Ch.2: Discovery

Ch.2: Discovery

A Chapter by Sarah Barnett

The second chapter to New.


Ch.2: Discovery

I woke up, a little disoriented this time, but then I remembered what happened yesterday. It was all new and a little scary to think that my whole world was reduced to almost nothing and that the remaining inhabitants were aboard an alien space ship. The sad thing was that I still couldn’t remember what had happened to me! I only knew what Dr. Vial had told me.

Just at the thought of him he seemed to appear. The odd solid but liquid doors opened and Dr. Vial walked in. He smiled at me and I returned the grin. I moved to get up and he was by my side just in case I needed his help. I held on to the I.V pole instead.

“Do I really need an I.V?” I asked.

Dr. Vial grinned sadly. “Until you get your health back, yes. Just a couple of more days and you should be well enough to leave the hospital wing.”

I nodded in understanding. “So why are you here, Dr. Vial?”

He held up the green vial of gel that he had put on my back the other day and I understood. I lifted my shirt slowly over my head and he began to smear the soothing gel over my cuts. “I also want to take you out of this room and let you look around the ship.”

I grinned, “Really! Thank you.”

“Your welcome. Put your shirt back on and I’ll be back with a wheel chair.”

I waited for a while after I put my shirt back on. I sat on the hospital bed and just sat there wondering if this space ship was going to look like the ones I had seen on TV. Dr. Vial didn’t look like any alien I could have imagined, in fact he look like a normal human. The only difference was his eye color and how tall he was. I might have been short, but I came up to the man’s chest, not even to his shoulders!

But other than that, he seemed like a normal human. The doors opened and Dr. Vial came in with a wheel chair that had an I.V attachment. He moved my I.V bag to the chair as I took a seat in the wheel chair. It was a bit big and made me feel like a little kid, but I didn’t care. I was too excited to see what was beyond my small white room. The mirrored doors opened and I was wheeled outside.

For some reason I expected to see a group of scientists standing in a room across mine, but there was nothing but a white wall there. They must have been watching though cameras, even though I hadn’t seen any yet. As I was wheeled down the hall way I noticed other rooms. I was right about the doors. From the outside they looked like your regular glass sliding doors. The floors were white tile and it all looked like your average hospital. He wheeled be past some nurses desks and then we came up to two large doors. Once we past the doors we came upon another hallway, completely different then the hospital wing.

The carpeting was very thin, the type that you might find in a office building. The walls were chrome looking and as we came upon a larger area, almost like a sitting area, it was then that I  noticed the large windows of the ship. As Dr. Vial wheeled me over to them I couldn’t help but stare out the large windows in awe. I stood up from the wheel chair and pressed my hands against the window for balance. It rippled just like the doors in my hospital room.

Dr. Vial hadn’t been lying. I was definitely on a space ship, because outside the window was nothing but beautiful space. Stars speckled like glitter on a black blanket full of large and small planets alike; their colors ranging from all colors of the rainbow to some that were unrecognizable.

“Wow.” Was all I could gasp out as I stared at the sight before me.

Dr. Vial laughed cheerfully before placing a hand on my shoulder, “Wait until you see my planet.”

I turned to him with curiosity, “You’re taking us to your planet?”

Dr. Vial nodded, “Though it might be hard on you humans, every thing on your planet was so small compaired to ours.”

I sat back in the wheel chair a little bit flabbergasted, and Dr. Vial wheeled me off to show me more of the ship.

“I figured you might be hungry.” Dr. Vial said as we went through another big door and into what looked like a cafeteria. “And Janis has been begging me to bring you to see her.”

I turned to look at the doctor, “Who’s Janis?”

Dr. Vial blushed, “Just a very pretty cafeteria lady.”

I giggled at his shy behavior before turning my attention to the café’s bar. There was food she recognized and food she didn’t recognize, but they all smelled delicious.
“Is that her?” Came a sweet voice.

I looked up to see a pretty blond lady with light purple eyes. I couldn’t help but stare at her breathlessly. Dr. Vial chuckled, “Yes this is Elaine. Elaine this is Janis.”

“Hi.” I said with a large smile.

She returned it, “Hello. Your so small, how old are you?”

I blushed, “I’m 24.”

Janis gave me a surprised look, “Your as old as I am! That’s amazing.”

“Janis,” Said Dr. Vial, “I think she would like some lunch.”

The woman looked at the doctor with a sheepish grin, “Oh, right.” She turned to me with a brilliant smile, “So what would you like?”

I didn’t pick much, since my stomach wasn’t up to it, but I did get some meat instead of soup. “Do you have anything sweet?” I asked.

Janis looked up at Dr. Vial then back at me. “Sure, my treat. But don’t tell anyone.” She winked at me before placing what looked like a small green jaw breaker on my plate.
I looked up at the doctor and he just smiled. “Your not suppose to have sweets, but I’ll let it slide. Janis makes the best candy.” Dr. Vial looked up at Janis and she giggled. “Now lets get you back to your room.”

Dr. Vial wheeled me to my room where I ate my lunch in solitude. The doctor said that he would be back tomorrow to check on my health. I just hoped it wouldn’t be too long until I was released. The white walls were starting to drive me insane.

© 2010 Sarah Barnett

Author's Note

Sarah Barnett
There might be some grammar problems, I would like it if you pointed them out to me, and any other things that may confuse you. Tell me what you think of the story, its plot and the way it flows. Comments are appreciated! :D

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Added on August 3, 2010
Last Updated on August 3, 2010


Sarah Barnett
Sarah Barnett

Little Rock, AR

I'm a student in college but I still have horrible spelling and grammar issues (So bare with me) My stories rarely get finished because of writers block, but I'm sure with reviews that will pass. Also.. more..
