![]() The Adventure BeginsA Chapter by SammichI am sitting here, reading this same old geography book, wondering if things could get any worse. I mean really, I chose this geography book thinking that it would be a fun history credit, but boy was I wrong. Dead wrong! There is a huge difference between history, which I love, and geography, which I would not spend a penny on. You could not even give me this book if it came with a million dollars! Well, at any rate, I am confined to my desk with this…this book! I won`t even mention the name. My eyes are shifting across page five when it hits me like lightening, “Many mountains have never been climbed.” What! I didn`t know that. This book may be more interesting than I am willing to give it credit for. This may be the adventure I am waiting for! Finally, I could get out of here, and go explore the world! Well, as any senior in high school would, I… I continue reading this boring, old book. “Someday I`ll go exploring,” I sigh. “Someday I`ll get there…wherever there is.” Just for the record, the “some mountains have never been climbed” thing is the only cool information that I`ve read in this book so far. Who really wants to read geography? Geography, in place of history? I have already learned one thing from this book, and that is that I hate geography! They say I need this information for life. Life! I`m eighteen years old, life is just around the corner, and I don`t want to think about that! The next day, I`m surfing the web, looking for “mountains” when an article pops up. It reads: Gang Pen Mountain Gang Pen is the mysterious mountain in Bootun. It is ten miles off the shore of this tiny island. Many have climbed this mountain, but have never made it back down. All explorers stay away! -Susan Miles “This is the one!” I cry, “Dad, come here please!” “Yes?” My Dad asks. “Would you please give me one second, Mr. Roberts? What is it, dear?” “Can I climb Mt. Gang Pen?” I ask, knowing that he will say yes. “Sure, Honey, whatever,” he replies. “I`m sorry, what was that sir?” Dad always says yes when he`s on the phone. Just then my six-year-old brother skips into the room. “Blade, do you want to play a game?” he asks. “Not right now, Tieson.” 1 “Awe, but sis,” he begins. “No but`s about it,” I interrupt. “I need to tell you something!” “What?” I pat my lap and he runs to sit on it. I know that he really looks up to me and likes to be as close to me as possible. “I`m going on an adventure!” I exclaim. Then I drop my voice to a whisper. “I am going to Bootun to climb Mount Gang Pen,” I continue. “Where`s Bootun?” he asks. “Here let me show you,” I reply glancing at the computer for the coordinates. “Hop up.” We walk over to the wall map, and I show him where Bootun is. “Ten degrees south and seventy-five degrees east,” I show him. “Right under the I in Indian Ocean?” he asks. “Yes sir.” “But there is nothing there,” he says. “You`re going on a wild chicken chase!” At this I burst out laughing. I just can`t help myself. “What`s so funny?” he asks offended. “I`m sorry, it`s not a wild chicken chase. It`s a wild goose chase,” I correct. “Oh,” he says ashamed. “It`s okay, really. Everybody makes mistakes,” I smile. “Even you?” he asks doubtfully. “Even me,” I reply sadly, remembering the day when I clung to my mother`s neck… “When are you leaving?” he asks, interrupting my train of thought. “Can I come with you?” “I`ll be gone by this weekend, and I need to go alone. Besides Daddy would be so lonely if you left him.” Tieson runs out of the room. “Daddy, Daddy!” he cries. “What is it Tie?” Dad asks. 2 “Blade is going on an adventure to Buddha!” he proclaims excitedly. If he gets any more excited, he`ll hyperventilate! “What?” Dad asks. “It`s true, she told me,” Tieson insists. “Let me have a talk with your sister. Go play with your cars,” Dad says sweetly. He has been exceptionally sweet ever since Mom died. “Blade, did you tell Tieson that you were going on an adventure?” “Yeah, Dad, you told me I could,” I say defensively. “And you always say that I should follow my dreams.” “That is true, but when…” “I`ve always wanted an adventure, and here is my chance,” I cut in. “And this chance won`t be here in twenty years?” “Dad!” I moan, “I`m really responsible, you know that. I just want an adventure. Please!” “You really want to go?” I stare at him with pleading eyes. “I`ll get a plane ticket, and you had better pack, little missy.” “Oh and, Dad,” I call after him, “I`m going to Bootun, but I need a plane ticket to India.” “India, got it.” I won this battle. The war is still raging inside. Saying “good bye” will wound me until I come home. The person I fear saying good bye to the most is Tieson. There will be tears on both sides as I have been the only mother he has ever known. © 2015 SammichAuthor's Note