Allie's past comes to haunt

Allie's past comes to haunt

A Story by Lost & Lonely

Everything was dark when I woke up, only a few cracks of light from around what I guessed to be a closed door shed a tiny amount of light on the room. I was laying on a mattress that from the faint light looked to be stained with what I could only guess to be blood. I was just starting to get to my feet when the door opened, causing me to collapse back to the mattress. The light from behind the door revealed a face I never thought I would see again.

It’s him, I thought frantically. One of those awful men… Did they finally come to kill me after letting me live in half blind agony and destroying my entire life?

“So you’re finally awake.” His voice had a dark edge, with an expression to match.

                "What do you want with me?”

                I had been in life threatening situations before, but from the look on his face I was really starting to think this would be my last. He took a few steps towards me, a wicked smile painted on his lips. I tried not to show him my paralyzing fear but he saw right through it.

“Now, now Allison I’m not going to hurt you.” He knelt down and leaned right up to my face, “I’m going to leave you locked in here for a bit first.”

He latched onto my arm and injected something into me.

“Fall asleep though, and I'll rape you just like I did your mother and sister.”

With that he left and as I watched the door close behind him I felt the drug hit my system making my eyes heavy.

F**k, I thought, trying everything to stay awake. The hours or maybe whole day passed like a blur, and before I knew it he was back. There was another man with him, the second of those awful men. He pinned me to the wall without much effort. Whatever they had been injecting me with seemed to have left me weak and tired.

“You’re a fighter that’s for sure,” a smirk crossed his face. “But this will break you.”

He pulled out a remote and for the first time I saw a light shine from a projector that hung from the ceiling. The next sound I heard is one I'd never forget; my mother’s screams. I looked over and there on the wall, a video of my family’s murder.

“You filmed it! You sick pig!” A small fire of fight lit inside me. I tried to lunge myself at him but the other man kept me pinned.

“Just watch.” He almost chuckled the words. 

They injected me again before leaving me alone in the room. I turned from the movie but as I heard my mom, I couldn't help but watch in terror all over again. Over the years these images had haunted me, but as time passed the faces and voices start to fade. 

“Allison, look away!” My mom’s plea shook me from my thoughts and this time, I couldn't look away.


What I assumed was days passed and all I could do was sit there, unable to look away as my family died over and over again. Slowly I think it started to kill me inside.

I wasn’t not sure if it was the sudden bright light or the voice that broke my trance. I managed to pull my gaze away from the horror in front of me to the man kneeling beside me. He reached out and ran a finger over my scar.

“Tell me Allison, do you think your daddy misses you?” His voice was so slick that it sickened me, and it took me a minute to actually comprehend his question.

“My father was a monster, he beat my mom. Why would I care anything about my dad?”

“That may be true but he loves his only daughter. He wants you back, Allison. So just go to sleep.”

“Never. Why would I go to sleep so you can rape and kill me? Not a chance!” I managed to snap at him.

“I’m not going to kill you, I’m going to take you home to daddy. But if you’d rather I killed you, just beg.” He made it sound like death was nothing, and again it took me a minute to comprehend what he had said. 


“Beg me to kill you and I will.”

“Are you insane? If I haven’t given in yet then why would I beg you for anything?”

“It’s your choice. Fall asleep and I'll rape you before handing you over to your dad. Or beg me to kill you.”

He injected me with another needle before leaving me on my own again. I pulled myself into the corner and buried my head into my knees. As I listened to the video play I started to wonder if it would be better to just give in.

I wasn't sure how long I sat like that but suddenly the door opened. I looked up at the man standing before me, and noticed that he seemed different than before. It pushed me to the edge and I was seconds from begging for death when he spoke.

“Allie? Are you okay?” I knew his voice instantly and my heart started to race.

“Grayson.” I struggled to get to him. My body felt numb and it took most of my strength just to stand.

“Hey, it’s okay.” His gentle voice was suddenly next to my ear and I felt his arm fold around my waist.

“Grayson, oh -y god. How did you-”

“Probably not the time. Can we just get you out of here?”

I nodded. I took slow steps and stumbled twice on the way to the door. Grayson stayed right beside me, keeping me upright when I felt like I was going to fall. When we reached the door he leaned me against the wall and drew a gun I hadn’t noticed he’d had. Cautiously he peered out into the hall.

“Looks clear,” he said, turning to me. “Do you think you can make it or should I carry you?”

“I, I uh, I can walk. I’m okay.” My words slurred slightly but for the most part I was keeping it together. The effects of whatever they had given me had intensified when I’d tried to stand the first time, but seemed to be clearing slightly.

Grayson eyed me for a minute, probably a minute longer than he should have. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I am su- Grayson!?”

His eyes had gone wide and his face was almost white. Then I saw the man behind him.

“Oh Allison!” He laughed, “did you think you would get away so easy? Haha, clearly your Romeo here didn’t realize there were two of us. Oh well, a knife between the ribs is good for you once in a while, right kid?” He leaned in towards Grayson at his last words.

From the following twitch of the man’s arm �" where I couldn’t see his hand �" and the look of agonizing pain that came across Grayson’s face, I guessed he had just twisted that knife.

“Oh you’re going to pay so heavily for that you have no idea,” the man practically hissed in Grayson’s ear. Grayson’s eyes never left mine, even as the man yanked out the knife and thrust it in again a few inches higher on Grayson’s back.

I felt paralyzed. I was watching this wretched man kill those I loved all over again, yet I could do nothing.

Grayson’s face paled to a shade lighter than white and his knees buckled.

“Allison…” He whispered as he fell. He didn’t move after he hit the floor.

“Grayson?” I squeaked. I tried to kneel down to stop the bleeding, get a pulse, anything, but as I fumbled to get to Grayson the man had already stepped around him and yanked me back by the arm. He spun me away from Grayson and forced me to meet his eyes.

“I hate you,” a managed to mumble through my tears.

“Good,” he smiled. “I think for this little stunt you ought to lose your virginity Allison.” He ran his tongue along his lips, “Mmm, I do love the tight ones.”

“No, you creep…” I pushed back and tripped over my feet, landing on my back near Grayson. I tried to get myself back up but the man was already on top me. My arm flailed above my head and my hand connected with something warm and metal.

Grayson’s gun! I thought. I just needed to get my hand around it. I divided all of my attention to getting that gun in my hand, becoming blissfully unaware of how my pants were disappearing. I got a proper hold on the gun the exact moment I felt the weight lift off my chest. I didn’t wait for a second chance.

“Rot in f*****g hell you sick f*****g b*****d!” I screamed as I aimed the gun, firing until there were no bullets left in the clip. He crumpled to the floor, an awkward gurgling sound escaping from what I hoped was his throat.

I flipped onto my stomach and crawled up to Grayson. He’d fallen face first and the entire back of his shirt was drenched in blood. I pressed a shaky hand to his neck, it took me a few seconds but I did find his pulse. Immediately I ripped off my shirt and wadded it up, pulling back his own shirt to locate the source of the blood. I found both wounds and pressed the cloth against them with all of my weight. I went to reach for my phone, then stupidly remembered I was barely wearing clothes, much less carrying a phone.

“D****t Grayson, you better have your cell phone,” I muttered as I searched though his pockets in the most awkward possible way. Finally I got a hold of it from a front pocket and dialed 911.

Waiting for the ambulance to arrive had felt like a millennium; but after that getting to the hospital, being separated from Grayson, getting ushered into a room, and suddenly having a million people and machines around me had passed like a blur.


© 2015 Lost & Lonely

Author's Note

Lost & Lonely
I haven't spent as much time editing this one and its not completely finished.

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This is a good start! It made me want to read on and I am really intrigued to see what Grayson will do. Your dialogue is really good as well, it all flows really nicely.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Eventhough you haven't finished the story, it is really engaging, I like your style. It would be great if you could finish it I reckon. ;)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 17, 2015
Last Updated on May 22, 2015