses. “It’s a pleasure.” Not knowing if I should go in for the handshake or not, I decide on a respectful nod. “Same here.” She’s no doubt the oldest and has a scary aura about her. The three of us talk it out, until one by one our parents come to pick us up. When my mother picks me up, she wants to know all about my day. I tell her everything, the good, the bad, the ugly. “I’m glad you were able to make some friends, Airie.” I put on my seat belt, “Please don’t call me that.” Her words hold some weight. When the excitement from riding an airplane fades, I get sad I must start anew. Which doesn’t work out since, I stare into space and the other kids label me as ‘weird’. So, when I do make friends we move soon after. “Mom, can we stay here for a little while?” Her smile drops and so does my heart. “I can’t make any promises...” The rest of the ride home was quiet. Over the next few weeks, I valued my finite, ticking time with my 3 closest, and only friends Ariana, Ripcord, and Para. I decided not to tell them by nomadic habits so our collective time wouldn’t be bittersweet. Our dynamic was: Ariana the cynical, protective one; Ricord was the mature, fun-loving, responsible one; Para was the cheerfully aloof, oblivious one, and I was the level-headed, open-minded, adventurous one. Together other kids and teachers call us the Air Heads. Well one weekend, at Air Head Base which was just Ripcord’s unusually big tree house. The four of us are eating and talking, having a good time. It’s been a short amount of time to say, but I love these guys! Ariana doesn’t trust or like other people but treats us three like family. Although we started out rough, Ripcord is like an older brother to me; his strong personality and sense of duty brings us all together. Para is like the loveable, honeybun we must protect. She can see no evil or wrong and it’s all sunshine and rainbows with her, she’s quick to lighten the mood also has the best jokes. “What do your parents do Ripcord?” I ask a bit curious. Para seemed to tense up at the question, I decide not to call her on it. “My mom is a professional snowboarder, and my dad is a stunt man for movies.” “If you’re wondering about his name, it’s after a big stunt his father pulled off to launch him into fame.” Ariana adds, getting an angry look from Ripcord. “He has to explain it a lot.” “What about you Para?” Ripcord asks to redirect the conversation from him. She visibly looks shaken up and takes her time. “O-Oh father was in the army, the Paratroopers division...she thought it would be funny to use our family name to put a play on words. You know Para Chú... Parachute.” “My dad’s currently in the Air Force. He would always bring me on base and let me fly in a fighter jet with him.” I’d say to bring the pressure off her. The other two got excited and asked endless questions about it. Para always adopt a gloomy mood around certain topics, no one points it out. She must be bipolar or has bad memories bottled up...I hope she opens up to me so we can talk about it. “So, what are the Air Heads gonna do today?!” Para is back to her usual perky self after finishing her food. Ripcord stands up in response, walks to a window and just points out towards the city. My eyes follow his finger to a sea of nowhere in particular, just buildings alongside some skyscrapers. A silence fills the treehouse living room as we wait for an explanation. “But where in the city Rip...” Ariana finally asks. “I’m thinking about that, but somewhere in there. I feel it.” That’s Ripcord for you, once he gets the feel the Air Heads are in for a great time. Suddenly, he clasps his hands together, “We’re going to go on top of the Entire State Building!” Para lets out a joyous squeal and runs to the corner and opens the floor hatch. We follow and head into the city. The living, breathing streets of the 5 Boroughs. The sidewalk is filled with people shoulder checking and pick pocketing, the streets are unmoving and filled with colors. Big coats, big attitudes, big buildings, big rats, etc. We stick together and push our way up the street. “Let’s stop at a Bodega for some food.” I suggest to general acceptance. We make a turn to our favorite spot. “Aye stop dicking around with the chopped cheese and make some bacon, eggs, and cheese deadass!” Ripcord called out to the man behind the counter on the other side of the store. “Yo watch yo f****n mouf B.” He replies holding up a cleaver. “I already have some made.” Another guy comes from the back, apparently with a hangover. “Everybody shut yall f*****g mouths. Loud asses.” “Look ova at this f*****g bum. How you been Unc Paulie?” “Ahhh don’t worry about me you little s***s. Keep disrespecting your elders you gonna find a few blue hairs in yo hot dogs one of these days.” Mr. Rufiani says opening another bottle. “Where is my favorite Bodega cat?” Para says sweetly looking around. “Yo Little Apple! The Air Heads here to see you.” As if on cue, a blue and white-haired cat comes in. He has his golden boots on with his durag on tight. “Gave him a special potion from a friend...” Little apple walks along the counter and stretches. “Ayo yarn B.” The cat says aggressively. Para is overfilled with joy, while the rest of us are shocked and horrified. This cat just talked to us... “Swear on your foot butters that...that cat didn’t just talk!” Ariana says out of character while taking a step back. “Yup, some scientist uses some parrot juice to make some animals talk for a few days.” Paulie says headed back to the other room. We get the food and some drinks while Para plays and talks to the Bodega cat. He only knows a hand full of words and phrases but still can have a basic conversation. Para is the only one who gotten used to it. After prying her away from the deli counter we continue our journey. As we get into the lobby, we walk up to the desk. “Hey Melissa, we’re going up to the roof for a while.” Ariana tells her almost in a stern tone. “Yea sure, just be careful.” She replies pointing at the special elevator, the golden one next to the standard silver two. We get in and relax. Waiting to be ascend to the top, the elevator stops a few times for people wanting to head down. After what seems to be a couple of minutes the doors slide open and we see a man standing on top of the railings just moments away from jumping. “Hey!” I yell out and sprint towards the man. The others quickly follow behind. He turns around to look at us and lets out a heavy sigh. “What do you kids want? I'm busy...” Ariana studies the man’s expression and makes a face of disgust. Nothing out of the ordinary. “What kind of a monster would traumatize a bunch of elementary students?” Without another word he steps down. “Sorry I didn’t realize...” His voice trails off as he heavily leans against the rail. There’s an awkward silence on the roof. The man looks as if he wants to cry but is too deep in thought. We’re glancing between each other, over the balcony, and at the man unsure what to do. Para’s happy humming makes us all glance at her as she doesn’t seem to understand the situation. “Hey mister...if you’re sad you can do what I do and sing a song in your head!” Her sweet tone makes the situation seem worst. He picks up his head and turns it towards us. The red in his eyes tells us all the crying he’s been doing. A man whose spirit has been broken is staring into our own souls. It’s filling us with despair. With a skip, continuing her humming she heads over to the man. She holds out her hand, “I’m Para hawa Chú. What’s your name?” The three of us are stunned. None of us really knew if she had a middle name, she never said it. As the man stared at her, I noticed her expression...could be cloaked. Hints of intense, seriousness lies beneath that cheerful, jolly disposition she always makes. She’s afraid...maybe not of how dangerous a man with nothing can lose can be, but what’s going to happen when we leave this roof. That’s just the type of person she is... “Eugene Orion. I don’t remember any happy songs.” “That’s fine! I forget them sometimes as well!” She says with a little laugh. He offers a quick smile before it drops. “Tell us about why your sad and maybe it’ll help.” He considers it for a while. It felt like several minutes before he sits up properly. Para sits next to him and the three of us breaks out of the fear to gathers around them as to protect her. “Alright...well where do I start?” Para offers a chopped cheese that I had my eye on. He takes it and eyes it for a few moments before tearing up. She watches him as he starts to break down and catches himself. Para’s smile grows wider as Eugene wipes his tears away. “Yea...you remind me so much of my daughter. Her name is Summer, she was the only reason I was putting up with...that b***h.” He opens the wrapper and takes a bite. Ripcord looks up at us and Ariana shakes her head. I lean back on the rail and release a silent sigh. “I caught my wife in bed with another man...she cheated on me. I treat her better than a queen! I put her up on this high pedestal and this is how she repays me? You kids wanna know what she said to me after a long, immoral session of adultery?” He pauses for a spilt second before continuing. Para looks up at him, while Ripcord and I share concerned looks. Ariana rudely displays a bored look. “This b***h told me to go get some drinks! I pulled out my pocket calculator, because s**t just wasn’t adding up! When I came back with the drinks, she basically told me that she’s been unfaithful as long as we’ve known each other. The fact that Summer couldn’t be m...” Tears began to appear in his eyes. “...is what guided me to this rooftop.” The only sound we can hear is the wind blowing and birds doing their mating call up above. None of us has nothing to offer this pathetic man. Ariana is halfway through her food, not making a sound, she clocked out of whatever this is a while ago. The view of the city is being enjoyed by Ripcord and me; still half listening. “Well...how about this Eugene.” Para finally says after a lengthy consideration. “Whether or not Summer is your daughter or not doesn’t matter. As far as you know, she’s the only girl in the house calling you daddy a-” “The only girl in the world.” Ariana corrects her. Ripcord blows air from his nose with a wide grin and I quickly put my hand over my mouth sharing that grin with him. “...yes, well my point is that Summer considers you as father. You’re the man that’s taking care of her and she obviously loves you. Dad or Stepdad that love won’t change.” Para says also sounding like a pep talk. “What if she wants to meet her real dad? I can’t bear having him around the two most important girls in my life. He’s a home wrecker and will be a bad influence on her!” “Look if you decide to jump at any point in the near future, three things will happen: You will never know if she’s really your daughter, the man your wife is cheating on you with will take your place, and Summer will turn out just like her.” Para’s tone shifted at her last point. The air suddenly got heavier. None of us made a sound. Para dug deep into this man soul and we feel it. Eugene stopped shaking and is in deep thought. A mental tug-o-war. At this point, subsequently following her last reason, we’re all paying attention. The muscles in his face relaxed and he leans back. Tears are flowing freely to his chin and dripping aimlessly into his lap. I guess...even his tears gave u- “MY BABY!!!” Eugene screams as a war cry. He pushes Para away from his arm and leaps up full of energy. With a dedicated sprint to the golden elevator he eagerly presses the button dozens of times almost breaking it, how fast he’s pushing it. “Don’t worry...daddy will make sure you become a respectable woman.” He says to himself as he practically jumps into the elevator. Doing the same to the lobby button the doors slowly start to slide. “Thank you, guys! I almost made a horrible mistake; I’ll never forget this!” As he waves goodbye, and the doors are almost shut, I can see that his pupils changed...they’re now both hypnotizing swirls. “Now that he’s finally gone, let’s try and enjoy the rest of the day please.” Ariana says annoyed. “Of course, Ari!” Para says springing up, back to her regularly merry self. Our adventures around the Yankee territory, I’m sure none of us will ever forget. Sneaking into the Black Sox stadium to spread Yankee propaganda, going into the territory's treasury to see the famous 2,000-dollar bill with Baby Ruth on it, drinking aged apple juice over a pier in Bopper/Cone Island, etc. As we hang out more and more, Para starts to act weirder each time; like she acts out of character, being overly anxious and worried. I decided that it’s none of my business so I don’t bring it up to the others, must be a family thing. My time with them is something I could never replace.
“Happy birthday!” Everyone says excitedly, clapping and smiling. I’m genuinely surprised I have so many people at my party. Ever since moving to Yankee Territory, I started off alone, then met the Air Heads, then befriended more people as our legendary adventures gain rumors. Ariana and Para give me a hug and Ripcord remembered the special handshake. As I greeted and thanked everyone for coming, the party continues also it run smoothly. We eat cake, talk about the good old times, open the presents, reveal our report cards, etc. As the party winds down, the Air Heads relax on my balcony while our parents talk in the living room. “Thank you, guys, for coming.” I say glancing over towards Para who looks guilty. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world Airie” Ripcord says teasingly. I punch him in the arm and take another bite of my cake. “I can’t believe you’re 9 now.” Ariana says looking over the balcony. Para nods in agreement. I look over my shoulder back in the living room and see the adults talking, their body language gives away what they’re talking about-my departure. Para’s dad looks over at me, his narrow, green eyes always scared me. I quickly look away and consider if I should tell my friends as well. My parents always leave the bearing of bad news to me. I don’t know exactly when we’re leaving so, I guess I have some time, right?
Turns out I didn’t, right after they left, I received another present from my parents. The three of us know what’s inside, I can’t help but get a wide, sad smile. It’s a plane ticket. After a brief amount of time bouncing around, we head down south to the territory of Zhe Swamplandz. At this point, I would have been around 15 years old. My father got a major promotion and was ordered to be stationed at the base here in the territory. Without much success at fitting in my first year of high school, I wasn’t too upset to leave. My mom and I unpack into our apartment in the city of Old Nu-Nu Orleans, it’s a really nice place, we managed to get the top floor. I eased into other territories fairly, but the next few relocations would be a complete cultural shock. “How do you like our new home Airie?” My mother askes in a grimly cheerful tone. “It’s only my third day out here I don’t know” “Well I hope, you find a way to fit it...” The ping of guilt in her voice, makes me feel horrible for some reason. “I always do.” I reply headed to my room. I lay back in my air mattress and look up at the skylight. The blueish-green sky with the black cloud looks beautiful. Self-care has always been important to me, but lately I don’t even know how I’ve been feeling. Hollow? Empty? Full of air? Moving is such a constant stain on my social life, I don’t know... I didn’t know I feel asleep but a knock on the door wakes me up. It’s my father, he looks dead tired. “How you liking your room? Lots of space and a sunroof!” I sit up and stretch, “It’s amazing dad, I feel free.” “Good...” He comes to sit on my mattress, “...Look I know you don’t like to move away from everything you worked so hard to build up. I’ve watched you all your life, starting over and over. All because of my job.” Before he continues, “It’s alright, I don’t mind it one bit. You said it yourself, we were meant to be free, and can't stay in one place.” He nods and puts his hand on my shoulder, “Once you turn 18, you can move anywhere you want in the nation and I'll have money saved up for you. The time is coming where I'll be stationed at an Air base indefinitely and I don't want you to be there. You have a life to live.” I look forward, staring into space taking it all in. Jet stands up and sighs, “Have a good day at school, tomorrow. I’ll have less free time so if you need me, I’ll be on the base. Remember your ID Key card.” He gives his small, sad smile and head out. I lay back down and watch the sky, before I close my eyes, I get a call. Begrudgingly I answer, “Hello?” “Hi Airen! How are you?!” Para says laying down on her bed as well. “I'm fine Para, what about you?” I ask slightly annoyed. The airheads still stay in touch from time to time. A year after I left, so did Ariana after her father died. “Better.” She says is a semi-serious tone. I decide not to pry. “...So how are zhe swamplandz?” “I just got here, but I did eat at this chicken sandwich at Chicken we’ll Fill Ya.” She gets excited, “I always wanted to go there! Is it as good as they say?” I laugh drowsily, “Someone was selling shining knight armor and wooden sticks, I brought it and had to fight my way to the counter, so yea it lives up to the popularity.” “You’ll have to take me there sometime...” She says in a tender tone. I didn’t catch on to what she is implying. “If I can stay in one place for more than a few years...” “Where do you think, you’ll be off to next?” I look at my map, “The only territories we didn’t live in is the country of Florida, Piru territory, Mungo country, and New Vegas. Things are picking up in Redd city so we might be stationed in Piru for a while.” “Interesting...hey I have to go, I’ll call you later, okay?” She hangs up before I respond. “What a weird girl.”
I close my locker, and she walks up to me. “Brown skin, blue eyes, jet black hair, 5’8, alethic build...you look exactly like my next boyfriend.” I chuckle as I turn to her, “If you don’t mind long distance relationships then check the football field with that description. Sneauxy Cider my one and only friend here at Old Nu-Nu High school. She constantly flirts with me and it’s annoying, but she shows me around and help with the various culture shocks that comes with the region. “You’re no fun...but hey what are you doing after school?” She says with a big smile. “Uhh...homework, sleep the usual.” “Well not anymore! We’re going to Whiskey Street!” Before I can protest, she tries to sweeten the deal. “I know, I know you’re not much if a drinker, but you can chase it down with my apple cider.” I cross my arms and stare at her. Once again, she sweetens the deal, “...and I won’t treat it like a date.” I sigh and roll my eyes, “Fine but if qzi-” Her bodyguard finds her, and she runs off. Shoulder checking me as he passes. “A*****e” The thing about Sneauxy is she’s rich. I mean uptown affluent; all because of the smartest branding in the nation. Her family’s apple cider tastes like piss, so someone thought it was a great idea to rename it Dixon Cider. After her late, great grandmother who had a piss poor attitude. I get up and as soon as I do another person bump into me, “I know y’aint messing with my Japanese Denim.” His accent is either thick or Sneauxy isn't from here. Without a word I turn and head to cooking class. Today we’re making seafood gumbo... When the final bell rings, I come out the front doors and there she is standing with her bodyguard, next to her sliver limo. She waves me over. “Are you ready?” She asks clearly eager. “Gotta get there early if we want the good stuff.” “It’s 2:30, we’re not going drinking this early.” “It’s a tradition, we have to go!” “We’re 15 Sneaux” “The drinking age is 13 here!” “What about your parents?” “They got me into drinking!” “I don’t want to throw up in your limo.” “We have cleaners! Are you done with your excuses?” I let out an overextended sign, “Alight let’s go.” I turn towards her body bodyguard, “And you’re okay with this?” He shrugs, “I just get paid to make sure nobody kidnaps her for ransom.” I get in the limo without another word. She wasn’t lying, the street is packed with drunk people. Kids to the elderly, all wobbling and walking. We find a parking spot and head out. “Watches! Watches! Get your watches!” A guy yells out to the crowd. A guy who didn’t look his way, walks pass him. “Man... f**k you!” Someone grabs my shoulder, “Where have you been! I been looking all over for you, Shawn!” A middle-aged man who looks he been through hell is crying and thanking the Gods. “I’m not Shawn, keep looking” I shout calm, clear, and slow for him. “SHAWN!!!” He screeches down the busy street and keeps looking. “Airen! Is that you?” An old woman in a booth says waving franticly. I carefully walk to the booth along with Seauxy and her guard. It’s not until I get close until I realize it’s the soothsayer, I met my first day here. “Hello Airen.” “How do you know my name?” “Soothsayer...fore sight...future vision.” “Right, what are you doing here?” “I knew you were going to be here, and I need a message to be delivered. When you met someone named Sauce Capitol Cee, tell him the following list: Anti negative water, edible rat poison, three grams of gold, five parrot shoulders, and an unlucky penny.” As she’s saying this her eyes glow a bright blue. “Is there a certain time or day to tell him?” I ask making a mental note. “Just any time before April 14, 2025.” “Right well I’ll write it down before I get drunk and forget.” I say turning away towards the bars. “Oh and tell the Captain I said hey...also side with Para!” She yells out. “Vague as hell” As he enters the first bar, the bartender throws an ice cube at us. “Show me your IDs.” Sneaux looks at him angrily, “Do you have any idea who the hell I am!?” “Yea, your Dixon Cider is trash, show me that ID or I’m shooting you.” He spats out in complete seriousness. They stare each other down for several seconds and he slams a quad barrel shotgun on the counter to back up his point. I look at them, then at the patrons in the bar. Everyone is dead silent, and frozen. The atmosphere in the room is acutally starting to suffocate me, how stuffy and dense it is. He picks it up and c***s it, “Last chance...” Sneaux stands defiant and doesn’t move. He aims it at us and switches the safety off. Staring down one barrel is scary but four?! “I warned y-” “WAIT!” I franticly shuffle through my pockets spilling coins and other pocket items all over the floor. Suddenly the entire bar burst into laughter including the bartender, Seauxy and her bodyguard. Confused I look around and see I’m the only one at the butt of the joke. Embarrassed, I start picking up everything I dropped. “Come sit down, saved you guys a sit.” He says wiping the same spot as they do in the movies. They go and sit, chatting it up with the other customers. When I finish picking everything up, I sit with them. “Sorry for the scene, blame Ms. Cider for that.” The bartender slides me a drink with a large ice ball sitting perfectly in the middle of the s**t glass. I eye it for a moment and give it a quick sniff. Whatever this is, it’s strong. “It’s Whiskey kid, none of that weak s**t either, it’s made, raised, and aged here in Old Nu Nu Orleans!” He proclaims proudly. “I told you to call me Sneauxy, Paulie!” She says in slur, already on her third drink. “Careful, I’m sure this isn’t your last stop.” Paulie says sliding another drink. He turns to me and extends his hand, “Anyway, I’m Paulie Rufiani. Welcome to my bar Paulie Rufiani’s Poison Bartering!” I shake his hand with a smile, “Thanks for not shooting us” “As a celebration...” She pours half of her glass into mine. “Finish your first drink, you need to catch up!” She finishes her glass and Paulie slides her another. I look at my glass that’s almost filled and decide to gulp the whole thing down. I slam the glass and tilt my head back forward, but for some odd reason my head is three times as heavy and I slam it on the bar. I don’t have the strength to pick it up and things go dark. “YEAA!” “What the...” “YEAAAA!” “...” “YEAAAAAAA!!” I open my eyes and slowly pick my head up. I don’t know how long I was out but the whole bar is cheering in unison. Some have their shirts off and all fists are in the air. Sneaux is sitting on someone’s sholders, her raised fist scrapping the roof. They’re gathered around the 150’ flat screen that’s mounted and taking up 1/3 of the side wall. “You missed it, Young light weight!” The random a*s woman is screaming at me. Wondering what’s going on I rub my eyes and turn to the tv. The Old Nu Nu Orleans Crawfish just scored to tie the game with the Piru Shooters in the sacred game of Water Polo. “Wh-” “YEAAAAA!!!” “Sneauxy! I’m awake and my ear drums are about to pop! Time to leave!” I shout barely loud enough for her to hear. She reluctantly jumps off the guy and finishes a random drink from a table. “Put the cost on my tab Paulie.” She says tripping over air as we wait for her to get to the door. After a difficult and clumsy trip, she makes it to the door. “Alight lets head to the bar!” We jump bar to bar, each one more ridiculous than the last. The Old Nu Nu Orleans ended up beating the Piru shooters 15 to 10. Soon after the game ended, there was a massive shootout. The only injury was one of the water boys. While I’m happy everyone made it out alive, I’m trying to do the same drinking as least as possible, since anything more than half a shot glass sends me to a whiskey induced mini coma. After leaving from our 5th bar, none of us can walk in a straight line, our legs are wobbling, and we blend right in with the people around us. “Hey!” Is all Sneauxy can say, while pointing at the police station. “Grreat I-Idea!” Her bodyguard says a loud. They make their way in the police station and I try to follow. Bottles of whiskey and other liquor are open, and half served. Even the people in the cells have a few shots in their system, judging by the empty glasses around the floors. “Hide your drinks boys! Ms. Cider is here!” One of the officers yells out. The prisoners laugh and all in unison, hold up their drinks. “Nice to see you Officer Fleur de lis!” She eagerly yells out and goes to hug him. “What do we owe the millionth drunk visit?” “We want to start a street parade!” She screams out, throwing her arms in the air. “I want to empty the cells and have them join us!” The entire jail house erupts in joy. This is crazy... “HEY!” Fleur de lis howls over the celebration. “You guys have until midnight to be back in your cells. If you’re not, we will triple your sentences at 12:01. We will come looking for you at 7am and if we find you or if you not in your cell by the sun rise you getting executed.” He presses a button, scans his finger and each cell slides open. I look at my phone and it’s 7:48pm. Are convicts gonna roam around the city for a couple of hours? The initial joy has died down, but some are still gutty. They file in the lobby buzzed and grateful. “Are they ready Fleur?” Sneaux looks at him expectedly. “Just about...” After a few moments a group of men come in from the basement, each carrying a different instrument. Saxophone, flute, trumpet, electric oversized banjo, bass guitar, and of course the legendary harmonica. They look tired and out of it, but when they start their first song, my feet start to tap without my permission. “Let get this started!” A prisoner says passing a bottle of gin around. The front door is slammed open with an explosion of music, prisoners, and drinks. The marching band at point, then us three behind them, and behind us is a crowd of prisoners enjoy themselves and dancing. I pour myself a tall glass of Horse Bourbon, “how did I get here?” One of the prisoners puts his arm around me, “If the highest didn’t want you to be here, you wouldn’t.” I dart my eyes, “Someone wise as you behind bars? Why are you in jail?” “Public intoxication. Smart a*s. My point is to enjoy yourself; we live in crazy times...after the great fall and all.” I take a sip and sigh, “F****n A.” “Oh, and also for theft.” He pats my shoulder twice, before casually falling back in the crowd of convicts. I pat my back pocket to not find my wallet, and my drink that I was holding is gone as well. It's gonna be a long night. It’s been an hour and a half, and we’ve amassed dozens of people. We walk up and down Whiskey street, attracting more and more people to march with us. Song after song is playing played, we march around the city. The mass of around 350 drunk people are dancing, drinking, eating, and throwing up. It feels like an enlightening pilgrimage: dodging bullets in 12th ward, stopping for jambalaya, helping people set up early for tailgating, etc. For some odd reason, I’m extremely grateful and relieved that we haven't lost one person. We keep the same number throughout our journey; unrealistic things like that are things you pay attention to when you’re hammered. We decide to rest up on a hill overlooking the levee. Some logs were laying around, so we chopped them up and stared a bond fire. The marching band changed their tone to pure smooth jazz, genuinely relaxing. We all sat around the fire to warm up. We tell stories, give advice, crack jokes, and of course dance and drink some more. I lean back on a log and take yet another sip. “Good stuff ain’t it? I look up and notice a girl sitting on the log...in fact I'm sitting in between her feet. “Yea...too bad I'm not much of a drinker.” I lean to the side and try to support myself on her calf muscle, to keep from laying on the cold ground. “...I was like that not too long ago, but these people will drink to anything.” She says with a laugh. I lose my eyes and enjoy the warmth of her leg. “You’re not from here?” She takes a second before answering, must be taking a shot. “No, came all the way from the New Vegas providence.” “The fortunate teller told me; I’ll met a guy from there, sometime in college.” I suddenly remember promising to write it down later. She sighs, “Jezzabelle Akriví̱s Esmeralda...she’s amazing, isn’t she?” She starts playing with my hair; weird as hell but I’m at a bond fire filled with convicts on a Tuesday night. So, the word weird has lost all meaning tonight. “She’s very weird. I try to keep my distance, not too big of a fan of the magical, anthropophagical side of life. You know?” “Yea I hear you...try living with her tho” I try to sit up and turn around facing her, “You don’t say Ms...” I must be really fucked up; she literally looks like a goddess. “Cassandra Esmeralda, her 14th generation granddaughter. It’s nice to meet you!” Her drunken laugh is loud. “Then you know who I am?” I ask slightly embarrassed. “I don’t have fore sight like her, if that’s what you’re asking. The two of us meeting is just a stroke of fate.” Ending that statement off with a swig straight from the bottle, really made that suspicious. Sluggishly, I stand up, which was a bad idea. The world around me won’t stop moving, my vision is blurred to hell and back, and I feel like throwing up. Unless you’re a few feet from me, I probably couldn’t hear you. This is my limit. I sit next to Cassandra and smile. “You’re saying there’s some lyrical, spiritual reason for us meeting?” Things stopped spinning once I sat down, focusing put my sight at a manageable level, which made me almost lose my voice from shock. I didn’t really notice until now, but this girl is beautiful. Long, and curly hair has always been my weakness. While she’s been thinking, I've been unintentionally staring in her eyes. “Maybe, but I know my living ancestor knows something about it.” She looks me in the eyes, and I snap out of it. “Oh! Question...If she’s your great, great, great, great, great, great, great...grandmother, how does she live so long? If you don’t mind me asking.” She smiles again and looks forward into the fire. “She’s one of the last people to drink at the fountain of youth. It’s an old bedtime story she used to tell me; of how her, Sauce Capitol Cee and Captain Fill-a found the fountain of youth, drained it, and keeps in locked away.” I sat there mesmerized. I’m friends with a piece of important history, and hopefully soon to be related to it. “Do you mind if you tell me more about it?” I ask intrigued. Cass turns to me with a look of disgusted hatred. It quickly fades and is replaced with one of annoyance. “My big mouth and me. I tell this story at least twice a day!” After a long sigh, she forces a smile and places her head on my shoulder. “Fine...only as a sign of good faith.” She gets comfortable by snuggling up with me. Oh my gods, is this what she felt? Having a drunk person invade and lean on your personal space is the worst, even if they’re cute as hell. “You’re not gonna fall asleep on me, are you?” I ask looking down at her. Both arms wrapped around my triceps, head rested on my shoulder, eyes closed, and of course one the biggest smiles; I already knew the answer. “Of course not.” She lied. The pressing feeling that someone is watching me grows to the point where I can’t ignore it anymore. My gaze from Cassandra shifts for the first time is a while and over to see Sneauxy sitting across the fire among the inmates. Her eyes are blood shot red... she’s pissed. This is the first time I've seen her like this, and I can feel her hatred burn my barefoot more than the stick she lit on fire and recently threw at my foot. I intentionally lose the staring contest we silently started and pretend I didn’t see her...yea it’s not too late to do that. “Are you gonna start the story?” I say gently shaking my arm. She suddenly wakes up, “O-Of course...I’ll keep it brief.” I stay quiet to allow her to gather her bearings. “So yeah, Jezzabelle was born in 1477...” she trails off waiting for my reaction. My mind was elsewhere...at my foot to be accurate. She rolls her eyes and continues, “Her birth was under extremely unusual circumstances, after being born in her Aff village, she soon found herself in piracy at a young age due to the it being attacked. She and her crew sailed the seven seas where they robbed, stole and other pirate stuff. They planned on robbing Ponce de León around 1535 but wanted to see what his new exploration would bring. When they saw that he came back on his ship looking 10 years younger, they went to investigate. Deep in the jungles of Florida, they found the spring of life-giving water. A sip set her from 58 to 49. They drunk until they were in their early 20s. Once of her men drunk until he was a newborn. Seeing the dangers of this, the captain had it drained after they collected samples. They were known as many things over the centuries, as you already know they’re still sailing today. It’s said that they were unkillable, after cutting down the entire crew, they would reappear days later, as if nothing happened. Even Silver Beard sailed around them, they robbed from every and any country, delivered the booty to The Motherland. From 1480 to today. Descendants from the original crew still sail around and act as a vigilante navy.” The stars in her eyes light up when she talks about her ancestor's adventures. It’s the cutest thing. “So, have you ever been on the ship?” A random inmate asks. We snap back out of our bubble and everyone is staring at us. Sitting and of course drinking, all facing us. Embarrassed, she inches away from me. She clears her throat and sits up, “Of course I have.” That was enough to get oohs and ahhs from them. They start blurting out more questions. Active inquisitiveness is intimidating from convicts, especially from a large group of them. “Oh, would you look at that, it’s 11:37. Yall better get back to the station!” Sneauxy announces sitting in between two of them. Reluctantly they take most of the alcohol and they began to make their way down the hill. One of them comes up to me, “You know... I’m in jail but it doesn’t mean I’m a bad person.” He hands my wallet, and a new drink. He also hands over my phone...something I didn’t even know was stolen, he’s good. “Thanks, I’ll put in a good word for you.” “Mane...I ain’t f*****g going back!” Someone angrily yells. “I’m from Piru territory! I’m not going back, I ain’t no b***h.” The other prisoners look at him disappointed. One of the older men walks up to him, “You must be new...so I’ll tell you straight up. Go back to your cell.” He slaps the old man hand off his shoulder, “F**k that! I been in for five da-” “And you have 25 more to go! We all have 1-9-month sentences! Don’t throw your life away over an intoxicating taste of freedom.” As an act of defiance, he starts running away. “I’m making a name for myself, remember the name, Gilbert F*****g Jenkins!” A few others run off as well, many of them with our bottles. The remaining vast majority start to head back with haste. They continue to drink, and the marching band follows behind, playing angry jazz. With no music, little to drink, and the bonfire drying the non-imprisoned citizens start to head out. “Looks like the party comes to an end.” Cassandra says in a sad tone. She turns to see me frowning and disappointed. “But don’t worry, we’ll definitely see each other again.” She plants a quick kiss on my cheeks and walks with the second crowd of people. There I was drink and tired on a weekday night. Shot at just hours before, in a self-made parade with local convicts, and met two people that are 14 generations apart. Life is crazy. I sit there for a few moments with my hand on my cheek, trying to process everything that occurred. When suddenly... “Let’s go b***h!” Sneauxy yanks my arm with strength I never knew she had. The pain is non-existent...in fact my whole body has been numb for a few hours now. I fly out of my sit and she’s literally dragging me down the hill. “Talking and flirting with other girls...you must be out yo goddam mind...” After a stern talking to from Sneaux, I finally get to crash out in my bed. I check my phone to read 3:49 a.m. When I get to the front door, I can hear an argument between mom and dad. I’ve never heard them argue...if it’s about me not coming home, then I better make myself seen. I unlock and open the door carefully to see them standing across the dinner table staring at me. “Where have you been Airen!” My father asks in a surprising calm tone despite him yelling seconds before. Before I can answer my mom cuts in, “Can you belive that your father wants us to move to Piru territory! He must not love us, sending us to a warzone and basically a death sentence!” His deep voice comes back in a yell, “I didn’t ask to be assigned there!” I close the door and awkwardly stand there, not to give away I’ve been drinking. “Piru territory is just like Roanapur and Ergastulum: wacky, dangerous, not to mention no place to call home.” She points out in a softer tone. “Anything can happen Jet.” “You two can stay her-” “NO!” She suddenly yells out. “We’re not leaving you in a place like that alone; military or not.” My head gets the better of me, so I make my way up the stairs. They take note of me wobbling but doesn’t question me about it or stop me from excusing myself. When I collapse on my air mattress, I melt in it like it was a waterbed. My muscles relax as the cool air from the night sky sway in from the skylight. It’s taking much longer for me to fall asleep in even through I’m tired; I just might be afraid of living in Piru territory. My deep thoughts are interrupted by my mother. “Still awake?” She asks softly. “Yea.” “Your father and I saw you on the news.” The fact that she ended it with a chuckle is scary. “You did? That’s crazy...” I sit up dazed with bed head. I don’t know when, but I took off my shirt. It’s cold. “The fact that our son can start a 400 man parade full of criminals alongside the daughter of the biggest company in Nu-Nu Orleans, drinking some of the best alcohol, and ending it all with a big bonfire is just scary. You’re growing up and we don’t mind you doing so...just try and stay out of trouble. Especially since we’re leaving in a week...” She lets her words hang in the air for a few moments before leaving. I spent the better part of a week avoiding Sneauxy as much as I can. She’ll be devastated to hear the news, so I can justify not seeing her for the last week. I know how she gets when it's time for me to leave whenever we normally hang out so this...this is going to break her. Say goodb- “If it’s f*****g hanging out cover it up! I’m coming in!” Sneauxy’s voice echoes from the locker room. Gods damn it. I play with my gym clothes inside my locker nervously as I hear someone stomping around. I hope she doesn’t notice me, but I feel a hand on my shoulder. Before I can turn my head, she forcefully swings me around, slams my back against the locker next to me and plants her cold hand on my stomach to keep me from going anywhere. “What’s going on with you? Why are you avoiding me?” Her enraged tone is a clear indicator that I shouldn’t mess around. ...but this is our last moments together. “Oh, you know...around doing stuff and somethin-” She hits me with a left hook with a serious amount of force. She always keeps her rings on the left hand. “I’m not f*****g around here!” The blood dripping from my face seems to back that up. “If I did something to piss you off let me know. We’re friends, aren’t we?” “Of course. Something just came up is all.” I deflect cautiously. “What did? I’m sure it’s something the two of us can handle, like we always do.” “No... just don’t worry about it Sneauxy.” “Bullshit! We always tell each other any and everything.” Her voice starts to get shaky. She’s caused a big enough of a scene and everyone is staring. I sigh and rub my neck, “I'm moving Sneaux...to the Piru terrority.” Gasps and concern fill the room. Her hand drops after I break it to her. Tears gather and fall down her cheeks. She takes a few steps back and puts her hand over her mouth. I broke her it seems. Neither of us says anything after, we just stare for a few moments. I guess she’s still trying to process it. The bell rings soon after and it snaps her back from her thoughts. “When...” “Tomorrow afternoon.” I thought it was a bit unnecessary, but she punches me again with the same non-dominate left hand and runs out the locker room with tears trailing. Later, after my last class, I hear a familiar voice as I’m walking out the school. “Hey soon to be dead man!” I turn to see Sneauxy with a serious look on her face. “Follow me.” Sitting in first class with my headphones on, I reflect on my time spent in the territory I’m traveling over. I left fun memories, a good friend, and my virginity in Nu-Nu Orleans. I’m sore...
My fear of Piru terrtory wasn’t irrational. The fact that my mom squeezed my hand tightly throughout the entire plane ride, my dad gifting me a gun when the unpacking was done, and the meaning of Sneaux’s goodbye present just fueled me with uneasiness. At this point, I’m 17 years old and finishing high school. Transferring to a new school in the middle of the semester will be interesting. In fact, the bus stop was when things took a turn. “Watch out!” One of the boys yelled and dived to the ground. The rest of the students did the same including me. A high-speed chase passed us soon after. Bullets flying in every direction, no cop cars, and gun sounds. The perfect introduction to the city. As I got on the bus every eye was on me. I did dress different from everyone, not wearing red and such. I’m thankful my dad told me that wearing blue is banned from these parts or I would have been shot long ago. I don’t even try to ask anyone if I can sit with them. I get to the back and sit in one of the last sits. I decide to observe the others around me. The dude sitting on the opposite side is cleaning his gun, the couple behind me is silently have sex, someone in the front is blasting rap music...that might be the bus driver. I don’t feel safe. We get to the next stop a few blocks from mine and a guy gets on. We instantly make eye contact. He stares me down as he makes his way to me. “Aye you in my seat n***a.” “Oh...my fault. Can I sit with you?” I ask getting up. He thinks it over for a second, “You new ain’t you?” “My first day.” “Ight n***a, but I’m lettin you know na, I don’t play that fu-fu s**t.” “I don’t either.” I say with extra base in my voice as I sit down. He doesn’t say anything for a while, but curiosity gets the better of him. “Where you from n***a?” “I came from Nu-Nu Orleans...” “Na, I mean where you from” “Oh...I was born on an airplane so technically nowhere...my people been bouncing around so everywhere I guess.” I explain, not actually giving it much thought. Sneauxy or the Air Heads never asked me. He bobs his head a few times, “What’s yo name?” “Airen Aerial Atmosphere. What about you?” “Rowan Piru McShooter.” He holds up his hand at a tilted angle. I found it a bit weird, but I hold out my hand like I was taught. “N***a you don’t know what a dap is?” “No, I’m not from here you know.” “Put your hand like this...” I follow his hand movement and extend my hand out like he does. “The other hand, you neva dap someone up with your left.” I switch hands and we clasp hands, making a clapping sound. He slides his hand away and I do the same, but he suddenly folds his fingers; his fingernails digging into my palm. I follow his lead as I do the same. When we let go of each other’s hand something came over me and I snapped my finger for some unexplainable reason. He laughs loudly, “Somethings can’t be taught. Even the white kids who learn how to dap someone up snap. It’s instinct.” “Is there anythin-” “Windows up!” The driver shouts as the students rush to do it. Soon after cars with tinted windows pull up beside us and start shooting. I drive to the floor and close my eyes. “N***a get up.” I hear Rowan says clearly annoyed. I get up to see him flipping off the people in the car and see the other students teasing them. When the clip is empty, they speed off. “What was that?” “Just some clowns, tryna make a name for themselves. The whole bus is bullet proof, so stop acting scary.” “Making a name for themselves?” I ask. “When you get into a gang, you’re given a role, if your role a shooter then you have to prove that you won’t be scary and pull the trigger. That n***a didn’t know the bus was bullet proof, so they were being tested.” He explains. Talk about a culture shock. I start coughing violently due to the marijuana smoke that’s gathering inside the bus. It gets so bad the driver starts coughing. “Crack the windows!” “First day at Blood Gang High School huh?” Rowan says starting another conversation. I nod, “Anything I should know?” “You know not to wear blue, almost you shouldn’t say the name Raymond at any point.” “That’s a random banned name.” “Raymond Washington was the founder of the rival gang years before the great fall. They went by the name Crips.” He says in a lower voice. “Say less, I’m sure you can’t be saying this freely.” I say piecing some things together. The rest of the bus ride went by rather smoothly, I even got used to the gunshots in the distance. As the bus pulled up to the school the other students began to file out. “You a cool dude...no homo tho. If you want to stay outta trouble you can hang with me.” “Yea, I don’t think I’ll last long on my own.” “Bet...Where’s your gun?” Rowan says as he steps down from the bus. “Huh?” “Don’t tell me you lackin n***a.” He says again in a hushed tone. “How was I supposed to know you can bring a gun to school!” I repeat his tone. He reaches in his bookstack and pulls out a pistol. “I want it back when we get on the bus.” He hands it out, and I cautiously take it. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to take care of it.” “If you shoot it, you gotta buy me another clip.” He adds with a smile, revealing several gold teeth. “I got you.” The cafeteria is enormous. When we walked in, a cloud of smoke hits us. I cough immediately, struggling to breathe. Other than me fighting to inhale, it’s lively, loud, and busy. Students selling guns, ammo, mixtapes, etc; tables debating who’s a better rapper, girls gossiping, among other things. As messed up as things are, I feel a strong sense of community around me. “Wassup Ro” I snap out of my thoughts to see that we’re at our destination. Where Rowan normally sits, I'm guessing. “Who dis?” I look at the tall, dark skinned dude with long hair. His eyes are red just like Rowan’s is, but it has a judgmental sting to it. “Aye my n***a, what you lookin at?” He says reaching for something. “Chill Manino, he’s new here.” The guy named Manino relaxes a bit. “I met him on the bus, and we chopped it up on da way here.” Rowan explains. “My fault...” He holds his hand up at that tilted angle, and I dap him up along with the snap. “Manino Bose.” “Airen Atmosphere.” I say in a friendly tone. “Let me introduce you to the homies.” Rowan says turning to the table. I turn to the table to see four other students. One has a tired, angry look on his face. He has his hood on and on his phone. He’s smaller than most of them at the table and still share the unusual red eye color. He looks up and just nods his head. I do the same, feeling a bit awkward. Rowan goes behind him and puts him in a head lock, “Don’t mind Jayy, he’s not himself when he doesn’t smoke. He a really chill n***a.” The bags under his eyes, makes him look even cooler. “Next we have...” He points to another guy on the phone near the table. He’s pacing back and forth. “Phoenix Redd.” He has brown eyes, and a short haircut. Not much taller than me really, and honestly nothing special that stands out. I can’t believe that I didn’t notice it sooner...but only one person is eating. The rest of the table is being occupied by a f*****g rocket launcher! I just stand there and stare at it. “You finally notice it huh?” Rowan jokingly points out. “That thing there belongs to Reed Blackson...He doesn’t talk much.” I watch him wipe it with a towel with a color that I’ve never seen before. He has long dreads tied in a knot. His red bandana goes with his outfit. Scars are all over his right forearm, and his eyes are a dark brown. He suddenly looks up at me, not smiling or frowning, just a blank face with a straight line for a mouth. “I’m just a n***a with a rocket launcher.” Rowan taps the next guy on the shoulder, he has his headphones in and bumping his music in peace. Long dreads going past his shoulders, no shirt, red bandana, an eye patch over his left eye, a cross shaped scar on his right shoulder, wearing black tattered jean shorts, and black air forces. This guy is something else. He kind of reminds me of a pirate, I don’t know if that’s the look he was going for but it’s there. “Yo new n***a, what’s up?” He says holding out his hand. I dap him up and smile, “I’m Airen Atmosphere.” “Piru Sunflower.” Before I can comment on his name, he puts his headphones back in. “Don’t take offense to it, Piru just values vibing above everything else.” The girl sitting next to him says sweetly. She’s beautiful. Clear brown skin, along with her black, braided hair, red eyes, and currently has my heart. Before I stare too long, I pull myself together and try to form something...anything to say. “Cherida Red. You can also call me Cherry.” She says with a smile. “Airen...Atmosphere. You can call me your ne- I mean...Triple A.” Rowan catches wind what I’m trying to do, “Aye I don’t think your balls big enough for you to be doing that...” He sits down after whispering that in my ear. I sit down between Jayy and Piru. It’s awkward to say the least, everyone’s doing their own thing and I’m just existing. Phoenix comes back from his call, looking happy to say the least. “Our loose end is officially cleared, Boss.” Rowan nods, “That’s what I’m talkin about!” Before I get nosey and ask about it, a light skinned guy with curly hair goes up to the table. Of the dude, I can tell he has a charismatic, sleazy vibe about him that boost his untrustworthiness. “Ro, word around the way says you got a foreign new recruit.” His golden eyes met mine and I could just feel I’m going to get exploited. His grin revealing a silver tooth, the gleam in his eye, and him extending his hand makes me feel like I’m about to sell my soul. “Emiliano Yzaels” Against my better judgment, I gradually reach out and shake his hand. “Airen Atmosphere.” “If you wanna know any gossip, sensitive information, or whatever that’s who you talk to.” Rowan informs me, almost giving a little too much praise to this...devil. “That’s right, I can also hook you up with whoever, whenever, wherever. For a price of course.” That last part came out causal as all hell. “Right well, I just wanted to see who I was going to be working with. I gotta get back to work.” He starts to walk away getting distracted by a passing pair of jeans but before he does, “Welcome to the 33rd Street Pirus!” I turn to Rowan for an explanation. My curious and somewhat scared look annoys him. “Come on n***a, you honestly think I’m not part of a gang?”
After surviving my first day at Blood Gang High, Rowan thought it would be productive for me to get into some extracurricular activities. Lucky for me, his f*****g little club takes new members year around. No GPA required! This b***h a*s n***a baited me into this! I go on the bus and to only get a text message, instructing me to return his gun at their hideout. No directions, no explanation, no apology. I sigh looking at the warehouse door, if there was ever a point of no return, I’m turning the knob to it. Inside beyond the sea of red, black and white, it does look like a makeshift, rundown club house. As I'm admiring the place, the fact that every gang member inside is staring at me finally registers in my brain. Before I can get a word out, guns are pointed at me and someone runs up to me and pats me down. Of course, he finds Rowan’s gun and pulls it from my waist band. He examines it for a second and turn towards the front stage, “Friend of yours boss?” The man himself looks up from a table, “Oh...yea send him up here!” “You heard him...” He says handing me the gun. As I’m walking and maneuvering through everyone, they go back to what they were doing as if I never came in. It has a friendly feel to it despite being surrounded by guns, drugs, money and condoms. There’s a whole lot to do in here: a corner reserved for a kitchen, a closed off area for an indoor shooting range, ammo crates to refill magazines, a storage for guns I'm guessing, and various love seats, couches, and mattresses scattered around. I get up the stairs and see Rowan surrounded by other members; they’re looking over a black billiards table that’s being used for a map of the territory. Chess pieces and markings, the whole sha-bang. “Glad you didn’t stay home.” He says as he daps me up. “I knew you’d shoot me, if I stayed home and didn’t return your gun.” He takes it as I pull it out. “You catch on fast. We need that adaptability and intelligence here.” “You mean you want me to join?” I say as a wave of emotions hit me. This is exactly what mom warned me about. She’d tell me this is Nu-Nu Orleans all over again when I bring this up during dinner. He takes note of my hesitation and the reluctance. “Oh...my fault, I didn’t mean for it to sound like you had a f*****g choice. You know where our hideout is, and without me telling you any directions either!” I was completely taken back by that. “...N***a what? The 33rd Street Pirus had to be somewhere on 33rd street and a warehouse is oddly placed between a Library and a store that exclusively sells wooden hourglasses!” “Whatever n***a, not everybody got that elective, detective s**t you be on.” Rowan says a bit offended, crossing his arms and turning away from me in somewhat a playful manner. “You ready to get jumped in or what?” “Huh?” “We can’t discuss anything else if you not affiliated with us.” I look at the rest of the members from the stage. The sea of black air forces gives a pause. “50 people, 90 seconds, 1 time. Of course, you can fight back.” I sigh heavily and turn back to him. “You got a timer?” His grin comes back, and he goes to the podium, “We got a new recruit, you know how it goes. First 50 to the stage. I didn’t notice but the warehouse got a second floor. Fear overcomes me as they come running. There’s a space made into a small circle and someone sucker punches me from the side. So much for a countdown. I instantly put my hands up and they surround me in seconds. I shift my focus from member to member but it’s no use. Punches, kicks, elbows, and jabs are rained down. I switch to the defensive and cover my face. “Fight back n***a! Fight back n***a! Fight back...” Is all I hear in the crowd and I follow the advice. I wildly, randomly start to swing. Throwing haymakers and feeling a couple connect. The assault slowed down, and people are scared to get hit suddenly. My aching pain fuels my rage as I stand in the middle of the circle ready to go off on everyone who’s in range. Anyone can get it. A few people try me, and I force them to back up with a few body checks, but they overpower me a second time and between the pain, fatigue, and them stomping me out staying on the ground was the start choice. “Ight that’s it.” I hear Rowan’s deep voice over the excitement and cursing towards me. I lay there panting, trying to bear the stinging sensation. One of my attackers holds out her hand to help me up. “Good s**t.” She says in such a sweet tone accompanied by the warmest smile it genuinely confused me. Some guides me to a nearby couch, “Stay here and a nurse will patch you up.” I didn’t think it was that bad until glancing over to where it happened and saw how much blood that was spilled. All of that couldn’t have been mine. I can’t feel me face but still. A few moments pass and things go back to normal. Like nothing even happened. A few of my gang members come up to me slumped down on the couch and congratulate me, but other than the cleaners mopping up the blood things were the just like before I came in. “Aye my bad for punching you too hard.” Someone says hitting my shoulder with his back hand gently. “You good, I didn’t really feel it.” “You don’t have to act tough n***a, we dropped yo a*s!” “No n***a, I mean I can’t feel my body.” “That’s why I’m apologi- you got it” He walks off pissed. A plop on the spot next to me changes my mood, “Don’t worry about him.” I turn to see... “... Cassandra?!” I almost shout trying to open my swollen eyes wide. “Who?” Embarrassed, I try to play it off. “Two black eyes make you see past loved ones you know...” I mumble halfway through. She looks at me with a blank face for a second then laughs opening the first aid kit. “That or they beat that a*s into a concussion.” “Don’t suppose you know how to treat that do you?” She shakes her head, “You’d be lucky to find a non-high school drop out here; but in my years I find that experience takes care of any patient.” She takes a slight pause. “So, I may not be this Cassandra person, but if you ever get shot...I’m your girl.” Did she just try to flirt with me? “Keep an open hospital bed for me.” I say trying my best at a black eye wink. She finds the attempt amusing and couldn’t help but laugh. Out of jealousy from a distance or amazing timing, Cherida comes from the crowd of Pirus. “Hey, the boss wants to talk to you when you’re finished.” “Huh? You mean Rowan?” She takes a quick nod and stares down the girl next to me before going back to wherever she came from. “Let’s get you back on your feet.” She opens a brown bottle and pours it on a cotton swab. “What’s your name?” “Rose Craves, what about you?” “Airen Atmosphere.” I immediately follow up with, “What made you join a gang?” She looks at me like I’m crazy for a spilt second, “It’s the culture here...where the life expectancy is 33 all you can do is help the group of people you spent half your life with, and live it up at the same time. For me, I wanted to protect my 4 brothers and dumb a*s older cousin who joined because of Rowan’s ideals.” After an informational recovery, I make my way to the billiards table. I see Rowan, Piru, Cherry, Manino, along with other high-ranking members. “Yo saw your initiation. Welcome to the family.” Manino says dapping me up. “Appreciate it, I hope I can help out.” I say as I notice Cherry staring at me hatefully. I ignore it for now. Rowan pats me on the shoulder, “Let me introduce you to the tops. As you know I’m the leader of the 33rd Street Pirus. My man Jordan is in charge when we’re at school...so part-time leader. Jordan, Manino, and Piru are my generals, or 2nd in commands if anything happens to me. Under them are the heads of departments...since we’re a new gang with only 2,000 members the number vary. Under them are Captains, we have 5 of them. Then the same number of co-captains and then the foot soldiers... You follow me?” I nod, “Rose told me about the dropout rate...” I said flatly, trailing off. It’s the only thing that’s in my head. The fact and reasoning behind it are just too depressing. I mean...s**t. He waits for me to add on only to piece it together, “Yea most n****s drop out to join gangs, or to get jobs. In Piru terrtiory, a high school diploma is as useful a backwood without any weed.” “That’s why you assign a stand in leader, since I’m guessing 15 hundred of us are dropouts?” “See I told yall he catches on fast. You know Rose, she’s the head of the Medical Department, you’ll meet the other leaders soon. But right now, I have a job for you.” “What? I just got my a*s beat! And you want me to go do something?” The flash of anger on Rowan’s face catches me off guard but is replaced by an understanding look. “You’re the newest member, meaning yo b***h a*s put in the least amount of work.” I can’t argue with that. “What’s the job?” He picks up a clipboard from the table, “We’re out of weed. So, I need you to be security for the transaction. You’ll be going with Jayy, Emiliano, Amadeus, and Rigi.” He turns to a nearby couch, “You heard that Jayy? You’re in charge of your mission.” He’s chilling on the couch smoking a blunt with some members. With a nod, he stands up and walk past us. “Let’s get going.” It’s the first I heard his voice...it’s so serene. Walking fluidly with a blunt in his mouth, Jayy expresses silent confidence and leadership. He doesn’t have to evade the on goings of the gang, they step out of his way. The blank face expression tells a whole lot. We take a turn and go up an... escalator. It amazes me how much I missed. “So, how long have you been a part of the gang Jayy?” “I’m a founding member, a few years back.” Informative yet concise... “Not to bother you, but what was this place originally?” I say looking around the second floor of the base. There are makeshift buildings along with a giant disco ball hanging overhead. “Some building that didn’t survive the great fall.” The rest of the way was silent between us. He’s not much of a talker but he’s well known. Every few moments we’re stopped getting dap, gossip, and status updates. All with less than 20 words per member. We make it to a section labeled, “The Intel Zone” With a short walk he goes inside a building where we see two guys having a discussion. “Amadeus, Emiliano the boss has a mission for us.” Jayy says in his laid-back, monotone tone. I try not to make eye contact with him, but his golden eyes are locked on. “Look who it is...” Amadeus puts his aviator goggles on his forehead, “That’s the new guy?” He says following Jayy out the door. I follow behind not to get stuck in the same room as him. He turns to me the first thing I notice is he has red crosshairs in exchange for pupils and no iris. “Wassup, I’m Amadeus Covington. The head of the engineering/analytics department.” I dap him up trying not to look him in the eyes. “Airen Atmosphere...” “I’m sure you already know Emiliano head of information, gossip, and general news.” I turn to see him walk behind us with his hands in his pockets. “Saw him this morning, he has a whole lot of potential.” He couldn’t have said that in a slyer tone. “Don’t worry about him Double A. I trust that n***a with my life...it’s his job to be a sleaze ball.” “The only thing I’m good at baby.” We head downstairs in relative quietness. I suppose that’s the kind of leadership Rowan has. Jayy told them they have a mission and they’re on board no questions asked. So far this wasn’t at all what I was expecting. Granted I haven't been here long, and I’ve been shot at, jumped, and currently a part of a gang but ‘when in Florida you collect bath salts like the Floridians’ or how even that saying goes. I didn’t get much more time to reflect unfortunately since we make a stop at the shooting range. We use the soundproof door, which works perfectly since I cover my ears as soon as it closes. Jayy goes in a nearby booth and comes back to the entrance with who I presume is Rigi. She’s beautiful is my first impression. That smile and brown skin is only the beginning to her amazing features, I hope. My fantasy is interrupted with Jayy slamming and pressing the side of a gun against my chest. “Never leave home without it.” Lucky for him the shooters were reloading for me to hear that. I turn the safety on before hiding it in my waistband. We immediately head out of the shooting range. Rather than head in the direction of the main way in and out, we take the side door. “I’m guessing this is everyone then?” Amadeus asks looking at the rag tag group. “All we need for a minor mission.” Outside the side door is the garage with a dozen or so cars and trucks, some with armor, some being repaired, etc. One of the members across the garage lifts their wielding mask and waves, “Yoo Jayy! The boss already hit me up, we rolled a car out for you guys.” With a nod we go through another door headed outside. “Amadeus assign the roles.” Jayy says leaning on the rail adjacent to the car parked in the wide alleyway. He takes the opportunity to finish his blunt. “Come someone explain these roles?” Rigi asks earnestly. “Oh, you guys are really new huh?” Emiliano starts off and slides under the rail. “Right well a lot can happen in a car, so the founding members adopted car roles form a passing street racer. The driver’s seat is for the driver surprise, surprise. They drive to the mission and back here. The role isn’t the most important but is only for the best driver in the current group.” “Which is me!” Amadeus says hopping over railings with no objections and get in the car joyfully. “Next is the passenger’s seat. That person who sits there is the Navigator. Their job is to provide the safest routes to known places, and the quickest route for places only they’ve been to in case of anything crazy. This role is for the person who knows the city and streets the best.” As soon as Emiliano finishes that explanation, Jayy stands up and throws out what’s left of the blunt to get in the passenger’s seat. “The seat directly behind the wheel is called the backseat driver. The role serves as the left lookout for rival gangs or for any other possible dangers. They’re also the backup driver, if a stray bullet kills the driver then this person doing this role takes over. The reason behind that is to not put too much pressure on the navigator.” Rigi and I awkwardly look at each other to see which of us wants that hefty responsibility. “That’s my role by the way.” “I don’t know what everyone else calls it but the back, middle seat...the Windshield seat? Is the most important role. They do the most things if the situation calls for it. For one, they have auxiliary. The right music can be the thing that saves or kills us, while in a shootout or during a chase. They’re also the main lookout; having the ability to watch behind the car at most times. In my opinion, the best function of this role...being the gunman. The 33rd street Pirus are known for our ability to modify. One of those modifications is a big sunroof over the windshield seat, when you pop it open the glass forms a barrier for the shooter to do their thing, imagine a glass square that’s also bulletproof. One restriction tho, is the person of this role has to be tall, to shoot over the glass.” I look up at Rigi, who easily has inches on me. She excitedly hops the fence and gets in the back. “Last role is known as shooter seat. Simply known as the shooter. The difference between a gunman and shooter is that gunmen are known to just have guns, which is obvious, but nobody knows who's a shooter. Shooters are called shooters because they make their shots. Since the other gangs watch the sunroof for the gunman, that leaves the back-right seat to shoot the driver with ease. This role goes along with the driver, they must communicate to get in the right position for the perfect shots, since they might only get one. They’re also the right lookout.” I nod slowly and follow him over the rail. We know the positions so it’s time to go. Sitting in my seat, doesn’t feel right. I mean I never shot anyone before, could I even do it? Even if it came down to it... to take another human’s life over some colors and street cred...will I be the same person still? How will I sl- “Hey, I don’t think I got your name.” Rigi says interrupting my thoughts. “Oh...yea sorry about that. I’m Airen Aerial Atmosphere.” I hold out my had. She shakes it firmly, “Rigi Fendi” Her big smile is off putting to say the least. “So, it would be Triple A huh?” Amadeus says as he’s hot wiring the car. “I saw your initiation...I gotta say, a lot of people were impressed how well you handled yourself.” Rigi says while keeping that smile. “My dad’s in the military...he passed some of that training to me.” I notice silence fills the car. I wonder if I said something wrong. “What section of it?” Jayy asks cautiously. “T-The air force; he’s always in a plane.” The gravity of what I said didn’’t hit me until I heard Jayy putting his gun back in his jacket. “You do know that all of Piru is at war with the national guard branch of the military right?” Emiliano says. “I had no idea...” My voice is uncontrollably shaky “Don't worry about it, the Air Force and Pirus are allies. They drop supplies for us regularly.” Emiliano says defusing the situation. Awkward silence stays in the air as the car starts. My unease is doubled, I try to open to my new family and I almost was gunned down in the shooters seat. What kind of sadistic irony is that bullshit? The Pirus guarding the fence slowly rolled it open so we can pass. “Hey if it makes you feel better, Jayy almost shot me for saying something stupid. Granted I’m pretty new myself.” Her laugh does puts me at ease, if only a little. “How new are you?” I ask turning to her. “I joined last week, about 10 days.” “Less talking, more music young bloods.” Amadeus says in a playfully tone. “Sorry! I forgot.” She connects her phone with the lengthy cord. She scrolls for a moment and picks a playlist. It’s Redman, a raising young artist. The tension in the car is now cleared as the song plays. As we turn on a main road, we start to do our jobs to be lookouts. I’m not entirely sure what I should be watching for, but I look attentive anyway. “By the way where the f**k, I’m going?” Jayy opens his eyes and dart his eyes towards him. “I thought I told you.” “You said we’re going to re-up...” Amadeus says stopping at the red light. “Yea.” “But from where n***a? Different people go to different dealers!” “You don’t go to Grandma Greenleaf? It’s the closest.” “It’s not the cheapest either.” “But it’s the best in the city and isn’t your money to spend.” Amadeus and Jayy leaves a quiet air between them for a while. “I'll get us there in 6 minutes. Keep a lookout.” He was right, it took only 6 minutes to get there. The ride was uneventful and safe. We park in the driveway of one of the most ordinary houses in the city. “Not to doubt you but you sure we’re at the right place?” Rigi asks to no one in particular. “This the right place. Keep your guns hidden.” Jayy says getting out. Amadeus follows behind and Emiliano looks at me expectantly. “You want us to go to?” “Grandma Greenleaf want to see all her grand babies.” He opens the door and so do I. The five of us wait for the door to open as we stand on the porch. It feels weird but I feel at home, like a home away from home. If something ever happens this Grandma Greenleaf will let me spend the night on her couch...When the door opens a wave of delicious smells hit me, so much so I take a step back. As expected, a lively older woman answers the door. “My babies!” She says loudly hugging the first person she can get her hands on. “Hey Grandma!” Jayy says in a light and cheerful tone. He kisses her on the cheek and goes inside with the same glee that reminds me of Para. Very strange... “I’m glad my babies came to see me! I just finished cooking to.” She says with a genuine, big smile. She sees me and Rigi, “Oh, yall brought me some more of my grandkids?!” You can just hear the excitement. One by one also as like a requirement to enter, we share a hug and kiss with this stranger. To my surprise, her hug was nothing I ever experience. The sensation was like we knew each other for years...the warmest and the most-I was practically melting in her arms! I come back to reality soon after, she’s holding me up. I lost feeling in my legs. “Oh! I’m sorry Ms. Greenleaf...” I’m so embarrassed I look away. She leans in my view and smiles warmly. “Don’t worry about it baby, it happens to everyone; call me Grandma Greenleaf...Grandma works to.” She kisses my cheek and I go inside. Inside...it really feels like home. As impossible as it is, something feels like I’ve been here some point before. Familiarity hits too hard. I bet I can guide my way around with a blindfold. The kitchen, living room, and dining room vigorously forces memory to materialize but nothing comes up. You ever try to remember a memory that doesn’t exists...or to be more accurate never happened? That’s the best I can explain it. I guess they show the look on my face and came to calm me down. A hard slap on my shoulder brings me back, “Chill out.” I turn to see Amadeus looking me in the eyes. “Take a deep breath and relax, you look like you’re about to have a panic attack or something.” I turn around to see the same look on Rigi’s face. Like she’s trying to relive the future or something. “Ri!” Amadeus snaps his fingers a few times and she blinks twice, “Take it easy girl” We do just that, taking a couple deep breaths and sitting down. Grandma Greenleaf comes back from apparently checking the mail. “Have they chilled out yet?” “Yea they’re good.” Emiliano says from the couch. Rigi and I slowly turn to each other and we look like we’ve seen a ghost or four. “What have you been up to Grandma?! What did you cook?” Jayy says awfully merrily. He was a bigger smile than Grandma and is also doing...a happy dance. Things are weird. “Oh! Im good baby, I just got done cooking some red beans. Come sit at the table, I’ll fix yall some.” Jayy literally skips to the table like a schoolgirl. Something is off. The six of us are having a nice family dinner. Our mouths are stuffed with her cooking. It’s some of the best home cooked food I had. She definitely put her foot into it, and some love. “So, where you from Grandma?” I ask to break the sounds of eating. “I was born and raised in Nu-Nu Orleans but the city got too dangerous, so I settled down here.” Too dangerous? “I used to live there recently. I just moved here a few days ago” “How is it these days?” She asks somewhat knowing the answer based on her tone. “Well...a couple friends and I started a parade filled with convicts and drunk people, so lively.” The guys expressions shift for a slight second before finishing their food. “Nothing ever changes in that city.” She sees that we’re done with our food, so she collects our bowls. “It’s getting late, I’m sure yall have to go soon.” “Yea, the boss doesn’t want us gone too long.” Emiliano says getting up to stretch. “He sent us here for the usual.” “I’ll go get it then. Could someone get the dishes?” Jayy excitedly raises his hand. “I got it Grandma!” With a joyous hum, get gets the cups and starts washing the dishes. A few minutes pass by and Grandma Greenleaf come back with big bags of weed. Like off brand cereal bags of it. She slams them down on the dinner table and the smell is powerful. “Alright... 15 pounds of Jet Force Gemini, 7 pounds of the Wolfgang, 25 pounds of Amasabekwelanggeni, and 3 dime bags of that East Side Good gas.” I’ve never seen weed before in my life, let alone this much...not to mention in so many colors. She walks to the light and turns it off. One of the bags starts to let off a mystical, neon dark orange color. It illuminates the room before she turns the lights on. Between the smell, me being in complete awe, the good food, and the feeling when I came in, my head starts to pound heavily. “Thank you sooo much Grandma!” Jayy says with a tight hug. He hands her the money. “Oh, and keep the change; it’s a thank you for holding so much just for us. “You kids probably gave me 15,000 extra over the years. It’s the least I can do.” She says as we carefully pick up the bags. “Don’t be a stranger, come by whenever you want. My babies don’t visit that often!”
We’re treated as heroes as we walk through the base with the treasure. The different expressions as we pass by are varied. From disbelief to impatience. We put them down gently on the couch near the billiards table. “Anntony! Rolletti! Cairo! Irena!” Rowan yells from the stage and the members some running up the stairs. “Yes boss?” “Break up the 25-pound bag into 2,500 2-gram bags. Ask Jayy for some scales. I want this done by midnight.” “Want me to put it in storage when they’re done?” Jayy asks back to his chill, monotone self again. Rowan nods and turns to me and Rigi. “Good job you two.” “I have to get back home.” I say remembering the sunset on our way back. “Without celebrating your first mission?” He says temping me. “...what do you have in mind?” I cautiously ask. His smile creeps up. “Let me show you.” As we walk off the stage, Rigi stands there confused, “What about me?” “Ask Jayy. This isn’t your first mission.” There’s a long line of members waiting to get some weed. I wonder if this happens often. They remind me of the lines of soldiers waiting to receive their dose of Tine; the impatient look on their faces...some expressing silent unease at their spot in line. It was one of the bad things I seen on a military base, after serving in the recent conflict there are those who have a hard time forgetting. Rowan and I walk out of a side door, where Manino and Piru are waiting. “Ready for your celebration?” Piru asks sitting on the rails across from Manino. “Sure.” I try to hide my nervousness. “Bet. Manino you got Navigator, Rowan you the driver, new guy...Airen got shooter, and I got the gunner seat.” He saids hopping off the rail. To my surprise nobody has a problem with Piru calling the shots. Then again Jayy did allude to them being the founding members, maybe they’re best friends. As we pile in the car, Cherry comes running out. “Wait! I wanna come!” I look around the car and they look at me expectedly, “It’s your celebration.” Manino says leaning back in his seat. “Yea, I don’t have a problem with it.” Rowan unlocks the door and she gets in excitedly. “Backseat driver again?” She asks to no one in particular, with an annoying tone. “Where you think Piru?” “Planet Paradise of course.” Piru says playing with the sunroof, making sure it works I’m guessing. “Tonight’s gonna be foggy.” With that we drive off leaving Jayy, Phoenix, and Jordan in charge of the base as we go out to celebrate. Speaking of which... “Can someone fill me in?” I ask as Piru is going through his playlist. “Well...since you can’t escape now. We’re going to smoke you out.” Manino says returning a text. “What’s that?” “I mean we’re going to smoke a borderline dangerous amount of weed.” “W-Wait! I never smoked before...besides I don’t know the side effects, and you know what wi-” “N***a shut up. You’re a part of this gang and you’re going to be around drugs on tha regular. There will be a time where you have to adapt.” Rowan snaps looking back at me. “Your intolerance to drug isn’t gonna get no one killed.” Weird reasoning... “This is just my first-time doing drugs, is all.” “Drugs is such a harsh word...” Piru says wiping his gun with a towel. “Why can’t we give it the same treatment as liquor.” His tone gets serious, “After all...alcohol is a drug.” The car gets silent. I look around and the vibe changed so quickly. Whe- “N***a!” Manino struggles to say though his laughter. Everyone starts to laugh uncontrollably. I’m even laughing! Not a small chuckle, my sides are aching how intense I’m cracking up. Cherry taps my shoulder to pass me the blunt. “Take another hit. It’s gonna be a long night.” I don’t even...what? I slowly take it and put it to my lips. After a deep inhale, I contribute to the smoke cloud that invaded the car almost 30 minutes ago. Not even before majority of the smoke says goodbye to my lungs, I cough uncontrollably. I pass the blunt to Manino and try to keep anything from coming up. It seems like a while before I stop. I press a few buttons on a nearby panel and a water bottle appears. I take a sip of it to calm my respiratory system down and sit back. It’s been a long journey. We passed Mars like...the previous time before the last one, but Planet Paradise is well-a-ways off. My f*****g eyes are burning. Exercising them does help, they start to sweat after a few reps. I look out the dark night space and s**t...I hope Lupe is alright. I tilt my head towards the hull, the neon green lights blinking and flashing on the dash boards. S**t is breath taking. I feel a sensation on my space suit and go to investigate it. If it’s a tear or hole that’ll be bad. I’m not sure if we’re getting out or what but still. This is like...made outta Japanese denim. It’s expensive. The sensation repeats...I turn my head to see my space co-worker, partner, person. Is she really handing me a stick that’s on fire? Oh! Yea that’s the...yea. I take it and with another deep inhale, things go on cloud nein. My lung’s protest is quieter and fewer frequent. I pass off the magic stick and relax. But...what is relaxing? My mind, body, and soul are at ease but...I suppose. I heard someone say that the easiest and hardest thing to do back on earth was nothing. It’s impossible to achieve and will actively try to enslave you. That’s not precise, I'm not doing nothing. I am thinking. Physically, I’m sitting...that’s something. Although, something is nothing; or at least included. Zh- “Aye you alright back there?” The pilot says eyeing me from his corners. “Indubitably.” I answer after remembering how to communicate. Without warning the whole crew starts...getting loud like, the sounds of happ- Oh! They’re f*****g laughing. I join in with them. It feels nice to verbally express my joy. Sharing it with the crew and such. Now I’m thinking and laughing, wonderful. The Captain was worried I wouldn’t be used to space travel so soon. The sounds of happiness die down and the efforts of the spaceship takes back over. Until one of the Navigator speaks. “This n***a Emiliano really thinks he pulls more hoes than me.” “It’s what and what.” The pilots say smiling but not engaging in the sounds of happiness. “Stop baby-sitting the blunt while you’re being insecure about your flirtatious gift of gab.” While playing with the black, silk mop on his head, he passes the magic stick. I look over to the gunner and he’s forced on the atoms in front of him. I try not to pry with looks so I look out the window. “Do blind people...like know colors?” Cherry says amidst the quietness. “Only if Kangs can jump backwards.” Piru answers as he sits back, looking up at the sunroof. Not too long after, we enter a station of some sorts. I guess it’s for docking since we ascended many a way. At the very top, there’s no roof just the night space sky. Other space cruisers are docked between the lines and he find one after traveling to a vacant one. It took a better part of 73 years, but we made it. The sounds of the innards are put to rest and our ears are at the mercy of the outside. Another tap on the shoulder. “Here.” I take the magic stick which is smaller than before. While staring at it, something impossible happened, I can honestly say it couldn’t occur. A fire container went off, in the front. There is no rea- wait wait...I’m fucked up. They’re lighting up another one. Yea, yea that’s...yea. I take another puff. Then another soon after, then sit with the feeling. I ca- “Don’t mess up the rotation again Piru!” The Navigator s....are they still the NAV? I mean we made it to the place. So, what do we call this n***a? He was the one who bab- I pass the stick to the front, or what’s left of it anyway. As I lean from the seat, it hits me. We’re floating in space. What the f**k? How’d we get in a space...ooohh Planet Paradise. What I see outside the window is heavy (planetary) fog, and the planet behind it. It’s enormous, the surface area covers distances if my eyesight is to be trusted. “Here me out...” The pilot starts off. “I want honest answers to.” He pauses to take a hit on the magic stick and passes it. “So, do you think that Mandela is marching with merry Maries to magnetify media. It’s eagerly exciting that ending eggs with eggrolls is easily excellent. Although... Amadeus is attentive at archery and aerobics ALLEGEDLY! Lies, ligaments losing to Lions, loosely lingering in the legs, right?” The person sitting in front of me is the first to answer, “Yesn’t” They look at the girl, “Well...refer to my previous answer before the last one.” The three of them look at the holder of the magic stick, “B***H I MIGHT BE!” All eyes on me. “... making every day her birthday and every night her valentines.” The pilot sits back and enjoy the view, “Perfect. Everyone on board.”
It’s been a better part of a month, the gang’s all good and I’ve been running minor missions and errands while getting to know my members. Rowan was even though I was ready to be promoted to a co-captain. Which was met with disagreement. They were calling favoritism, which Rowan confidently admitted to. I do listen to the criticism and they have a point: I’m one of the newer members, I haven’t killed anyone, the highest-ranking mission was a B-, my role is exclusively the shooter, and a few others. Although his decision was final, a vote proved my worthiness as well, among the leader, co-leaders. Department heads, and Captains they’re in agreement. Do I feel like I deserved it? Yes, but I got it too fast another mon- “Hey Lou Tennit” Rose says giving her feet a rest. “Huh?” “Joke went over your head did it? Well I'm glad I’m a doctor before a comedian.” She says giggling to herself. “No... you good, I was just in my thoughts.” I come back to reality and stop reflecting. “Yea, what’s with that? You’ve been sitting here for almost an hour. Come to think about it, you do this a lot.” “I’m a deep person!” I tease with a genuine smile. Rose and I have gotten close over the weeks. Even if she’s always busy healing or yelling at the younger members. I come visit her at the medical sec- “You a*****e! You’re doing it now!” She says punching my arm. “Doctors are supposed to treat wounds not inflict pain you know.” I rub my arm to be somewhat dramatic. With an eye roll she playfully kisses my arm. “There you big baby, but I came by to congratulate you. Being a co-captain puts you a certain level of power in the gang.” “Look I know where you’re getting at and I’ll protect Devin and Jared.” That’s right one of her brothers and cousin is in my division. “They’re some of my only family left Airen.” Her tone shifts almost entirely. Those green eyes could burn a whole in me. The bags under them doesn’t help either, tired with worrying can’t be healthy. “You’re doing it again...” She reminds me with a clearly sad emphasis. I put my hand on top of hers and turn to her. “You don’t have to worry Rose. I’ll protect them. You have my word, I put that on Piru and em.” She shakes her head wiping her eyes. Whatever she’s going through on the inside must be a lot. Having family in a gang is heavy. “I’m sorry...it’s just found out my uncle died recently, and sleeping has been tough.” “I’m sorry to hear that...what was his name?” I knew she was acting strange these past few days. During Phoenix's birthday she was sitting on the couch with a drink. “Gilbert Jenkins” Involuntarily I let out a gasp. Luckily, she didn’t notice it or any other signs of shock I displayed. My body tensed up and my heart doubled its pace. You’d think I’ve seen a ghost, or inadvertently sent a man to his death. Before I seem like I know anything, I comfort her the best I can. I stop shaking and put my arm around her, “H-How did he...pass?” The weight of the sleepless nights, hours of operating, and college got the better of her. She collapses into my side and let the tears flow. “His dumb a*s got into some trouble in Nu-Nu Orleans and got arrested. He ended up escaping and was executed.” The news must have finally been made public...the statute of limitations for killing a Piru gang member must have passed. “Damn that’s craz-” “WAIT!” She shouts causing a few people to stare. Holding both of my hands with a powerful grip, I can tell how much she’s hurting. Looking up at me, shaking and wide-eyed, “You came from, there right? Can you tell me what happened? Who killed him? What was he in jail for?” People are beautiful with tears in their eyes. Big, glossy, shining, green eyes with plenty of gleam in there are staring into my eyes. Why are you being this vulnerable with me Rose? It’s been a few moments of silence between us and I notice I’m staring in her eyes with my mouth partly open and wearing a surprised fact with a hint of guilt. Not a good look. “Honestly I wa-" My tongue forcefully curls up and twists. “...sorry to spring this on you so suddenly.” She turns away and buries her face in her hands. Not knowing what to do, I feel a pair of eyes on us. Slowly, turning my head I see Cherry staring at us from the stage. “I think Cherry wants to tell me something, I’ll leave you to your thoughts.” I say quickly, getting up without hearing her response. Making my way to her, my heart pounds. I grab her by her arm and lead her away from everyone. “What the hell Cherry!” Is all I can spit out. She slaps my hand off, “What’s wrong murderer?” Her smirk pisses me off. “I didn’t kill anyone...wait how do you know about it?” “I’m a Captain, and Gilbert was in my division. I was actually on a mission to break him out, but you started that parade.” Her words lingered in the air for a while. I lean against the wall looking over at Rose from across the way. I run my fingers through my hair only for them to get stuck halfway through. “Who else knows about it?” She takes a blunt that was tucked behind her ear and lights it. “Only me and Rowan. Although, he doesn’t blame for you his death since you weren’t in the gang at the time, but just know I don’t give a single f**k. I don’t forgive you.” I turn my head to us locking eyes before I back down and look away. “I had nothing to do with him running away.” She passes me the blunt, “I know it’s not your fault. It’s that b***h Sneauxy’s fault!” That last part came out louder than I wanted it to. “She started back parading with inmates when he first got locked up to temp him to run so he can get killed... her family has beef with the Piru’s and abandoning your sentence in Nu-Nu Orleans is one of the only legal ways a non-gang member can kill a Piru member. We can’t touch her or the rest of the Ciders, so it’s just f*****g easier to blame you.” As the smoke clears, I see tears escaping those sad windows to the soul. “I’m sorry for the poor company I keep.” Wiping her tears, she snatches the blunt from me, “You goddamn better be! When the time comes you avenge Gilbert! Or I swear I’ll tell Rose, and I put that on Piru and them.” That rage filled delivery tells me she’s serious. Cherry starts to walk away only to stop short, “The boss wants to talk to you.” I watch her storm off then disappear in the crowd of Pirus. The Cider family and Piru’s are beefing? For what reason? And she wants me to be the one to kill Sneaux? Forget that Jazz, I’ll just explain what happened to Rose. Who do I love more tho...Rose or Sneaux? The answer is Cassandra, but I don’t want anyone to die. I didn’t know she was even like p- “Earth to the airhead n***a!” Manino says waving his big a*s hand in my face. I blink twice and I’m on stage. Did I walk all the way here while airing out? “Yea...yea I’m listening.” I say fully coming back to my senses. We’re standing over the billiards table. It has a map of the city with arrows and symbols I don’t understand, different from the last time I seen it. “It’s too late to re-explain, but basically we’re about to rob a train for the cargo.” Rowan says clearly annoyed. He puts his gun in his waistband and starts to walk. “Rob? You can’t be serious.” I say following him. “I wouldn’t say rob, just sneak on and fill our bags.” Manino says handing me a duffel bag. I take it and walk with the group consisting of Rowan, Manino, Piru, Reed, another Captain whose name escapes me and myself. “So why are we g-” Before I can get my question off Rowan interrupts, “A good solider doesn’t asks questions.” I thought that might happen, so he doesn’t want me to know. In fact, I don’t think any of them knows. This isn’t some quick J.I.C thing, it’s war preparation. Are we really going to war with the Cider family? While we walk around the base for extra ammo and such; I’m left daydreaming in my head. A tap on my shoulder brings me back, unfortunately. “Hey. I heard a lot about you, since we’ve only seen each other at the meetings I want to formally introduce myself.” Her purple eyes blinked twice. I stare at her before I know where I’m at. We’re outside, right by one of the gang’s armored cars. How long was I in my own head? “...Yea! Sorry, I like to think.” “So, I've heard.” She says with a laugh, “You know people are calling you the Calculator, cuz you making sure things are adding up.” “I always preferred Cloud 99.” “That works to!” Her voice is sunny and airy. “My name is Remy Hosson.” She extends her hand. “The Calculator, it’s a pleasure.” I shake her hand and we both share a laugh. We ended up talking for a few minutes until Rowan and Manino comes out. Apparently, we were waiting on them this whole time. Rowan passes the blunt to Reed who shakes his head passing it to Remy. “Alright, roles are as followed: I’m the driver, Manino is going to be navigator, Remy is the backseat driver, Reed will be windshield seat, Airen the shooter, and Piru you’re the cargomen.” “Putting me in the trunk again...” Piru says clearly annoyed. Manino opens the passenger’s door, “Should we let them in on the mission structure?” “I’ll explain on the way there.”
Disagree with the reasoning behind this mission if you want, but s**t is it well planned out. As expected, this is an S rank mission, the most important you can participate in. No wonder the boss is here. Rowan explained that the other team comprised of: Captain Jackson, Phoenix, Jordan, Amadeus and Jayy were here an hour ago to make an opening for us, and to make sure security won't be a problem. “You guys ready?” Rowan whispers as we hug the side of a freight car. We nod at him in his ski mask. I forgot I put mine on but it’s here now. “Here’s the sign they left.” Manino points to a spray painted 33rd and the initials J.C in red. Rowan nods and pulls out a crowbar. “Manino and Reed go up the train to check for other signs. Piru and Remy do the same down the train. From the conductor’s seat to caboose!” They quietly nod and sneaks off in their respective positions. I’m left with the boss. “Before you go off in your head and stare into space come help me.” Rowans instructs putting the crowbar in position. I grab the end of it, ready for his signal. "Remember we have a good 20 minutes before anyone comes bothering us, so in and out like some good p-” “Piru!” We suddenly hear in a loud but hushed tone. A few cars down we see Piru climbing the fence. The barb wire is getting caught and digging into his body. Why he never wears a shirt, even in freezing weather, I don’t know. With skin dangling and very bloody he walks into the dark alley like he’s in a trace. “Go follow him Remy!” The shock of what we saw, dictates Rowan not using his inside voice. I get sick to my stomach of the sight of the blood covered fence with strips of meat and skin lodged in. “You saw that Airen...how bad you think it is?” I turn to look at Rowan’s face. At this point both our masks are off. I was right his shaky tone matches the intense fear in his eyes. Our crafty, proud leader is displaying despair. “Well...a large chunk of his thigh is up there on display. He’s gonna bleed out. F**k this upcoming war Ro.” Before he could answer, Manino and Reed comes running to us. “Aye Ro we got a big pro-” “Boss! I came to help out!” Someone yells from the distance. I look at Rowan in confusion. Manino curses under his breath. “...Reed go make sure whoever that is makes it back to the base.” Rowan slams his hand against the cold metal in anger. After a few moments our loudness is punished. “Aye who the f**k out here homes.” Another voice shouts out, the opposite way. “It’s the Folks!” Manino whispers loudly to us. The bullets are sure to fly and we panic pulling out our guns. “Buy me sometime while I get this open for cover!" Rowan yells out grabbing the crowbar, but it was too late. The freight door suddenly burst open and they rush us. We were caught lackin. I don’t know how much time passed, but the back of my head is still throbbing, my ears are ringing from the gun shots, and my body is aching. The bright lights didn’t register at first since my eyes were faced away from their sockets, it took a whole for them to roll in the correct position. My eyes are blood-shot, I’m sure of it. Blood slowing leaking from the back of my head, and hand cuffed to a table. How did I end up in this position? No wonder mom stays up all night waiting for me to go home, she calls me nonstop. Is this where my story ends? “This n***a even overthinks when he wakes up...” “Just weird.” I blink thrice, then straighten my back. Rowan and Manino are cuffed to the table as well. They look just as bad as me. Scanning the room, it’s...prepared like a tv set. A camera is facing us just a few feet from us. “Where are we?” “We have been kidnapped.” Manino says rising his cuffed hand as far as it’ll allow. “We’re most likely in or near a rival gang’s hideout.” Rowan clarifies. “...you guys are surprising calm for being kidnapped.” I say tugging at my restraint. “You stop taking it seriously when it happens once a month.” Manino replies showing his annoyance. “Aye it’s not polite to keep your captors waiting!” He yells out. As soon as he finishes a half a dozen gang members rush in after kicking in the door. None of us jump at the sudden entrance. Upon first sight, you’d think there isn’t a single left-handed member, since any distinguishable feature is highlighted on the right side of their bodies. One of them walks up to the table and throws a golden revolver on the table. I do a slight flinch thinking it’ll go off. With a closer look, I notice a 6-dice tattoo on the right side of his neck. He shifts his eyes and we stare at each other. Without a word, he suckers punches me sqaure in the face. “That’s one.” Rowan announces in a dead serious tone. “Only one of you is leaving this room alive. We’re talking to the Piru chain of command for a price tag. So, get busy.” His voice is flat and lifeless. “Oh? A friendly game of rush-and-you'll-regret? Bet.” Manino says with a smile. “Airen...follow our lead. If you don’t do this correctly, you’ll die.” Rowan’s eyes are full of anger. He turns to Manino, “You ready my n***a?” With a nod they clasp their hands together and dip them twice. I carefully mirror their actions. They close their eyes, lower their heads and pick them back up after a second. I follow. “What was that?” I ask watching Manino spinning the barrel. “We just prayed to Lady Luck.” He pulls the trigger and he dodged the bullet. He hands it to me, and I switch it to my cuffed hand. “Should I spin it again?” Rowan whose watching me like a hawk shakes his head. “You gotta trust us with your life, we’ll tell you when to spin.” Well...there goes. I put it up to the side of my head. My heart is working overtime, I’m sure. Pulling the trigger, I hear a click. I’m safe. “Aye there you go!” Manino says dapping me up after I pass it. “Stop f*****g treating this like it’s a game!" One of the members speaks up. “I’ll shoot you myself if I have to!” He points to the camera, “You n****s are being broadcasted all over the world right now!” Rowan’s and Manino’s faces light up. Their good moods are boosted. I’m just confused. “Real s**t? Whoever hijacked the airwaves needs to come work for us!” Manino says in full glee. Rowan turns to the camera, “Aye if you don’t know we the 33rd street Pirus are we lit. Don’t let our situation get it twisted! We’re gonna bust out and kill all these gringos. So, don’t le-” He’s cut off by the same dude that punched me. He backhanded the boss. “What would you say that is? Two or three?” Rowan calmly says to Manino rubbing his cheek. “Three for trying to embarrass you.” “Play the f*****g game!” Rowan rolls his eyes and pulls the trigger. Instead of passing it, he points it at the guy who slapped him. “The three of us survived, add the second bullet.” The man snatched the gun and loaded another bullet in the chamber. He tosses it to Manino, and he eyes the gun. After a moment he gives the chamber three separate spins. He pulls the trigger and nothing. I get it and eye it down. A 33% chance huh? “Give it another spin.” Rowan says not feeling this shot. I do what he says and spin it again. I press the cold metal to my head and pull. Another save, another chance. Rowan spins it two more times, and takes a quick, confident pull... “Third bullet please.” He teases. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask...that’s the structure of the Pirus? Like are we even an important part of the Pirus?” I ask without thinking. Mostly to get my mind off this attempt on my life. “The structure is complicated, like Tojo clan complicated.” Rowans informs me. “What are we Yakuza now? We’re not that honorable.” Manino says after taking a pull. “One spin.” Rowan laughs softly, “At some point we have to, then we can stop being an umbrella gang.” I hand him the gun after my pull. “Umbrella gan-” “AYE shut the f**k up! Another word and f**k the ransom money!” The man looks like he’s had enough of us treating this like we’re smoking and passing a blunt. After his pull, he puts the 4th bullet in. When Manino catches it, he does what he does and spins it 7 times, which scares me. The Folk members watching are more tense than us...or at least Piru and Manino. He reaches the gun towards me; I open my palm so he can drop it. Instead of lowering it in my hand, he taps the grip on my hand four times. I look up at him briefly and the room is silent, the only sound is the chamber spinning. After the fourth spin, my hair is met with the circular end of the gun. With a fearful pull, nothing comes out. I pass it to Ro. He examines it carefully before spinning it twice. Then pulls. The man puts the 5th bullet in and throws the gun at Manino. He pulls out another gun and points it at him, “Pull that tap tap s**t again and see what happens." Manino catches it, spins it once then shoots. Lady Luck must be working overtime since Manino got the one empty shot. Doing what he says, I get the gun without so much as a hint. I close my eyes and spin the barrel, then once more, another time, once more for good measure. When I open my eyes, I see Rowan and Manino glancing at each other as if they have something planned. They turn towards me and stare. I guess I’m really on my own on this, with shaky hands I put it up to my head and pull...as luck would have it I survived. Our over watcher has had enough. He snatches the gun from my hand and loads the last bullet. “Your luck went on far enough.” “Not if the gun jams...” Rowans smirks at him. They lock eyes, the battle between the smirk and the frown grows at every passing moment. Our captor had enough of playing these games and pistol whips the boss. “It’s your turn.” Rowan splits out some blood and keeps his smirk, “That’s four.” He spins the barrel one good time. I look around the room, the intensity is heavy. Even the spectators are on edge, they’re now even playing but you can see it in their eyes. What gonna happen when he pulls the trigger won’t matter. They will go on and live their lives tomorrow and the next, but they choose to share the feeling of aiming against a loaded gun with the possible victim. He raises the gun to his gun and looks around the room. “Bang.” At that exact moment, a large explosion causes the room to shake violently. Gunshots, screams, and running can be hear just outside the room. A folk member burst through the door, “Boss! We’re being attacked, they’re hundreds of them!” The Folk leader sizes the situation, “You stay with me, the rest of you go and help!” They clear out the room with their guns drawn. As soon as they leave, Rowan shoots the Folk member in the chest and the leader in the leg. “And that right there is why you don’t f**k with the 33rd Pirus.” He says to the camera. “That’s one by the way.” The leader is rolling and screaming on the floor. “How’d you time the attack, just right?” Manino asks lifting his handcuff as far as it’ll allow. “I know Jayy’s timing to a tee.” He says aiming the gun and shooting the chain, freeing Manino. He does the same to his and my handcuff. “Grab his gun and guard the door Mani.” Rowan commands as we stand over the table. He follows his orders and smiles at the camera before he walks out the frame. Meanwhile the battle outside is still raging on, a massive shootout. Not knowing what to do, I just stand there on camera as this man is bleeding out. This is not what I wanted to do with my day. “Airen, listen to me. You have only two choices.” Rowan states grabbing my shirt. Looking me in the eyes with newfound stern tone, “Shoot him or beat him with that conveniently placed crowbar in the corner.” “...I’ll shoot him” I answer quickly. “You can get the last shoot then.” He says before shooting him the in the ankle. “That’s two.” The blood and screams are replaced by new blood and screams as another bullet enters his shoulder. “We’re at three already? Damn that’s crazy.” The sadistic side of the boss is shown clearly, his disappointment in how fast it is to shoot a man is...somehow inspiring. That inspiration is drowned out when he goes to get the crowbar. I’ve gotten good at not listening and it comes in handy when someone is screaming nonstop. For J.I.C purposes, I grab the gun the member had on him as Rowan is doing his thing. While I’m at it I loot his body for anything useful, something Emiliano taught me. I find the keys to the hand cuffs, immediately unlocking the other half of the cuff stuck to my wrist. “Airen...you’re up” I stand up with the gun in my hand. Manino makes a hand motion telling me he’ll catch if I throw, so I do. Turning to the matter at hand...isn’t an east sight. Looking down at the man who’s name I don’t even know, is the same person who will be took out of this world by my hands. Covered in his blood, gasping for air, three extra holes in his body, I’ll spare you the rest of the details. “I ran outta bullets, so let me get that gun off you.” I think he has had enough but I’m not the one who’s willing to beat a man with a crowbar to prove a point. “I was gonna call you over sooner but this a good crowbar to beat someone with.” With another shot to the gut, the gun is now in my hands. By his chest slowly rising and falling, we can tell he’s still alive. I take a deep breath and aim for the head. Just with one pull, I’ve crossed the line. The line of killing another man. “You know why that was so uneventful?” Rowan asks as he loots his body. “Because you’re just now realizing you built for this. That we know you have to do it again.” I stand still glaring at the body. I can’t even call him a person anymore; this living person is now an object...a body. “It doesn’t get easier, so you gotta suck it up. We have to shoot our way out you know.” Manino says peeking out the window.
It’s been almost three months since our kidnapping and there’s still no sign of Piru. The gang is taking a moral troll on not having him around. He was...is the glue keeping so many personalities together; wild, funny, speaks his mind, ready for anything, a good friend, etc. As a result, Rowan has grown more spiteful and is the most affected by all this. Besides Manino, Piru is his closest friends. The longer he’s gone the more reckless he’s getting. Talks about the war are escalating, if Cider family had something to do with Piru’s disappearance, then all-out war will be the result. In other news, I’ve been made a Captain since the last one died during the kidnap break out. Rose is coming to terms with the death of her Uncle Gilbert, where I’ve been there to comfort her on. My 18th birthday passes, which is a bigger deal than it already is. My parents gave me a golden plane ticket along with five thousand dollars. Also, some more minor stuff around the city but I can’t get into since I’m headed to this special meeting. “You ready for the meeting?” Rose whispers in my ear. “I’m here already, am I?” I rely sinking back in my office chair. “You’re going to meet our OG.” That slip my mind. Apparently, that’s what makes this meeting special; our OG comes to see how we’re doing. “Who is he anyway?” I whisper back. “An old member of the Pirus that got out of the gang life and into the family kind. He’s extremely knowledgeable and still updated on the streets and their politics. I know what you’re thinking and yes, he’s older than the life expectancy- he's 37.” I just nod. It is possible. As the other Captains, department heads, and co leaders wander in the meeting starts. The empty chair belonging to Piru weighs heavily on our hearts, as well as creates an elephant in the room. Soon after the curtain is down, Rowan walks in with an older man, our OG. At the head of the table Rowan introduces him, “This is the current upper staff of the 33rd street Pirus sir: Manino Bose, Jordan Mic...” There’s a slight pause. “...and Piru Sunflower but he’s currently M.I.A. These are the Generals.” He nods and looks at them for a moment. “Nice you meet you to.” His voice is deep, demanding and frank. They nod in return. “Next is the current head of departments: Emiliano Yzaels-Head of Information, Amadeus Covington-Head of engineering & Analytics, Rose Craves-Head of Medicine, Phoenix Redd-Head of Business, Reed Blackson-Head of Weaponry, Kamino Acts-Head of Recruiting & Training, and finally Blanchette Hood- Head of Supplies & Travel.” Rowan introduces one by one. They exchange greetings, and he smirks. “Still keeping the odd leadership approach huh?” “Yes sir, an even vote is a bad decision to make.” Rowan respectfully answers. “Our captains...Captain Action Jackson, Captain Cherida Red, Captain Keisha Crimson, Captain Sarah Newblood, and Captain Airen Atmosphere.” We nod after our OG does. “My name is Demarcus Jamerson, I was a part of the 33rd Pirus for over 20 years. I’ve seen all there is to see, been kidnapped dozens of times and moved up the ranks all the way up to the bloods higher chain of command. I’ve been shot 3 times and shot 300 n****s. Looking at this batch of leaderships, I can say Rowan picked right. I trained Lil Ro from his first day to his first year of leadership.” “1 leadership, 3 Generals, 5 Captains with 5 other Co-captains, and 7 department Heads. Is the style of structure, I made and spread across the Piru territory.” He explains as he sits, and we listen. “But I’m out of the gang life, please continue as if I’m not here...” After the introductions ended, the meet went as all the others. Until the sensitive topic came up... “We’re going to war with the Folks and Cider Family. At the same time.” Rowan states. Each member had a different reaction. As Rose displayed her disgust, I lean back in my chair and sigh. Based off the reactions, a unanimous vote is out the window. “Think about the casualties Ro.” Keisha pleads in a surprising serious tone. He stands his ground along with his decision. “With the right planning, we won't lose more than 450 or so.” “There’s only 2,700 of us!” Kamino cries. Rowan crosses his arms and stands his grounds, “For this to work I need all my n****s to ride. All 2,742 of us.” “Does that include Piru?” Captain Jackson challenges. He said the right thing to strike a nerve, we can see he’s pissed out and holding his anger in. Before Rowan says anything, Demarcus laughs to break the tension, “I miss times like these...” He turns towards Rowan, “Word of advice, never go to war over one person. I heard rumors about him and he’s too reckless, those types of members are only worth 30 to 50 people.” His words hang in the air before anyone continues. Captain Jackson always said what’s on his mind, but this was just wild. Rowan seems to be thinking something over. While the rest of us are waiting for someone to speak up. “Rose...based on the condition Piru was last seen as, what’s your medical opinion about his...” Manino says trailing off. None of us wants to say the D word but it’s looking like that. Especially since Piru and Remy are nowhere to be found. No bodies or ransom request were ever alerted to us. “He’s not dead, I can tell you that. He may have climbed a barbed wired fence, but I’m positive Remy treated his wounds when they got to safety.” “The reports did say the blood trail stopped inside a random building...” Phoenix adds. “But we’ve searched that building top to bottom...we’re still search the damn thing!” Captain Jackson says. “You got something you wanna say Jackson?” Piru bursts out. “It’s a lost cause, Boss.” He walks over to him, “What was that?” The captain stands up, “I said forget that n***a.” To our surprise Rowan didn’t swing on him. Instead they stare each other down for serveral moments. I decide to step in, “Rowan we don’t even know if they had anything to do wi-” He whips his head towards me, “Of course you’d say that, you f*****g zq-” “Watch how you treat your members Lil Ro!” Demarcus interrupts. “In times like these, gangs in the past have collapsed for making mistakes like these.” Silence falls in the room once more. There’s a lot of things to consider and our next steps are essential to the 33rd’s survival. So, Rowan turns to the captain and holds out his hand, “My fault my G, you got a point.” The Captain daps him up, and they smile. That’s their relationship in one moment; Jackson says some out of pocket s**t, Rowan gets mad, he realizes it aint that deep, they apologize, rinse and repeat. “We’re still looking for him.” Rowan reaffirms. “We can’t spend manpower looking for him and try to go to war.” Rose advices. “Our Med Bay doesn’t have the space or supply for both.” “We can get you more, you know...” Blanchette comments. Rose rolls her eyes and leaves it there. “Whomever is responsible for the kidnapping, we should attack.” Cherry throws out. “Well who do we think kidnapped him?” Phoenix chimes in, ready to take his notes. “Nobody!” The voice echoes through the hideout, as we look around the temperature rises then the front door is engulfed in flames before, it explodes and flies into the base. We raise the curtain to see what’s going on, if we had fire alarms they would be going off. As it ascends, we see the man himself standing in front of the fiery doorframe with his arms crossed. Any trace of previous injury is non-excitement. His dreads are longer, more muscular than I remember, he’s taller, still doesn’t have on a shirt, wearing blue jean shorts, and sandals, oh...and he’s on fire. I mean entirely engulfed in orange flames but doesn’t react to the s**t. I look around to see everyone else frozen, the irony.... “Why the F**K is you wearing that color?” Rowan breaks the tension and jumps off stage. “It’s what I woke up in! As you can see, it’s not burning so unless you want me to walk around dragging then shut that s**t up!” He says yelling at him, his flames growing larger. “Yoo where were you?” Manino says leaving the meeting table. “We’ve been looking all over the city for you. “Where was I?” He repeats it rhetorically. The flames on his feet changes to blue and he starts to sink...in the concrete floor. The sandals are still intact, somehow. “Calm down Piru and explain what happened...” Captain Sarah says reaching for his arm. He jerks back and the flames singes her. A ping of guilt over comes him and he takes a few deep breaths. As the human fireball is breathing, fire comes out of his mouth with each exhale. Eventually, his flames are put to rest, leaving tiny heat waves traveling across his skin. “Sorry guys, I can’t control my power yet.” Kamino looks around and gets concerned, “...what happened to Remy” Piru’s face changed in an instant. The edges of his dreads ignite on fire as he searches his memory. After a visible mental battle, a small fireball that would be a tear coming from a normal person, rolls down to his soul...fire patch. “I can’t control my power yet.” He repeats in a somber tone. “I’m sorry Mino...” Demarcus examines him and smiles, “Why don’t you sit down and explain what happened.”
“...and that’s all I remember.” Piru explains in his new fire proof living quarters. Which is just one of the firing range rooms, blocked off. We stand on the other side of the glass, “You telling us you got superpowers from a glowing door, killed Remy, and wearing blue.” Rowan pieces together. With a charming, flaming smile, “In that order boss.” The ping of guilt is covered on his face as well. “Well something else...” Piru continues before any of us speaks. “I got the fell- no I’m sure I was in that door for a while. I mean months, but when I got out Remy seemed like it was only minutes.” I turn to Demarcus who’s still examining him, “Have you ever seen something like this? I mean...superpowers, that must be rare right?” All eyes are on him, he looks around and sighs, “Yes they exist. The Bloods, Pirus, Vice Lords and the rest of the gangs all agreed to keep the empowered a secret. Some of them traded their own to the military for supplies.” “I say we should turn him in.” Kamino says flatly. “The f**k you will!” Piru retorts with his flames growing and spreading to each wall of his room. She turns to Rowan and Demarcus, “He killed Remy, is currently wearing blue, and now he’s worth supplies we need!” “Yo come on Ro, I admit I might have been bullshitting in the past, and my track record isn’t the best, also it’s a talent that I can piss anyone off, as well as I’m reckless as all hell, including that my actions may have caused the Folks to kidnap you, but not limited to me not wanting to follow orders, moreover my style is like that of a lone wolf, furthermore I’m a loveable a*****e... all that doesn’t mean you should trade me for some f*****g toilet paper and bullets!” Rowan puts his hand on his chin and thinks for a few moments, then turns to Demarcus, “Don’t suppose you had to make this decision before?” “What is there to consider!” Piru explodes figuratively and literally. The sudden burst of fire is enough for us to shift a few feet to the side. With an annoyed sigh, “Here this n***a go..." Captain Jackson says folding his arms. “If I’m getting traded, I’m taking over the gang!” Piru takes a stance and clasps his hands. A compressed ball of fire forms between them and grows slowly as he focuses. “We should leave...” I say backing away further. “Naw f**k that, he wants to fight then we gonna jump his a*s.” “Y’all are some dumbass...I’ll go get the first aid kits.” Rose says walking out. A few other members follow not wanting to be cremated. I’m tempted to follow but it’s too late. A beam of blue fire shoots at the glass easily burning a hole through the glass and the adjacent wall. He steps out with blue fire surrounding him as a protective barrier. “What yall gon do?” Almost as if we practiced, Rowan, Demarcus and the rest of the higher ups including myself takes out our guns and fire in systematic unison. As the bullets fly towards him, they burst into flames and they melt down then its convents to gas in almost an instant. “Yea, we can’t fight this m**********r, I don’t even think our fire extinguishers can help.” Emiliano says dropping his pistol and puts his hands up. We follow his example and admit defeat; all but Rowan whose pride is still in the way. He steps up and holds his ground despite the heat. “You have to kill me if you think, I’m giving up my position.” Without a word, Piru lobs a tiny orange fireball at him. As soon as it hits his forearm, he collapses to the floor, rolling and cursing at the pain. “Aight you got it!” He hisses out while griping his arm. At the sound of victory, Piru calms his flames as much as he can. Still maintaining a slight orange glow with small heatwaves. “As my first act as Leader of the 33rd street Pirus, I hearby make myself untradeable to any offers, then I give up my position of leader to Rowan McShooter.” He walks over to us and holds his hand out to him. “N***a I just got burned, I’m not touching you.” Rowan yells as he sits there sweating. “Extra as f**k, for no reason.” Amadeus says walking out the firing range area. Some of the others follow him. “I miss these wacky moments...” Demarcus says following Captain Keisha. Rowan, Manino, Cherry, Piru, Captain Jackson, and Captain Kamino are the ones that stayed behind. Jayy is also in the far corner smoking a blunt, chilling as usual. I’m still trying to make sense of all this. “...Boss since we’re on this topic, I went through a glowing, blue door as well.” “And what power did you get Cherida?” Manino says jokingly, crossing is arms. “If I stare at someone long enough, I can see major events in their life, and possibly a secret or two. I can also stop someone from talking by making their tongue curl and twist with my mind.” That explains a lot. Rowan stands up slowly, “Does anyone else have some power we need to know about?” I shake my head, as well as the others. Silence falls between us, the sound between are Piru’s flames. We’re just chilling for the moment, Piru comes back after all this time and as the human lighter at that. Then he tries to kill us for tr- “Sorry! I’m back guys.” Rose practically kicks in the door with first aid kits, bags of ice, and other medical remedies. She looks around frantically, “Oh...all of you are still alive.” She throws an ice cube at Piru, which melts mid-air. “I got a burn here Rose.” Rowan holds up his arm and she comes to examine it. Despite barely having a high school diploma, she has years of medical experience. Some even say that she’s gifted. Rose would always say experience outranks everything. “3rd degree burns...nothing too serious but something to take care of.” She says rubbing soap water on the area effected. As the area air dries, she gets out anti burn cream and rubs it with a cotton swab. I can imagine it doesn’t feel great and Rowan’s face shows it. Meanwhile, Piru just stands there in guilt. She wraps gauze coated bandages. “You should change it every now and then.” “Since you’re back we can continue with the meeting.” Rowan says holding his bandaged arm. “How to we make sure this n***a doesn’t burn down the place?” Manino says in the corner, smoking with Jayy. “I got that covered! I brought a fireproof protective suit. A unisex, bright red leather suit, that resembles that of a space walker. “As long as you don’t lash out and make blue flames, he’ll be fine.” Kamino folds her arms, “So we gon just ignore the fact that this n***a killed Remy?” “I mean...what can we really do? At this point he can do anything he wants.” Jayy says passing the blunt. “If it makes you feel any better...never mind it probably won't. How about unless provoked I won’t kill another innocent, non-gang related person that don’t deserve what’s coming to them?” He extends his hand towards her. “It’s a start; but don’t think that’s all you have to do.” She shakes his hand and her hand isn’t engulfed in fire. “So, does that mean we’re not going to war?” I ask Rowan as he’s reloading his gun. “I’ll call it off for now, but more importantly we have to get Piru another pair of fireproof jean shorts.” The smile on his face must outweigh the pain.
The next few weeks were busy, with the possible war called off, Rowan saw the power of the mysterious blue door. The scouts are instructed to look under every rock in Piru Territory, so far only one was found. After a person steps in the door...or should I say portal, it teleports randomly. The person that was chosen to go through it was a relatively new recruit named Chris. Only 15 years old at that, diving into the unknown. If Piru’s account is anything to go from it takes around a month to come back. Speaking of Piru, he surprised everyone by learning to control his power in just a few days. I guess being isolated in an enclosed space, is the best teacher. When he learned his power, he became a human lighter. As crazy and far-fetched superpowers are, we just accepted it without a second thought. “Alright we got Vice Lords moving in on our turf, we need to settle this peacefully to keep relations good.” Rowan says over the meeting table. “Are we confronting the members on our territory, or making a visit to their main base?” Jordan asks. “For now, just the trespassers, I want Airen, Piru, Mike, and Cherry to go send a friendly message to get the f**k on.” “You sure you want the great ball of fire to avoid a gang war?” Manino jokes by sparking a lighter. Before Piru could make a big deal out of it, Rowan continues, “We need muscle and Piru just so happen to have a mean a*s right hook... they’re reported to be on 31st street near Marice’s.” And with that Cherry, Piru and I head off to go find Mike. Which turns out to be an easy task, seeing that he was headed to the stage. “Aye I’m calling it now, I got the windshield seat.” Piru says as we make it outside. The deploy area has always been a depressing gray color. To think it’s the last place you’ll be before heading out to the infamous capitol city in the territory that’s more dangerous than any of the others. It’s too late to be this sentimental, having gone on dozens of missions and all. Between the giant double steel doors, the narrow dark alley, barbed wired fence, and guards it’s ominous enough to convince you that you're not coming back. Maybe it’s just me, I’m not used to staying at one place. Especially after I hardly go home anymore, with dad spending 21 plus hours at the station, mom just got way too protective. So, I got a girlfriend and spend the night with her every other night, at least that’s what I tell her. She buys it, but still blows up my phone. I hate lying to her but I ha- “You over there trying to remember how to get in a car?!” Piru yells to get my attention. Blinking twice I see the armored car door wide opened. I’m standing in front of the door with my hand on the handle. “My fault, I’m shooter?” Piru laughs as I get in, “You gotta stop smoking, your overthinking is probably linked to your anxiety.” He produces a small orange flame on the tip of his index finger to light a blunt. “Is it me or you’ve gotten smarter when you came back to us.” I joke around and playfully punches his shoulder. Which surprisingly doesn’t burn me. “Don’t change the subject, but I did have the pickup a few things to survive.” He passes me the blunt and starts his playlist. With Cherry at driver, we peel off after getting the ‘go head’ from the guards. “After you take this left, turn straight.” Mike says from the navigator seat. After an enlightening 15-minute drive, we pullup on Marice’s corner store. A familiar spot to go after school if you want to chill, or a place to hide. When a gang owns a piece of territory, the proprieties that aren’t willing to move have to pay ‘protection taxes’ and have to protect members of the gang that’s in control. From what I get from it is you gotta give to take kinda thing. Speaking of protecting, we haven’t been holding up our side; seeing that there’s with a group of black and gold dressed n****s just boolin around Marice’s door. Mike slow rolls down the window and in a calm but aggravated tone, “The f**k are Alvins doing this far out?” One closest one to the car takes his hands out of his jacket pockets in the most dramatic way. “We just came to see if yall n****s lacking. Yall got here pretty quick but that doesn’t mean s**t.” Everyone in the car sighs, and for good reason to. The new age Vice Lords are in the middle of another rebranding. Now with every encounter, they require other gangs to see them with your hands. If you’re outnumbered then, too bad. No matter how peaceful the exchange is, Alvins will still make any and every gang fist fight. No weapons or guns. As we open the doors, I grab Piru’s shoulder, “Leave the heat in the car.” He turns to me and jerks his arm away, “I f*****g know.” “Being stomped out or sucker punched...keep your cool...” Cherry adds rolling up her sleeves. If the rumors are true and other gangs are looking for those portals then, it wouldn’t be helpful if the 2nd most powerful gang know about Piru’s... hotheadedness. “I also forgot...” One of them saids suddenly remembering something, “The gangs are having a meeting soon. Talk to your OG about it.” A smile forms on my face, “I hope it’s not about uniting, because that didn’t work over in Bopper/Cone Isla-” “B***h!” That was the last thing I heard. A stray...no it was aimed at my newly found glass jaw.
Either from the beaming light hitting my eye lids, or uncomfortable position that I’m lying in causes me to regain conscience. I’m back in the hideout base, more specifically the medical wing. The last thing I remember is Vice Lords for some reason. I look under the polyester blanket to see I’m still wearing red, and shirtless for some reason. Sitting up and yawning, these start to piece themselves together. A sharp pain comes from my jaw when I yawned and like a surge of energy my memories came rushing in. “I really got stole on!” I yell in the empty room. Within a few moments, Rose rushes in and hugs me tightly without a second thought. “You’re finally awake!” She says with eyes full of tears. A constricting squeeze reveals I’m been stomped on as well. I gently pull away, “Woah, hold on. How long have I been out?” Before answering my beautiful doctor takes the time to recompose herself. “Today would make 4 days.” “B***h stop lying.” I quickly reply out of habit, in a flat tone. In response, she takes a quick jab to my rib. “It’s true dumbass. After getting hit in a sensitive spot by surprise you went into shock.” “But for four days?” I question feeling the bandage running form my chin to earlobe. “It’s called Apollo’s sour spot. Also known as Achilles temporary heel. The first cases are only documented with those born after the Great Fall. It’s defined as a weak spot that’ll render a person unconscious for a few days if enough force is put on the spot suddenly. It’s temporary in the sense that a person gets used to it after being unconscious thrice. So, your jaw is your Achilles heel for t...” She really is cute when she talks medicine. I don’t really understand the s**t, but it’s clearly her passion. Rose really is lucky, a qo- “Are you listening?!” She yells plucking my temporary Apollo heel. “Yea...I got two more shots to the jaw to not be a weak n***a. Or something like that.” “You’re impossible...you know that?” I force a smile through my bandaged face. “Someone has to.” Silence falls between us before I realize it. Neither of us wants to address it but there’s a lot unsaid with Rose and me. “Hey...” She starts off more somber than I wanted to hear, “Don’t be mad ok.” Leaning back on the headboard preparing on the worst. “What did you do.” I say while crossing my arms. There she goes, giving in to her nervous tick. Looking at the floor, playing with her thumbs, and will indisputably stutter. The s**t pisses me off. Especially when she does it to me. The strongest person I know is displaying this much weakness. Why are you being vulnerable with me now? The time I need to lean on you the most. “...If y-you’re done being in deep th-th-thought... When you were a-asleep, I r-ran some mental memory-detection t-t-test on you.” Before I could say anything, she continued, “I f-found out why you’re t-thinking all the t-time. It’s linked t-to trauma earlier I-in your life. W-w-” My adrenaline overcoming the pain, I shoot out of bed. “Who gave you the f*****g right?” My voice is calm but extremely restrained. “I haven’t told anyone about that day and you...” With having much control of my body, it moves on its own. Shaking with fear, pain, anger, or a combination of the three I start to stomp my way out the room. Until I feel a pair of familiar soft hands grab me. “Talk to me about it! Share your pain with me!” She yells at me. Hearing the pain and desperation calms me down a bit. Guilt and shame replace rage. “Let me try to heal you...please” I whip my head around as fast I can, only to feel an enormous, unbearable pain in my jaw...no I feel it across my whole face. I hear a loud crack, then feel something warm run down my neck, then a loud scream, then my knees gave out, then...dark. All in that order.
“...It’s been 20 minutes now.” “I still can’t get time detection” As I open my eyes, I realize something is very wrong. The place I’m at is somewhere you’d dream about. The first thing I notice is the sky...if I can even call it that. The color is unrecognizable, as hard as it is to describe a color, this doesn’t even resemble any I know. Not bright, not dark...f**k this really is bothering me. “Yo Airen! I know the color is new to you but we gotta talk about your visit.” One of the voices pierces through the air. My forcing my eyes to peel away from the breathtaking, confusing sight, I take at the look at my surroundings. Well...I’m sitting at a table with an expensive tea set. Sitting directly across from me is a skull in robes, next to me I- Jumping out of my seat, I get ready for...well anything, “What the f**k! Where am I?” I try to reach for my gun but why would I have it on me? Does Rowan let people keep it on them while they’re recovering? Just in case they want to e- no I can’t think in a time like this! The thing sighs and stands up, “Calm down.” As an extra measure he holds out his skeletal, boney hand and it glows. Before I wonder what, he’s doing, all feeling from my waist down is gone. Thinking quickly, I clutch my chest tightly and scream as loud and convincing as I can. My voice echoes for miles, it sounds like. If this place is as empty as it sounds this is hopeless, but I must try. “S**t did I do the wrong thing?” His hand glows one more and undoes whatever caused my waist-down paralysis. Before he realizes his mistake, I turn around and sprint the opposite way, making sure to zig zag. I did get far, after a few seconds my feet stopped mid-sprint and I fall like a statue. “Come on Rakkan, help me carry him.” “Fine...stay here Softs” They walk over to my stiff body. The other person is apparently an Aff kid with a pet porcupine. They don’t seem to mean any harm, I mean after gently carrying me back to the table for tea and freeing me. We’re back at the table and I’m back trying to figure out what color this is. “Anyway, if you’re done with running let us explain. I’m the grim reaper. You may know me as Death, or the dark angel, etc etc.” His voice sounds otherworldly, as like it’s being projected. Like magical but deep. I take a good look at him and he’s just a skeleton under a hooded black robe. About 6 and a half feet, and he smells like sunflowers. “...and I’m Rakkan, the overseer of this place.” The kid says after sipping his tea. Less unbelievable, more out of place. “I have to ask...how did a little kid like you in charge of a place like this?” Not the best question I should be asking but it’s fueling my curiosity. “I’ve been here for hundreds of years!” He pouts crossing his arms. “So...am I dead?” I ask knowing the answer. Rakkan nods, “Yes. This place is called Waiting Room Twilight. It’s were people go while their actions are being evaluated.” “I see...” A wave of emotions hit me as it’s been confirmed. Sinking down in my seat, my eyes start to get wet. “There is a chance you can go back to your current life.” He waits for my reaction, studying me cautiously. I figure this might become kind of test, so I look up at him to display my interest. “I know you’re wondering it, so I’ll come out and say it...You died by sudden shock. When you whipped your head around to give Rose a piece of your mind, your dumbass hit your jaw on the doorframe.” Sitting up to explain myself, I take a second to feel my jaw. “You’re in the afterlife, all forms of physical trauma are healed. Even diseases like cancer and the cold.” Rakkan adds petting his porcupine, “See? Oh! This is my pet porcupine; his name is Softs.” “You said I could go back...how?” “Well...before Rowan turned the medical bay into what it is today, it was a living room.” The way he says said it, was like he was done, and wasn’t trailing off. “Okay...what does that has to do with anything?” An explanation that leaves more questions, that’s crazy. “Although it should be common knowledge, no matter how you die a person can’t spiritually die in a living room.” My brain hurts, “What? So, humans are immortal in the living room?” “Not just humans. Any living thing can survive, but old age and living past your predetermined time period are the exceptions.” “Wait...so does every person have a time limit?” Rakkan is sitting in his sit, listening with Softs in his lap. “Only about 28% of people. Before you ask, those with a time limit are test subjects the big man is experimenting with. To answer what you’re thinking the experiments vary it could be new personality traits, seeing how a mind set operates in a certain environment, etc. The reasons are endless.” “Do I have a time limit?” I ask cautiously. “No but most people in the 33rd Street Pirus are.” “How do you know so much about me and my life?” Besides an informative answer he just laughs, “The big man gave me 90% omniscience, I know 90% of everything there is to know.” I turn to Rakkan, “What about you? What percentage are you?” He just shakes his head, “Only 10%, I know human history from the past, present and near future.” I take the first sip of my tea. This is the best tea I’ve ever had. “When will I go back?” Grim tilts the tea cup in his hood and the liquid falls inside his opened jaw. “My assistants are looking at the official review now, to see if you were inbounds... meaning the right side of the door frame when you collapsed.” “Do you know what I’m g-” “going to ask before I say it? Yes, it’s incredibility boring talking to people who doesn’t have omniscience.” He notices the look on my face, “Since me and Rakkan have some percentage of omniscience, we don’t know what we did, is doing, or will do.” “Okay. What if Rose or Rowan move my body to a living room?” He knew I was gonna ask that. Now I feel bad. “Don’t feel bad, it’s not your fault I’m so bored. To answer your question, you’ll automatically be brought back to life as long as your body says in the living room. Yes, it works as many times as you die in a living room, until you pass away from natural causes since you’re not a part of the 28.” “How can you tell if a person is a part of the 28%?” “That I don’t know. Only the big man has that information for some reason. Don’t worry so much about Rose, there’s more than what meets the eye with that girl.” “Are you allowed to give advice?” I ask balling my fists in my lap. “I’m not answering your next question, telling you if you and Rose get together and have a healthy, happy relationship will affect your destiny.” “Can you at least tell me if she loves me as much as I do for her?” He tries to rub his eyes, but since he doesn’t have any his fingers goes through the sockets. It looks silly but it displays his annoyance. “Refer to my previous answer before the last one.” Come to think of it...his mouth doesn’t move when he talks. It’s cool as s**t. I can’t see it but I’m sure he’s smiling since I said that. “That’s all the questions I had, or can possibly ask.” “No... there’s more I can legally answer.” A glowing light appears in his robe pocket. “I have to go...I’ll come back to bring you to your body. In the meantime, Rakkan will show you around.” Before he can protest, Death vanishes between blinks. I turn to Rakkan, “Does he always drip like that?” “Every f*****g single time.” The need to scold from for cursing comes to mind, but this kid is probably older than me. Or my ancestors for that matter. “So...is it lonely here?” He picks up Softs and pushes his chair in. “Finish your tea and let’s go.” Pretty sure the porcupine is impaling him...no that’s too much, maybe pricking? It doesn’t matter, we can’t feel pain anyway. Where ever we are. I gulp the rest of this truly splendid tea and follow behind. It’s been...well I... s**t. “How long have we been walking?” I ask breaking the silence. “Who knows, it could have been 5 minutes, 40 minutes, 8 hours, or a few weeks. Not even I can comprehend time in this place.” Rakkan says petting his spiked companion. “So, asking how old are you is out of the question?” “Death dropped hints here and there. I know I’m between 500 and 2500 years old but honestly...there’s no telling.” The tone in his voice breaks my heart. “...and when you die, you keep your age and body.” I say to no confirmation or agreement. “Hey, your body markings and paint suggest ancient Motherland. Tell me how it was! Living back then I mean.” His little feet stop in the blue grass. “Ancient? Am I really that f*****g old? Nice way to make me fell s****y! And what makes you think I remember? I died before I was 12 you a*****e!” Staring me down, the face he’s making doesn’t match the tone. “Oh... I apologi-” I’m cut off by laughter. Genuine giggles at that. This ki- guy is a really good actor. I really felt like an a*****e. “I’m f*****g with you man! No...no I'm used to it, you won’t believe how many people ask.” He says walking again. “But yea, I died when I was 10. Crushed by a large rock after being chased by this prickly prick here.” He holds up his pet. “The big man told me that since he-Softs landed on my chest when the rock flattened me, our souls are linked.” That explains the holes in the little n***a’s chest. “The big man?” I cautiously ask. “Yea... it’s true there’s more than one God so the God of...well Gods is called the big man. Anyway, for some reason I was the best person for this job. The first and ever owner of this place.” As we walk up a hill, he stops and extends his arm as if he’s presenting something. “Welcome to Waiting Room Twilight!”
I don’t get it. It’s just a field of blue grass with scattered blue trees with light brown bark. My expectations are irrelevant when I think about it...I’m dead after all. “Hey, I’ve been thinking...since I’m a gang member who's killed before, would I have gone to hell if I hadn’t died in a living room?” “Call it like it is, your dumbass committed unintentional suicide; but I can’t answer that. It’s not my place, but from what I’ve seen...a person is judged by overall.” “What do you mean?” “Well...let’s use a recent example. Say a man who spent his whole life worshipping the big man, while on vacation on Pluto he fi-” “Wait! Recent? Vacation? Pluto?” I interrupt being caught off guard. “Yea. I wasn’t lying when I said you can’t comprehend time here, that also means no time barrier. I can get someone who died in 2063, and the person right after would be like...year 384.” Very interesting. “What’s the furthest you’ve gotten?” “Around 2350.” “Do humans go extinct?!” I almost yell at him. That’s almost 300 years from now. What the hell happened...will happen. “I can’t say. But your granddaughter was here recently.” Now it was my turn to stop in my tracks. “Wait?” That threw me off. I don’t know how to feel about that. I don’t have kids, not yet at least, but could I’ve had seen her? What would she even look like? Did...Will I spend time with her? “Looks like I broke you.” He sighs and throws dirt at me. “Do you always go deep into thought like that? When you die all physical, mental, financial, and spiritual pain are heal so what is that? A bad habit?” “What’s her name.” “Eri Atmosphere.” Tears force their way out. “I wanted to see her.” “Stop your crying, you will see her down the line.” I break down and drop to my knees. “If it’ll make you feel better, I have one of your descendants in my office now.” I jump to my feet and wipe my eyes. “Let’s f*****g go!” “You might not make the trip; we don’t know how long you have to stay dead.” He says clearly annoyed. “It doesn’t matter!” I say running down the hill. The different flowers with colors I’ve never seen before are the least of my worries. “You’re going the wrong way!” He yells out. “This is going to be a long journey.” I follow him as we head in a new direction. “By the way...why are they in your office?” “They want a second chance, despite not dying in a living room.” “There’s an appeal process?” “Yea but I have no idea the criteria, but I do know none of the 28% has ever gotten a second chance.” “Is it 28% of the human race through all of history?” I ask trying to do the math in my head. “I don’t know but animals, insects, lifeforms other than human, etc. They can and have gotten a second chance but I don’t know if they’re included in the 28.” He holds his arm out in front of me and we both stop. I get out of my deep thinking and notice it. The blue field is about to end and a few feet ahead is pitch black dirt. A sea of black dirt that creates a border with the grass. The thing that makes my skin crawl is how perfect the line down the middle is separating the two landscapes. “From this point onward we’ll be traveling through the Land of Covenance. Anything you wish for, it’ll come true.” He sees the pure joy on my face. “Just keep in mind...anything you wish for will be undone as soon as we leave this land.” “No monkey paw effect?” I look up at the sky, thankfully it’s a color I can recognize-black. This place... “What you wish for is what you get. No ironic twists or double meanings. I know what you’re thinking smartass. No, you can’t wish yourself back to life.” With that out of the way we press on. Something that I didn’t notice at first was that I’m barefoot. I guess what clothes you die in, is translated here. I can’t feel heat, or cold. I haven’t been tired or hungry. Tea usually goes right through me but I don’t need to pee. Even my emotions are severely numb; I’d be having a panic attack right about now but I just feel slight nervousness. For the first time since I been here...I feel the weight of being dead. What makes me feel alive, the inconveniences that I grow to miss are gone. Is this new place making me feel this way? I look down and see my foot on the black dirt and a tear fall. “...haven’t seen one of those in a while. We can go around if you want; the Land of Covenance is a power place with an enormous amount of energy. For a corpse to cry...” “I wish everything was alright.” I say with both feet in the dirt. A few seconds pass and the sound of the void is the same as it was. “That’s too vast of a wish.” “Well...I wish I can forget the anxiety of knowing I’m a walking corpse.” After a few seconds, a sensation overcomes me and with a deep breath I get a sense of clarity. “I’m dead. My life is temporarily over and my friends are worried half to death; but that’s okay. I’m coming back.” “If you’re done with your post life crisis, let’s continue.” Rakkan says heading deeper in the new territory. “What the fuc- wait wait! Why am I floating!” Annoyed he turns around and seeing me spinning and flipping 15 feet in the air. “Just wish yourself to the ground.” “I wish I have flight mastery and could do it without thinking about it.” As I wished, I stopped my unnecessary movements and it came as natural as breathing. “That’s one way to do it.” We continued our journey in silence. I’d make an estimate on how lon- “I wish I knew how much time has passed!” After a couple of seconds...nothing happened. “Nice try smart a*s, but how can this void talk to you?” Rakkan says dropping Softs and letting it float with me. “Besides that, you’re not making a lot of wishes. This is once in a post lifetime opportunity you know.” “Can’t I just shoot myself in a living room and come back here?” “...” “You’re joking right?” “I mean...it’s moderately discouraged but sure. The big man wouldn’t mind as much these days.” Rakkan saids sipping his tea. Can we wish for things nonverbally? He is the overseer this place. “Does everything that dies come here?” “Yes, why do you ask?” “Did you meet your family at one point?” The tea cup vanishes in midair. “You love asking personal and risky questions huh? Yea, I told them what happened and they got some amount of closure if that answers your nosy a*s question.” He sounds more annoyed than angry. “I’m just glad you got to see them again is all. I can tell this place can get lonely.” “People die every day b.” He says in a familiar tough guy tone. The next however long insert time period here, is spent with the three of us talking about various things including life on earth, me testing out the rules of this land, and of course me in deep thought. “Do wishes affecting things on earth work?” I ask suddenly having an idea. “You can but there’s no way to confirm that it’ll work.” “Can’t I just ask someone who’s been affected by my wish when I get back?” “Only those who previously made a wish here can remember the wish you would make...after you leave this place.” “Sounds complicated as all hell.” “Basically no one in your gang will remember your wish or its affects, if none of them made a wish here.” He just rewords. “Can I just wish for them to remember it?” “The void can’t affect people’s minds.” “What kind a place is this then?!” “One with limits dumb a*s. If some evil soul makes a bunch of wishes that I rather not describe than earth wouldn’t be far off from the hot zone.” I think it over. That does make sense, someone gets killed would wish for the death of their killer. And so on, with the cause and effect type wishes. “Let’s say I wish for world peace. That happens and the world is at ease for however long we’re here. Once we leave, you’re saying that not one living soul will remember the peaceful time period.” I say laying back in midair. “You’d be very surprised by the things the world went through but can’t recall.” “Now I’m going to remember all the wishes made here when I get revived?” I ask getting a sad looking nod in return. “That’s the curse of this place.”
It’s been an additional unmeasurable amount of time walking. Good thing I can’t get tired or bored. Rakkan has been quiet most of our time together, maybe he’s a quiet guy or has a lot of omniscient stuff to think about or monitor. “I wish for a message to be delivered by any means to the 33rd street pirus saying that I’m alright.” To my shock, the sky glows the blueish green hue that confirms your wish. “Why would you make that wish? They won’t remember the message.” Rakkan says slightly annoyed. “I know...it’s just been bothering me that they’re worrying if I’m alive or not.” “That’s nice of you...” I smile creeps up, “and... for all the people who can remember world trigger changes, I wish that they realize that there’s a million dollars in their bank account!” The sky does its’ confirmation glow once more. “I bet they’ll have a field day with that one.” He says feeding Softs some marshmallows. “I wish for...something to wish for.” I say and a bright yellowish light briefly illuminates around my head. “Oooh that’s a good one!” Rakkan makes a curious glance at me, waiting on my wish. “I wish I can rap just as good as Yung Bop!” The familiar light glows again. “Hey! Rakkan you wanna listen to my brand-new single? It’s called Grams to Grammys.” With a youthful laugh, “Sure let’s hear it.” “I wish for a beat that’ll go perfectly with my words.” After a few seconds, the dark, quiet void has a beat playing like there’s speakers all around us. A natural surround sound. Rakkan looks around then back at me, “Alright let’s see what you got.” I clear my throat, “ET that’s b***h Flip a brick. Hit em with that stick. She say Ima dick, yea she right But she keep it tight. 1st like All Might (Ultra!) I’m that type-type like a writer She my ride or die(er) Cruisin in that jet fighter No I’m not a liar This just my life style Kill em like Michael Myers Oscar mayer, we got the meats Hit her with the skeet Then the yeet Winning on repeat That’s a 3-peat Chilling with my n***a named Pete (Yuh) Bout to hit a lick Leave him sleeping with the fishes New shoes, now he brickin Box so good, finger lickin Chop his head off, running like a headless chicken Never missin Got em listenin Diamonds on my wrist, yea they glistenin Water whippin Grams to Grammys (x3) And we keep on going!”
After my verse is done the beat rides out perfectly and fades away. “I didn’t understand any of the references but it flowed flawlessly.” Rakkan and even Softs applaud. “That was nice.” “I wanted to be an author or a songwriter actually...” I say laying back in the air. The black sky looks so beautiful if you stare long enough. “Sometimes I wonder where I’d end up if one thing did or didn’t happen.” He looks up at me then back in the distance. “The big man says everything happens for an important reason.” “Yea, I realize that but don’t you ever wonder...just What If?” “What if I was born during your time?” “You askin or wondering out loud?” “Both I suppose.” I sigh and try to place Rakkan in my fallen, divided nation of mine. “Well where do you think you’d be born?” “...my home country, the birth place of humanity” “Oh, you mean The Motherland? Then you’d be very well off. I was told from a friend that there was this group of pirates...I guess they still do it, where they would rob other countries and spread the reward to the people of the Motherland.” “I heard about them! Many people died to their hands.” “Yup, too bad you won’t met them. They found the fountain of youth and hoarded it for themselves. Imagine your city is being raiding by 150 plus pirates that keep coming back day in and day out.” I laugh at the thought. He shares the laugh we me, “I get those stories all the time. They say how it’s spiritually unfair and such.” “So, living in the Motherland, off the stolen riches would make life good for you. I’ve never been but I hear how great things are there.” “That’s nice.” Silence fell between us once more. With softs resting on my stomach as I float along with Rakkan, we continued to walk. “By the way, with your omniscience can you or have you reviewed my entire life?” “An expansive skim through. Why?” “Well...what do you think? Do you think I’m a good person or on the right tract to a good life?” He probably can’t answer that... “I don’t usually judge the people, it’s not my job. But I can say you’re on the right track, just on the wrong train. Stop thinking so much and do.” He crosses his arms, “Your descendant is the exact opposite, they do without thinking. Which is why they’re in this position” We go back to walking in silence. I wonder what kind of person my descendant is, how far along in history are they from. How they died and who their parents are. “I wish for a clear mind.” The sky and my head glow a blue-greenish light. Nothingness...clarity. “You might want to come down. We’re about to leave this land.” Rakkan swipes his arm and the dark fog-like clouds fade. Up ahead are the familiar blue grass fields, and the sky with the new color(s). I descend to the ground and walk beside him with the porcupine on my shoulder. “How much further to your office?” “Time and distance go hand and hand. If we can’t tell how long time passes then we can't tell how far something is either.” “How do you live...exist like this?” “I have no idea.” The natural grass border comes upon us and we stop before passing. The two lands are opposites but it feels indifferent being in them. All the black, and darkness doesn’t affect me is what I mean. If I was scared of the dark, I probably wouldn’t even be afraid. I guess that’s the afterlife for you. I come back to reality and look at Rakkan, ready to continue. “Before we leave, thank the land. The Land of Covenance treated you well so show your appreciation.” He serious... In response I turn around to the dark void and bow respectively. “Thank you for the safe passage, for hearing my wishes, and allowing us on your land.” Someone or something hear my thanks, after I stood up again the sky glowed a white light. The horizon took on the bright hue and it became visible. If only for a brief second. “Alight I gotta warn you about this next part.” He says crossing over in the grass. Without thinking I follow. Rakkan holds out his arm and yells but it was too late. From my chest was one audible, heavy, healthy heartbeat. Which confused me for a second, then it came. The indiscernible, sovereign pain that was completely plenary. My feet gave out instantly and from the top of my aching lungs, I yelled and yelled and yelled and yelled. Rolling in the grass was the only thing my mind could function to do. Joints twitched out of place; hair forced its way out, organs imploded then regrew to do the same thing over, blood around my neck froze to temperatures that shouldn’t...couldn’t exist while blood in my stomach heated to that of the sun. I’d beg for to have the force of the Gods instead because this is unholy. My voice box destroyed; I left a silence scream as it comes to an end. I laid there, crying. It’s a pure, honest cry. Laying there in a fetal position, shaking violently I felt as if I was reborn. “Wow.” Rakkan says looking down at me, “But don’t worry. When you get revived, it’ll be painless...compared to whatever you just went through.” “You mean you don’t f*****g know what that was?!” I holler getting off the ground. “I haven't seen that particular backlash in... well ever. Maybe it was a combination of ress- I mean reasons.” At this point I’ve calmed down, or better yet went back to the numbing state of a corpse. All pain, suffering, and uncomfort vanished. While I was crying on the ground, the ground didn’t feel warm after a certain point. What was that? “A combination? What do you mean?” “Usually after someone leaves the Land of Covenance they experience some degree of pain to remind them of what it was like being human; in addition, some wishes are reflected on the asker tenfold. So, I guess you dehumanizing yourself with leaving caused you to go through that...” He folds his arms and goes deep into thought. If anyone knows when someone is thinking is me. “Is that everything?” My steps are shaky but good enough to walk up to him. “Those two factors don’t justify the amount of pain. Your screams almost reminded me of...never mind that. Let’s just chalk it up as your body getting messed with in the living world.” That’s an unsatisfying explanation. “You know the worst thing about that was?” “The lack or warning?” “No. I still couldn’t tell how long time passed. Was my pain a few seconds or weeks? I’ll never know.” Without hearing his reply or saying anything else, I wipe my tears and keep walking. Leaving something behind back there.
“We’re here.” Rakkan says hitting my arm. “My office.” Surprise, surprise I was deep in thought, but when I come to, all I see is grassy fields. “You sure? I can give it five more minutes.” “No this is the place. Just close your eyes for me.” I let out a fake surprised gasp, “After all we been through, you don’t trust me?” He rolls his eyes, “It’s for your own good.” A smirk forms on his face “Besides, you wouldn’t want to get hurt, again wouldn’t you?” I know that he’s teasing but that’s harsh. I should say that... “I know that you’re teasing but that’s harsh.” My hands are over my eyes and ears are at attention. “Didn’t know a walking corpse could be sensitive. You can open your eyes now.” As my hands uncover my eyes, my expectations were more or less the same. It’s just a white box with a blue door. No windows and overgrown vegetation attached to the walls. Like it’s been built here for...well ever. It’s not too terribly big either, mayb- “Aren’t you going to go in?” “Well...yeah but. What do I say?” If I could feel emotions, I’d be nervous as hell. One of my descendants...it’s honesty another stranger. Is it? “Anything, just don’t mention specific dates. If you say or reveal the wrong information, fact, and/or event then things can get complicated.” “Vague as hell, Rakkan.” For some reason, I’d expected it to be lock but it opens and I enter. Inside is an ordinary office, desk, desk plant, desk fan, desk chair, two chairs that goes in front of the desk, rug under the desk...this got awkward real fast. I force my eyes off the desk and look at the guy leaning against the wall. Black hair, brown skin, even has my blue eyes. What hair style is that? You wouldn’t tell he’s from the future with those fitted khaki pants, and long sleeve black shirt. Also, the qoz- “You’re gonna continue staring or...” His voice is...what’s the word? Like you can tell he’s not fully here. Not completely focus on the conversation. “...Oh sorry. It’s a bad habit of mine.” Is all I can say. He turns away and goes back to the roof. I look up and see the night sky. The kind back on earth. There’s the moon, stars, trillions of dark matters, etc. “Do you do this often?” I ask after a while. “Yea, it’s a bad habit of mine.” He chuckles and I do the same. That was pretty clever, just like his old man. Or would it be ancestor? “Do you know who I am?” If I could feel emotions, I’d be embarrassed of the answer. “No. Are you here to get me a second chance?” He crosses his arms. “I’m actually waiting to go back myself.” “How’d you die? As morbid as that sounds.” “To make a long story short, I was trying to prevent a gang war, and my injuries got the better of me.” Hopefully none of that was wrong information. “What gang were, I mean is in?” His interest is peaked at that. “The 33rd Street Pirus. We’re an umbrella gang under The New Age United Bloods, or just bloods.” That doesn’t count as wrong information, I was on a broadcast with Manino and Ro. “Never heard of them. When did you die again?” “Around 2030...what about you?” “About 2270.” “Only 200 years?” I blurt out and get a confused look. “I mean...what do you do for a living?” He leans back against the wall, “I’m a part of this special astronaut, mercenary, special forces group mine is called Johnny’s Cartel.” “Doesn’t sound too different from the Pirus. I’m actually a Captain.” “You must be good at what you do.” He smiles. I laugh and rub my neck, “not really, I just go on weed runs most of the time.” “Huh? What’s weed?” Wow. That’s a very bad omen. “It’s a drug that makes you feel like you’re well...high.” His eyes practically light up. He runs over to me and grab my hands, “You have to share some with me, that sounds exactly what I been needing!” “...d-don’t worry. As Fate would have it, I’ll find a way to smoke you out.” That always sounds weird. He lets go of my hands and smile, “What’s your name?” “It’s Airen. You?” “Lupe Hawa Atmosphere.” That’s...no. “Your name doesn’t have anything to do with air?” “Oh! Yea, It’s L.U.P.E meaning Look up pass everything. It fits to b-” As if on cue, Death and Rakkan comes in. “Alright Airen Aerial Atmosphere, your time has come.” Finally...or too soon? “How do I get back? Rakk-” “WAIT!” Lupe yells out with his arm extended at me. He’s gotten our attention with that outcry. With all eyes on him, he lowers his hand and stare at me. Then with shaking pupils, “Did you just say Atmosphere?” Death swings his...skull? I want to say head but that wouldn’t be too accurate. I wonder if he con- no time for deep thought. Those empty eye sockets are burning holes at me and I shrug. “Rakkan didn’t say that was against the rules.” He throws Softs at me as I throw him under the afterlife bus, “That should go without saying dumbass!” “I don’t see what’s the problem. Unless someone didn’t tell him about the butterflies and bunnies then I don’t see the harm in it. Besides, this magical tragical skeleton told him not me.” I say imagining the dumb look Death could be making right about now. “So, what would that make you?” Lupe says looking at my once more. This time more intently. “I have no idea. Do you know an Eri Atmosphere?” “You mean Grandma E?” His eyes widen. I’m glad we can find a common ancestor. Or a genetic anchor point for referencing? I don’t know it’s been a long day. “Well that will be my granddaughter.” “Alight, alight that’s enough you guys revealed enough.” Death says pulling out his scythe. “Stay safe in space Lupe. Keep the family name alive and well.” “Yes Sir!” I couldn’t help but laugh. “At this point I’m only 18, you don’t have to be so formal.” “I’m 21...” Not much of a conversationalist I suppose. “I know this is weird but if you have any questions for your great, great, great? Your near ancestor then now’s the time.” He looks at Death, then over at Rakkan, and back to me. “I have no idea what to ask...” He trails off and starts to show his embarrassment, “I-Is there anything you want t-to ask me?” “No. Not really.” I answer to his complete shock. “I can tell that you’re a good kid. Just remember to take care and tell the people close to you how you feel.” “Something you’re about to do.” Death adds in. “I do have a sneaky suspicion you died in a dumb a*s way tho.” It’s my turn to cross my arms judgmentally. “At 21? That’s like...during the height of your dumbass phase. What’s her name?” “You been here away too long. You’re talking like an old man” Rakkan says in an attempt to tease me. He starts to sweat, nervously scratching his neck he swings it back to me, “What about you? What’s my great.... you know who I’m talking about!” “Believe it or not...in my universe it’s Para.” A deep, yet familiar voice says as the door opens. We all watch the door swing until the person in question comes into view. It’s...it’s, “Me? I-I mean I?” There’s no mistaking it, that’s an older version of me... Airen A. Atmosphere right before my eyes. Over six feet, dreads down to my shoulder, red eyes from smoking, and the chest tattoo I always wanted to get. “Don’t mind me, I just came here for a second chance.” His calm, dominant voice following him over as he sits in a chair. “How old are you...me? How and when did we die?” Each word as shaky as the last when I ask. “Tomorrow will make 38. Me and some of the guys just had a wild night is all. Don’t worry either, I talked to our 123 ye-” “-Alright that’s enough!” Death says grabbing my arm and leading me out. One of my last memories with my distant family would be a middle aged, insouciant me and my descendant with so much left said sharing some kind of drug in a plastic sandwich bag. It was bright. “Oh, I forgot! You gotta side with Pacer!” Older Airen yells out before the door closes. Death unhands me when we come to the middle of the open field. “This should be a safe distance.” I never noticed but his movements show that’s he’s dead tired. “As you heard from yourself, you’ll live a long, eventful life, and that we’ll meet again. So, don’t do anything you’ll regret.” I nod in response, “So how does this work? Me getting my humanity back and the whole soul redistribution thing.” I soon realized I shouldn’t have asked. To answer my question, his long bone of an arm reaches behind to grab the signature scythe. “Hold still, or you’ll feel pain as if you left the Land of Covenance.” I spread my legs slightly, plant them in the grass, then tense up my entire body. With a bending of the knees, I take a deep breath. Which doesn’t help since no air comes out. “Ready.” He shakes his skull and lifts his weapon up. “See you soon.” The funny about it is...I didn’t see him swing it down. Just a tiny ball of fire igniting in my chest and darkness.
“AHHHH!” Is what I tried to say but these bandages around my jaw prevents it. Instead me suddenly sitting up in my hospital bed, was like a monster rising from the grave, or the Undertaker. Who’s the Undertaker? Must be a side effect from that wish making land...what was it called again? Before going any further in this rabbit hole, I call my thoughts, I hear a cough. Looking around the room after coming to my senses, it’s most of the upper Piru staff. They look like they’ve seen a ghost. “Izz ull rite...” I manage to say to break the silence. Pain. The pain when I talk, is proof I’m alive. I’m a Captain of the 33rd street Pirus once again. “Aye...try not to talk. Your jaw is a special kind of broke.” Rowan says passing off the blunt. Crazy how these n****s smoking while I’m dying and s**t. “Yea your dumbass slammed your chin on my mahogany door frame and now you can’t close your mouth” Captain Jackson says walking up to my bed. “I picked it out as a gift.” He takes the blunt and digs the lit end into my chest. I felt this before...a tiny ball of fire in my chest. It feels good. Where’d my shirt go? “STOP!” Rose says pushing him away from me. “Didn’t you hear the heart beat monitor? He came back from the dead.” “You think I give any f***s? This a*****e ruined my doorframe!” He really feels some type of feeling over this... I extend my hand to tap his forearm. When I catch his attention, I clasp my hands together and dip them twice. “As long as you’re sorry it’s fine then.” He says passing the blunt to Reed. It was that easy? F**k him. Jordan stands over me and examines me carefully. Bandages wrapped tightly around my neck, chin, and lower portion of my face. From the bags under my eyes down is wrapped up. It’s getting chilling but I don’t have on a shirt, and my jeans are tattered. They stop just pass my knees...so now I got shorts. Someone has to explain that to me later. Of course, I don’t have any socks or shoes. When is he gonna be finished, I hate to make extended eye con- “You think it’s that serious?” Jordan says turning towards Rowan. “Yea...sure. Rose go get the stuff.” For some reason she excitedly runs to her office. When she’s gone Emiliano rips the bandages off me. Just as Jackson says I couldn’t force my mouth to close; but they weren’t for stopping any bleeding it was a place holder. Without them, my jaw drops as it if my cheek muscles didn’t exist. I can feel my chin resting on my collarbone. Everyone in the room reacts differently, but it’s a unanimous disgust. My tongue is hanging out, the scary thing is, it’s not touching anything. “Pick ya mouth up!” Amadeus says looking away. That’s a good idea. Reaching up to my face, my hand brushes pass my cheek. It’s been cut in half. Instinctively, I touch the other cheek; the same thing. Did I slic- no that’s impossible. I scoop my chin from under my neck and hold it in place, like keeping a toucan from opening his beak so you can steal his cereal... Guess I gotta deal with the effects, but Death didn’t say it’ll be this intense. ‘When you come back to life, your worst habit will be more abundant, also you’ll make references you have no knowledge about but on the plus side...besides the first few seconds after waking up you won’t experience pain for a short amount of time. If anything, your body will get a nice and good sensation.’ That was the thing I heard before I woke up. Rose comes running back in, “Sorry for the wa-” “You want to explain why Airen can lick his n*****s now?” Sarah says shocked at her work. “It’s just a medical practice.” “Oh...true. That’s understandable.” Her mood quickly goes back to normal. Rose makes her way to me and takes a vial filled with some kinda black liquid. “Make sure everything is in place before I put this on you.” I nod and push my tongue in place by pushing it forward to collide against my bottom row of teeth. She opens the vial and the smell surprises me. It smells like sunflowers. With steady hands, she grabs my loose chin and tilts my head, the black liquid making contact with my cheek burns...but a good burn. I start feel the left side of my fact again, almost as if my blood decided to continue travel through there again. She does the same with the other side. “Alright now move your hand.” I follow her instructions and my chin doesn’t drop and hang against my chest this time. “Good, now open your mouth.” When I do, she lets me waterfall a few drops of the healing liquid. “Try talking now.” “Uhh, Yo Pierre you wanna come in here?” My voice is slightly deeper, but other than that my voice is clear and my jaw doesn’t hurt. “Pierre is on a mission right now...” Rowan says with his arms crossed. “Sorry it’s a side effect from...nevermind.” I say rubbing my chin. “No go on and tell us! We heard you died; I want you to tell me all about it!” Keisha says with sad stars in her eyes. “Well um, grab a seat, pass me a blunt cuz it’s a wild trip.” With a blunt in my hand, an audience of my superiors and other captains, all in a tattered black jean, I st- “Sorry! I really have to ask this now...” Kamino says interrupting as Jayy comes back with snacks. “Did you see Remy?” Piru gets a guilty look on his face. “No... you see I woke up having tea with Death...or more accurately the Grim Reaper and this kid from the Motherland...” Surprisingly no one else interrupts, I guess people who live life on the edge are scared of death to...or at least curious. “It was some kind of waiting room.” “Waiting Room?” I spoke too soon. Phoenix chimes in. I nod in response then turn towards Rowan, “Was this room we’re in now a living room at some point?” He looks confused and a little shocked. “...Yea a long time ago, before we needed a bigger medical room. How did you know that?” “Death told me actually.” “Did he tell you how I take pride in my doorframes?” Captain Jackson says with his chest out. “Wait, why is the living room important?” Keisha questions with a pen in her hand. “Apparently it’s the reason I’m talking to you guys now. From the Grim Reaper himself, he told me that any living thing can’t die inside the living room.” The who room gasps and take the revelation in their own way. Some get angry others overjoyed, and some remorseful. “Hey let’s calm down guys...this might not be the only useful information he found out.” Manino says running his fingers through his long hair. “We gotta keep all this a secret!” Emiliano says going to close the once blood-stained door. “Can we confirm this first?” Jayy says lighting another blunt. “That’d be a good idea...” Captain Sarah agrees. “Reed.” I catch his attention. “Shoot me in the head.” That got a whole new wave of disagreements. “You just came back from the dead!” Rose cries out. “What are you smoking man? That’s crazy.” Jordan stays almost most in disbelief. The disapproval continues to shower down on me. The concern is heartfelt and reassuring. I’m glad my friends would never make it ac- “Did you n****s forget about the rule?!” Rowan yells over everyone. Once it gets quiet, “If a member asks for you to shoot them, you do it. No matter the situation.” “B-But Rowan this time it’s d-” Rose starts to plead. “I’ll do it.” Reed cuts her off, surprising everyone. Amadeus laughs, “Well damn, if Reed vocally agreed to it, then it’s happening!” He didn’t waste any time either. He gets out of his sit and pulls out his uniquely, specially modified Glock. “Make sure you sent me to the afterlife in one shot. I don’t want to suffer.” I say preparing myself as much as I can. What makes it scary is his bored no... emotionless face only nods. Without any delay he points and shoots.
Getting shot in the head, you see it in movies and in my case every other day. You never think it’ll happen to you, but if it does...just let go. It didn’t hurt thanks to my recent revival, but I could feel the bullet forcing its way through my skull. It was...warm. Then it just f*****g popped in my brain, like exploded. The sensation without the pain is well...I guess unwanted anxiousness. I always heard Reed made special bullets b- “You want to keep them worrying or stay here?” I look up and see Death standing over me. “Wha- Huh? Give me a f-few seconds.” My words are shaky and my head doesn’t hurt but doesn’t feel good. Rubbing my head for a while, my deep breaths help me compose myself. “You good now?” Getting up from the ground, my hands examine my head. “Death, from the time you brought me back and me dying a second time...how much has passed?” He sighs, “After I returned your soul, and told you about the effects you’ve been laying in the grass for 7 seconds.” “7 seconds!? What???” I almost yell from shock. So, from the time I woke up, got healed, started my story...hmm. “Alright can I please go back?” He’s taken back by my kindness, “Sure, but if you die anytime soon, I’ll have you wait a while. Can’t be spamming this s**t.” “That’s understandable.” I agree and take my pose once again. He lifts his scythe, and just like before things go dark. “Live a good life Airen, I’ll see you in a few decades.”
My chest burn is still apparent even on the second go around. This has been one crazy day. Before I go off thinking, I open my eyes and see everyone in the far corner. Terrified and shaking. Sitting up, making sure my head in still in one piece, I look at the wall, my bed and the floor. No blood or anything. Reed was surprising the first to break the tense silence. “Sorry, I’m glad you’re ok.” “No it’s fine. We had to confirm it.” I say tying my dreads. I didn’t know I grew hair his quickly, Rose was ri- “That. Was. LIT!” Keisha screams happily. She runs over to me, phone in hand. “Look I recorded the entire thing. Wanna see?” “You deadass took a video of my head getting blown off...” I wanted to sound surprised but that’s Keisha for you. Sadistically sanguine to a tee. She sits on the end of my bed and shoves the phone in my face, “Take a look, notice how the...see it for yourself!” I take it and press play. It’s only a 42 second video. I’m mad she got a good angel...alright there’s me and Reed. He nods and pulls the trigger. As you’d expect blood, some of my brain and skull is mounted on the nearby surfaces as a result. The rest of the room was quiet, although you could hear a suppressed scream as the gun went off. My guess would be it was Rose. Anyway, the most interesting thing happened. Everything that came out, slowly started making its way back in. The blood on the wall crawled, flew, and slid its way back the way it came out. The s**t it freaky to watch honestly. Some real magical tragical s**t, as Rowan would say. I involuntarily cringed watching myself putting itself back together. When it’s all said and done, the bullet pushes its way out, completely intact. Then the video ends. From the corner of my eye, I see the bullet resting in my lap. Picking it up, it’s lukewarm. As if it wasn’t in my frontal lobe just a few minutes ago. After examining the murder weapon, I turn to Reed, “Here you go...” I toss it to him. The energy in the room is off. Even Jayy who's on the couch smoking a blunt is visibly shaken up about this. “I suppose we wasted the black water...” Rose finally says with a forced, awkward laugh. One by one we join in. When we decided that was enough, the room is less tense. “Alright...yall want to hear how I met my great great great great great great grandson?” With a few interested replies, things go back to normal. We lit another blunt and continue on with story time. I tell them about trying to run away at first, Rakkan, the Lan- “What the f**k!” “N***a now you lying.” “No, I’m serious.” I say in regards to the Land of Covenance. “Almost anything you can think of. A flash of light and there it go.” “Then why has things haven’t changed?” Captain Jackson says flatly. “Don’t tell me you forgot about us, selfish a*s.” “That’s because you can’t remember it. Rakkan told me how everything you wished for will return back to normal once we left, and wishes that affected other people will be forgotten by everyone except the user.” I explain the best I could. This whole story has been unbelievable but after the shooting, they have to accept at least some of this. “What did you wish for?” Blanchette asks in her sweet voice. “Oh...it’s a secret for now.” I continue on with the story before they start to pry. Seeing their faces when I tell them about leaving there, meeting my descendants, my future self, and learning about other dimensions are priceless. “Thank you Captain Airen, this has been very insightful.” Keisha organizes her pages of notes and starts to walk out. “Hold up Ki. We have to discuss this s**t.” Rowan states trying to make sense of all this. “What’s there to talk about?” Manino questions. “First off.” The boss starts off by closing the door, “None of this, leave the room. Don’t tell the Bloods, your closest friends, your squad, not even the Co-Captains. Of course, we can trust them, but we can’t risk this getting out.” “They need to know.” Captain Jackson said standing up. “Not everyone needs to know about the living room, people talk.” Manino starts to laugh, “Yea, I don’t want to kill a m**********r and see them a few days later...” “It’s one piece of knowledge that doesn’t need to become common.” Pheonix adds. Rowan coughs to get our attention again, “Next, I want more living rooms in the base for Jic purposes.” “You got it boss!” Captain Keisha says running out the room. “...Lastly while we’re waiting on Chris, the search for another blue door is being put on hold, also the war is cancelled. Go tell your squad, Captains.” He turns to me, “Specially you n***a, you been in that bed for 4 days and dead for almost an hour. Go take a shower or some s**t.” With that everyone starts to leave, like nothing crazy happened... “Rowan, do you mind if I give him a final check-up? Y-You know...for Jic purposes.” He rolls his eyes, “Go head, you barely left his side as it is.” Rowan closes the door feeling satisfied seeing the blush. It got quiet again. Just the two of us. After all I went through, am I even still mad at her? “So... welcome back, again.” She says turning form the door. Instead of giving a response, we awkwardly stare at each other in silence. But before I go off on my internal tangents, she speaks up again. “...Let’s say what’s on our minds on the count of 3.” I couldn’t do anything but cross my arms. She took that as conformation and started the count. “1, 2...3” At the same time, we let it off our chest talking over each other, “You did all you could to save Vakens!” “I love you.”
If only we can see the look on our faces. Shock and awe. A flash of intense anger flashed over me, but for some reason faded as soon as it came. Tears began swelling up in my tired eyes, but I wiped them away, “So you did see...” “Yes, I did.” Rose says walking towards me. Her footsteps are as light as they are cautious. The closer she gets the more shame builds up inside. Before I could turn my head, her arms wrap around my neck. “I love you to, you know.” What kinda bittersweet s**t is this? Despite my frown, I’m jittery. Damn you Zh- She picks up her head, “but you know I’m a doctor first.” Those words hang in the air longer than I’d like them to. Her soft, warm arms release its embrace and she sit on the edge of the bed. “So, tell me what’s hurting you so much on the inside.” I hold out my arm and she grab on. “No one knows about this. To some extent not even me; I’ve mentally locked this away.” “I understand Airen.” She sounds dead serious...looking me in my eyes and squeezing my hand. You’re preparing for the worst Rose.
Stupid mom and dad! Who cares if dad got a promotion! I wanna go back to my friends. I miss them already. I kick the rock for the billionth time, this time it flys into a bush. “Great...I’m lost again!” I yell out of frustration. “Really? I can help out.” A voice says scaring me. “Up here.” The voice comes back a little louder. I look up and there it is. Parts of a wrecked, abandoned plane caught in the gigantic trees. How the hell did I miss this? Anyway, I look around for where that voice came from and soon enough a boy around my age wiggles out the hanging c**k pit. “Wait there!” He shouts after waving as if to confirm it was him. In complete astonishment, my eyes try to follow his fluid descent down the trees. Sliding along the branches, digging his heel into the bark and controllingly falling, using a handful of leaves to press down on for grip, all of it was just...wow. “W-Where’d you learn that?” I’m sure he could see the stars in my eyes, as I asked. “If you want, I can teach you.” His smug expression translates into pride. “What’s your name?” I come back to reality, “my name is Airen. What about you?” “Vakens, you can just call me Vak.” He turns around and picks up a branch. “What brings you out here anyway?” “I was lost in thought and before I knew it, I was deep in the woods.” I explain watching him run the stick along the tree line. “...must have been a lot on your mind, we’re almost 15 minutes away from any house or building.” “Speaking of which...where are we?” I ask looking at the ancient crash. “This is my hiding place, my home...away from my house.” He extends his arms as if presenting something grand. Then starts to climb. “W-Wait! Can I come up to?” I ask running to the tree he’s half way up. “Sure, if you can make it up.” There isn’t a branch for at least 7 feet. How can I climb this? Spending a few moments trying to find a good angel he watches me struggle while he rests on a branch. “You’re not from around, here are you? The territory I mean...” “My parents and I moved here not too long ago.” “See that tree over there?” I follow his finger to the tree in interest. “That’s a blueberry tree, their trunks are unusually soft so you can dig your foot and ascend.” With my new found curiosity, I press my hand on the bark and to it shares the same consistency as a water bed, or a durable water balloon. I reach and grab a piece of bark without it chipping and start climbing. “The bark will support your weight as it’s a countermeasure due to its flexible make-up.” “...You...sure do know...a lot about trees.” My arms are shaky. As soon as I pull myself up bit by bit, I desperately find another grabbable hunk of bark. “I do spend most of my time out here.” He says laying on a branch. “Why’s that? What about your friends?” I decide to rest after digging both feet. “The other kids think I’m weird.” Here I am sulking over being forced to leave the airheads, while people like Vak out here like this. It’s not like I’ll never see them again. They wouldn’t want me to cont- “Pay attention!" Blinking twice, I realize I’m airborne. No, falling is a bit more accurate. About 15 feet in the air, with chunks and shards of bark along with me. When hitting the ground thankfully I didn’t hear anything crack. “You okay down there?” He asks skillfully swinging down. With a heavy sigh, “Yea just give me a minute.” Since when climbing trees is this heard? At least the thick foliage blocks the sun’s light. Ain’t nothin worse than sun in your eyes after a big fall. “That’s the thing about climbing blueberry trees, never put your full weight on it.” His smirk is even more disrespectful while hovering over me. He holds his hand out, but I shake my hand. “Naw...I’ll just lay there for a while.” “Fine, but we’ll have to conclude today’s lesson. I gotta get back.” He turns and starts his way back to town. “Wait! Vak” Slowly getting up to my feet, I see something is off about him. His whole vibe has changed. “...I don’t think you’re weird. We can be friends, if you want.” Vak stands there among the trees and bushes for a while. As if he’s weighting the options of my request. I noticed him spacing out while climbing...what’s on his mind? With a chuckle, he points up at the wreck, “Make it up there and watch the sun set with me. Then we’ll become friends.” With that statement, he disappears in the woods. Turning back to the downed plane, the path above and beyond won’t be an easy one. To overcome the pain of losing close friends, the difficulties of being in a new environment, the struggle of zhe-, “WAIT! I’m still lost!!” Damn it.
The next day, around the same time is more or less the same thing. Vakens chilling in the plane while I repeated try and fall on my a*s. He does it so effortlessly, what am I missing? “Are you gonna stand there and look at it or climb it?” Vak says writing in a notebook. My foot lightly digs into the trunk, I slowly pull myself up after grabbing some stable bark, then repeat. “So, how old are you Vak?” He turns the page, “I’m almost 11.” “That’s cool. My 9th birthday wasn’t too long ago.” “Cool. Too bad we’re strangers and I might actually care.” I find a stopping point, “You don’t have to be an a*****e about it. You see I’m trying here.” He looks down at me, “Repeat that after you finish falling.” Before I realize it, I’m on my way to the cold ground below. Can’t I try a normal tree? No... that won’t earn his respect. “You see I’m trying here.” I repeat getting up and digging my foot in the trunk. “Tell me Airen...” “Huh?” His sudden interest almost makes me lose my footing. “Do you believe in the gods?” His tone is flat. “...Is the story different here in Cascadia?” He closes the notebook and leans his upper body out the window. “The big man left earth for a short amount of time, to go work on other projects he has cooking up, so a brand-new system of Gods was made in his place. His son Hay-Zeus is at the top, and the dozens of Gods fall in tiers below based on their importance or how much we pray to them.” Continuing to climb, “More or less, that’s how I know it, yeah.” “Who’s your favorite God? Surely, we can play favorites, right?” I’d say he’s acting weird, but I don’t know him. “It’ll have to be Ada, God of air, wind, and clouds. Why do you ask anyway?” “The closer you get the more I’ll open up.” He eyes my progression, “You passes your record after all.” I must be 20 feet off the grou- my hand slipped. Damn it. “Don’t worry! Blue berry roots spread far underground, so the landing should be painless." His voice is louder than my fear as I plunge. My immediate impact with the grass was painless as he said. The dirt caught me, then carved in as my weight worked with gravity. It didn’t bounce me in the air however, it’s more like a safety net than a bounce tarp. I get back on my feel and sigh, “You sure I’m doing it right?” “You beat your previous record, didn’t you?” He disappears briefly back in. I assume he’s going to get back to his writing, so I get back to climbing. “Anyway, you gotta fall down on your a*s a few times to get that city boi stank off you.” He comes back in the window w- “You got snacks??” I blurt out at him. He’s got my favorite brand of fries in his hands! “D-Did you just call these chips...fries in your head?” Either from my lack of focus or Vakens’ intense stare, I end up falling again. “How’d you know?” I ask after my fall. “...You damn terrorist! Don’t bother me until you make it up here or until the day is over!” He aggressively storms deeper in the airship. “These city bois, I swear...” How did he know? Why is this so hard? Why the f**k I have to leave my real friends?! Anger, shame, frustration, and sadness overwhelms me inside. I want to scream. I want to cry my eyes out. I want to fight Vakens... I wanna go home; not this house my parents bought our home. Laying here in the dirt of a foreign nation next to a tree I never knew could exist. This is where I’m at in life. Then again, I’m still young. My dad got me in this situation, so what would he say to me? Either ‘you’re here now, so do what you have to’ or ‘crying or complaining has never changed the past, present, or future in a favorable way’. Yea...if this the direction my life is headed then I should embrace it. Forcing my body from the safety net of a ground, I eye the tree and plant my feet. Shoes off, toes gripping the oddly squishy wood. Firm grip left hand, clinch foot full of bark with left foot, same with the right side, and repeat. Vak peeks out a window to check up on Airen. In that moment he saw hope. Hope that he’ll find that one diamond from the mountain of coal, the highest quality person for miles. What Airen does know is the trials ahead of him. Poor kid. What if everything you’re working for leads to an apricotic end. “He finally gets it. To join me up here, you can’t think like a city boi.” He smiles and goes back to sit at a window sit. I’m at my personal best! Okay focus, I’m all the way up here. Almost 40 feet in the air, and the wind is changing the further up I go. I decide to rest on a nearby branch, oddly enough they’re not as flexible as the rest of the tree. “If you’re wondering about the branches, I can tell you if you want.” Vak calls out to me. He must see me eyeing and doubting the validly of it. This is the first time he’s started a conversation since climbing. “Sure.” He points to another plain looking tree close by, “Well normal trees have water traveling up the inside of a trunk. “Delivering to every leaf, branch, and twig. A blueberry tree is different, inside the trunk you been trying to climb has blueberry jam. See the leaves?” I look up, about 15-40 more feet it’s...blue! The leaves are shades of blue, purple and dark green. A giant bush of blue with purple and green sprinkled in, and of course blueberries among them in bundles. “For some reason the blueberry jam can’t survive horizontally, making the branches stiff and sturdy.” “Well what’s inside these branches?” I ask knocking on it for some kind of indicator. “Tightly unified blueberry seeds.” “Huh? You gotta have to explain that one to me.” That’s farfetched, but so is this tree. “I don’t have all the answers! Anyway, your break is over, get back to climbing.” Right back to it. “So, there’s a possibility dying from hitting a branch when falling...wonderful.” I only got about 4 more feet before my long descent.
A few weeks has passed, I’m getting used to getting up the blueberry tree but it’s not height enough to get to the next stage. The worst part is, my initial stream has aired out. My personal best is 57.3 feet, but between the strong winds, and a body part cramping up, I’m starting to plateau. “Come on, you’re on your a*s from 17 feet up? I thought we were passed that.” Vakens angrily complains from 1st class. “Is there anything that’ll make this a little more possible?” “Hmm...” He thinks long and hard about my request. “There’s one thing that can help a city boi like you.” He suddenly leaps from the wreckage. At the last 20 feet, he opens a makeshift parachute that propels him upward somewhat. Interesting thing is there’s no whip lash. “Let’s go, it’s a ways ahead.” With that my falling practice ended. We were on an adventure! “Wait. Where are we going?” “Back when I was learning to climb, banana water helped out a bunch.” He explains as we travel through the woodland forest. Trees, bushes, plants, flowers, even leaves, I seen a brand new of each. I know it’s almost summer but still, Cascadia is beautiful. Then again heading from the concert jungle to an actual one is bound to be different. “What’s that weird looking thing?” Pointing at an unusually tall flower with a new color on each petal. “That’s a universal flower. It started growing after the great fall. With special chemicals along with forced evolution most vegetation has been altered.” His hand yanks the golden cone that was in the middle of it. “Here. This is a honey pinecone.” It’s sticky but to be expected. “Do I bite it or...” “Depends who you ask. I personally squeeze one end and suck out the honey from the other.” Repeating his instructions, I get a constant flow of it. “Oh wow, it’s sweet but tangy!” Vak grabs another from a nearby universal flower. “Just the way I like them! Almost 5 months before they’re ripe. The golden color will fade to a grayish black. That just means all the honey is gone.” Talking Bodega cats to Blueberry trees and Honey Pinecones. How can things be so different in just what, 2100 miles? Life is strange. “You should see your tongue right about now.” He says suppressing a laugh. “Don’t tell me...” He playfully sticks his tongue out and you think its solid gold! Wooow. “That’s crazy! Is mine gold to?” Excitedly I stick mine out on display. “Yup, you gotta stop letting Kings play in your mouth.” Despite being the butt of the joke, we share a genuine laugh. Maybe moving isn't as bad as I’m making it out to be. “A lot of unique vegetation has been growing recently, not too many people outside the territory knows about it.” “I’m glad to experience it then” I reply looking around once more, it really is unlike any other place I've been. A forest where the main colors are blue, green, and gold. I see why Vakens spends most of his time here. “Take a look at that bush over there.” He points off a few feet ahead. “Which one?” Rushing towards the one he had in mind, “Come take a look. I found these recently.” Catching up to him, I see what was so interesting. “A potato bush?” He nods eagerly and picks one. “There’s nothing particularly special, it’s just a bush that grows potatoes.” I do the same and examine one myself, the texture is the same as any other one. I dig my finger nail into the skin and peel it away, the smell look and feel of it, all mundane. “Anyway, let’s keep going, before it gets dark.” He throws a potato a few feet over his head and while in midair a wooden spear skewer it. The momentum of the throw sends it flying until it gets pinned to a nearby tree. “Ha ha! Got em!” A rustic voice cheers aloud, the voice echoes throughout the forest, yet it doesn’t sound that far. I feel something grabbing my hand, which makes me jump. Turns out it’s Vak taking a knee. “Get down!” He loudly whispers. I do what he says and take a knee. Not wanting to take my eyes off the direction where the spear shot out form, I sneak a glance to the impaled potato. “Who are they?” He doesn’t look at me to offer a reply, instead slowly but hurriedly he crouched his way to the tree line. I followed his lead. Half way there, a couple of people emerged. They seem like hunters, shirtless, guns, and a lot of chest hair. I got up with my hands in the air, “Hey! Hey! We’re not animals!” “You dum-” “Take the shot billy bob!” The big one yells to the taller, skinny one. He aims at me with his penta-barrel shotgun. Before he takes the shot, Vakens tackles me to the ground. The ankle high patch of grass, offers enough protection for us not to get it by any stray shells. Frozen with fear, the next words filled me with despair. Not an apology for mistaking me for an animal or even an enemy, it was... “Damn it Billy! Aim for the chest, if you kill them with a head shot, they won't taste that good.” My heart sunk and I’m sure Vak could feel me shaking. What kind of place am I? “Alright, on 3 I need you follow me, run like your life depends on it.” He whispers over my heavy breathing. He peeks his head over the grass to gauge the distance. “Alright 3!” Without me realizing it, I’m sprinting faster than what I possibility can muster. Tears form as I’m keeping up with Vak, and my heart somehow doubled in pace. “That’s that there city boi!” After hearing that, gunshots, spears whistling pass, and the sound of pursing men fills my ears. Terror and dread enter my mind when I realize that Vak is getting further... no I’m starting to slow down! With all this adrenaline, my body still has a limit. Vaken glances over his should and see how far behind I am. “Just a little further!” “Ha ha! We gon get you city boi!” My body aches but I press on awaiting my second wind to kick in. It’s a bit of a risk but I stop dashing in zig zags and hope that the trees block any straight shots or throws. As we continue to run at full speed, I see Vak looking around at the trees. We change direction like we’re following some kind of map. Thankfully soon enough, he finds what he’s been looking for. Up ahead, a tree with low hanging circular, black fruit it what he’s running towards. He does a running jump and grabs four of them. “Watch out!” He yells as a warning. Then one by one, he chucks them with force. I don’t know what I was expecting or what to watch out for but I avoid these strange fruit as they fly pass me. As the first one is thrown pass me, I keep running, looking over my shoulder to see what was the purpose. When the fruit touches the ground, a large explosion erupts. So much so, that the ground slightly shakes. “What kinda advanced development magic is this!” I thankfully hear far behind me. As the other three land, the distance between us grows larger. On the other hand, the violent vibrations caused my legs to feel like jelly; to the point where it was hard to run. Up ahead, I see Vak up ahead catching his breath. When I caught up to him he points at something, “see that...cave?” “Yea, what about...it” “That’s a golden bear cave. Now you have to trust me on this...” His tone sounds like I won’t like it but I keep an open ear and mind. “City Boi! City B- There he go!” Just like that the chase was back on. This time we head for the cave, “If you do trust me, jump in!” With a few seconds to decide, I leap in after him. Sleeping bear or cannibal hill billies. It’s pitch black inside but I continue to crawl forward with Vak. “Aww hell Travis, they done went and hid in the bear cave.” The big one lit up a cigarette, “Hush na, they gon come runnin out soon nuff, and we gon be waitin on em” Seconds turn into minutes and they turn impatient. “I hear somethin runnin!” Billy cheers Travis smirks picking up his spears, “I done told you, na get ready!”
“I told you it was going to work.” Vak says inches ahead. He continues to crawl out of the narrow, dark cave entrance. “That could have gone very wrong you know.” I say looking back towards the den where the golden cubs are sleeping. “Everyone knows, a bear would never attack a man that goes into its den. As for the ones outside of the den...” He trails off by showing me rather than telling. Outside the cave is a massacre. Blood. Crimson red, splattered on the leaves, grass, tree bark...everywhere. Not to mention the- no. I can’t call them bodies anymore. I-It's a mix match of organs, and limbs. The human anatomy hastily displayed before our very eyes. Where’s the executioner responsible for this? She’s on top of the red hill. Her damaged golden fur adopted the red color in a few areas as well. The biggest contrast is the mouth. Going from gold, to black to a deep shade of red... “Since we’re outside the cave she can recognize us from her cubs, but sense we played with them, we still have their scent.” Vak says grabbing the dropped weapons. “Do you go cave hopping often?” I ask keeping my eyes on the mother bear. Call me cautious but I don’t trust a free roaming bear. “That was my first time.” “WHAT!” “What? It worked didn’t it?” He innocently says. “I asked if you trusted me and you did, so what’s the problem.” “The problem? You risked our lives on unconfirmed info!” I yell at him more embarrassed than angry. “I read it in a nature book once. Better than being shot, captured, and ate.” He says walking from the cave entrance area. “Where are you going?” I say following him. “Who were they anyway?” “Some locals to put it mildly.” He takes my silence as confusion. “...Our town banished those three for some unspeakable crimes, so the legend has it that they lived out here capturing and eating anyone who wanders in the woods.” “Knowing that piece of information, A. Why didn’t you tell me soon, and B. Why do you spend all your time at the crash site?” “We’re here!” He says running out to a clearing, avoiding my questions. I reluctantly follow him beyond the forested tree line, to a mini paradise. Directly from the trees is a ring of black sand. Not to mention the end of a yellowish waterfall. This entire area made me speechless. It made me open my eyes...my mind and realize that maybe Yankee Territory isn’t the whole, wide world. As a safety precaution I stay near a tree, although it must be safe since Vak is at the small lake up ahead undressing. “Come on!” He yells out as he strips to his underwear. He jumps in the lake and floats face up towards the sky. I step on the forested beach and instantly came back to reality. A cold sensation shot up my spine, followed by a violent, uncontrollable shiver. My entire body was shaking, not just my legs, or torso. No, I was vibrating for a solid 9 seconds. After that...I just feel limp, heavy. I couldn't handle the intense responsibility of standing, so I collapsed nose first into the sand. As soon as I feel, I regained by strength and stood up. If being reborn had a sensation, then it’s definitely this feeling. I’m a new person. Plain and simple, I never even fathomed a human can be this relaxed; let alone from a single step in some sand. Speaking of which, the sand. It melts between your toes, yet it doesn’t stick. None on my face or anything, perfect. The more weight I put into the ground the softer it becomes. I should live her- “You better stop before...you know.” The down to earth voice pierces my innermost thoughts. It’s Vakens. “w-wha....stoop?” I communicate with shaky legs. He won’t understand the nirvana my soul and I decided to partake in. No one will ever feel what I’m feeling. Not. In. This. Very. Mome- “Get in the water!” Reluctantly I comply, the yellowish water doesn’t compare to my sand. The temperature’s nice and all...and I’m not drowning. “This whole place is weird.” He stops his backstroke and float along with the weak current. “It’s life here, what’s weird to you is another day for us.” The realization of the past few hours hits me. It hits hard. Before confronting Vak about it, the sight of him floating, looking up at the sky stops me. I’ve never seen him like this, somber and wondering I mean. “By the way, what was that fruit you throw passed us?” Without looking away from the sky, “La Bomba. It has a bitter gun powdery taste but also can be a weapon.” That was the last thing we said to each other, the rest of the afternoon was us floating in the lake. It’s the most relaxing thing ever. The thing about our relationship was we subconsciously understood presence bonding. Where the two of us could grew closer without words or doing anything. It’s giving each other space while invading that very same spa- “What just brushed up on me?” I shoot up and start furiously kicking my legs. Annoying he turns towards me, “You sure it wasn’t sea grass?” “No, it was definitely alive. I felt it’s heartbeat against my thigh.” “Must have been a banana fish... time to go.”
“Wow.” Is honestly all I can say this far up. The wind stabilized, the blueberry leaves are soft and abundant. I’m currently 70 feet up, in fact the very top of the tree is in view. “That banana water really helped!” Vak shouts from coach. “Now for this part, you need to get a running start and jump to this vine tree!” Maybe I’m a little too high or the strong smell of blueberries is getting to me. “Did I hear that right?” I yell back at him. He is about 15 feet under me, but still he can’t me- “The longest branch should be up ahead, get some speed and have your arms out!” From my pocket I grab my berry bag, he did say it’ll be useful during this part. One by one I pick the nearby blueberries from among the leaves. Once it’s filled, I tie it and place the pouch back in. Vak said the branch I’m looking for is a little higher, but I don’t see it. “Here goes.” I say in preparation. With my banana waterian powers, climbing is almost natural. Circling around the main trunk I find it; it’s pointing in the very direction I need to go. This branch sticks out from the rest of the tree now that I’m looking at it. For one it’s twice as long as the others, and thrice as wide. After stomping on it a few times, I cautiously rest my feet where it connects to the main trunk. “Congrats on making it to the next stage young grasshopper.” He says with less stain that normal. “You sure about this? I don’t think there’s any soft-landing spot anymore.” Looking over the leaves, is a mighty long fall. “Well if you apply the jam, you’d have nothing to worry about.” He replies dismissing my concerns. With a heavy sigh, I take out a couple berries, squish them between my fingers, then spread the jam on my finger and toe tips. “I am bread.” Putting the new running technique into practice, I start my sprint with my toes in the air and running on my heelbones. My first few strides were awkward, yet I was getting great speed. At this very moment, my very being is connected to nature; I am Nature. Until my dumbass slipped, now I am a bird. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH” Is all I could say as my descent continued. Frantically flailing my arms, my arm or more accurately the jam caught on to something. When I recognized it as a vine, my death grip on it allowed me to change it from a freefall to a makeshift bungie jump. As the ground got closer, I was falling slower. A quick glance showed that the vine was stretching, then it happened. I couldn’t perceive it but...wow.
© 2020 SauceCAuthor's Note
Featured Review
1 Review Added on June 29, 2020 Last Updated on June 29, 2020 Author![]() SauceCBaton Rouge, LAAboutI'm an aspiring novelist and wanted to get my feet wet so I can improve my works of fiction. more..Writing