9 - Old Memories

9 - Old Memories

A Chapter by SamFantasyWriter

Brock's memory led him back to his teenager years when he first met Augustus Boarwood. Maybe there was a debt still left to paid.

The City of Paciadan was a different place when Brock was a teenager. He lived there with his mother who didn't seem to care and his father who couldn't remember who his own son was. It was a dark place for Brock even though the sun shone brightly against the city's golden walls. The Emperor's reign was short at this point, taking the throne after his fathers death. The people of the city did not seem to believe that he was the man to rule them, to take them in new directions, to help them live full, safe lives. Crime was all over, people would get killed every week, thieves would pick the pockets of passers-by and money givers would extort the poor until they had nothing left to give apart from their hands and feet.
But these were not Brock's problem. Brock went to a local school about a mile from his home. He was lonely even back then, constantly being bullied because of his weight, height and intelligence. Brock did not have much intelligence when he was younger. He enjoyed reading and listening to old drunks talk of potions, spells and crystals but he did not have any friends to share this with. No one took him seriously, always shoved him over as they walked past, took his things as they pleased. One day he came home with a black eye, given to him by Cory Wise the tallest kid in his school, not the sharpest tool in the shed but had a mean left hook.
Brock stepped through the creaky front door, expecting some sympathy from his parents but there was none to be found.
His father barked at him from his usual chair in front of the fireplace "Who the hell are you boy!"
Normal people would have flinched at the man's snapping tongue but Brock was used to it. His mother was not around, she was having an affair with the next door neighbour. Sometimes at night Brock could hear her sexual screams through the thin walls connecting the houses, his father completely oblivious to what his wife was doing.
Brock got up one day, expecting it to be like every other and it was to begin with. He had trudged off to school, his brown satchel draped over his shoulder when Cory Wise and his thugs came round the corner. They spotted Brock within the second and started running towards him. The scared adolescent was rooted to the spot and had nowhere to run. He grabbed the bags strap that lay across his chest so tightly that his hands turned bright red, he shut his eyes in anticipation of the third beating of that week.
They circled him, shouting at him, taunting him.
"Alright, how are you today fat boy" One boys shouted in Brock's ear sarcastically, Brock could feel the teenager's warm spit splash against his cheek.
"Come on Cory lets just kick his a*s and move on" Another one beckoned towards Cory.
The big lump of a young man stepped in front of Brock, casting a shadow over him, Brock dare not open his eyes he kept them tightly shut. He was trying to block the world out, his thoughts were filling with the idea of walking through a peaceful field, his hand brushing through the thin green grass.
A push jolted his thought and he could hear Cory speaking.
"Give us your bag Brock or I am going to hit you so hard that you won't get up again!"
Brock tried to move back slowly but was stopped by the boy who had circled round him to block off his exit. Brock was whimpering as Cory drew closer, the boys were laughing and sniggering. Cory pulled his fist back ready for it to collide with Brock's jaw when a deep voice came behind him.
"What the hell do you think you are doing!" The voice shouted.
The boys turned to look at this person who was trying to disrupt their fun.
"Who are you?" Cory questioned the man whose identity was being shielded by the bright sun behind him.
The figure stepped out of the light, he was wearing thick chain mail with a flat steel chest plate over it. The chest plate bared the emblem of the Emperor, a howling wolf. His jawline looked strong, even his dark black thick beard didn't cover it. The man had a sword sheathed at his side and it swung at his leg as he walked towards the boys.
"Get out of here now. Before I have you all arrested and thrown in the keep for assault" The man's words were filled with belief and seriousness, his scowl held the same expression.
The boys didn't need a second invitation they scattered like a deer in a lion's eye line. Brock hadn't opened his eyes yet but could hear the loud stomps of the boys large flat feet run away. The man spoke, this time the voice was much softer and kinder.
"Are you hurt young man?"
Brock opened one eye to peer at his saviour. He looked like a knight in shining armour.
"Thank you sir, I owe you so much" Brock gave him a large bow.
"Please don't, you don't need to bow to me" The man chuckled "Come with me, let me walk with you, where are you heading?"
"To school my Lord" Brock replied
"No need to call me Lord, I am not one yet. My name is Augustus Boarwood but you can call me Boar, all my friends do"
"Thank you......... Boar" Brock muttered hesitantly.
Boar was six years Brocks senior but he didn't not show him any disrespect, he treated him as an equal. Brock walked to school that morning feeling safe for the first time on those streets.
The next morning Brock left for school, worried about what Cory and his friends might do to him to get revenge for yesterday. But standing outside his door in a noble tunic was Boar, his tunic was blue and green, made from silk. It didn't run across the ground and get dirty, instead it hung above his brown sandals.
"What are you doing here my Lord?" Brock asked.
"I told you to call me Boar and I am here to walk with you to school, I enjoyed our conversation yesterday, maybe you could tell me more about these crystals. You don't deserve to be bullied just because you look different to others. Some people treat me differently because they fear me when they shouldn't do. Only my enemies should fear me" Boar answered.
Boar and Brock walked to school together every day for the next few weeks. Cory Wise never bothered Brock again and he couldn't have been happier until Boar turned up and said something that broke Brock's heart.
"I'm moving away" Boar said, with a hint of sadness.
"Why?" Brock questioned the big man standing in front of him, he didn't understand.
"I am moving back to Fort Goran, they are officially naming me Lord of Goran. I am to marry a lovely lady called Esmeralda"
Brock was broken by the news but he didn't want to show it. He simply held out his hand for Boar.
"Well then it has been nice getting to know you, I wish you luck in everything you do, you deserve it and I hope to meet you again some day" Brock smiled because he meant it.
Boar returned his smile with a chuckle and shook his head "You always seem to surprise me young Brock Logan" Boar shook his hand and bid him farewell. Unfortunately they never saw each other again.

Brock was woken up by the sun blasting through the window. He sat up and scrunched his toes as he did every morning, they didn't feel quite as stiff as usual. He turned round and looked at his pillow and raised his eyebrows questionably, it wasn't sweaty. Then he realised that he hadn't had his nightmare. He stood up and walk towards the kitchen. The three wanderers were in there eating breakfast, a few slices of toast and some butter.
"I'm sorry Brock, I hope you don't mind us helping ourselves" Sophia spoke as he entered the room.
"No no no help yourselves" He waved his hand at them dismissively, still flabbergasted from his nightmare free night.
He move towards the stove where a pot of water was boiling. He crushed a few mint leaves into a mug and poured the water inside. He breathed the vapours deep into his lungs and exhaled.
"Mmm nothing like the smell of mint" He told himself.
"What did you say Brock?" Nadia asked, overhearing him.
"Nothing. Nothing" He turned round and sat down at the table next to Tommy.
Tommy shifted his chair along ever so slightly.
"I'm sorry boy, do I smell?" Brock laughed.
"Sorry Brock, Tommy is just shy" Nadia sniggered lightly with him.
Brock look up at the two girls sitting opposite him, he could see their father in them both. He shook his head as he tried to shake off a thought but then he went for it.
"Do you mind if I come to Cathair with you?" He asked suddenly.
The girls were a bit taken by surprise at the request.
"I had a dream about the few weeks I knew your father last night and I realised that I owe him a great debt. I can't imagine that it was just pure coincidence that I walked into that alley to help you. I think it is about time I returned that debt to your father and I would very much like to travel with you" His words came out quick and fast, he didn't want them to interrupt before he was finished.
Each sister looked at the other and decided between them.
Sophia told Brock their answer "We would love it if you were to join us Brock, you have been a fantastic person to us and the least we can do is repay that by giving you some money when we get to Cathair"
"There's no need for that. I do not need payment. As long as I can get you there safe I will consider your father and I square" He smiled to them both and bowed his head gently "My ladies"
They both laughed and Sophia said "We haven't been called ladies in years"

© 2015 SamFantasyWriter

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Added on January 28, 2015
Last Updated on January 28, 2015



London, United Kingdom

Hey. I have always been a creative person throughout my life but I have never been able to write very well. I thought the only way I would get better is by practising so I decided to write a ser.. more..
