![]() Ch.3: Room MateA Chapter by Sarah Barnett![]() The third chapter to my book, New. Please read the first previous chapters that come before this one.![]() Ch.3: Room Mate It was two more days before the doctor thought I was healthy enough to leave the hospital wing. Every now and then I would get a green candy with my lunch and I knew that Janis had made it for me. Now I was on my way to a new room. This time I walked beside the doctor instead of being wheeled around in a wheel chair. I felt so tiny compared to these ‘aliens’ who I found walking past me and the doctor. It was almost like I was a child again and all the adults were making me feel small and inferior. “Now your new room will be in a simulation room. It will look like your average home on earth, except that the windows look out just like the ones on the ship. You will also have a room mate.” “Room mate?” I asked nervously. “Don’t worry,” Dr. Vial added, “This human is the one I spoke about a few days ago. He isn’t violent, and acts as calm and as collected as you do.” I felt my throat go dry so all I did was nod in understanding. Not only was I going to be living with a stranger, it was going to be a man! I began to get nervous, my heart racing. What did I have to worry about anyway? I had plain brown hair that went past my shoulders, a thin lanky body, and a flat chest to match. If it wasn’t for my long hair and full lips I would have been mistaken for a boy. I was also still in the sweat pants and large red shirt that Dr. Vial had given me a few days ago. We came to a stop near a normal looking door. It looked like your average apartment door with a peep hole and a number on it. The number was 324, yet I didn’t see any other doors around. Dr. Vial knocked on the door and we waited. I heard some movement before the door was opened. “Ah, Dr. V what brings you here?” Asked the man in front of the doctor who I stood behind. “Good afternoon, Argus, I’ve come here with good news.” The doctor moved to the side to reveal me to the so called Argus. “I’ve found you a room mate.” The strange man looked down at me, but not too far, I only came up to his chin. His hair was odd, black and short on the sides, and on the middle of his head stood a small mow hawk that was lime green. His facial features were sharp and strong, his skin tone a light tan. Piercings littered his face, one on his eye brow, and nose, five on each ear and two on his bottom lip. Compared Argus made me seem very, very plain. He gave a crooked smirk, showing bright white almost too perfect teeth, “She’s not going to be like my other room mate is she?” He asked his voice deep and slightly comforting, though his gaze made me nervous. “No. I made sure. Elaine, this is Argus.” Dr. Vial moved to the side and pushed me forward slightly. “Hi.” I said nervously and held out my hand. His hand was large compaired to mine as he took it in a firm hand shake. “Its nice to meet you.” He said with a lovely smile. I couldn’t help my blush and looked away, instantly taking my hand away from his. He chuckled. “I’ll show her around, doc, and it was nice seeing you again.” Argus stated before waving the doctor off. Once Dr. Vial was gone, Argus looked at me his eyes traveling up and down making me even more nervous, before he stepped aside and let me in the apartment. Once inside I found my self in a small hall way. Continuing forward I came upon the kitchen. To my left was the living room with a large black leather couch and a TV with one window, and to my right was another hall way which held three doors, a bathroom, a closet, and a bedroom. I knew, because the doors were open. “There is only one bedroom?” I asked as I turned around to face Argus who was walking over to the chrome fridge. “Yes, and it’s mine.” He opened the fridge and pulled out a soda. “You can sleep on the couch.” I stared at him with my mouth open in shock. His tone was mean and teasing. His attitude had changed from charming to jerk in just a few seconds! “W-what about the fridge…” I asked wondering if he would say that was his too. “Anything else can be yours as well, but the bed room is mine.” He glared at me for a moment before smiling, “Good thing about this apartment though, the scientists can’t watch us.” My heart skipped, “Oh…that’s good.” I didn’t know if it was a good thing or not. Was Argus dangerous? He sure looked it. “Would you like a drink?” He asked. I looked up at him and noticed his eyes. Their color was a swampy green, yet they held mystery and danger that made me very cautious of him. “Sure.” He handed me a soda and closed the fridge before sitting down at the small round kitchen table. I did the same not knowing what else to do. “So, Elaine, what did you do before we got kidnapped by aliens?” Argus asked as he leaned forward on his elbows on the table. I fiddled with my large red shirt, “I don’t remember.” A large wicked smile made its way across his face and his hand rubbed at his chin, “ Really? You don’t remember anything?” I gulped down my nervousness, “No, just my name.” “Well that is very funny.” He stated as he leaned back in his chair, “Since I know you and all, yet you won’t be able to remember who I am.” I stared at him in shock. “A-are you serious?!” He nodded and chuckled, “Do I look like a funny guy?” I shook my head, “No.” I looked at him with hope, “Will you tell me about what happened?” Argus put on a serious face, “No.” My heart dropped, “W-why not?” Argus shrugged, “I find it amusing.” I folded my arms across my chest in anger, “You’re an a*s.” Argus stood and threw away his soda, “Glad you noticed.” I couldn’t believe him! He knew me, my past in which I had forgotten, and he wouldn’t tell me what he knew! Was it because I hated him before? Were we friends and he was just playing with me? I didn’t know what it was but I avoided him the rest of the day. The only time we spoke was later that night when I needed a blanket and pillow for the couch. He was nice about giving me some, and even happier that I was sleeping on the couch. © 2010 Sarah BarnettAuthor's Note
Added on August 3, 2010 Last Updated on August 3, 2010 Author![]() Sarah BarnettLittle Rock, ARAboutI'm a student in college but I still have horrible spelling and grammar issues (So bare with me) My stories rarely get finished because of writers block, but I'm sure with reviews that will pass. Also.. more..Writing