A Chapter by Sapphire

Whatever I am feeling, I like it

Something strange has happened. This whole week, I have noticed physical changes about my body. Some of those changes are supposed to gradually happen. I have gained almost forty pounds of muscle; they are more lean and taut than before. I have grown almost four inches taller in two days.

That’s not the weird thing, though…

   My reflexes and senses have extremely heightened, pass the norm. I can hear a cell phone call or a whispering conversation on the other side of the cafeteria, and many more between that. I can smell a scent from a girl on the second floor or if someone who hasn’t showered meters away. I can see clearer at night and too much salt before needs to be more.

   I find it strange, but, I have never been seventeen before. I am just imagining things.

   I run the shower. I lather my skin twice, then my hair. I rinse off and I wrap a towel across my waist. I brush my teeth before I walk back in my room to dress. I find a pair of dark denim jeans. I find a loose white shirt. I grab a pair of socks and shoes. Over my damp hair, I place the black beanie Gracie bought me last year.

…Gracie…my true love. I have found the woman of my dreams. She and I make the impossible things happen. She makes me happy by giving me the best love. And even though she told me that money can’t buy her my love, she still lightens up when I buy her things. I spoil her with my love; money is just an asset.

   I grab my backpack and my leather jacket. I rush downstairs. I grab a hot pocket from the bar table that my mother prepared. I dash towards the garage and I unlock my car. I start the engine and I head to Gracie’s house.

   I drive up in her driveway, honking the horn. She comes out the house in fashionable winter attire; nice tight jeans tucked into knee high brown leather boots, a matching jacket zippened up and her scarf is wrapped around her neck.

   She sits in the passenger seat. I wave at her parents who close the door once she’s safe inside. I turn to her and smile. “Gracie, that attire is unnecessary.” I compliment.

            “Easy for you to say; ever since the beginning of winter, you’ve been feeling like an oven.” she thanks. I chuckle.

            “Well, venire qui and get warm.” She leans across the seat. I open my jacket and her wintry hand touches my warm stomach. Her touch sends shivers down my spine, rushing blood to my pleasurable spots. She removes her hand to my face, tracing my lips with her nail. Her nail inches under my chin, pulling me in to her luscious lips. “Mmmm, ti senti meglio?” she blushes. She likes my native Italian tongue; it seduces her.

   She bites her bottom lip and nods. “Yes, sapphire, I feel better.” Sapphire is my nickname because of the color of my eyes; a genuine sapphire tone. She said the color reminds her of a dark-passionate personality.

   I drive to school. I pull up at the entrance of the school. She gets out and heads into the school. I find my brother standing outside by his Avalanche truck, blowing into the cold air. I park next to his car. I get out and we walk into the school. I find by the front office on my left, my sister and Gracie secretly discussing a plan. I stand in front them, my arms folded across my chest.

            “Bene, ora, what are you two devious young ladies conversing about?” I ask.

            “Well, fratello, Gracie and I aren’t pleased with your winter wardrobe. Your birthday is coming up and we want you to look like a presentable teen.”

            “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I ask. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the time, but why can’t I be me?”

   Gracie cuddles in my arms. “You look like a 1960s greaser; Crybaby.” she whines. “You make it look good, but I can tell it’s not you.”

   I rub my nose to hers. “Alright.” The bell rings and we dash to class.

   After school, I bring Gracie home. “I’ll be back after practice.” I say as she walks up the path to her front door. I back out and I drive to school. I stride to the boys’ locker room to prepare for soccer practice. I spot a mutual friend on the bench in front my locker.

            “So, am I invited to Kieron’s birthday party?” Sam inquires.

            “Anybody in the town can come.” I assure him. I remove my shirt.

   He nods. “So, did you hear about the bear attacks?”

            “Bear attacks?” I ask. “Did anyone get killed?”

            “They’re a little traumatizing.” he quickly answers. His parents work in the E.R. “An old couple was attacked on a hike. But it’s unusual behavior for a bear, who’s about to hibernate, not to fill up on every fattening meal that walks by.”

            “He didn’t kill them?”

            “Nope. He was like a merciful human.”

   Sam and I walk out on the snowy field with the rest of the group. I guess our small gossip ends because Sam is a serious player. I have to warn my brothers; they usually go out jogging at night in the forest, I just don’t want that merciful bear to have a change of heart.

   Practice ends and I take a quick shower before changing back into my school clothes. I walk to my car and I drive to Gracie’s house. Her parents won’t be home for another two hours.

   I knock on the door. She quickly opens the door. I can smell her cooking something very familiar. “What’cha making?”

            “Spaghetti.” she answers.

            “Hurry up and finish.” I rush. She smiles, automatically apprehends what’s next; our couple time while doing homework. “Mr. Wall gave me a lot to do.”

            “Go get started, then, I’ll join you.”

   I walk up to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I kiss her neck. She giggles. I softly rub my nose on her cheek. “I think the sauce is quite done, now.” I inquire, whispering in her ear.

   She turns off the stove, sets plates over the pots. She turns in my arms to face me. she jumps up on the counter, her legs snaking around my waist. I move my open mouth along her jaw. I find my way to her lips and I begin kissing her.

   She pushes me away. “Aspetta, aspetta, aspetta,” she quickly stops. “I thought we were going to wait.”

            “Siamo.” I chuckle. “I’m just, well; today I missed my little cheerleader.”

   I’m in no rush to make love to Gracie. It’s her body and I respect her. I will never force myself to make her do anything she doesn’t want, even if I’m at the peak of ecstasy.

            “Now that we’re on the subject,” she smiles. I raise an eyebrow. “We have been together for some time and I remember the day and moment I promised that on your seventeenth birthday,”

            “If we made it.” I interrupt. She nods.

            “That I would love you.” I ogle in her eyes, but she seems worried. I scowl. “Are we still together for that reason?”

            “Non dite che! My intentions to be with you are simply the fact that my heart doesn’t desire any longer for anyone else.” I assure her. I grab her nape. “Gracie, I never want you to feel as if giving your body to me is the best way to keep me; it’s an asset.”

   She kisses me this time. I pick her up and I take her to her room. I set her on the bed and I look down on her, smiling. “But, it is an enticing proposition for not leaving.”

   She laughs.

© 2011 Sapphire

Author's Note

please excuse me for any mistakes

Ti senti meglio – does that feel better
Bene – well; good
Ora – now
Fratello – brother
Aspetta – wait
Siamo – we are
Non dite che – don’t say that

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Compartment 114
Compartment 114


Added on August 1, 2011
Last Updated on August 1, 2011



Houston, TX

I'm in love with music, Robert Downey Jr, Michael Jackson, and Johnny Depp. I love to write romances and poetry. I love to read other things when I'm not writing myself. i do love to write lots of poe.. more..

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