A Story by Saranda
That one person you don't want, but you need. 
Attacking my body, I can feel it travel through
my veins and wrap itself around my brittle bones. Like a leach, it clings to
every atom within my being and it wisps throughout my soul. Some would call it
beautiful, the way it’s devoted to being with me, how it never fails to leave
me. I’d say I’m a prisoner. During my sleep, it enters my dreams and reminds me
of your touch. Pressing down on my skin, I can feel your fingertips caress my
hand like you always used to. Wafts of your breath breeze over my cheek as you
lean in to whisper in my ear how beautiful I am. I can see your goofy smile; I
can reach out and lace my fingers between yours. Even after my slumber is over,
I can feel the shock of your skin still pulsing throughout my fibers, weaving
in and out; never letting me forget you. No matter how absolutely hard I try
to. That longing for you is always attacking my body, traveling through my
veins, and wrapping itself around my bones. I am a prisoner. I do not want you,
but I need you. You course throughout my entire existence and I do not know how to
extract you.
© 2012 Saranda
Hi, I'm Saranda. I find happiness in horses, the Military, words, and nature. I just want to write beautiful things that touch people.
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