![]() Diamonds and Adoption PapersA Chapter by Jennifer![]() Anthony has a question for Alex....and Alex finds some interesting papers while helping Anthony go through his parents house![]() Waking up the next morning, Alex senses that he is alone in the hotel room he and Anthony are sharing. Glancing over he sees that Anthony left him a note. Alex, Didn’t want to wake you, so I went for a walk. Be back shortly Love, Anthony Alex gets up on makes a pot of coffee. Just as it finishes brewing Anthony walks in. "Did any one call about my parents dental records while I was out?" asks Anthony after kissing Alex good morning. "No hun, they said it could take up to thirty-six hours," replies Alex. "Oh yeah," sighs Anthony sadly. "Come here babe..." says Alex pulling Anthony into his arms. Anthony bury his face in Alex's shoulder, bursting into tears. "What am I going to do Alex?" sobs Anthony. "I don't know sweety, just take it one day at a time...that's all you really can do." "I'm so glad you're with me. I couldn't do this alone..." "You'll never be alone again, I'll always be here for you." Says Alex looking into Anthony's tearful eyes. "I love you Anthony, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you." "I love you too Alex," says Anthony wiping the tears off his face. "It's gonna be okay..." "As long as I have you, I know I'll be okay..." "What do you want to do today?" "I don't know...there isn't really anything we can do but wait..." Anthony trails as he walks over to the bed to sit down. Following Anthony to the bed Alex sits down next to him. Taking Anthony's hand he says, "Well we can't just sit and do nothing..." "I guess I could show you my parents’ house...I can start going through their stuff..." "We could, if that's what you want to do..." "I don't want to...but I'm going to have to...so I might as well do it today." says Anthony getting up and pulling Alex to his feet. That afternoon Anthony and Alex go to Anthony's parents' beautiful Victorian house with three bedrooms and three and a half baths. “This house is gorgeous!” Alex exclaims. “Yeah, it is,” agrees Anthony. “So where do you want to start?” asks Alex. “Let’s start in the master bedroom.” Going through his parents’ clothes, Anthony decides to give them to Good Will, hoping that they would help someone in need. After going through the bedrooms Alex and Anthony move to the office. The office was the place Anthony’s dad kept all the important documents. While going through the filing cabinet, Alex finds adoptions paper. “Do you have an adopted brother or sister?” asks Alex “No, I’m an only child,” replies Anthony, “Why?” “Uh…because I just found adoption papers…” Curious Anthony walks over to where Alex is sitting. As Alex hands Anthony the documents an envelope falls to the floor. Picking it up Anthony sees it is addressed to him. Inside is a letter from his mom. Dear Anthony, If you are reading this then I have died. I pray your dad is still alive to help you if you have any questions about what I’m going to tell you. Anthony honey you are adopted. I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner, but we thought it was best not to. Your birthmother’s name is Jessica Anne Berkley. She had you when she was 16 years-old; she had no choice but to put you up for adoption. I don’t know who your father is. Jessica asked us not to tell you about her. I kept in touch with her for a couple of years but then she stoped returning my letters. We wanted her to be a part of your life but she thought it was best you didn’t know about her. Your mother was, is, a beautiful young woman. You have her eyes; those piercing green eyes. If you feel the need to find her go to an adoption agency, they should be able to help. As for information that could help you with your search…I’ve enclosed the last picture I received from her, she was 18. I also includedthe last her last known address. Good Luck, and Know that I loved you as if you were my own, and so did your dad. Love, Mom “What’s wrong?”Alex asks, seeing Anthony’s confused face. “I’m adopted…”replies a stunned Anthony “Are you ok?” “Yeah…I think. I mean, I never thought…they never told me.” “What did the letter say?” “Basically that if I found this letter then my mom was dead and that I was adopted. My birthmother’s name is Jessica Anne Berkley; she had me when she was 16 and the last picture she received was when Jessica was 18.” “What do you want to do?” “I think I’m going to try and find her. Mom said to go to an adoption agency.” “Well it’s almost 6 o’clock now, how about we go there tomorrow?” “Yeah, let’s go back to the hotel room.” When they get to their hotel room, Alex's phone starts to blare 'Because You Loved Me' by Celine Dion...It is his mother. “Hi mom, how’ve you been?”Says Alex answering the phone. “I’ve been good honey, how are you?” "I'm great, haven't talked to you in months. "I know, we both have been busy. So tell me did you ever see that hunk again?" "Yeah! His name is Anthony Day, he's amazing mom." “That's good, wait did you say his last name is Day? Any relation to the couple who was in the car accident?" “Yeah he is, they were his adopted parents.” “Oh! Goodness! Tell him I’m sorry for his loss!” “He’s standing right here you can talk to him,” says Alex before handing the phone to Anthony. “Hi, Mrs. Shade, it’s Anthony” "Dear please call me Megan. How are you holding up?” “I’m holding up pretty good. I don’t know what I’d do without Alex.” “Yeah, Alex is a good guy with a big heart.” “Yes he does have a big heart... So where do you live Megan?” “I’m living right outside of Reno, Nevada.” “Really? We are staying in a hotel in Reno. My parents owned a house here.” “I have an idea, how about you two come stay with me? I have a guest room you guys can stay in,” suggests Megan. “That would be great! I’d love to meet you,” says Anthony “Well I’d love to meet you too. Let me talk to Alex and I’ll give him directions.” After getting directions from his mom, Alex prepares to say goodbye when his mom says “oh and Alex?” “Yes mom?” he says “Call your father,” she says in a serious tone. “Mom, why should I? He disowned me!” “He might not say it but he does love you.” “No he doesn’t mom, I’m the reason you guys got divorced!” exclaims Alex finally letting his guilt be known. “Oh! Honey! We didn’t get divorced because of you! We got divorced because your father cheated,” clarifies his mother. “Wait, so he didn’t ask for a divorce when he heard I was gay?” “No honey he didn’t.” “Wow all these years I thought I was the reason you two got divorced,” says Alex relieved “Well honey, you’re not, I’m sorry but Ashley is calling so I’ve got to go. Call me before you come out here, okay?” “I will mom. I love you. Bye.” After hanging up the phone, Alex turns to find Anthony leaning, shirtless against the wall. “So what did your mom say?” asks Anthony walking over to Alex. “She said that my dad cheated on her and that’s why they got divorced.” “Well see, I knew it wasn’t your fault.” Anthony says wrapping his arms around Alex. “She also said to call my dad, but,” Alex pauses to wrap his arms around Anthony’s neck, “I can do that later.” “What do you have planned to do until then?” asks Anthony seductively. "Oh nothing really, we could eat dinner and cuddle..."replies Alex non-chalantly. "Uh huh, well before we do that I have a poem I want you to read..."Anthony says before kissing Alex then handing him a piece of paper. Don't Know What to Do Anthony Don't know what to do Just need to be with you Don't know what to do Want to spend my life with you Don't know what to do I'm so in love with you I know what to do I want to marry you Alex gasps as he looks down at Anthony, who had gotten down on one knee, “Alexander Shade, will you marry me?” “Yes!!” Alex exclaims, kissing Anthony. After putting a beautiful silver band with a sparkling diamond on Alex's finger Anthony picks Alex up, and carries him to the bed. Falling together onto it, clothes are quickly discarded. Kissing, licking, and stroking they make love with their mouths before joining together with explosive passion. Spent and tangled together hours later they fall asleep, not even bothering to eat dinner. © 2011 Jennifer |
Added on April 27, 2011 Last Updated on April 27, 2011 Author![]() JenniferBeavercreek, OHAboutim an 11th grade author. I have been writing since i could well write.i started a book in tenth grade and am currently working on it. more..Writing