3 a.m

3 a.m

A Poem by Sarahfenna

ensomniacs can relate


Its 3:11 and I’m the only one up
and as if this curse isn’t ever enough
there’s unpleasant things that are on my mind
and hours upon hours of unlimited time
for me to stop and think it through
Despite how much I don’t want to

It’s 3:15 and I haven’t changed
I’m probably still fairly deranged
Oh don’t mind me I have such a twisted sense of humor
who told you that?  Its only a rumor
there I go, lying to myself again
But my favorite hobby is playing pretend!

It’s 3:19 and I’m so awake
though the world around me is looking fake
the air I’m breathing is obviously and illusion
and the law of gravity is easily disproven
My fingers are moving unexplainably fast
and my words are out before the thought has passed

3:22 and I’m crashing hard
the picturesque world of dreams is marred!
 I think I’m going to go to sleep
but first a little secret for you to keep
things are never what you think they are

© 2010 Sarahfenna

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Added on July 7, 2010
Last Updated on July 7, 2010




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