this is a poem i created based on the world and what i have seen that makes me think of it in this way.
The whispers of the wind call me, as if crying to me with tears of pain and sorrow...........and i listen.
Their voices fill my mind with visions of death and pain.
Making my soul weak and my mind clouded by the fears of the world.
The earth once a holy vessel, filled with fruits of joy and happiness - now a dark abyss destroyed by the seven deadly sins. With which humans live by and satan uses to lure victims to his firey torment.
And with this tool the devil covers the world in darkness, only for us to create war, violence and death - with his lies encouraging us to cower in the filth we have created...... but i only see the demons - cast from heaven with the thought of chaos and torment .... I only see DEATH!!.
this is a poem i created on the spot. so i hope you like it but with that just tell me what you think because i need some criticism, but be a lil easy on me am new remember.
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This is very...intriguiging. You illustrated the things that are going on in this world well. It seems that these days the devil has his hand in everything. The fact that you were able to put the desperation and pain and death in a few lines was...amazing. Keep up the good work!
a very well written piece in its own creative and darkening atmosphere it luminously creates.......enjoyed the concept and meaning that came across while reading : )
hi everybody, well i just found this website by chance as i was bored and decided i should just post my work online. i am 17 years old looking to see if my work is good enough, so that i can publish i.. more..