3 - A Fake Truce

3 - A Fake Truce

A Chapter by SamFantasyWriter

Only four days had passed since the destruction of Fort Goran and the blood had not been wiped from the cobbles. Gorgon stood with Admacus at his side staring over proceedings as the Monies tore the place stone by stone, bringing it down to its foundations. A caw in the air distracted the green monster and he caught the bird, breaking its neck with ease, the animal lay limp in his giant palm and he unravelled a piece of parchment pinned to its leg. The message read:

The Lords have called a meeting to discuss a truce. Rendezvous with me in the City of Paciadan in two days. Don't disappoint me.

King Yunoki

The message was written in dark red blood and appeared to be written with a fingernail. Gorgon's eyes widen as he read it. He had expected a call of a truce for some time but he had not expected his King to answer the call. He climbed abroad Admacus with a grunt and snarl from her. Pulling on her reins he growled and spoke in a harsh tone.
"Ride for the City of Paciadan. Do not stop till you are ordered"
Admacus hurled her head and launched over the defenceless Monies that gathered by the gate. They had to duck and roll out the way to avoid the swinging claws above their heads.
She rode hard for a day and half and rode faster every time she felt her masters hand clenched around the back of her neck. Gorgon was not a beast who would accept a truce, he liked the bloodshed too much.

Admacus slowed her pace as they arrived at the gates of the city. These huge gold gates stood before them, they shined in the bright sunlight, the walls that held them up were even greater. Gorgon had dreams of one day taking this city but he knew it would be near impossible to penetrate those marble walls. They could withstand years of siege and the supplies held inside the city would keep the occupants well fed for years beyond that.

The guard at the gates was wearing a red uniform with a boar fur hat. He was looking down at a piece of parchment when Gorgon pushed through to be at his side.
"Name and state your business" the man said in a bored and tired tone.
A shadow was cast over his piece of parchment and he looked up with a questionable look, his face turned to horror as his neck was held and he was lifted by the green plate of a hand.
"King Yunoki sent for me" Gorgon spoke through his teeth, holding the terrified stare of the man between his fingers.
The soldier gulped and now spoke with a whimper "Go right ahead".
Gorgon threw the man aside with nothing but a flick of his wrist, he bounded off the hard marble wall like a ball and landed at Admacus' paws who let out a roar that blew the solider's hat clean off. The commander and his bear moved through the gate, it made even Gorgon look small.
Everyone was happy going about their business, some were having conversations about money, some were about the local news and some were even about that girl they tried to get with last night and she rejected them. But every single soul stopped and turned as Admacus strolled past them, she made sure every person knew she was there and that she was the scariest thing they had ever seen. She had a constant look of anger and hatred in her eyes, some people say animals can't think and feel like humans but she knew exactly what she was doing.
They approached the Hall of the Great Table, Gorgon had never stepped inside this sacred place. The Great Table was the place where all manners of business concerning the empire were discussed, lords and kings had gathered here for centuries to deliberate such topics as war, corruption and economics. Even Gorgon thought it was an honour to step inside, it was of course though run by the Emperor's Lords but he hoped to change that soon enough, he had a plan set in motion that would tear down the Emperor's Kingdom from around him.
He climbed off Admacus, his club clattering against his metal shin pads as his feet hit the ground.
"Go enjoy yourself my sweet" He whispered in her ear with a soft tone but a sinister smile on his face.
She tore off towards a little alleyway where chickens and pigs were being herded, she would eat nicely this morning.
Gorgon turned and began a slow walk up a set of marble steps. He arrived at a big brown door, it was beautiful with cravings up and down it, it appeared to be of a large battle where a hero killed a monster and save his people. Gorgon chuckled and shook his head at this stupid notion, he thought of the Majors final look. Two gold and steel armoured soldiers were standing guard at the entrance. Their armour had the Emperor's emblem on it, a howling wolf on a hill in front of a large full moon.
They stepped in front of him and he was a foot taller than them, they did not seem fazed though, they had their hands on their swords ready to attack at even the look of defiance.
One of them spoke, in a deep yet not offending tone, as though he had practiced it before going on duty.
"Turn in your weapons please before you pass into the Great Table Hall, you will get them back upon your departure"
Gorgon knew there was no point in trying to disagree with them. Even if he managed to kill them, at least fifty guards would rain down upon him, a battle that even he can't win. He unstrapped his club from his belt and passed it over. The guards bowed to him, a very small disrespectful bow and opened the door.
Gorgon stepped inside where he could already hear shouting. The Great Table sat in the middle of a huge circular hall, it looked like it would seat 100 people but there were only about twenty round it. The Great Table was made of oak that had been enhanced by the magic of the Rachii which made it indestructible, or at least nobody has tested that theory yet.
Gorgon took his seat and listened to his fellow lords shout about how many lives had been lost already, he looked around for his King but could not see him then a comment caught his attention.
"Does this so called great King Yunoki deem himself too worthy to attend this court! I mean has anybody actually seen him? Does he even exist?" The Lord on the far side on the table cried out, making sure his voice would be heard by everyone.
At that moment a door opened on the other side of the hall, ten guards walked through it looking like the ones outside. They parted down the middle and a man walked, he looked very much like the others but he had silver and gold armour, the emblem was raised from his armour and made bigger. This man, Gorgon immediately recognised as Emperor Mecial Homdon. He strode to his chair which was bigger and grander than the rest of them, with purpose, he pulled off his armour to reveal a light blue tunic beneath and sat down.
The Lord that was currently standing gave the Emperor a little bow and Mecial nodded back allowing him to continue.
"Our lands are being taken by a force that we don't know. I suggest that we proceed with caution. How do we know that they will honour the terms? This King has not proven himself to be a trustworthy figure" The Lord kept on in his harsh tone.
Gorgon could feel the anger build up inside him, his fist was clenched upon the table. The Emperor cast an eye in his direction and raised a hand quickly to silence the red faced man across the table, he sit down with a great swiftness.
The Emperor spoke in a soft, kind tone, not raising his voice but could easily be heard across the table.
"Something to say Gorgon?"
Mecial Homdon was a strong and powerful man but he was exceptionally kind and loyal to those who were loyal to him, he was loved by all throughout his kingdom but King Yunoki seemed to want to take it for his own. He was a skilled strategist and a fierce warrior in battle but the people also needed a leader that could sit on the throne and talk politics, he was constantly plagued with worry that he could not be that man. He had dark blonde hair, green eyes with a tan skin tone. He was a very muscular man who had been on the throne since he was 15, thirty years later and he is still trying to give his people what they want, which at the moment was peace.
Gorgon stood up, the great hall was silent, every set of eyes were piercing into him, some with anger, some with fear but the Emperor's eyes held pity, he saw a creature who had been manipulated into serving under a cruel ruler.
"The King should not be spoken about in this way, he is not a merciful being and will always strike down those who oppose him" Gorgon said, he had a proud tone about his voice. He was certain that his legions would help and ensure that King Yunoki would sit on the throne.
As he finished his sentence, someone laughed a couple of seats down and Gorgon shoot this man an angry look.
"Please gentlemen, we need to be calm in this Great Hall" A soft voice sounded out from the far end of the table. The Speaker of the Empire stood up from her seat.
"I understand that this is a time of war and we are all working to obtain peace but that should start in this room. My Lords, Divine Emperor, this room is a civilised place to speak about matters threatening the Empire. It has been civilised since before you were born and will stay civilised long after you are all dead" She never once raised her voice, she spoke to them all as though they were equal, even the Emperor.
She was a Rachii, they were bred to keep the peace, they have a special ability to remain impartial and calm in any situations. They are born high in the mountains of Herebode where they train to be able to settle disputes between any rivalling parties. They stay in the mountains until someone employs them, they are employed by businesses, merchants and even the Emperor. They have a light red skin tone but few people can look away from their eyes, they have black irises and gold pupils. The Speaker for the Empire was a short wide woman who had been in the employment of the Empire since the start of Mecials reign.
"Who ever wishes to speak next please mind their tone otherwise they will be evicted for this hall" Her face showed no emotion as she scanned the room trying to guess who would stand up next.
"I would like to know why King Yunoki feels he can claim these lands for his own, what is his right?" A Lord stood up but his height barely put his head above the edge of the table.
"He has no claim to the throne, he can't just take these lands, and as for the murder of Augustus Boarwo....."
The Emperor's hand shot up as The Lord began to speak the Majors name.
"Major Augustus Boarwood was not murdered, he fought bravely at the Battle of Fort Goran, he fought to defend his people, he died in battle, there is a difference my lords" he said with a hint of sadness and regret.
"I admit that Gorgons actions were evil, malicious and have been building up over a long time but it was a fair fight and the Major lost. I will not have his death become the fire for a war" he looked straight at Gorgon as he spoke his name, he could see the pride gleam in the beast's eyes, he felt disgusted.
A Lord stood up and shouted "I call for the execution of Gorgon and King Yunoki!"
He froze, he suddenly felt a cold presence all around him, the whole room seemed to get darker and colder. A slithering voice spoke into his ear with a whisper.
"Oh do you now?" A light chuckle followed.
King Yunoki floated past the Lord like a ghoul. His red cape slid across the ground and his feet did not make a sound as he moved. He moved round to face the shuddering man. The man's eyes opened wider as she looked upon the face in front of him. It was pale white and very thin as though it was only a skull, his eyes were endless pits of black and his grin came with a grating sound as his teeth moved over one another.
All the Lords were staring at the new arrival with nothing but fear. Yunoki turned to the Emperor.
"You called for me Mecial?" His voice never stopped slithering and the volume was never raised.
The Emperor held his gaze "That is Emperor to you Yunoki and you know it"
Yunoki chuckled again "I was summoned to this court and came under the assumption we were all held equal in this room"
"We are but I am still your superior"
The King carried himself towards the Emperor.
"You never will understand Mecial, will you. No one is my superior"
Yunoki took his seat next to Gorgon, even his loyal servant was surprised and chilled by his kings presence. Every set of eyes round the room were hypnotised by the King. The only creature round the table that did not hold a terrified, scared or shameful expression was the Speaker.
She stood up once more and spoke in her usual soft tone "I welcome King Yunoki to this hall, we are now all present to discuss the terms of truce that you would like the King to accept"
One Lord took to his feet, his hands visibly shaking, rattling the sheet of paper in his hands.
"The terms of the truce are: 1) you may keep the lands that you have already obtained but your armies must have no presence in them. All your forces must retreat to the City of Dawntie 2) Fort Goran will be classed as neutral ground and shall not be touched by either side, a memorial will be constructed to honour Major Augustus Boarwood 3) You will leave our lands and never return under the charge of execution" his voice shivered as he spoke.
Gorgon's smile could be seen by every man at the table, he knew that his King would never accept such fake demands. The Kings smile moulded into a look of rage and anger. He banged his fist on the table and it shook violently for a second to everyone's amazement. No one had ever managed to damage the table before, they had not set their eyes on this kind of power.
"Why should I have to bow down to your demands? My armies could spread across your lands like a plague, wiping your people from existence, taking the world for my own...."
His eyes moved off as he pondered on a thought. Standing up, he addressed the whole table.
".... You people are like ants to me, that need to squished under my boot"
He slid slowly round the table, he looked the Emperor's deep in his eyes and suddenly spoke with booming, underlying voice.
"The truth will come out, your people will betray you and your head will be a prize on my mantelpiece. You have your truce for now..."
Gorgon shot up and the King quickly raised his hand. A low level of black smoke began to fill the floor, the lords looked around terrified as the King's eyes began to glow red and burn.
"Make my words, Mecial. The time of men is over and my time..... Is just beginning"
The smoke rose violently around him, thunder and lightening seems to conquer all inside the smog. The Emperor could do nothing as he watched his fellow lords suddenly were set alight and began to burn and melt around him, he fell off his chair backwards and began to crawl. The screams filled the room, guards launched themselves through the doors, only to met with people burning alive before them. They did nothing but stand there and watch, unable to take in what was happening. Mecial Homdon scrambled and slipped across the floor, he had never been so terrified. The lords finally dropped to the ground and the smoke seemingly sunk into the floor, Gorgon stood on his two feet in shock and the King was gone, nowhere to be seen.
The Emperor whispered under his breath "What have I done".

© 2015 SamFantasyWriter

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Added on December 26, 2014
Last Updated on January 28, 2015



London, United Kingdom

Hey. I have always been a creative person throughout my life but I have never been able to write very well. I thought the only way I would get better is by practising so I decided to write a ser.. more..
