![]() what the wind tells you is trueA Story by Sam.s.The night is cool and the curtins flap in the wind the window cocked open so the breeze can help me sleep i hear the window sqwecking as it goes back and forth the wind is trying to burst through but the window wont allow it i hear the floors sqweck as my sister goes to her room and i hear the soft whisper of the wind calling me out to the night the tree out side my window moves with the wind and you can hear the leaves fighting to stay on as the night grows my eyes are falling to the whisper of the wind and i go into a daze here i see the wind that calls me here i can understand what it wants what it says it tells me storys of where it has been and were it might go next stories about love crime happieness and murder it tells me the truth of life and tells me my future and my past i lie down in a meadow of blue and purple flowers that turn to red and black every time someone is killed unlawfully it turns black when someone is born it turns red each night i see more black then red and i wonder if the balance of life has shifted or is it that us humans have slowly become monsters and crazed for power for money or for freedom this i wonder every night i wonder about my future that when my time comes to serve my adulthood will their be anyone left will we have killed ourselves would we have drowned our every hope and dreams will we become savages i wonder wht my future will be like will i be what they always wanted or will i become something else will they still love me if i take a diffrent path will they be their thses questions i ask the wind and when i do i cant hear the answer it gives now after years of asking i know why i couldnt hear the wind it is because my future is not yet planed it changes with every thought and feeling with every action and decision and yet i ask the wind every night my fate and i hear nothing. The sun pirces through my window the shades are drawn and my curtins are pulled back and then i hear my sister say "get up butt head time for breakfast" i open one eye and look at my clock its 7:30 in the morning on summer vacation i grab my covers and i roll to the corner of my bed where there is still darkness and i try to go back to sleep but right when my eyes were ready to shut "SAM" my sister shouts my name and then jumps on my bed she threates to jump on me if i dont get up so i jump up and grab her and start to tickle her my sister is 10 years old and hates it when i tickle her thats why i do it when she finally gets of my bed i get up and take in the hot rays of the sun and head down stairs when i walk down the hallway i look down at my feet and i count each step but when i get to the stairs i stop my mother hates it when i do that she says its un lady like uh me a lady id like to see that my mother is very what is the word im looking for um..... prepie i guess shes a real girly girl and wears pink everyday shes on the PTA and also a soccer/football mom she goes to every game or function she is one of those moms who try to do everything and trys to change the things she doesnt like which is mostly me she buys me dresses and skirts trys to get me to wear mackup and yesterday she tryed to get me into high heels i wonder if my mother will ever love me the way i am and stop trying to make me into her. My 2 brothers had plans to go to their friends house and stay the night and my sister eva well she and my mom are going to the mall to get shoes and dresses i decided to go but only because i was going to meet my friend lola their she just got back from the carriebean and she was going to show me the pictures and give me the souvonires she got me i asked mom my if i could go but she said no because she didnt want people to see me dressed like a weirdo sometimes i wonder why i got these parents the wind said it was because they were going to show me a life of diffrence and that will help me choose my futures path As we enter the parking garage to the mall i see the popular kids from my school standing outside and then i see someone i never seen tall with dark black hair and really clear blue eyes a big smile and a face you will faint over i wondered who he was i ask my mom to drop me off here so i an get in to see lola and i kind of dont want to walk in with my mom shes wearing really bright pink and yellow track suit and i dont need more things for the pops to teeze me about its enough my mom runs almost every activity and even subs for teachers which is usually one of my classes when i open the door a rush of cool air hit my face and it feels nice even though its summer time and about 90 degress out i jump out and slam the door shut I grab my phone from my pocket and start to text lola telling her im their and wondering were she is right before i was going to send the message lexie bumps into me and my phone goes flying and hits the ground it doesnt break because i have a special case but its that she did it on purpose for a laughshe says "you should watch were you are going" and i cant help but to say why dont you watch were your going she looks at me suprised and puts her ands on her hips and opens her mouth trying to find something to say back but before she could i walked passed her and strted looking for my phone when i realize the kid i havent seen before is holding it out to me i grab it and say thanks and start to walk away and its then i realize what i just did i talked back to the head cheerleader and it felt good i was tempted to look back and see the look she had on her face and also to see if that kid was looking at me but i didnt just in case he was i sent my text and i ment up with lola at the food court where she was eating 3 burgers and fries and just to let you know lola is about 118 pounds and when you look at her and you see the food infront of her it amazes you how she could eat so much for such a small person. i walk up to her and when she sees me she jumps up and tackles me with a hug she scream with happiness i know what your thinking why would i hang out with someone like her well shes nice and a very funny person when you are around her you feel happy and confident plus she listens to your problems and never judges you or tells everyone shes a good person to hang around even if she is loud and weird ive always loved those qualities in people when she finally let go of me we sit down and i help eat some of her food and when she was done she showed me all the place she went and the beautiful waterfalls and flowers she gave me a nekalace of puka shells a giant she that if you listen to carefully you can hear the ocean and all its secrets when we were done we walked around the mall and ended up at the pet shop we first looked through the windows at all the cute puppies then we went inside so we could see the cats if we are lucky bobby will be working then we could hold the puppies and guess what .. he was i picked this huskie wolf pup and lola picked a golden retriver we took them out of the pet shop to some benches and petted them and let the little kids play with them when suddenly i see a hand reaching down to pet the puppie and realized it was the kid he didnt look at me he looked at the puppie with such understanding and affection i couldnt help but smile i didnt say anything i didnt have any clue what i would even start to say but then he said something it was soft and quiet but i was close enough to him i could just understand what he said "huskies are one of the most hard working dogs" he said it will such passion it interested me that a guy that looked like him and hanged out with the preps could sound so smart or even be smart I got lost in thought and when i got back to reality he had left i looked around and saw him walking with lexie her hand between his arm she looked like she was flirting with him and not doing to well because she started to rub his hand and shoulder after that i got disgusted so i turned back to my puppie and started to play with him he was the cutest thing i named him kiko he has been at the shop for the last few months i been trying to convince my mom into letting me get him but she doesnt want to have to clean up after him ive told her many times i would be taking care of him and would do everything but she just looked at me the way she always does when i ask for something she doesn't like or will help me be more of a women ive been saving for months so i could get him bobby has been holding him for me but he says if i cant buy him soon and someone else asked for him he would have to sell him we played with the dogs for another 30 minutes then we started to walk to the doors and walk to lolas house her parents are always traveling and they just left this morning for europe so she has the whole house to her self and if the preppies knew what her house looked like they would totally throw a party but i guess its their lose uh her house is a mansion with 14 rooms and 8 bathrooms and they have their own movie theater and a pool inside and out their is so much more but it would take forever to list everything i even have my own bed room here since i stay over a lot and im lolas best friend her parents gave me a room right next door to hers and its bigger then my whole house of course my mom doent know that i have my own room here i never thought it would be necessary to. We went inside and hurried to the kitchen and got arm full of snacks and then we ran up to lolas room and got into our movie positions and watched all the classics we started at A and now we are at letter N their are a lot of classics we have been watching them for the last 7 months every weekend i would come over to lolas and sleep over for afew days and hang out after our 7th movie we decided to head for bed and so i went to my room and took a shower then i grabed some pjams yes i have cloths here to, i jumped in bed but not before i cracked the window like every night i drift into a sleep or daze and i meet the wind it brings new stories and pictures of places i will never be able to see but tonight is different their is a shadow it lingers in the corner and moves when i do but it doesnt feel dark so i leave it alone i ask the wind if ill ever get my mom to let me have kiko and all the wind says kiko will be yours when the wind blows i never know what the wind means but it always makes me feel better tonight the wind brought me to a waterfall in the jungle and you can even hear the animals and the waves of water hitting rocks and the fish trying to get up the falls its so beautiful i cant help but smile my biggest smile i have ever smiled uh when i look up i see the shadow its so mysterious and interesting i start to climb to the top of the falls to see what it is the wind tells me to be careful and when i get to the top i see it more clearly but its still blurry its a person a man i think hes tall and has really deep blue eyes piercing out of the shadow looking at me i try to get closer but the he disappears and appears at the bottom of the falls next to the trees i dont see any other way down but to jump so i get close to the edge and right before i was about to jump the shadow man reappeared next to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him i felt the heat coming off him and could smell a flowery sent coming from him he looks at me and lets my arm go but stays close to me i look at him and realize hes afraid i will get hurt so i look back Suddenly i turn around and jump off the cliff and i feel the air rushing past me and i could feel the drops of water from the falls on my face and then i hit the water it swells around me and embraces my body into its shape the fish come up to me and leave i swim to the top and their i see him at the edge of the water waiting for me i swim to him and out of the shadow comes his hand it looks familiar a scare or tattoo of wings on his wrist i grab his arm and he pulls me out he used so much force that when i came out i landed so close to him i was half way into his shadow i looked into his eyes and he started to lean down and he was inches away from my lips when suddenly "SAM" i wake to Lola shouting my name asking if i want waffles or pancakes for breakfast another day awoken by my shouting name. © 2016 Sam.s.Author's Note
Added on May 13, 2016 Last Updated on May 13, 2016 Author![]() Sam.s.Preston, North West, United KingdomAboutOne moment and this idiot decides to write.... oh well lets see how this turns out. Diversity and ambiguous moral conflicts are my drugs. more..Writing