10 - The Cost Of Loyalty

10 - The Cost Of Loyalty

A Chapter by SamFantasyWriter

Jaxon Barron leads a force of twenty men to investigate the mystery of the Town of Galgon, but he might not like what he will find

A crow cawed at dusk in the late afternoon, a mist settled gently in the air and the wind echoed softly through the trees. Jaxon Barron stepped out of his tent into his camp. He was on his way to the town of Galgon and his journey and his men's was coming to a close. The Emperor had ordered them to seek information on Galgon and report back anything they could find. Scouts that he had sent on a few hours before had returned. He met them at the round table inside the main large tent in the centre of camp. He strolled through and every man that he passed stood up and clattered his fist to his chest. He gave each one a nod in return, he was a well respected commander and a veteran who had seen many battles and wars and survived them all.
He brushed the hanging drape aside and stepped into the main tent. The men immediately looked around and held their fists to their chests.
"At ease gentlemen, let's concentrate on the task at hand instead of the pleasantries" Jaxon's voice was softer than most would expect but he could change his tone in a second to resonate his authority. He answered to only one, his Emperor.
"So what have we learnt Brodick?" Jaxon said turning to the man on his right.
Brodick was just shorter than Jaxon and much younger than him. He had risen through the ranks fairly quickly for a man of his age.
"Sir we went to Galgon and it appears to be..... Well.... Gone" He replied, stuttering his words. Brodick had had a lisp from a very young age.
"Speak up Brodick and don't stutter, you know I hate it when you stutter. What do you mean gone?" Jaxon waved off Brodick's stutter as though it was a mild inconvenience that could easily be cured with a lashing or two.
"Yes Sir" Brodick nodded and spoke slowly trying to hold back his lisp "Well Sir the buildings were burnt and the people seem to be gone. We did see some movement within the town though but weren't able to get close enough to have a proper..... Look" He looked away as his voice broke on the final word.
"Well.... Good scouting boys, I will allow you to get a closer look when we move in on the town tonight" Jaxon turned to his second in command Vincent Wilkins "Rally the men Vincent"
Wilkins did as he was told without question, nodded, turned and exited the tent. Jaxon could hear his voice cry out as men ran round quickly to fall in their places. His eyes moved across the map into front of him. There was a two mile journey between them and Galgon, full of rivers, cliffs and deadly animals. It was not going to be a nice journey. Jaxon chuckled to himself and thought 'Just like old times'.
He stepped out of the tent to find all twenty of the men he bought with him standing in four lines of five with Wilkins in front. They banged their fists on their chests and held them there as Jaxon walked up and down their ranks.
He made his voice loud and purposeful, making sure his men listened to his words.
"We are to investigate Galgon. Recent scouting has told us that it may have been destroyed already but we still have to confirm. There is two miles of swamps, rivers and rock climbs between us and the town, I will need all your courage and determination for this mission to succeed. We travel light to ensure maximum invisibility. This is a scouting mission only. Put your gear on lads, we head out at sundown"
He walked off to his tent to prepare for the short tough journey ahead, he did not know what lay in waiting for them at the end.

The squelches of their feet, as they sank into the dark wet mud, were disgusting. The smell filled their nostrils like plagues and their moans and groans could be felt through the ground.
"This is horrible" One soldier called out.
"Shut your holes and get on with it" Jaxon returned from the front "Come on, move, move"
They waded through muddy rivers and a swamp filled with green oil to reach the cliff that led up to Galgon. They split into three groups.
"You five take the left channel, get over that ridge" Jaxon points in the far left corner "Get over it and scout ahead but if you see anything then stop and hide"
Five men trail off from the main group and carry out their commanders orders.
"You six, I want you to do the same on the right hand side. If our map is correct then you should be able to flank around the east side of the town where the buildings are at their highest allowing for extra cover. Go go go"
The second group did the same as the first without questioning Jaxon's command. He turned to Wilkins.
"Go with them Wilkins, I want you to wait for my orders once you get to the top. Nobody moves without my say, you got it?" He places a hand on his companions shoulder.
"Yes Sir" Wilkins replied with a nod and followed his six fellow soldiers up the ridge.
Barron turned back to his remaining men "Right we are going straight over lads. The same rules apply though, no one moves in without my signal. I repeat no one. You move towards Galgon I will have you dragged behind a horse running at full pace tied on by your nuts. Understand?"
All the men nodded, chuckling to each other lightly thinking the punishment was a bit severe. Jaxon led the way. They clambered over the jagged rocks. A couple lost their footing but regained their composure. They were all reunited at the top. Jaxon look to his left and right, spotting the other two packs of troops ready to pounce like hunting dogs. Jaxon made a whistling sound that rang out round the nearby trees, each pack moved forward slowly, treading softly, trying not to give away their position. They only halted when Jaxon raised his hand, it could just about be made out through the darkness. The town had come into view but so had a small fire.
Brodick, who was crouched directly behind Barron, spoke quietly "That was not there this afternoon Sir"
Jaxon took a moment and sat down on the wet mud thinking to himself. It took a long silent minute for him to decide what to do. He opened his eyes to find his men's eyes fixed upon him.
"Right I want each group to flank around and approach the fire slowly to see what the forces are" He pointed specifically to two men "You two, go tell the others. No group gets closer than the others, we stay formation and proceed with caution"
They shot off without delay. Jaxon watched them repeat the orders and the packs leaders nodded back at Jaxon. He held up his hand once more, this time he ushered them forward.
They approached with caution as instructed, each group shooting a look to check on the other two. They made it to their respective sides of town with not a peep made.
They made their way through town in the shadows, moving slowly and staying out of the way of the flickering fire. The scout reports weren't wrong, there was barely anything left of the town, just a few half buildings that were still standing. They made a triangle neatly round the middle square where they found the fire and found thirty sleeping Monies. Jaxon was confused, he expected a bigger force. His confusion was read on his face by his men.
One whispered to him "Come on Sir, we can take them"
He didn't answer.
Another one spoke "I have been itching for a battle for days. We can easily have this lot"
Barron thought for a moment, he knew they could take them, he was just convinced that this force was too small. He turned to his men and gave them the nod. They got giddy with excitement like children with a bowl of sweets.
They all slowly moved into position, each of them over a separate Monie. They thought they could easily narrow it down from thirty to ten, an easy fight.
Their joy was short-lived. Out of nowhere Spectres seemed to flood out of the ground and walls, holding knives to the men's throats. Each man horrified by the paleness of the figure behind them. Jaxon could do nothing but turn rapidly and watch the ambush take fold. A booming deep voice came from behind him.
"Order your men to drop their weapons Jaxon"
Barron slowly turned, he knew the voice but didn't want to believe what was standing behind him. He was shaking with fear for the first time in years. He met the eyes of Gorgon. The big green beast did nothing but smile. Jaxon's eyes were filled with fear and hatred.
"I will not ask again Jaxon" Gorgon seemed to force the name from his lips.
Barron was forced to his knees by a passing Spectre "Come on Gorgon you have no need to kill these men.... Kill me instead" He was pleading with the animal with hope of mercy.
"Why should I do that?" Gorgon questioned the man's case.
"They are right and honourable men and they should be........" Jaxon looked down, shaking his head and began to laugh out loud.
The men around him were confused, Jaxon got to his feet.
"..... I'm sorry, I just couldn't keep that act up" Jaxon turned round to face his men who were now wearing faces of mass befuddlement.
"Shame about your men Jaxon" Gorgon spoke delicately.
Jaxon tilted his head to the side and with an evil smile plastered onto his face "I know, isn't it" He nodded.
The Spectres sliced their knives violently across the men's throats. The floor became a sea of red as they dropped like dead cattle. Brodick's face held a state of shock while Wilkins was scrunched in a category of pain. A few of the bodies twitched for a minute or two before becoming limp at their feet. Jaxon did nothing but watch. His shoes were stained dark red as the blood pool trickled down towards him.
He turned and moved past Gorgon, speaking just loud enough for him to hear "Burn them"
Gorgon signalled them to burn the bodies before following Jaxon.
"What took you so long? We have been waiting here for days" Gorgon argued.
"I'm sorry I got caught in the countryside" Jaxon answered him with sarcasm "What the hell do you think held me up, Mecial of course. He had me organise four other forces before bringing my own out here"
They were marching towards a large tower of black smoke which loomed over the hill.
"The King said you had brought an army to attack Paciadan"
Gorgon pointed his nose in the direction of the ridge. Jaxon moved slowly towards the edge and his fears and dreams became reality.
There was a humongous force in the valley below. Camps and camps of troops lay across the countryside. Their fires lighting up against the dark backdrop like embers of a roaring fire. The very sight terrified Jaxon but filled his body with excitement and anticipation.
Gorgon stepped to his side "20,000 Monies, 10,000 Spectres, 100 Trolls, 40 Giants and a Maul of thirty great black bears with my Admacus leading them"
Jaxon's smile came back "This is my army"
Gorgon shot him a look of hatred "This is my army! I am to lead the siege of Paciadan. I have been waiting for the opportunity all my life, don't you dare think you are taking that away from me, you little speck. I don't even know why the King wants you on our side"
"Because I have adept knowledge of the inside of Paciadan and I can get you in without alerting the guards" He looked at the forces below "Well maybe some of you. No artillery?"
Gorgon did not like begin questioned by someone he believed was below him "It will be built shortly"
"When is the attack due to take place?" Jaxon wasn't given Gorgon a second to get more words out so he could bombard him with questions.
"Not for a while yet. There is a plan that needs to unfold first" Gorgon replied, his lips curling into a vicious smile.
Jaxon faced him after the words left Gorgons mouth "What plan?" Barron was confused.
"Oh I'm going to enjoy this" Gorgon pulled his fist back and threw it, catching Jaxon square in the face.
Barron was caught by surprise and fell onto his back, clutching his nose. He crawled backwards slowly, trying to avoid a second surprise attack. Gorgon pursued him slowly, slamming each of his big flat feet on the hard dry ground with each step.
"You, Jaxon Barron, are to return to Paciadan. We don't want to the Emperor to think you are dead now do we" Gorgons mind filled with all the ways he had dreamed of killing Jaxon but he made a promise to the King not to, the King believe Jaxon would be valuable in the upcoming battle. "You are to make the Emperor believe that we have a smaller force than the reality. You keep his trust and when the time comes you will betray him. The King wants you to poison the barracks water supply to limit the number of proper soldiers for the battle. He wants this siege to be over quickly and unmercifully. You under no circumstances are to relieve where your true allegiance lies" Gorgon continued.
In this time Jaxon had managed to get to his feet. When Gorgon finished, he charged at the beast, knocking him off his feet. Jaxon was strong and fast for a veteran of war. Gorgon roared as he plowed backwards through a thorn filled bush. He got up and stared at Jaxon. The evil smile was back on Jaxon's face.
"You wouldn't want him to believe I escaped without a fight do you?" Barron chuckled. They both held stares of anger, they hated each other. Knuckles and fists were at the ready. No one would die from this fight, 'unfortunately' they both thought, but no one would come off the better. They both forced themselves forward, charging with all their might. They came together with an all mighty smash. Jaxon's shoulder separated from its socket while two of Gorgon's big green sausages, that he called fingers, were bent back. They did not falter though, both warriors exchanging blows back and forth, few came without pain and even fewer missed their targets.

© 2015 SamFantasyWriter

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Added on February 5, 2015
Last Updated on February 5, 2015



London, United Kingdom

Hey. I have always been a creative person throughout my life but I have never been able to write very well. I thought the only way I would get better is by practising so I decided to write a ser.. more..
