![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by SarahHinoI decided to wear a mid thigh designer dress my sister brought me from Paris; it looked more like a long shirt, it had short sleeves and golden beads all over; apart from my legs, it didn’t show too much skin, but it was sexy and classy. I tucked my hair in an unkempt ponytail, put on some light gold eye shadow and black mascara; it matched perfectly the gold color of my eyes. I wore high heeled shoes, grabbed my clutch and headed out. Savannah came to pick me up in her eco-friendly Toyota. Bogdan, the concierge of my building escorted me to the car and opened the door for me, wishing us a nice evening. Vee gave me a sidelong stare “Pops, you look hawt” I chuckled at the way she pronounced the word “Hot” She was wearing a leather pair of skinny jeans and a red shirt that covered half her behind, she paired it with a long necklace and high heels boots that stopped at the ankle. “You look hawt yourself” I said grinning “Hasn’t Tomy told you it’s a dangerous outfit” Tomy was Vee’s boyfriend, they’ve known each other like forever. As far as I could remember, they have always been dating. He was a sweet, nice, successful real-estate agent and more importantly, deeply madly in love with her.
Vee smiled bitterly “He barely looked” She seemed sad. Something was not right with her recently. She wasn’t as cheerful as before anymore. She looked almost depressed. “Are you Ok, babe?” She answered with a smile and I decided not to insist. She’d talk when she’s ready By the time we parked at the black pearl, Mia was waiting for us as intended. She had her denim shorts on and a sleeveless white shirt. Oh God, was this thing on her head a cowboy hat? She was chatting with some guy who appeared to be way too young for her. Vee snorted first “Tell, me it’s not a cowboy hat” “It’s a cowboy hat” I sighed She really lost her mind since her “break-up”. Was it really one? I mean, she said it was a relationship and he said he didn’t know. She spotted us and she waved “Hi, Girls, come over here” The guy extended his hand “Hi, you must be Lolita’s friends, I’m Eric” Wait a minute, who is Lolita? That looked like a striper’s name. How many surprises should we expect for the night? I looked at Vee who shrugged her shoulders “Yeah, this is Svetlana” then she pointed at me “And this is Polka” Polka? Really I smiled politely at Eric and shook his hand, not before glaring at my crazy friend. Mia said goodbye to him and we headed to the entrance. “So, Lolita, you have some explaining to do” I said, my hands on my hips “Tonight, we’ll go by our fake names, it’s gonna be fantastic” she laughed “Haven’t you ever wanted to be someone else, just for one night?” “Sounds good, I’m in” I stared at Vee, incredulous, wasn’t she the wisest one of us, usually. What was with her? Must be something in the water, my friends were acting weird. Finally, I gave in “Hey Bob” I greeted the guard at the entrance who looked just like a guard should look, all beef and muscles. “Hello, miss Burrows” Then he smiled to the girls, inviting the three of us in “Ladies” As soon as we entered, the music covered our ears. The club was very crowded. There were people everywhere. The Dj was playing a very nice song; everybody seemed to move in the same rhythm. I liked it. Too bad I was a terrible dancer Did these people work on Monday? “Let’s go to the bar, Svetlana” Mia ordered taking Vee by the elbow. I followed them not wanting to wait on my own. We were giggling like teenagers on our way to the bar. There were too many people ordering all types of drinks. The two bartenders did not seem to know which way to head. It was coming from everywhere. Mia seduced some cute guy who let us take his seat at the bar; the others didn’t appreciate it, but who cared. Mia waved at one of the bartenders, when a blond man slipped from under the bar to the other side and greeted them. The bartender pointed at us and Blond man came, flashing us a smile. “What can I get you, Ladies” From up close, we could see how handsome he was. Tall, muscular but not too much, very short blond hair, dark blue eyes and an incredibly sexy smile. He looked like Paul Walker. For a moment, none of us answered, we were busy drooling Then, Vee, who seemed to finally have collected her composure, spoke “A martini for me” then she turned to Mia who ordered the same drink “How about you, Beauty?” Wait, did he just call me beauty? I wanted to scream out loud “Paul Walker thinks I’m beautiful” He cleared his throat and I realized I hadn’t answered his question and was still looking at him with my open mouth. I flushed “Water, I…I don’t tolerate alcohol” I managed to say “Alright, girls, two martinis and a glass of water” Paul Walker looky likey declared, before leaving Mia turned to me giggling “That was awkward” Gladly, the girls let it drop. We started a conversation about what happened with mom this morning. I knew Conor Robinson enough to avoid him, he was a complete d****e, full of himself, stupid and dorky, not a single girl could stand him. He tried his luck with me each time we met at one of my Mom’s charity association events. Paul Walker; was back with our drinks “It’s on the house, Ladies” He said as he placed our drinks in front of us “Oh, thank you” Mia said enthusiastically “ How about you take a break and celebrate with us?” she dared Paul grimaced “Sadly, I can’t, right now, it’s rush hour in here” then he seemed to give it a second thought. He gestured to one of the bartender. Served himself a glass of water and remained in front o us. He crossed his arms on the counter and asked: “So what are we celebrating, cowgirl?” Glancing at Mia’s Hat and flashing her a "tooth paste add- smile. So damn hot She raised her drink dramatically “We are celebrating my new job and my break up” “Congrats for the job, sorry for the boyfriend” Paul grimaced “Don’t be sorry, he was a complete a*****e” Mia made really good use of bad words Paul smiled “I meant sorry for him, man, he’s missing something here” Now, that got Mia by surprise “I’m Alec by the way” So Paul’s name was Alec. Nice. Suits him actually Mia shook his hand, introducing herself as Lolita. Savannah used her fake name Svetlana, then came my turn What was my name again? Oh s**t, I couldn’t remember it. I knew it was stupid and it started with a P, but that was it. “I…I’m…” Mia cut me “This is Polka. She speaks only few words of English. She’s Ukrainian” I was what? Seriously!!! I was going to kill her Savannah tried not to explode in laughter “Oh really, I would never have guessed” Alec looked at me “Prevet. Kak dela?” What the hell was he saying? Oh My God. Mia was gonna pay for this I was horrified and it must have been obvious because Alec stared at me skeptically Savannah chuckled “She’s very shy. Not really the talkative type. You know Russians” “Ukrainians” Mia corrected her “Yeah, I meant Ukrainians” Alec didn’t buy it, but he was too polite to make the observation. He excused himself and got back to his work. As soon as he was out of view, the girls exploded in laughter and I couldn’t help but laugh too. “Ahhh, it feels so good to be single again. I can do whatever I want with whoever I want without feeling guilty” Mia sighed I hesitated “Babe, you and your pilot were never a real couple. I mean you loved him but I think he never shared those feelings. He didn’t even introduce you as his girlfriend” It wasn’t the first time we had this conversation, but she never seemed to listen. “I know him better than you two do, he cared for me, I know it and…and” her voice was shaking “You know what, I’m not going to let him ruin my night, I don’t want to talk about it. Tonight I feel like being reckless. I want to do things I’ve never done before. Tonight, I’m Lolita” Mia waved at Alec and asked for another martini Savannah and I exchanged looks of concern, but none of us said a word Few guys asked us to dance, but Mia and I pretended we were a couple and that Savannah was engaged. Even though she wanted a girls night, Mia spent her time flirting with Alec who seemed to enjoy it. Savannah and I kept an eye on her. Her “Lolita” attitude scared us a bit After dancing on few songs, Vee and I Got back to the bar, but Mia wasn’t there anymore. We were mortified; what if something had happened to her? One of the bartenders told us she left with Alec What if Alec was a serial killer, or a rapist, or whatever? My mind was on a roller coaster. Savannah who was calmer that I was, called her on her mobile. “Hello?” Mia answered the phone Good. She was still alive Savannah kept talking in monosyllable and that made me crazy. I was dying to know what was going on. When she hung up, I almost jumped on her “So?” I asked hurriedly “So, she’s with the hotty bartender, she’s perfectly lucid, not drunk and eager to spend the night with him” “No way” I said incredulous Savannah patted me on the shoulder “Yes way” Shortly after that, we left the black pearl. On our way back, I couldn’t help but ask Vee a question that was bothering me “Have you ever had a one night stand?” Vee was distracted for a moment “I can’t see how, Pops. Tomy has been my boyfriend like forever” her sad expression was back. I wondered what was bothering her. “I’ve never had it either” I started fidgeting with some beads on my dress “I’m not comfortable with showing my body to a guy I barely know. It’s called making love, it should only be done with someone you have affection for” Vee laughed “It’s called many other things that have nothing to do with love” I pinched her arm “You know what I mean” “You’re an old fashioned puritan, Pops, no wonder you’ve had only three sexual partners” That was because I had had only three serious relationships “Says the girl who’s had only one” serves her right “I never said that” Vee snorted That took me by surprise. My shocked face encouraged her to explain herself “Remember our trip to Bali 4 years ago” when I nodded, she continued “Back then, Tomy and I had decided to take a break” she swallowed “I met someone there” “Mia, Andrew and I were always around, who…” and then it hit me “Oh My God, it was Andrew” She nodded Andrew was an Australian surfer we met there. We became very quickly friends with him. “I didn’t mean to hide it, but Mia…” I finished her answer “…had a crush on him” Andrew wasn’t interested in Mia at all and I always had the feeling he liked Vee, but I would never had imagined something happened between them. As if reading my mind, she added “I didn’t do it on purpose, it just happened” “You said you never had a one night stand” She looked at me “Because it lasted the whole stay” Wow “Few days after we came back to Atlanta, Tomy called to say he wanted to patch things up, I told him everything and he confessed that he dated few girls during the separation. We decided we were ready for a fresh start” I remained silent. Technically, she didn’t betray nor Mia neither Tomy. But it still felt wrong. She squeezed my hand “Pops, do you hate me for that?” I turned quickly and I saw tears in her eyes “Of course not, Vee. You didn’t do anything wrong. You were single or something close to single and Mia knew perfectly well Andy wasn’t into her” She muttered a muffled thank you In reality; I was the one feeling betrayed because I knew Vee since eighth grade, we never kept secrets from each other. We were inseparable. How could she hide such a thing from me? “Is that the only secret I didn’t know about?” Understanding perfectly what I meant, Vee shook her head “Good” I knew it was the truth. I trusted her None of us spoke for the rest of the ride. When Vee stopped in front of the entrance of the building. I dared to stare at her. She appeared on the verge of crying, but I was still upset. “Good night, Pops” “Night, Vee” Bordan was holding the door open for me “How was your evening, Miss Burrows?” I sighed “Awful” © 2014 SarahHinoReviews
3 Reviews Added on June 21, 2014 Last Updated on July 6, 2014 Author